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Loving Doctor Vincent: The Good Doctor Trilogy Book #3 by Renea Mason (8)



We ran to Marco’s SUV with him pulling me along. I couldn’t keep up with his long strides.

He had parked in an alley several blocks away. Buckets of rain pelted us as we ran. He clicked the key fob and a blur of lights flashed through the haze. We both threw open the doors and slid onto the leather seats, slamming the doors shut in synchronization.

I brushed the water from my hair with my fingers, managing to cause a few stray droplets to drip into my eyes.

Marco tossed back his long locks, splattering the window with spray.

I leaned across the seat. “Are you OK?” I cupped his face in my hands. “Look at me, did you get hurt?”

He placed his palms on both of my cheeks and we held each other, searching one another’s eyes. “Bella, I know you’re excited to try to perfect your suturing technique, but he missed. He was a lousy shot.”

I let out a sigh of relief and leaned my forehead against his. “Oh, thank God.”

He gripped my face tighter, holding me still. “Plus, had he hit me, my ass would be going to a hospital. I’d want the painkillers and skilled hands of the finest plastic surgeon. I can’t risk anything leaving lasting damage on this package. I’ll leave that hero stuff to Sebastian.” He kissed me—soft and tender. “Let’s get out of here.” He let go of my face, pressed the ignition and the vehicle roared to life.

“Should we call the police?”

“No.” The wipers brushed the thick streams of water from the windshield. My body lurched forward when Marco stomped on the gas pedal. “We’ll consult Sebastian, he’ll know what to do. He’s with Xavier, combing through the attic. Do you remember how to get to Xavier’s house?”

“I know we need to take the interstate north for some time. I’ll know the exit when I see it. I’ll call Xavier and ask him for specifics.”

“OK.” He let out a long sigh, and drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. “Fuck. That was close. I’m far too pretty to get shot.”

I giggled, but my hands shook as I pressed the numbers on the phone. My mind was numb, and tremors racked my body from the hefty amount of adrenaline in my system.

He ran his hand through his wet hair, inhaling deeply then slowly releasing a steady breath.

Xavier’s phone rang, but no one answered. After the shrill beep, I spoke into the receiver, “Xavier, it’s Elaine. We’re coming to see you. I have something I need to tell you.” I paused, realizing how rarely I called him. I wasn’t sure what to say next. “I love you.” After a quick press of the “end” button, I sat the phone on the console. I was lucky it still worked, given how drenched my clothes were.

Marco reached over, patted my leg, and then squeezed my knee. “I should have never left you alone with him.”

“Had you been there, he might have actually shot you.”

“Well…at least all those boxing lessons finally paid off.”

I shivered. “Yeah,” I said through chattering teeth.

He reached over and turned up the heat. “Once we get on the interstate, I’ll find an exit with a shopping center so we can stop to get us some dry clothes.”

The swish from the tires and the patter of rain against the window amplified the hollow feeling inside me.

Several more miles of driving, and he pulled into the parking lot of a big box store. The rain still had not let up, and the temperature had dropped several more degrees.

He leaned over and kissed my cheek. “I’ll be back.” A few seconds later, my door opened, startling me. “Why don’t you get in the back, it will be easier to change.”

“OK.” I hopped out of the SUV and hurried toward the back, but when I reached for the handle, Marco spun me around and pinned my body to the metal frame. His mouth devoured mine in a hard, forceful kiss. In the cold chill of the rain, his body was a radiant source of heat and passion. I clung to him.

He pressed hard against me. His erection evident through my rain soaked clothes. “Elaine, you know we’re never going to be the same. That moment…” Another brutal kiss. “You saved my life. We have a bond that can never be broken. Craver Adams has no idea what he’s done.” His hands wrapped around my waist and squeezed my hips.

I swallowed hard and tried to blink away the rain, but my efforts were fruitless. “Do you think he’s dead?”

“Oh, I’d bet my ass on it. Unlike him, you had impeccable aim.” Marco ground his pelvis against me.

I shivered from the horror of what I had become in that past hour, the feral look in Marco’s eyes, the feel of his body against mine and the chill of the rain.

He kissed my sopping wet hair. “Go on, get in the SUV and let me get you some dry clothes.” He pulled me away from the door and opened it. Before I slid onto the seat, he kissed me once more and breathed against my lips, “I’m so thankful you’re OK. I don’t know what I’d do…” He shook his head, ending any further talk of the terrible event. “If anything happens out here, call me.”


