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Love Hard (Anything But Mine Book 2) by Barbara Justice (25)


Meg was momentarily disoriented when she woke the following morning in Sky’s arms. So, that wasn’t a dream. He really followed me here. She felt him stir and pull her tightly against his chest. And he loves me. Sky Johnson loves me.

She managed to wriggle out of his arms without waking him. She slipped into a short, silky chemise and grabbed her cell phone before heading into the small kitchen. “Thank God for the timer on the coffee pot,” she said aloud as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

She sat down at the table, checked her phone, and found multiple text messages on her screen. “Wow. Dad, Jen, Aunt Grace, Gina, Susan…”

“Good morning, beautiful. Everything okay?” Sky stood before her in only his boxer briefs. His hair was disheveled and he had a small growth of stubble on his face.

Meg drew a sharp breath, as she drank in the sight of him. What a hunk. How did I get so lucky? “Yeah, just lots of texts came in overnight.”

He poured a cup of coffee and joined her at the table. “So…what’s the plan for today?”

She looked up from her phone. “That’s what I’m trying to figure out. My father said he wanted to spend some time getting to know you. There’s a family dinner tonight. And Jen planned a girls’ spa day at her house, but I can cancel it.”

“What does the spa day involve?”

Her eyes lit up. “Jen converted part of her house out here into a private spa. She’s bringing in masseuses, nail technicians for mani-pedis, and her hairstylist, Kenny, is going to blow our hair dry.”

“Well, that sounds like the type of day you need right now. It’s been a rough week for you. And I don’t want you to cancel on your cousin, either.”

She closed her eyes and sighed. In the last seven days I’ve been shot at by one of your crazed fans, found out she was pregnant and might be carrying your child, learned I was getting evicted, had to deal with my birthday, and then you followed me here and discovered my secret. “Yeah, I was sort of looking forward to it. My Aunt Grace is coming, and my cousin Gina even took the day off from work, which she never does. But what will you do? I don’t want to abandon you for the day.”

“Well, your dad said he wanted to get to know me better, right? Why don’t I spend the day with him?”

She narrowed her eyes. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah. I want to get to know him too.”

Meg grinned. “Sounds like a plan. I’ll drop you off at my dad’s place on my way to Jen’s.” She stood to pour them more coffee. “Do you want something to eat?”

Sky ran his hand up her thigh, and discovered she was naked under the short chemise. He cupped her buttocks and gave them a squeeze. “Can we have dessert first?”

Her pulse quickened. “Dessert at breakfast?”

“Dessert anytime we’re together.” His fingers found their way between her legs. “You’re dripping already,” he said, as he withdrew his hand and licked his fingertips. “I’ve got a real sweet tooth for you at the moment.”

Her knees grew weak, and the familiar butterflies fluttered in her stomach as Sky stood and pulled her towards the bedroom. As they tumbled onto the bed together, the antique wooden frame of the bed creaked. Startled, they froze in place before bursting out in laughter.

“We don’t want to break the bed,” he said.

“Yeah, I don’t know how I’d explain that to my family,” she said with a chuckle, as she rolled over on top of him. “I have an idea, though.” She kneeled over him and peeled off his underpants before removing her chemise.

“You have no idea what you do to me.” His voice was strained, and deep with gravel. He reached up and tried to ease her onto her back, but she stopped him.

“Let me be on top this time.” She began to stroke his already-hard manhood.

“But, baby…you know I like to be in control.”

“Yeah, caveman, I’ve noticed that.” She straddled his torso, before lowering herself on top of him.

His eyes grew wide as she took him deep within her. “Meg, baby…”

“Shh…” She tossed her long hair over her shoulders, exposing her breasts. “Just lay back and enjoy the show.”

He moaned as she rocked her hips. “Damn, Meg, you feel so good.”

Her gyrations picked up speed. “So do you, Sky,” she said with a gasp.

“I can tell you’re close,” he said, as he reached for her breasts. He took a nipple in each hand, and twisted them between his fingers.

Electricity shot through her body and straight to her pleasure center. She arched her back and called out his name as she lost control of her body, drowning in pleasure as her orgasm came in waves.

