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Love Hard (Anything But Mine Book 2) by Barbara Justice (26)


Later that afternoon, Meg used her key to let herself into her father’s house. “Dad? Sky?” When no one answered, she wandered through the first floor, and into the kitchen. Her heart leapt into her throat when she spied the scrapbooks and boxes of photos on the kitchen table.

“I haven’t seen these in years,” she said, as she ran a hand over the cover of her high school scrapbook. She opened it, and began paging through the memories. “Dad must have showed these to Sky.”

She paused at the photo of her with her prom date, and reminisced about the events of the evening. “That was the night we both lost our virginity, in the barn at his family’s potato farm,” she said softly. “I wonder if he is still farming, or if his family sold out to a developer too.”

When she reached the last page, she smiled, remembering the thrill of receiving the letter from Vanderbilt offering her a full scholarship. “I worked so hard to achieve this. Sky always says he likes to ‘work hard and play hard’, but for me it was only about working hard.” She sighed as she closed the scrapbook.

She pulled her phone out of her purse, and began to text Sky, but changed her mind before sending the text. “They must be at dad’s garage. I’ll just go over there and surprise them.”

The garage doors to her father’s mechanic shop were open as Meg pulled into the driveway. She recognized the music blaring from the speakers as “Crush On You” from Bruce Springsteen’s album The River, and she smiled. “Well, if nothing else, at least they have Springsteen in common,” she said aloud.

Meg stopped in her tracks as she entered the garage. Nothing could have prepared her for the sight of Sky singing, using a wrench in place of a microphone, while her father played air guitar.

Sky noticed her presence in the garage, and shimmied up to her side. He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her in for a dance while continuing to sing along with song.

Victor grinned as he watched Meg dance with Sky. Who are you, and what have you done with my daughter? He marveled at the way she seemed so spontaneous and free with her boyfriend. She’s always been so guarded and serious. I don’t think I’ve ever seen this side of her. He inhaled deeply, then exhaled slowly. There’s a difference, a lightness, about her. She’s happy, and it’s because of him. He’s the one who makes her happy.

In that moment, Victor made a vow. No matter what he’s done in the past, it’s the man he is now that matters. He promised me today that he would never do anything to hurt her, at least not intentionally. And I’m going to choose to believe him.

When the song came to an end, Meg burst into applause. “You guys are awesome! Dad, you really can play that air guitar!”

“I’m gonna have to get him out on the road with us one day,” Sky teased. “He’s a natural.”

“Are you kidding? I’m the lucky one who got to hear the famous Sky Johnson cover Springsteen all day,” Victor said. “How was spa day with the girls?”

“Very relaxing. Just what the doctor ordered.”

“You look beautiful.” Sky placed an arm around her shoulders. “All ready for dinner tonight?”

Victor looked at his watch. “I think we should probably head out and start to get ready.”

Meg agreed. “You know how Jen is a stickler for everyone being on time. Thanks for keeping Sky company today.” She leaned in and kissed her father on the cheek. “See you there.”

An hour later, the sound of a horn honking outside the farm’s guest house startled Meg. She was swiping mascara onto her lashes, and her hand jerked, causing the mascara to smear all over her eyelid. “Crap!” She looked at her watch, and called out to Sky while she wiped away the stray makeup. “Jen’s here five minutes early. Are you almost ready?”

“Yup. How do I look?”

Meg turned around, and her heart fluttered. Sky was dressed in jeans, ostrich cowboy boots, a white oxford shirt, and a blue fleece jacket that matched his eyes. His brown hair was still damp, and the ends curled just at the top of his collar. “Perfect. If my cousin wasn’t honking the horn outside, I’d tear those clothes off of you, and we’d be having dessert first, again.”

“You look gorgeous.” Sky’s eyes drank in the sight of Meg in jeans, a black cashmere turtleneck, black suede boots, and the heart-shaped angel wing necklace he had given her for her birthday. “I know that turtleneck is supposed to hide your assets but, baby, the way it clings to your curves…”

Meg’s eyes twinkled as she teased, “Do I need to get an ice pack for you?”

Sky laughed out loud. “I’ll manage to control myself until we get home.”

“Come on,” Meg said, as opened the front door of the guest house. “Let’s go.”

Meg was surprised to find Jen behind the wheel of the SUV. She and Sky climbed into the back seat, and Meg introduced Sky to Jen and Drew.

Jen and Drew turned around to greet Sky. “Awesome to meet you, Sky,” Drew said, extending his hand. “I’m a big fan of your music.”

“Thanks.” Sky gave him a hearty handshake. “It’s great to meet both of you. I used to watch you on the SNN morning show, until you took over the reins at the network, so I’m a fan of yours, too, Drew.”

