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Love Hard (Anything But Mine Book 2) by Barbara Justice (11)


The following night as she was getting dressed for dinner, Meg glanced at the bouquet of red roses Sky had sent her earlier that day. She smiled as she recalled their earlier phone conversation, when he told her that they were going to Kayne Prime, one of Nashville’s top steak houses, that evening.

After speaking with Sky, she called her cousin, supermodel Jennifer LaBella Crawford, for fashion advice.

Jen suggested she wear a simple, classic wrap dress with a pair of heels. “It will be dressy enough, but not too dressy,” she said. “You can never go wrong with a wrap dress. And besides, men love the idea of ‘unwrapping’ women. At least Drew does,” she said, referring to her husband of five years.

“You and Drew are the perfect couple. I’ve never seen two people more in love,” Meg said wistfully.

“There’s no such thing as a perfect couple,” Jen said. “We’ve had plenty of challenges along the way. But I can’t imagine loving anyone more than I love Drew.”

All I want is to be loved the way Drew loves Jen, Meg thought as she looked again at the roses Sky sent. I’m trusting you, Sky, that tonight won’t be the disaster last night was, because if it is, I’m done. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

She splurged on a blow out at The Dry House, and picked up a new lip gloss on the way home. I spent a fortune today, she thought as she pulled on a new, matching satin and lace bra and panty set from Desiree’s Desire. She slipped into her dress and shoes just before she heard Sky’s Tahoe in her driveway.

Her heart skipped a beat as she opened the door. “Wow,” was all Meg could utter as she looked Sky up and down. He was wearing a black blazer, a blue dress shirt that complemented the color of his eyes, black suede jeans and black cowboy boots, and she was overwhelmed with desire. I could skip dinner and just go straight to dessert, she thought. Just take me to my bed now.

“Wow yourself,” Sky grinned. He eyed the knot that held her dress in place. “You look gorgeous. All set?”

“Yes,” Meg said, suddenly shy. She locked the cottage door behind her, and followed Sky into the back of his Tahoe.

They were quiet on the ride into The Gulch. As Paul steered the Tahoe into the parking area in front of Kayne Prime, Sky squeezed her hand. “It’s all going to be fine. Trust me,” he said as he stepped out of the SUV and extended his hand to assist Meg. “I’ll call you when we’re ready to go,” he said to Paul, before taking Meg by the hand and leading her up the stairs and into the restaurant.

Sky was instantly recognized by the host, who whisked them through the dining room, and towards the back of the restaurant. He held Meg’s hand and kept his focus on where the host was leading them, even though he knew the way.

When they reached the rear of the restaurant, the host slid open a pocket door. “As you requested, you’re in the Champagne Room. I hope it meets your expectations,” he said to Sky.

Sky looked inside the room, and nodded his head. “Thanks,” he said, as he slipped a crisp one hundred dollar bill into the host’s hand. He turned to Meg, and gave her a light kiss on the cheek before leading her inside the small private dining room that was filled with fresh flowers, and a candlelit banquette set for two.

“Oh my goodness…I’ve never eaten in a restaurant’s private dining room before. This is beautiful,” she said, as she looked around the cozy room, before turning to focus on Sky. “You really went all out. Thank you.”

“Thanks for trusting me enough to go out with me again. I was wrong for not making this type of arrangement last night. But tonight,” he said, as he moved close to Meg and took her into his arms, “is about us, and only us.”

He leaned in and brushed his lips against hers, and she shuddered with desire as she returned his kiss. Sky released Meg from his embrace, and helped her slide into her seat before sitting down opposite her.

They perused the menu, before Sky ordered oysters, an iceberg wedge salad to share, steaks with truffle béarnaise sauce, creamed spinach, and a potato gratin, as well as a bottle of champagne. “I know red wine is traditional for steak, but tonight is about celebrating new beginnings, and I thought champagne was the way to go,” he explained, after placing the order.

“It’s perfect,” Meg replied.

Conversation flowed easily over dinner. “I’ve told you so much about me already,” Sky said as they ate. “Now it’s my turn to get to know you better.” He asked Meg about her hometown, and was surprised when she explained that she grew up on a farm in Southampton, on the east end of Long Island. “I thought the Hamptons were all about celebrities, beaches and nightclubs. I didn’t know there were farms there, too,” he said.

“There’s a rich history of farming there. Potatoes, mostly, as well as corn, wheat and other vegetables. Only now, unfortunately, developers are taking over. There aren’t many large family farms left.”

“Does your family still farm?”