Sky flexed his pelvis so as not to lose the connection between them. “Oh my God, Meg,” he called out. “I’m…argh,” he grunted as he exploded inside her. He pulled her in for a kiss. “Oh my God, Meg. You’re incredible, baby.”

Later that morning, Meg stared at the plastic bag resting on the passenger seat of her rental car between Sky’s legs. “What’s in the bag?”


“Why do you have a bag of ice with you?”

He turned and gave her a sly smile. “Because I have a perpetual hard-on whenever I’m around you, and I can’t walk into your father’s house that way. I thought the ice would help.”

Meg burst into laughter. “You’re too much.” She leaned in to kiss him.

“Don’t start, baby, ‘cause if you do, even the ice won’t help. I’ll have to drag you back into the house, and then you’ll never get to your cousin’s for spa day.”

“You’re incorrigible,” she said with a chuckle.

“And you love it.”

“Yes, I do.” Meg started the car, put it in gear, and steered it down the driveway. “That’s the main farmhouse, where my aunt and uncle live,” she said, pointing. “Behind the house is the barn, and a pool.” Just before the gate, she pointed towards a pasture. “Those are some of their horses.”

“Do you ride?”

“I did when I was younger. I haven’t ridden in a long time.”

“Neither have I, but I used to love it. We should go riding together sometime.”

“I’d like that.” She smiled as she navigated the winding roadway, braking as she caught up with a slow-moving tractor ahead of her. “We’re almost there,” she said. “Are you nervous?”

“About spending time with your dad? Yeah, just a little. It’s important to me that I make a good impression on him, and that he likes me.”

Her heart skipped a beat. “Aww…that’s so sweet. I’m sure he’ll like you.”

“I’m not so sure,” Sky said, looking out the car window. “Fathers are protective of their daughters. He might not like the idea of his little girl getting mixed up with a guy like me.”

“What are you talking about?” Meg pulled the car into her father’s driveway and put it in park.

He continued staring out the passenger side window, unable to look at her. “The whole Mallory thing. You were in harm’s way because of me, and it’s also possible that I might have a child on the way with her. I’ve screwed up my life, and yours, in so many ways.”

She placed a hand on his shoulder. “Sky, turn around and look at me. Please.” She waited until he turned towards her to resume speaking. “I love you. You love me. That’s what counts.”

“His opinion counts, too.”

“And I bet his opinion of you is pretty high already. You’re the only guy who ever followed me here on my birthday. No one has ever cared that much about me.” She rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s going to be fine.”

“I hope so.” He leaned over to kiss her goodbye. “Call or text me when you’re on your way to pick me up.”

Meg watched as Sky made his way to the front door of the house, and waited until her father opened the door before waving and putting the car in reverse.

Her mind wandered as she drove towards the estate section of Southampton village. She turned onto Ox Pasture Road, then past the gate and into the driveway at Fair Fields, her cousin Jennifer’s home. “This is such a gorgeous home,” she said to herself. “But it isn’t worth what her first husband put her through. I don’t know how she still lives here.”

Jennifer greeted her at the door with a hug, and ushered her inside. “I’m so happy we can spend time together today. I can’t wait to hear all about the boyfriend.”

“Me too!” Gina appeared in the foyer in a plush white terry cloth robe, holding two glasses of champagne. She handed one to Meg, and said, “Well? Spill it, cousin.”

Meg blushed. “You’ll get to meet him tonight.”

“He’s coming to dinner? That’s awesome!” Jennifer clapped her hands in excitement. “Let’s go downstairs to the spa. My mom is waiting for us down there.”

As they descended the stairs to the spa area, Meg was greeted by the fragrance of rosemary and eucalyptus. “Mmm…that smells so good. I could really use a massage.”

“Perfect! Massages are the first order of business, then we’ll have our mani-pedis. We’ll eat lunch while taking turns having Kenny blow out our hair.”

Jennifer led the group into the massage room, where gentle new-age spa music was playing. “Mom,” she said in a half-whisper. “Meg’s here.”

Grace LaBella lifted her head and blew Meg a kiss. “Can’t wait to catch up with you in a little bit,” she said, before putting her head back down on the massage table.