Meg caught Jen’s eye in the rear view mirror. “Thanks for picking us up, Jen, but why are you driving?”

Jen and Drew exchanged a knowing glance. “I’m not going to have anything to drink, so I thought I’d give Pablo the night off,” she said, referring to her long-time chauffeur.

The wheels turned in Meg’s head. “And you didn’t join Aunt Grace, Gina and me in a glass of champagne earlier today. Are you pregnant again?”

“We’re going to ‘officially’ announce it tonight at dinner,” Drew said with a grin. “Now that number three is on the way, we’re going to be outnumbered.”

“Wow!” Meg clapped her hands and grinned ear to ear. “I had no idea you were planning on another one.”

“Actually, we weren’t. But it’s all good,” Drew said. “The more the merrier. If we manage to have a few more, then we’ll have our own basketball team.”

The two couples chatted on the short drive to Bridgehampton, where they found parking at the corner of Main Street and Ocean Road, just outside Almond’s front door. “Rock star parking,” Jen said. “Or maybe I should say country star parking,” she teased, giving Sky a quick hug after they exited her SUV. “It’s really good to meet you, Sky,” she said. Gesturing towards Meg, who was walking with Drew a few steps ahead of them, she dropped her voice, and added, “I like you already. You’ve made her smile again.”

“That’s all I want to do. She’s done the same for me.”

Jen stopped and grabbed Sky by the arm. “Drew made me smile again, too. That’s how you know its true love.”

Sky’s eyes darted towards Meg, who was walking into the restaurant with Drew, then back to Jen. “I know. You’re right.”

Jen and Sky caught up to Meg and Drew. As they entered the restaurant, the owner and host greeted Jen, Meg and Drew with hugs, and Jen introduced Sky. “Welcome, buddy,” the owner said, before turning to Jen. “You’re at your usual table.”

“Thanks.” Jen led the way to the banquette against the back wall that was set for nine. “Let’s squeeze into the back seats. It will be easier once everyone else arrives.”

When the rest of the family arrived, Meg introduced Sky. “This is Aunt Grace, Uncle Peter, my cousins Pete and Gina, and of course you already met my father,” she said.

“Great to meet y’all,” Sky said, as he stood and shook hands with the group.

Meg pointed out all her favorite dishes on the menu, highlighting the farm-to-table items that the chef prided himself on. After they placed their orders, conversation picked back up. She relaxed against her seat, happy to observe the animated discussion of sports, politics and music. He fits in. And they seem to like him, too.

By the time she was served her first course of steamed mussels, Meg realized that she had barely spoken a word. The focus was on Sky. She worried if he was uncomfortable, and glanced to her left. He seemed to revel in the attention from her family, debating with Drew and Gina whether the Tennessee Titans, the Dallas Cowboys, and the New York Giants would be able to fill the gaps in their respective lineups in the upcoming NFL draft.

She was using a piece of grilled bread to mop up some of the garlic, butter and wine sauce on the bottom of her bowl of mussels when she realized Jennifer was asking her a question. Her head snapped up, and she said, “I’m sorry, what was that?”

“Would you and Sky come to dinner at the house tomorrow? We’d love to see you again before you head back to Nashville.”

“Umm…” She glanced at Sky to gauge his reaction.

“Sure,” he said. “I don’t think we have any other plans, do we?”

“No, we don’t,” Meg replied. “We’d love to come for dinner.”

Jen clapped her hands. “Great!”

At the end of the meal, Sky and Drew battled for the check, with Sky winning out. “You’re having us for dinner tomorrow. The least I can do is take care of tonight,” he said, as he handed a credit card to the server. “It’s my way of thanking all y’all for making me feel welcome.”

Later that evening, Meg breathed a sigh of relief when she bolted the front door to the farm’s guest house. “Thanks for dinner, and for being a good sport about my family. I’m sorry that we have to have dinner with them again tomorrow night. They can be a little overwhelming at times.”

“Really? I didn’t think they were overwhelming. They just happen to love you, and want to see you while you’re here.”

“They barely spoke to me tonight.” Meg hung her head and looked away.

“Meg…” Sky tilted her chin up with his fingers. “Look at me.”

She rolled her eyes. “What?”

“You barely spoke to them, either. Conversation is a two-way street.”

She exhaled before replying. “I know. You’re right. It’s just that I often feel like an outsider, that I don’t belong.”

Sky took her by the hand and led her into the bedroom. “Lay down.” When she hesitated, he repeated his command. “Just do it. You know that we have some of our best talks in bed.”