Another quick kiss, and he closed the door. Marco and the storefront were barely visible through the torrential downpour as I adjusted myself on the backseat. Even with the heat on high, it was still freezing in my wet clothes. I tried to phone Xavier several more times, but there was still no answer.

As I shivered, the gravity of what happened started to set in. I had killed someone. Well…most likely. Would I go to prison? What would happen now? I took a long, shaky breath, attempting to quiet the quakes building from within. Allowing anxiety to get the best of me would do me no good. Another deep inhalation. Sebastian’s words echoed through my head, People like those in the Society don’t involve the authorities. But what if someone happened upon Craver, and I did really kill him? Sickness filled my stomach at the thought, but I’d had to save Marco’s life. Craver had a gun. It was self-defense. But what chance did the daughter of a serial killer stand if it ever went to trial?

Watching the water beat against the window, my mind drifted to that day in the market with Sebastian holding the gun, to his confidence. This wasn’t going away. I couldn’t continue to be a victim, or I’d end up dead or in prison. These people had to be stopped. If my father could adapt, perhaps so could I.

I swiped the screen on my phone, pulled up the browser, and typed “Victoria England PhD. New York.” I clicked the hyperlink that displayed her office phone number and held the phone to my ear.

A shrill ring sounded three times and then a recording played. “Hello, you’ve reached Dr. Victoria England at the Bosch Center for Mental Health and Wellness.” Bosch? Really? After the painting? Nothing that woman served could lead to wellness. The recording continued to play despite my musings. “I’m unable to take your call right now, but if you’d like to leave a message, please do so after the tone.”

A long beep sounded, and I spoke with slow, deliberate words. “It wasn’t very polite of you to not even welcome me to the game. I mean, where is your hospitality, Doctor? I know Oscar informed you of your new competition before he handed me my seat on the council. You can consider this a courtesy call. Your assassin failed. I am impressed, however. It was a valiant attempt. But honestly, you have no idea who you’re dealing with. My father…Xavier…both are splendid teachers, and Charles…more cunning than you’ll ever know. I would advise you to send someone to clean up your mess. Craver won’t be checking in this week. And Victoria… Game on.” I pressed the end button. I could play her games. And my advantage? I didn’t give a shit about their rules.

Something inside me broke in that law office. Craver Adams was dead not because of me, but because of them. It had, however, been my hands that rendered his demise. I had allowed them to drag me by the ear into their demented little trap. No more victims. No more subjects. No more fucking Society. I was my father’s daughter after all; it was time I embraced my potential. Lying normally felt so wrong, but when it came to deceiving that sick bunch of psychos, a satisfying warmth spread through me. Maybe this was what they became addicted to—that high achieved through control and exacted through manipulation—but not me.

My knee bounced with nervous energy as I waited for Marco. I stared at the streams of water lining the window and made my vow. I would end them or die trying. In the meantime, after looking into the eyes of death, I decided to live.

I kicked off my shoes and bent to work the sopping socks from my feet. The wet fabric of my pants stuck to my skin as I worked them, along with my panties, down my legs. One quick swipe of my shirt, a snap of my bra, and I sat naked on the leather seat, shivering. Waiting.

The SUV locks beeped, and the door across from me opened. The sounds of rushing wind and rain filled my ears.

My body shook from the frigid air rushing into the vehicle.

Marco placed two large plastic bags on the seat as he slid in and closed the door behind him. His hair clung to his face, and he made a feeble attempt at blowing it out of the way. “Bella, don’t hate me for my fashion choices.”

I laughed. “How bad can it be?” He still hadn’t noticed my state of undress. I spread my legs.

“Oh…real bad. Dreadful even.” He huffed, trying to brush the water from his face with his sleeve. He froze. His gaze fixed between my legs. He swallowed hard.

I placed my foot on the seat, opening my thighs wider for his inspection.

He exhaled and his tongue darted out to outline the ridge of his lower lip. Grabbing the hem of his shirt, he pulled it over his head. In a frenzy, he stripped off his pants, underwear, shoes and socks, tossing them into the back of the SUV.

He wrapped one hand around his cock and stroked with long fluid motions. “Oh, bella, I’ve never seen anything so beautiful.” With one hand, he traced his fingers up the inside of my thigh. “Tell me what you want me to do.”