Meg shifted in her seat. We’re not going to talk about my family tonight, at least not my immediate family. I’ve got to find a way to move this conversation in a different direction. “No, they don’t. But they didn’t sell the farm, either. My Aunt Grace and her husband, my Uncle Peter, bought my dad’s share after my grandparents passed away. I usually stay in the farm’s guest house when I go home.”

“So, you’re a real country girl at heart.”

She smiled. “Yeah, I guess you could say that. I can even drive a tractor.”

Sky laughed out loud. “I’d pay money to see that.”

Meg didn’t answer him. Not the next time I go home, that’s for sure.

Sky narrowed his eyes as he watched Meg concentrate on her salad. “How often do you get home?”

“Not often. Maybe two or three times a year.”

“Don’t you miss your family?”

“We talk every once in a while,” Meg replied, sidestepping the question. “I spoke with one of my cousins today, in fact.”

“You mentioned you had a cousin who was a model. Anyone I’d know?”

“Maybe. Have you heard of Jennifer LaBella?”

Sky sat back and whistled low. “Yeah, who hasn’t? What a story there, right?”

“Like I said to you that night in Tampa, I have a good understanding of what it’s like to have your life misrepresented in the tabloids. I don’t believe half of what they print. You shouldn’t either – you know that.”

“Yeah, you’re right.” Sky ran his hands through his hair at the reminder of the tabloids that seemed hell-bent on publishing every misstep of his life. “Well, anyway, I think you’re way prettier than she is. How come you never modeled? You’re gorgeous, tall enough, and have a smokin’ hot body.”

“It never interested me. I was more concerned about getting good grades, so I’d get a scholarship to college.” And so I could get the hell away from home, and all the reminders of what I’d done.

“Is that why you ended up at Vanderbilt?”

Meg nodded. “Full scholarship made it a no-brainer.”

“Damn,” he said, shaking his head. He pronounced the word “day-yum” in his Texas accent. “That’s hot.”

She was puzzled. “What?”

“You. Beauty and brains.”

Sky’s piercing blue eyes bore a hole right through her. She felt her stomach drop, electricity run down her spine and a deep tingling between her legs. Day-yum yourself, she thought. That’s the nicest thing anyone ever said to me.

When the conversation took a turn towards music, Meg admitted that she hadn’t been a country music fan until she moved to Nashville. She divulged that she grew up listening to classic rock, mainly The Rolling Stones, The Who, and Bruce Springsteen. It’s what dad blared in the garage while he lost himself working on cars. It’s all he ever played.

“I’m a fan of classic rock, too,” Sky admitted. “Springsteen in particular. He’s a great story teller, and he’s been a big influence on the music Jack and I write.”

After their dinner dishes were cleared away, they made a decision to skip dessert, and Meg excused herself and went to the restroom. When she returned, Sky was signing for the check.

“You know what would make this a perfect night?”

Meg shook her head. “Umm…I don’t know. It’s been pretty great so far. What are you thinking?”

“This.” Sky took his cell phone out, tapped on the play button, and Bruce Springsteen’s song “Drive All Night” came through the speakers. “I’d be honored if you’d dance with me,” he said, as he took her in his arms and they began to sway to the music. “I was listening to The River earlier today, and thought about you, and us, when this song came on. Even before you told me you liked Springsteen, I thought this song was ‘us’.”

Meg choked back the flood of emotions that threatened to overtake her as she rested her head on Sky’s shoulder and listened while he sang along with the song. This man is too good to be true. If this is a dream, I never want to wake up.

“My beautiful guardian angel,” Sky whispered in Meg’s ear when the song was nearly over. “I have just one question for you.”

She whispered back, “Mmm…what’s that?”

He kissed her on top of the head, before tilting her chin up and kissing her on the lips. He waited until she opened her eyes, and asked, “Your place or mine?”

Her heart skipped a beat. “Whichever is closer.”

Sky took Meg by the hand and practically pulled her arm out of her socket. “Let’s get out of here. I can’t wait any longer to have you.”

As they neared the front of the restaurant, the host approached them. “Mr. Johnson, I’m afraid we have a bit of a problem,” he said, pointing out the window next to the door.

Sky looked out the window and shook his head. He turned to Meg, and explained, “There’s photographers outside, and fans too. Lots of them.” He ran his hands through his hair and swore under his breath. “I’m sorry to have dragged you into this mess.”

She looked outside and assessed the situation. “It’s not that bad. Jen always says that she doesn’t try to hide or fight with them anymore.” She squared her shoulders, took Sky’s hand, and said, “They’re going to get photos of us either way. We may as well hold our heads up and deal with it. We’ll just walk straight out and get into your car without acknowledging them.”

“Beauty, brains and bravery,” he whispered in her ear. “I couldn’t be more turned on. Come on, let’s get out of here.”