Meg unclasped her necklace before stripping down to her black lace underwear. She slipped under the covers and watched while Sky removed his clothing. She admired his broad, muscled shoulders and strong back.

Once Sky was naked, he joined her in bed. He pulled Meg towards him and said, “You’re right, you know. You are an outsider, but only because you made it that way.”

She pulled away from him. “Whose side are you on?”

“There are no ‘sides’ in this situation, although if there were, I’d be on your side because I love you. But it was your choice to move away, to cut yourself off from all the people who love you most.”

“But, Sky…”

“Meg.” His tone was firm. “The first night we met, you told me that family was important, and that I should let go of the past and to try to mend fences with my father.” He leaned in to kiss her, and added, “Maybe you should practice a little of what you preach, take a dose of your own medicine.”

Her voice was just above a whisper. “I don’t know how.”

“Sure you do. Just be your caring, wonderful self.” His lips brushed against hers, and he nibbled a trail down to her neck and then up to her earlobe. “You’re so sweet, baby.” His voice was husky with desire. “Give me some sugar.”

Meg’s lips brushed against his in a soft kiss that grew more intense as she felt Sky’s tongue begin to explore her mouth. She clung to his neck and shoulders as his kisses grew more passionate.

A low moan escaped her lips as Sky’s mouth worked its way down to her breasts. He unclasped her bra and slipped the straps off her shoulders. He lapped at her breasts, teasing her nipples with his tongue until they stood up at attention. “Oh, baby, you give me everything I need,” he said, as he suckled at her breast like a hungry child.

His hands made their way to her lace thong. He hooked his fingers on each side and, with one tug, relieved her of the final barrier between them. “I’ve never met a woman who was as hot, and as ready, as you. I’ll never get enough of you.”

“You make me that way.” She was so overcome with desire that she could barely get the words out. Reaching for his manhood, she begged, “I need all of you, now. Fill me up, Sky.”

He nudged her legs apart, and covered her body with his. Without breaking eye contact he eased himself inside her, and guided her legs upwards until they were slung over his shoulders. “Oh, yeah, baby…this is good. So good.”

Meg gasped with each thrust of his hips. “Oh my God, Sky.” She struggled to catch her breath as he pounded away at her body. She felt his fingers begin to strum away at her pleasure center, causing her to cry out.

“Go with it, baby.” He managed to grunt one word out each time he plunged himself into her. He screamed her name when felt her body contract around him, and drove himself harder and faster, until his body stiffened as he erupted deep inside her.

The next day, Meg woke early. It’s good to get some time to myself, she thought as she pulled her sweatshirt against her chest and sipped her coffee on the front steps of the guest house. When she returned outside with her second cup, she waved at her aunt and uncle, who were having breakfast on the back deck of the farm house. “Maybe I do need to practice what I preach,” she said aloud. She went into the kitchen and left a scribbled note next to the coffee maker, before grabbing her cell phone and coffee.

Her aunt and uncle rose to greet her as she made her way up the path that led to the rear of their house. “There’s a strata keeping warm in the oven,” Grace said, as she kissed Meg on the cheek. “Go make yourself a plate, and join us.”

Meg kissed her uncle on the cheek on her way inside the house. The aroma wafting out from the kitchen made her mouth water. She helped herself to a piece of the strata, and re-joined Grace and Peter on the deck.

“Oh my goodness, Aunt Grace, this is so delicious!” Meg shoveled another forkful of the egg, cheese and sausage casserole into her mouth. “Please give me the recipe.”

“Of course. I’ll e-mail it to you.”

“Thanks. Sky would love this.”

“Your aunt made enough food to feed an army,” Peter said. “We were hoping the two of you would join us for breakfast.”

“Sky is still asleep, but I left him a note to let him know I was here.”

“He seemed to fit right in last night,” Peter said. “I like him.”

Meg turned to her aunt. “What did you think of him?”

“I think he’s good for you,” Grace said. “Your father said he hasn’t seen you this happy in years, and I have to agree with him.”

Meg smiled and nodded her head in agreement. In her peripheral vision, she caught a glimpse of Sky on the steps of the guest house. She caught his attention, then watched as he disappeared inside the house, and re-appeared a moment later with his blue fleece jacket on over his tee shirt and sweat pants.

She watched as his long, sculpted body made its way along the path towards her. The sight of his rumpled hair and stubble on his cheeks made her heart skip a beat, and she rose to greet him with a kiss. “Good morning, sleepy head.”

He kissed her back. “Good morning, beautiful.” He turned, and kissed Grace on the cheek before shaking Peter’s hand.

“Meg, why don’t you get Sky some breakfast,” Grace said. “Have a seat, Sky.”