“Make me forget.”

He trailed his fingers over my mound, grazing my clit and shoved two into me. “No, not forget…” His mouth covered mine. “Let me remind you who you are. Nothing that happened today changes anything.” He captured my bottom lip between his teeth for a moment and then released it. “Let me help you remember why you need to continue. Why giving up isn’t an option. Why what happened today was an expression of your love for me and not the tragedy it appears to be.” He withdrew his fingers and grasped my hand, pulling me up, and positioned me on my knees facing the rear of the vehicle. His body enveloped mine, one hand spreading my legs wider. He ran a hand down my back, coaxing it to arch. With his cock resting against my inner thigh and his hips against my ass, he curved his body to mine, blowing hot breath on my neck as he spoke, “Elaine, I would erase it all for you if I could, but since I can’t, I’ll embrace what this forges us into. You saved my life today. It’s not something I can ever forget.” His hips thrust forward and he seated his cock in my welcoming wetness.

I moaned. His heat soothed. His body was so easy to lose myself in. I held onto the back of the seat and balanced myself, setting a steady rhythm as I pushed back, sheathing him in my pussy.

His one arm hooked around my waist, and the other rested just below my neck, holding me tight against his body. “You don’t know much about me. I’ll let you in on something. Finding women who want me isn’t much of a problem.”

I released a breathy chuckle. “I can imagine.” I closed my eyes, savoring the feel of him inside me. He was so beautiful, almost too perfect. I couldn’t fathom the reason he agreed to our arrangement, especially given his charismatic personality. He was right, he could have anyone.

“I could have a new one every night.” His lips played against the skin of my neck.

“Yes, you could.” With anyone else, the words would have been egotistical but with Marco’s comfort with who he was, they emerged as nothing more than fact.

“But isn’t it a damn shame that I have no interest in women who pursue me? They would never be able to see me as more than one-dimensional. I joke about my looks, but I need someone who’s going to see me, including my flaws. Time fades perfection. Beauty is fragile. I want a connection.” He thrust hard and stilled. “That first night in the restaurant, you weren’t interested in me at all. You made love to Xavier, with all his flaws, not me, not even Sebastian. As I watched your love for him grow, something took root between us…something different. You can’t deny our connection.”

I inhaled as his breath on my neck tickled.

He squeezed me. “I’ve felt nothing but doubt from you since I’ve made my commitment, and today you sacrificed so much for me. I want to erase your doubt.” He sucked my earlobe between his teeth.


He increased his pace. “But nothing, bella. I don’t like casual sex. It does little for me. I need connection. Otherwise it’s nothing more than dressed up masturbation.” He buried himself deep.

I gasped.

“This isn’t masturbation. This is making love with someone who sees my soul. There are only two other people who make me feel this way.”

He didn’t have to say it; I already knew.

“Xavier pushes me. I’m better at my work because of him, and he makes me see the world differently. Our connection isn’t sexual, but it’s certainly there—that intimacy that develops between a teacher and their student. Sebastian sees through my façade. I tease and tell him he’s who I want to be when I grow up. There’s always been some sort of attraction between us. I would have easily given in if he’d tried to seduce my body, but instead, he seduced my mind with respect and challenge.”

The gravity of his confession wasn’t lost, and the thoughtful analysis was so typical of someone who searched for answers as their life’s work. But unlike Xavier, Marco’s confidence allowed him to accept and project his findings.

“So I love you all, in slightly different ways. I don’t know about you, but even with the world falling apart around us, I’ve never felt so complete. That’s why you have to stop doubting my love and commitment. I know who I am and what I want. Now, I just need to wait for you to fall in love with me.”

I’d underestimated how deep Marco’s feelings ran. I was just as guilty as everyone else of painting him into a box because of his looks. But beyond his beautiful face, he had a brilliant mind. He was bound to always find himself in a situation where his body upstaged his intellect. His confidence and self-assuredness quieted any further notion.

“What if I told you that I already love you? What would you do?”

He kissed the base of my throat and sucked the skin hard while sinking deep into me. On a groan he said, “First, I’d tell you that I love you too.” He unwound his arm from around my chest and wrapped his hand in my hair. “And then I’d fuck you like I’ve always wanted to.”

“How is that?”

