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Match Day (Adventures INK Book 1) by Mercy Celeste (17)


“Come on, slowpoke, we’re going to miss the boat,” Brian called back as he raced down the quay. The gangplank was being removed as they ran. He carried the bag packed full of souvenirs with Zack huffing behind him with the luggage. The ship’s horn sounded. The attendants at the port door, waved at them to hurry. Brian stopped at the bottom of the gangplank to wait for Zack. If Zack was left behind, then Brian was staying with him, that’s just all there was to it. The horn sounded again just as Zack reached the gangplank. Brian pushed him ahead and followed him into the ship as the ship started to move away from the quay.

“That was damned close.” Zack laughed, his face glowing with sweat and happiness. He showed their boarding documents to the attendants and collapsed against a wall inside. Two more people came in behind them, and the door closed. Anyone still browsing through the shops in the customs center was now SOL.

“Too damned close,” Brian agreed, leaning over with his hands on his knees to catch his breath. “But fun.”

Zack looked up at him, an incredulous smile on his face. “You have an odd notion of fun.”

“What? You never wanted to take a running leap onto a ship like they do in the movies?” Brian tried to keep from laughing when he was still winded.

“Depends on the movie I suppose. And I didn’t see anyone with guns chasing us.”

“So, it must be the romantic type of movie in which the love of our lives is getting away and we must declare our feelings,” he said, and the laughter stopped. Zack stood up straight and started for the elevator. The joy sucked out of the day with one stupid comment.

Brian hefted the heavy suitcase, which hadn’t been that heavy when they left the ship yesterday, and followed Zack. He found him standing beside the elevator, the call light hadn’t been activated. He was just standing there.

Brian punched the up button and stood quietly beside his friend. There was nothing to say. Not after last night. Or this morning. Or making love into the early hours and sleeping late then exploring the historic parts of the city and some more shopping. He thought they were past this part of their story.

The couple who came in behind them joined them to wait for the elevator. All four of them stood in awkward silence while the elevator slowly made its way down. Zack reached for his hand, startling him. Brian drew in a deep breath, but didn’t say anything. He laced his fingers with Zack’s and tried not to read too much into things. The elevator opened and Zack led him inside. He punched their floor and waited for the couple to follow them in. They didn’t.

Brian noticed the hard glare from the man. He tried not to let it bother him.

“Going up?” Zack held the door button.

“We’ll catch the next one, thanks,” the man replied in a tight voice.

“Suit yourself,” Zack said and let the doors close. Brian dropped the bag onto the floor and winced, thinking about the glass bottles of liquor he had stashed in there. The back of the shimmering gold doors may as well have been a mirror. Brian could see the anger brewing in Zack’s eyes, his face hard as stone. He could see his own face and didn’t like what he saw. Fear. He’d let it get to him. The judgmental assholes of the world had never bothered him before. And now… he couldn’t hold his boyfriend’s hand without some asshole giving him the fucking evil eye.

He closed his eyes and tried to shake it off. He tried not to let that shit get to him. He didn’t expect to hit the wall of the elevator, but that’s where he found himself, pressed hard against the side with Zack holding him up with his entire body. He didn’t expect the anger he saw burning in Zack’s eyes to be directed at him. Hell, he’d never seen Zack angry. Not really angry. Not this kind of angry. He started to apologize for the assholes, but didn’t get a word out before Zack’s mouth slashed against his. Brian whimpered and clutched at Zack’s shoulders as the kiss went from something born of anger and humiliation to something tender. His lips burned Brian’s, scorching his skin everywhere Zack kissed him. From his mouth to his jaw and down his throat. Brian groaned and melted against his lover, letting Zack lift him off his feet and press their bodies together. He was hard. As hard as Brian was. His skin so damned hot Brian thought he would be burned to a cinder.

The elevator dinged and Zack stepped away so fast Brian’s knees buckled and his brain was mush. A group of sunburned girls bounced onto the elevator and pushed a floor just beneath theirs. They still had five more floors to go. Standing in an elevator with a raging hard-on… and a bunch of teenage girls, as if this was some twisted version of hell on earth.

Zack took his hand again and squeezed. He was breathing hard. He didn’t look at Brian as they counted floors.