Meg changed into a white cotton robe, and returned to the massage room. As the masseuse applied essential oils to her skin and rubbed the hot stones up and down her back, she felt every ounce of tension seep out of her body. This is the best birthday gift Jen could have given me. I needed this.

After their massages were finished, the women moved to the next room where two pedicure chairs and two manicure stations were set up. “Meg, why don’t you and my mom get pedicures first, while Gina and I get our manicures. Then we can switch places.”

“Sounds good,” Meg said. She accepted a tall glass of iced lemon water from Lucy, Jen’s housekeeper and chef. “Thank you,” she said, taking a deep sip. She used the remote control to recline the pedicure chair, and closed her eyes.

“So…tell me about your boyfriend.”

Meg opened her eyes, and turned towards her aunt. “He’s a good guy, Aunt Grace. I think you’ll like him when you meet him tonight.”

“We were all surprised, and happy, when we found out he flew up here to be with you.”

Meg blushed, as she realized her cousins and aunt were all focused on her. “Me too.” She took another sip of water. “I hope you don’t judge him by the tabloid stories you might have read.”

Jen shook her head. “No, never. Look at all the made-up things that have been printed about me. They were ruthless with Drew and me after Vince died, saying that we had been having an affair all along, and that we conspired to kill him. It was horrible.”

“And don’t forget all the ridiculous stories about Drew cheating on you,” Gina added. “Those gossip rags just print whatever will sell papers.”

“I know. But sometimes there is a grain of truth to them.” Meg bit her lip and stared off into the distance.

Grace turned to Meg. “Are you talking about that crazy girl?”

Meg nodded her head. “Yes. The truth is that she is pregnant, but we don’t know yet if the baby is Sky’s. We should have the paternity test back next week.”

“What will you do if the baby is his?”

“I don’t know. I can’t even think about that now.” Meg looked up at the ceiling and sighed. “He’s so wrong for me, but he’s also so right for me in so many ways. He treats me like a queen most of the time, and he makes me happier than anyone ever has. And he told me yesterday that he loves me.” She was startled when Grace, Jen and Gina all shrieked.

“Oh my God, Meg!”

“He loves you?”

“That’s awesome!”

“When did he tell you?”

“Yesterday, at the cemetery. I still can’t believe he flew up from Nashville just to be with me. And that he didn’t walk away from me when I opened up and told him everything.”

Grace reached out and took Meg’s hand in hers. “The reason he followed you here, and didn’t walk away from you, is because he loves you. He didn’t just tell you, he showed you.”

“Come on in,” Victor said, as he opened the door to his house.

“Thanks.” Sky reached out and shook Victor’s hand. “I’m glad that we have the chance to get acquainted today.”

“Me too. It’s important to me to get to know the man in my daughter’s life. She doesn’t share much information with me.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean,” Sky replied. “She doesn’t share much with me, either. I still can’t believe that I didn’t know it was her birthday. If my partner Jack and his wife hadn’t called me, I never would have known.”

Victor sighed. “She wasn’t always like this, you know. Come with me, and let’s talk.”

Sky followed Victor into the outdated kitchen that had not seen a renovation in over a generation. He noticed an old shoe box and some photo albums on the table. “What’s all this?”

“Memories,” Victor said. “If I know my daughter, she doesn’t have one photo of our family on display in her house. Or any other reminder of her past, for that matter.”

Sky ran his hands through his hair as he wracked his brain. “You’re right. Come to think of it, I’ve never seen anything that even hinted that she had a family or loved ones.”

“Yeah.” Victor gestured towards a chair. “Have a seat. Would you like something to drink? I made a fresh pot of coffee.”

“Sounds good.”

After Victor served the coffee, he joined Sky at the table, and opened one of the photo albums. “This is my wife, Meghan, when she was pregnant with Meg.” He flipped through the pages of the album. “And this is the only photo there is of Meghan holding Meg, right before she died.”

Sky stared at the photo of a smiling woman in a hospital bed holding a newborn. “Meg looks just like her. It must be hard for you to see her at around the same age your wife was when she…”

Victor interrupted him. “Yes, and no. What hurts me most is seeing Meg torture herself and blame herself for what happened. She didn’t always do that, you know.”

Sky’s eyebrows shot up in surprise at the revelation. “When did she start blaming herself? And why?”