Camera flashes and shouts greeted them as they walked hand in hand down the steps and towards the waiting Tahoe.

“Sky, over here.”

“Who’s the mystery woman?”

“Hey, gorgeous give me a smile.”

“Can I have an autograph?”

“Get in,” Sky said, as he opened the rear door of the Tahoe for Meg, and followed her inside. He pulled the door closed, muffling all the shouts from the crowd outside. “Paul, we’re going to my place.” He turned to Meg, and asked, “You okay? You seem a little rattled.”

“I’m okay. It was a piece of cake. But you should know that girl, Mallory, was there. I caught her eye as I got in the car. I’m fine, though, really.” She didn’t want to let him know about the daggers Mallory shot at her with her eyes, and that the hair stood up on the back of her neck when she saw her. He just told me that my bravery turned him on. I’m not going to let him know that there’s something about her that scares the crap out of me.

When they arrived at the log cabin, Sky whisked Meg into the house and locked the door. He was unsure of himself for the first time in his adult life with a woman, and noticed that Meg was standing in the middle of the living room, equally unsure herself of what to do next.

“Can I get you anything?”

“No thanks. I’m good. And besides, I know where everything is,” she said with a chuckle.

“Yeah,” Sky said with a laugh, clearing the room of the awkwardness. He studied her as she stood still, looking around as if she was seeing the house for the first time. He moved towards her and took her into his arms. “I’ve got something important to tell you.”

She froze. “What is it?”

“There have been many women in my life, but you’re the only one I’ve ever brought back here.”

She gasped. “Really?”

“Really.” He held her tightly, before tilting her chin up and bringing his lips to hers. He parted her lips with his tongue, and began to devour her mouth. As he moved his mouth down to her ear and neck, a soft moan escaped her lips, and she clung to him as though she were clinging to a life preserver in the ocean.

“My God, Meg, you’re so damn hot,” Sky said, as he backed her against the front door and began to grind his pelvis against hers. He slid a hand inside the folds of her wrap dress, and felt her nipples already straining against the thin satin fabric of her bra. “I’m not going to last much longer if we keep this up. I need to be inside you, now.”

“Sky,” Meg said in a breathless whisper. “I need you, too.”

He led her into his bedroom, and pulled open the simple knot that held her dress together. He watched in awe as she allowed the dress to slide off her shoulders and fall to the floor. “Jesus, you’re beautiful,” he said, as she stood before him in her ivory satin and lace underwear and heels.

He picked her up, and her shoes fell off as he carried her to his bed. He lay her down gently, before removing his blazer, shirt, boots and socks.

Meg swallowed hard as her eyes drank in his broad shoulders, muscled arms and chiseled six-pack abs. She reached towards him, but he backed away.

“Not yet, baby.” He tortured her by taking his time removing his belt, and dropping it to the floor. His hands moved to open the button of his black suede jeans, before he lowered the zipper and stepped out of them.

Meg stared at Sky’s erection straining against the cotton jersey of his boxer briefs. My God, I’ve never seen a more beautiful man in my life.

When she reached for him, Sky shook his head. He knelt over her, and asked, “Do you want me inside you?”

Are you kidding me? I can barely breathe at the thought of you not being inside me. She nodded her head and reached for him again, but he caught her hands mid-air.

“I need to hear you say it, Meg. I need you to tell me that you want me.”

“I want you, Sky.”

He grinned, and rewarded her with a kiss. He reached inside her bra and twisted her nipples, causing her back to arch and a low moan to escape her lips. With his free hand, he traced a trail down her stomach to the top of her panties. He slipped a finger just underneath the elastic, and slowly moved towards her most private area. “Where do you want me?”

“Sky…” She was breathing hard.

“Tell me where you want me,” he repeated.

“You’re driving me crazy.”

His hand moved further south. “I know,” he said with a cocky grin. “I want to hear you tell me what you want.” One hand continued to move lower, and the other massaged her breasts non-stop. “We aren’t going any further until you give me the green light. Say it, Meg.”

She looked him in the eyes. “I want you inside me.”

Green means go. “Oh, yeah,” he said, as he peeled off her bra and threw it across the room. Like a starving child, he devoured one breast, and then the other, sucking and pulling on her nipples with his teeth and lips.

As he ground his pelvis into her, she could feel his rock-hard erection through his underwear. She slipped her hands underneath the elastic waistband and massaged his buttocks. She tried to reach around the front for his manhood, but Sky stopped her.

“No, baby, not yet. Ladies first.” His fingers hooked around her panties and, in a swift move, pulled them down and tossed them onto the floor next to her bra. He sat back on his heels, and took a moment to let his eyes drink in his first view of her naked body.