Two floors left… “Thank you for jumping onto this ship for me,” Zack whispered just loud enough for Brian to hear. “You might not have come to stop me from making the biggest mistake of my life, but you were here when it mattered most. I guess if I had to be stuck on the honeymoon from hell, then I’m happy it’s been with you.”

The girls got off on their floor. Brian’s heart pounded for the two minutes it took to get to their floor. Zack had the room key in his hand as he dragged Brian from the elevator. Brian forgot the bag and let go long enough to grab it. The hallway was suspiciously empty as they half-jogged for their room. Zack opened the door and took the bag, dropping everything on the floor. He slammed it behind them and pressed Brian against it in one motion. Brian wrapped his arms around Zack’s neck and spread his feet, allowing Zack to lift him up until his toes barely touched the floor. The fire burning in Zack’s eyes hot enough to melt Brian’s shoes and everything in between. His kiss scorched Brian’s mouth. Zack grabbed him behind his knees and lifted him higher, pinning him to the door. Brian wrapped his legs around Zack’s waist and held on for dear life. Zack in a pissed off rage was hot as fuck.

Zack ground his hips into Brian as if he were trying to shove him through the wall. Brian pulled at his hair and scraped his hands down Zack’s back, the thin material of his tank shirt covering too much skin. He needed to rip the clothes off and… Zack groaned into his mouth, his body going rigid in Brian’s arms. Brian slammed his head into the door, but Zack wouldn’t let him break the kiss. He screamed into Zack’s mouth and came in his shorts.

The kiss never stopped, it went from frenzied, to soft as Zack held him while they both trembled in each other’s arms. The room was cold and smelled fresher than it had in days. It seemed strange to be back. Brian let his head fall back against the door, this time without the thud, to study Zack’s face as he slowly came back to reality. Zack blinked a couple of times, but didn’t drop Brian to the floor and step away. He sighed, his breath hot and banana Daiquiri scented. Brian could stay just like this for a lifetime if given the choice. He didn’t know what to say or what to ask. He was terrified of saying anything, and bringing this fantasy to a screeching halt. “Marry me?” He heard the words, but hadn’t seen Zack’s lips move.

“What?” Zack’s lips moved, this time, the question on his lips echoed in his eyes.

Brian lay against the door, he couldn’t catch his breath, his skin seemed to shrink over his bones, he felt like he was on fire. He closed his eyes and shook his head as if the words hadn’t come from his mouth. From his soul. “Never mind. Stupid idea.”

Zack should have stepped away. That was his cue. Pretend it never happened and step the hell away and go back to being awkward as fuck with each other while they fucked each other for two more days then go their separate ways.

“No,” Zack said, his voice sounded strange. Like he was trying to speak with marbles in his mouth or something. He dragged his hands up Brian’s body to cup his face in his hands. “Repeat what you said.”

Brian opened his eyes and blinked. Zack’s face was only a fraction of an inch away from his, he could see himself reflected in Zack’s glassy gaze. He swallowed hard and tried to make himself calm down. Just say it. For real this time. “Marry me.” It wasn’t a proposal. He was begging. He could hear it in his voice. The hurt he’d locked away since Zack had called him two years ago to tell him he’d proposed to… he shook off the unwanted thought before it could hurt him more. “Say something. Please.”

Zack sucked in a long, ragged breath and blinked. The glassy shimmer in his eyes seeped from the sides and ran down his jawline. Brian wiped the tears away and tried not to let the tingling behind his own eyes become something he couldn’t control. He failed. “I’ve loved you forever, Zack, just say something.”

Zack closed his eyes and tilted his head until their foreheads touched. He vibrated under Brian’s hands as if he were fighting off another panic attack. He dragged in one more wet gurgling gasp of breath and nodded. “Yes. Okay. Yes.”

Brian sagged against him, the tears he’d been holding back coming now. He didn’t care. He wrapped his arms around Zack and held on while he fell apart. “Tomorrow. In the Keys.”

Zack nodded and buried his face in Brian’s neck. He was sloppy wet when Zack finally let go of him. “Okay. Okay. Okay,” he repeated absently, letting Brian’s feet touch the floor. “I think I came in my briefs.”