Victor sighed, and reached for another photo album. “This is Meg when she was a baby.” He flipped through some pages, to photos of a smiling Meg wearing a paper birthday crown. “This was her 10th birthday. She said she was too old to wear a crown, but I made her wear it anyway. And I’m glad I did, because it was her last birthday party.”

“Why? What happened?”

“The following year, one of the class bullies told everyone in her school that the reason Meg didn’t have a mother was because she killed her. No one in her class, except for her friend Susan, came to her birthday party that year.”

Sky pounded his fist on the table. “Damn it! She should have told me that. Didn’t she know how her mom really died?”

Victor hung his head. “I told her that her mother went to heaven when she was a baby, but never explained that her mother died in childbirth. I thought it was something that could wait until she was older. Turned out I was wrong.” He shook his head and looked at Sky before continuing. “After school that day, she and her friend Susan rode their bicycles to the cemetery, and Meg figured out the truth before I had a chance to tell her. When I got home from work that night, she laced into me. She told me she never wanted to celebrate her birthday again because she killed her mother.”

“Oh my God.” Sky buried his head in his hands. “That explains a lot. She has so many walls built around her, and so many trust issues. She shuts people out all the time, and doesn’t let them get close to her. Now I know why.”

“It looks like you’ve made some progress with breaking down her walls,” Victor said. “She lets so few people in.”

Sky rolled his eyes. “Yeah,” he said, as he paged through the photo albums, pausing at each picture of Meg as a young girl smiling back at the camera. “It seems like very few people make it past her outer shell.” He paused at a photo of Meg with another teen-aged girl. “Is this her friend Susan? I recognize her.”

“Yes. She’s been a loyal friend throughout the years, and they’re still friends to this day. Susan also went to college at Vanderbilt. They were roommates there.”

“Lucky for me. If it wasn’t for Susan bringing her to the concert in Tampa, I never would have met Meg.”

Victor stared at Sky. “My daughter’s had enough heartache for a lifetime, and I don’t want to see her hurt again. That girl who is pregnant…”

Sky returned the stare. “I’ll admit to bad judgment in the past, sir. And I’m gonna have to pay the price for it if that child is mine. But I have no intention of ever hurting your daughter. She’s my angel, and I love her.”

“Speaking of intentions, as a father it’s my duty to ask what yours are towards Meg.” Victor sat back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest.

“My intentions?” Sky ran his hands through his hair. “We’ve only been together for four months, so it’s a little too soon to say. Like I said, I love her. When I found out she was being evicted because her landlord sold her cottage, I asked her to move in with me, but she hasn’t given me an answer yet. I know better than to press her, though. She’ll make her decision and let me know on her own timetable.”

“Evicted? Just one more thing she never mentioned.” Victor stood up, retrieved the coffee pot, and refilled their cups. He remained on his feet, sipping his coffee as he leaned against the kitchen counter top.

As silence descended over the kitchen, Sky reached for more photo albums. He took his time paging through each one, poring over every detail of the first eighteen years of Meg’s life. He paused when he got to a page filled with photos of Meg in a pale green gown with a corsage on her wrist. There was a broad-shouldered teenage boy in a dark suit standing next to her. “Was this her prom?”

Victor nodded his head. “She went with Jimmy Lenkowski. He was her first real boyfriend.”

Sky’s heart began to race, and he became overwhelmed by something he had never felt before as he stared at the photo of Meg and her prom date. Anger? No, that’s not it. This is what jealousy feels like. I can’t believe I’m jealous of someone who dated her ten years ago. Jesus, get it together, man. “How did it end between them?”

“Turn the page.”

He did as he was told. On the next page, preserved under plastic sheeting, was a letter from Vanderbilt University. He read it before looking up at Victor. “This is the acceptance letter offering her a full scholarship. She told me about this on our first real date.”

“Meg could have gone to nursing school locally and gotten a job at Southampton Hospital. She worked her butt off, though, and had a straight A average all four years of high school. She was the valedictorian of her high school class,” Victor said with a sigh. “She had scholarship offers from every college she applied to. But the full scholarship to Vanderbilt was her ticket out of town. Once she left, she never really looked back.”




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