“Thanks.” He looked around, and said, “And thanks for making me feel so welcome. You have a beautiful place here. Meg mentioned that this was a working farm when she was growing up. When did you stop farming?”

“My father farmed until the day he died. Peter and I bought out my brother, Meg’s father, rather than selling out to a developer,” Grace answered. She paused as her niece set a plate and coffee mug in front of Sky, then asked, “So what are the two of you doing today? Any plans?”

“I was hoping Meg would give me a tour of the Hamptons,” Sky said. “I’d like to get a little more of the local flavor.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Meg said. “I’d like to re-acquaint myself with the area too.”

Gina and Pete joined them at the breakfast table. Before long, the usual chaos of a typical LaBella – Novak family meal began, with multiple simultaneous conversations and lots of laughter.

Meg felt Sky’s eyes on her as she made an effort to join in the banter and good-natured teasing. After helping clean up the breakfast dishes, Sky and Meg excused themselves and walked hand in hand back to the guest house.

“I was proud of you just now,” he said, once they were out of earshot of the LaBella family. “You really made an effort to participate in the conversation.”

“Well, I realized you were right. I have to make an effort, and practice what I preach in terms of my involvement with my family.”

He kissed her on top of her head. “Good girl.” He playfully swatted at her bottom, and said, “Let’s get ready and out on the road.”

They drove out to Montauk, where they climbed to the top of the lighthouse. Sky took photos of the surf crashing on the rocks and posted them to his Instagram page. “Wow. What a view.” He took a few more photos before getting back in the car.

On the way back, Meg pointed out the Stephen Talkhouse in Amagansett. “It’s a historic music venue,” she said. “So many legends, including Billy Joel and Paul McCartney, have played there.”

“Really? Let’s go to a show there next time we’re here.”

“Actually, I’d love to see you and the band play a show there one day. I know you play huge arenas, and it’s a small venue, but given its history, it would be awesome.” She became quiet as she thought about the implications of what Sky just said. He’s making plans to come back here with me. I’ve got to pinch myself in order to believe this is real.

On their drive back to Southampton, Meg took a detour through Sag Harbor, an old whaling town. She pointed out the widow’s walks on top of many of the original homes in the village, as well as the Whaling Museum. “You should see all the yachts that dock along the waterfront in the summer,” she said as she parked the car on Main Street. “Let’s get some lunch,” she said, as they walked towards The Corner Bar. “This is one of my favorite places. They have great burgers.”

They ordered bacon cheeseburgers, and Sky agreed when he took the first bite. “This is awesome.” He looked around the bar, where some locals were gathered, and added, “I love that no one knows me here. I could get used to this.”

After lunch, Meg took the back roads to show Sky some of the remaining Hamptons farmland. “So much of it has been turned into high-end ‘McMansions’ by developers. Jennifer is helping lead the fight against it, but I’m afraid it’s a losing battle.” She pulled into the gravel driveway at the Channing Daughters vineyard, and added, “Thank goodness for the wine industry, because it helps preserve some farmland.”

Sky sampled some wine, but Meg declined because she was driving. Before they left, they picked up a couple of bottles of the vineyard’s Brick Kiln chardonnay to bring to Jennifer’s house for dinner. “It’s her and Drew’s favorite wine,” Meg explained. “And even though she can’t have any, it will go well with the lobster bake she’s planned for tonight.”

Later that evening, Jennifer sent her chauffeur, Pablo, to pick up Sky and Meg, explaining that she wanted them to be able to enjoy themselves and not have to worry about driving.

Sky whispered in Meg’s ear when they arrived at Fair Fields, Jennifer’s fifteen acre estate in Southampton village. “Does she do this a lot?”


“Send chauffeurs?”

Meg rolled her eyes. “Yeah. Sometimes she even sends pilots. She sent her jet for me last year when I thought I wouldn’t be able to make it home for her daughter Laura Grace’s christening.”

“She wants you to be part of the family.”

“I know,” she sighed.

They were the last to arrive, and they greeted everyone assembled in the kitchen. Four year old PJ, Jennifer and Drew’s oldest child, made a beeline for Meg, and she scooped him up in her arms.

“I missed you, Aunt Meg,” he said.

“I missed you too, sweetie.” She introduced him to Sky, before asking, “Where’s Laura Grace?”

“She’s upstairs, asleep,” Jennifer answered. “I heard you had breakfast with my parents and siblings this morning.”

“Yes, I did.” Meg reached out towards Sky, and took him by the hand. “I decided to follow the advice of a good man,” she said, looking up into Sky’s eyes and smiling, before refocusing her attention on Jen. “I’m going to make more of an effort to be a part of the family again.”




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