“It’s our honeymoon. That’s what people do on their honeymoon… isn’t it?” Brian wasn’t trying to be sarcastic. He’d stopped thinking of this as his sister’s… trip… days ago. He’d stopped thinking of Zack as anything but his. “Join me in the shower, Doctor Sorensen?”

Zack blinked rapidly as if he’d lost his train of thought. He didn’t answer. He looked around the room and laughed. Brian followed his gaze to the bed to find an elephant shaped towel sitting beside their laundered and folded clothing that had been piled in the closet when they left.

“That will make packing so much easier.” Zack started stripping off the clothes he’d worn to run through the sun and humidity and that one brief rain shower chasing Brian through forts and streets where pirates once walked. Drinking rum drinks and buying shit they wouldn’t ever need for no reason other than it was there. He even bought his younger sister something. He’d probably never give it to her. She’d hate him forever. She’d think he did all of this on purpose.

He blinked and looked up to find Zack staring at him with concern in his eyes. He’d have to tell him the truth. He owed Zack the truth. He didn’t owe Ronnie anything, but he didn’t want to hurt Zack and the truth would kill him.

“What?” Zack asked him as he dropped his shirt on the floor near the bed. There was a wet spot on the front of his shorts. A wide wet spot that caught Brian’s gaze. He’d done that to Zack. He’d made him come like that.

“Nothing. You’ve got a huge cum stain on your shorts.” He grinned and snatched his shirt over his head tossing it to join Zack’s on the floor.

“So do you,” Zack said, his tone a mixture of embarrassment and pride.

Brian dropped to his knees in front of Zack and undid his shorts, peeling down the cum filled briefs inside until he found heated skin underneath. He looked up at Zack and licked the sticky fluid from his belly, ending up with Zack’s dick in his mouth. Zack spread his feet wide and grabbed a handful of hair, his eyes hooded with desire, his mouth slack as Brian reminded him exactly what people did on their honeymoon.

* * * * *

That guy, Gary, sat down at the table across from him and Zack gave him an irritated glance. He hadn’t seen him since the first night and thought he’d forgotten all about Brian. “What’s shakin’ bacon?” Gary said, slurring his words.

It wasn’t late and the guy was already drunk. And nearly naked. Zack had to admit he had an impressive body and an even more impressive package tucked into a pair of skimpy Speedos that he shouldn’t be wearing in public.

“That is the stupidest…” Zack stopped talking, he wasn’t irritated. Nope. Not irritated. Or jealous. At. All. Just some guy who’d hit on his husband… he stopped again, the word making his brain sputter to a stop.

Was it just this afternoon that Brian had proposed? They weren’t married. Maybe when Brian sobered up and remembered that post fuck conversation they never would be but Zack remembered it. Too many Daiquiris or not, he remembered running for the ship because they’d lost track of time, and Brian asked him to marry him with his heart in his eyes.

“Where’s Prince Harry?” Gary looked around the crowded pool deck, past hot bodies in suits as skimpy as his, for the one man he wasn’t taking home this trip.

“Getting drinks. What can I do for you, Gary?” Zack leaned back in the chair and slipped his sunglasses up on top of his head. It was dark outside, but the ship was lit up too brightly and the strobes were bothering him, making him feel seasick. Or scared. He might be terrified out of his goddamned mind.

“Tell me where your friend went, dude, and I’ll leave you to whatever it is you’re doing out here.” Gary propped a foot over his knee, exposing his incredible package to Zack’s not exactly unappreciative gaze.

“Husband,” Zack answered flicking his gaze up to Gary’s face for his reaction. “Prince Harry is my husband. We’re on our honeymoon. Get the memo… Gary. He’s not interested.” Maybe he was, Zack couldn’t speak for Brian, not really. But he trusted Brian not to lie to him.

“I heard my name,” Brian said coming up behind him, he leaned over Zack’s shoulder to plant a kiss on his mouth. “Miss me, baby?”

Zack turned his face up to welcome a full mouth kiss from his future husband. The word tripped through his mind way too easily. His belly fluttered every time he thought the word. Brian’s tongue swept into his mouth and Zack forgot everything he’d ever known.

Brian smiled against his mouth when he broke the kiss and handed Zack a bottle of beer. “No more banana Daiquiris. Hey, Larry, how’s it hanging?”