He answered her unspoken question. “I need to savor this moment. I never want to forget our first time together.”

She locked her gaze on him. “Me either. I want to see you, too,” she said, as she again reached for the waistband of his boxer briefs. This time, he didn’t stop her as she peeled away the final barrier between them. Meg gasped as his enormous erection sprung free from his underwear.

After tossing his underpants aside, Sky reached for a condom in his bedside table. He then covered Meg’s body with his, and crushed his mouth against hers as his hands traveled over her body. He pushed her legs apart with his knee, and kissed his way down her neck, chest and stomach. He stopped just before her most sensitive spot, and with two fingers, began to explore her intimately. “You’re so wet,” he said. “And so ready.”

He slipped one finger inside her, and then another, driving her wild with small thrusts while his thumb massaged her pleasure center. The more she writhed and moaned, the quicker his pace.

Meg felt as though every nerve ending in her body was being stimulated at once, as Sky kept his hands busy below her waist while his mouth continued to devour her breasts. “I don’t know how much more I can take, Sky. I need to…oh God, I need you.”

He extracted his fingers from her, and held her face with both hands while rubbing his manhood against her pleasure zone. His lips were on hers again, as he ground against her.

She felt as though she was about to lose control of her body, and begged for him to take her. “Please, Sky, now.”

They locked eyes, before Sky reached for a condom. He took his erection in his hand and plunged it deep inside her. He moved slowly within her at first, never breaking eye contact with her as they found their rhythm.

Meg moaned as Sky continued to move inside her while using his thumb to bring her to the brink again and again. The feeling of overwhelming fullness, coupled with his thumb stimulating her pleasure center pushed her over the edge, and she lost control of her body as it convulsed and contracted around him.

The sensation of Meg climaxing around him brought Sky’s animal instincts to the forefront, and he began pumping himself into her with a fierce abandon until he found his own release. When he was spent, he collapsed on top of her. His mouth found hers, and their eyes met as they desperately clung to each other.

“My God, Meg, that was unbelievable. I’ve never experienced anything like that.”

“You’re amazing,” she said, looking into his blue eyes. She came to a sudden realization, and asked, “Are you okay? How are you feeling? Your ribs…”

“They hurt like hell. But it was totally worth it,” he said with a grin. “It’s not every day that you get to make love to your guardian angel.”

Mallory followed Sky’s car out of Nashville. She couldn’t believe her luck that she was parked close enough to Kayne Prime when he and the brunette exited the restaurant. “I guess she hasn’t learned yet to stay away from Sky, so it looks like I’m going to have to teach her a lesson,” she said aloud.

When Sky’s Tahoe turned into a driveway, she drove past the gate until she was sure she couldn’t be seen. She pulled over to the side of the road, removed the keys from the ignition, and walked back towards the gate. She carried a flashlight with her, but didn’t turn it on, not wanting to call attention to herself.

Headlights appeared in the driveway, and Mallory hid in some bushes. As the car drove past her on the road, she recognized a member of the Johnson Bishop crew behind the wheel. So this must be Sky’s house. He brought that bitch to his home.

She climbed over the fence, and walked through the woods beside the driveway so she could remain hidden. When she reached the top of the hill, she crept along the side of the house, and found a light on in a room near the back. She looked in and saw Sky undressing the brunette in what had to be his bedroom. She clamped a hand over her mouth to muffle her cries as she watched him shed his clothing and climb on top of her.

Tears streamed down Mallory’s face as she watched Sky make love to the brunette. No, no, no – it’s supposed to be me in there. It’s supposed to be me.

When they were finished, and Sky turned out the light in his bedroom, Mallory walked around the log cabin. She tried each door and window, but found that they were all locked. How am I going to convince him that he should be with me? She walked back towards his bedroom window and peered inside, watching Sky spooning with the brunette in their sleep.

She stood at the window watching them sleep until the first rays of sunlight poked through the trees. I’ve got to get out of here, she thought, as she crept through the woods and back to her car. She turned her car around and parked it on the opposite side of the road, so she would have a good view of the driveway. There was only one car parked in front of his house, so at some point he’ll have to drive her home.

Her patience was rewarded when an hour later the Tahoe exited the driveway with the brunette in the passenger seat. Mallory started her car and followed the Tahoe, until it pulled into the driveway of a small white cottage and came to a stop.

She passed the cottage just in time to see Sky walk the brunette up to her front door and give her a tender kiss goodbye. He never kissed me goodbye like that, she thought. Her blood was boiling as she made a note of the brunette’s address. If he likes her more than he likes me, then there’s only one solution. I have to get rid of her. I have to eliminate the competition.




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