He laughed, his tone teasing. “Oh no, bella, only someone who truly loves me gets to know my secrets. What a shame you’ll never know the wonder.” He pulled tight on my hair. “Just three little words and you could have what no one else has ever experienced.”

It was my turn to laugh. “Aren’t you afraid that you might be over-hyping the experience?”

His lips rested against my ear, and in a low, seductive tone whispered, “Not in the slightest.” His sharp, shallow thrusts drew a gasp from my lips. “Such a shame…”


He stilled. Pulled my hair tighter and held us in suspended animation as though he were marking the moment in time, before he breathed, “Yes, bella. Do you have something you’d like to say to me?”

The suspense in our stillness was breathtaking. Only the patter of rain and our heavy exhalations soothed the anticipation.

With my head forced back in his tightening grip and my throat exposed, the “Yes,” left my lips on a breathy growl.

He whispered in my ear, “Tell me.”

“I…I…” The tension of the moment made it nearly impossible to speak. I swallowed hard, moistening my throat and sighed, “I love you.”

“Oh, I love you too.” He pulled out, spun me and guided me onto my back on the soft black leather. Hooking his arms behind my knees he forced them to rest against my shoulders, opening me and giving him more space to move. He rested his arms on the seat beside my head. “I want to see your face while I’m inside you. I want to see your love for me.” His cock glided into me with ease, and he pistoned his hips against mine. “It’s just us, bella. Only the two of us. In these moments, I don’t have to share you. See… I get the best of both worlds. Why would I ever give this up?”

He was right. My times alone with each of them allowed us that connection which craved exclusivity. There was an individual intimacy about each of them and a soul-altering inferno when we made love together. I finally understood their point. It wasn’t a limitation—the way I had been viewing it all along. It was about expanding love. One person can only be so much to another, but between the four of us, we would never lack for anything—not friendship, desire, or love. It certainly had been a day of revelations, and with that thought came the frightening realization that I had gone from nothing to lose…to everything.

I clutched Marco’s shoulders tight as he drove into me. He angled his thrust so that he hit just the right spot. My breathy gasps told him all I needed him to know.

“God, bella, that’s it. I want to feel you come. Because of me and only me. This is how I’ve always wanted to fuck you. Just us, while I savor your love for me.” He bent and kissed me quickly on the lips. “Don’t worry, I have a few more secrets to unleash when we’re all together, but for now, I need this.” His gaze locked with mine, and the last ounce of doubt disappeared. This wasn’t a purging of lust and stress from the day, this was affirmation. His eyes revealed all.

“Oh God, Marco.”

He locked his arm tight and increased his pace.

“So good.” The quakes started in my legs.

“That’s it. Let go.”

I did. I gripped his shoulders, digging my fingers into the muscle as I surrendered. “Fuck.”

“So beautiful. All for me.” He bent and captured my lips with his, stifling my moans.

He plunged through the new wetness that soaked my thighs and leaned back so I could once again look into his dark amber eyes.

“Watch me, bella. I want you to see what you do to me. I want you to watch my face when I come inside you.”

I shivered at his words.

He set a new rhythm, his arms rigid, holding him above me. His pelvis slapped against mine. The sound of each penetration into my wet sex echoed through the SUV—erotic. He bit his lip. His hips pounded against mine with swift strokes.

He grunted. “Oh, bella, now. I’m going to come. Fuck.” He closed his eyes for the first time and tossed his head back as he shoved deep inside me. Another thrust and warmth filled me. Several more and his release dripped between my legs and between my cheeks, causing me to tighten around him. He moaned.

I did it again. And again, milking him of his release.

Tiny gasps left his lips each time. “Fuck. That feels so good.”

I smiled at him.

The one he returned eclipsed mine. “I love you, Elaine.” He pulled out, and I immediately felt the rush of moisture. A sexy hum left his throat as he looked down and inspected me. “Hang on, I got something for that.” He reached into the back and pulled out a large towel with pink and gray dolphins emblazoned on it. He ripped the tags from it and wiped at my dripping sex.

I chuckled and grabbed the other end of the towel. “The dolphins are a cute touch.”

“I wasn’t exactly picky. Just wait… they match your new outfit perfectly.” He winked and rummaged through the bag some more. “I just hope I guessed right on the size and you don’t end up strapping me to the roof rack for the rest of the ride.” He placed two bottles of water in the cup holders, and two pairs of shoes on the floor.

He retrieved another towel and stared at me. “Ladies first.”