Zack slid his glasses back on his face and glared at Gary over the rims. “Doesn’t seem to be hanging much at all,” he said surprising himself. And Brian as well, he snorted as he settled in the chair beside Zack and rested his hand on Zack’s thigh, almost possessively.

“It’s Gary.” Gary looked between them as if he were trying to figure out which one of them was trying to pull one over on him. “You two didn’t act married a couple nights ago.”

“It’s that you weren’t listening to the not interested I was throwing off,” Brian replied quickly, leaning over almost as if he was going to whisper something to the man. “And I’m still not interested. And neither is Zack.”

Zack looked up as a shadow passed over the interloper. A gorgeous man with black hair just starting to go silver around the edges casually rested his hand on Gary’s shoulder. “There you two are, haven’t seen you around in a couple of nights. How’s the trip going?”

“Not bad, we’ve been busy. How about for you guys? Ever find that something extra you were missing?” Brian smiled up at the man and Zack recognized him as the one who’d played tonsil hockey with Brian the night he got so drunk he threw up. Brian’s gaze drifted down to Gary sitting there giving him a look that said he wasn’t believing a word they said. “This is my friend, Larry. He’s here alone.”

“It’s Gary. G-A-R-Y. Gary.” He huffed out an exasperated breath and stood up as if he were planning to waltz away in a huff. He slinked out of the chair, nearly tumbling into the older man. His eyes going round as he followed the cut torso up to a gorgeous face. “Hi, I’m Gary,” his tone changed as he held out his hand. “And you are?”

“Anthony, nice to meet you Gary. My husband, Mike is just getting us drinks, would you like something?” Anthony casually brushed long fingers across Gary’s shoulder and down his arm to toy with his wrist. “I bet you’re a Pina Colada type, aren’t you? Let’s go meet Mike, and let the newlyweds enjoy their night, shall we?” Anthony was smooth as goddamn silk. Zack lifted his bottle to hide his grin. Brian just sat there with his mouth agape as they walked away.

“Oh, Prince Harry, happy it worked out for you,” Anthony called back over his shoulder and gave Brian a little wink before he glanced over to Zack.

Brian swallowed his drink wrong and nearly choked. “Why are they calling me Prince Harry? Is there some sign on me that I don’t see? I mean, if it was just that guy Larry—”

“Gary,” Zack said, laughing as he watched Brian sputter for a moment. “His name is Gary.”

“What. The. Fuck. Ever. But no way Silver Fox heard him ask where Prince Harry was. I was at least ten feet away and just barely heard it. I didn’t see him around anywhere.” Brian threw up his hands in confusion.

Zack laughed again and waved his hand in front of Brian’s face then pointed. “You’re a dead ringer, didn’t you know?”

Brian looked at him as if he’d lost his goddamned mind. “I so fucking do not look anything like… that… You really think so?” Brian sputtered some more.

Zack nodded. “You honestly never noticed the double takes you get?”

Brian shook his head, surprise written all over his face. “So… is that why guys like that Barry flock to me? I’ve always wondered. It’s not like I put out these vibes you know. I don’t dress well. I don’t have money. I just… whenever I walk into a club… oh… Oh!” Brian sighed and turned a slight shade of pink. A half-smile appeared on his face, his gaze darted to Zack and pinned him to the spot. “You used to have a Prince Harry shrine back in school. I remember it. What the hell man? I thought you were straight. I thought you… I knew it… you only love me because I’m royalty. I knew it. I knew it. I just knew it.”

It was Zach’s turn to blush and look away. He couldn’t hide the smile at the memory. He’d never really understood his infatuation. Now maybe he did. “Strange coincidence.”

Brian crooked his finger and wiggled it for Zack to lean over. Zack humored him and leaned close enough to kiss his lover for being so damned adorable. Brian didn’t try to kiss him, instead, he whispered, “You used to beat off to the prince, didn’t you?” And Zack blushed harder feeling the flames all the way to his toes.

He leaned in to whisper back, “I beat off thinking about you. Or I let you beat me off because I was too… I don’t know… I didn’t know I was gay. Okay. I didn’t know it was…” he had no idea what to say now. He couldn’t explain any of it away. “I know that I wanted to do everything we did. I know that I needed to be with you. I know that you wanted me. I never thought it was dirty or wrong. I just didn’t know we could do more. Or be more. I think maybe I’m—”

“Not that sharpest knife in the drawer.” Brian cupped his chin and held him for a kiss. “I knew that, a long time ago. Smart as a box rocks this one is.”

Zack kissed him back, he didn’t care that they were out in public. Or that this wasn’t strictly an LGBT sponsored event. If guys like Gary could walk around in Speedos then he could kiss his… husband. “But you love me anyway, right? You’re not marrying me because I’m a Mensa candidate, right?”

“I’m marrying you because you’re hot, and I want to suck your dick. For life. If that’s an okay reason.” Brian smiled like he was kidding. He most likely wasn’t. Zack shivered. “Come dance with me. I need to let these assholes know you’re taken.”

“I don’t know how to dance.” Zack shivered again, he placed his hand in Brian’s and followed him out onto the floor in front of the DJ and let Brian wrap his arms around his neck. Zack put his arms around Brian’s waist. The music slowed down some, not much. It wasn’t really a song in which you dance close enough to know what each other was thinking without a single word. But they were dancing damned close, and Brian was thinking some very dirty thoughts.

“You’re doing a good job of not knowing how to dance,” Brian said, brushing his lips across Zack’s ear lobe. Zack shivered again. Violently. “Just hold me, Zack, and don’t think too much.”

“What if I think I want to go back to the room and try this without so many people watching… with less clothing.” Zack’s stomach flutters turned into full-blown butterflies.

“I don’t know, is it okay for the groom to see the groom naked before the wedding?” Brian grabbed his hand and started pulling him from the floor so fast that they bumped into people. Anthony and a shorter swarthier guy had Gary sandwiched between them, Zack noticed when they passed by. None of them paid Brian the slightest bit of attention and Brian didn’t seem to know they existed.

Zack stopped and pulled Brian back. He felt his chest clench tight. “You really aren’t interested in any of these other guys, are you?”

Brian reached over and pulled Zack’s glasses off his face and tucked them into the collar of his shirt. He took Zack’s hands in his and looked him in the eye. “The only man… strike that… the only person on this ship that I have any interest in is the one standing right in front of me. And don’t you dare look around. I’m looking at you. Because I love you. I’m not interested in what those guys want. I’m not interested in playing the field. I’m interested in you. Just you.”

Zack couldn’t take his eyes off Brian. He’d changed since they were kids. There were laugh lines around his eyes now. His eyebrows were a pale orangey yellow from the sun. His beard grew in a deep shade of red that was darker than the rest of the hair on his body. His face was… beautiful.

Zack dropped one of Brian’s hands to fish in his pocket. He clutched the small box and slowly knelt on one knee. “I know you asked me earlier. I know it was spur of the moment. I said yes. I just… when you were still in the bar this afternoon, I found this jewelry store and I don’t know why. But I bought these. And I’ve been thinking about it for a while… it should have been you. All along. It should have been you.” He didn’t say the words. Brian had already said everything that needed saying. He held out the little box and opened the lid. Two silver bands nestled together in the fake velvet. Brian covered his mouth with his hands. He looked strangely surprised. As if they’d never had the conversation this afternoon. As if this was a surprise. “Please don’t change your mind.”

“I’m not changing my mind. And you didn’t have to ask. I just… they’re beautiful.” Brian’s voice broke, his eyes glistened in the strobing lights. “Okay… yes. I know we said tomorrow. It doesn’t have to be. If you want to wait. We can… for family.”

“I have no family to wait for,” Zack said, feeling his chest grow even tighter. He didn’t know where he was going to be next week. They shouldn’t be doing this now. Not with his future in doubt, and he didn’t want Brian to give up the life he loved to come play Mister Doctor with him. None of that mattered right now. “We can for your family.”

Brian shook his head and brushed away the tears that shimmered in his eyes. He didn’t say what Zack feared. They wouldn’t approve. He held out his hands and dragged Zack off his knee and into a hug. “Tomorrow,” he whispered before kissing him.

Zack closed his eyes and fell into the kiss. No matter what the future held, he finally had the one person that ever mattered. And that’s the only thing that he’d ever wanted.