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Melancholy (Jokers' Wrath MC Book 2) by Bella Jewel (13)

2014 – Santana

The first gunshot that’s fired hits the car tires, sending the driver into a panic. He speaks very little English and starts rambling in a language I don’t understand, but thankfully he doesn’t stop when I scream. I throw myself onto the floor, jerking my phone out of my jeans. God, I’m such an idiot.

I try Maddox’s number. No answer.


Another shot rings out, causing the car to swerve and slam into an oncoming truck. A loud crunch and a jerk sends my phone soaring out of my hand. A scream rips from my throat as half of the car is crushed in. The blaring sounds of horns and screaming fill the small space. I have to get out of here; they’re going to kill me if I don’t.

I lift my head just enough to see we’re near some alleys. If I get out and run . . . I don’t think, I just do. I unbuckle my seatbelt and throw the door open, hitting the pavement with a thump. Pain rips up my body as I roll towards the sidewalk. Another shot rings out, missing me through the chaos. I have seconds to get out of sight.

Skin is torn off my legs as I shove my body up and run towards the alley. I disappear down the dark space, crying out as I trip and stumble over unknown objects. I run as hard and as fast as I can, my sneakers pounding, my body aching, and my heart racing.

Cars screech at the end of the alley, and I hear shouted voices. God, they’re so close. I run harder, ducking out onto the next street and running towards the closest thing I can. Our local store. It’s huge, kind of like Wal-Mart, so I know I can hide well enough in, near, or around it. I decide to go with around it, being that the most obvious choice would be for me to go inside.

I duck around the back, only giving a quick glance behind me. I can’t see anyone, but I can still hear shouted voices. They’ll appear only seconds after me, of that I don’t doubt. I rush through the parking lot and around the back of the building. I see a heap of old bins, but decide to go with the thick bushes surrounding the building.

I shove myself into one, crying in pain as the branches damage my skin even further. My knees and hands are burning in ways I’ve never felt them burn before. I push right to the back of the bushes and press myself against the wall, ducking as low as I can. Then I pray, I pray because I know if these men get hold of me, I’m dead.

Voices fill my silent space only two or three minutes later. I press my hands over my mouth to steady out my breathing in an attempt to quieten it down as I’m panting from my run. I close my eyes and stay as still as I can, not wanting to rustle one leaf. The sound of boots crunching over the pavement gets closer and closer, until I can clearly hear voices.

“She go inside?” one of them barks.

“I think she did, man,” another says.

A snort. “Bet she’s in the fuckin’ bins.”

Breathe. In and out. Don’t make a sound. Please don’t let them find me, oh God, please . . . don’t let them find me.

“She ain’t in the bins. I’m sure she went inside. If she was fuckin’ smart she would have, probably callin’ the cops. We need to get outta here.”

“Kent will be fuckin’ pissed if we don’t come back with her.”

“She’s fuckin’ gone; the bitch can run fast. If the cops show up, we’re fucked. We’re meant to kill her, not get ourselves locked up.”

“Fine, but you’re fuckin’ breakin’ the news that the bitch missed our bullets once again.”

“Yeah, fuckin’ yeah.”

My bottom lip trembles in relief as they disappear. God, they sound so like the Jokers’ in the way they speak and act, it’s scary. To others, is that how Maddox and the guys look?

I sit in the bushes for an hour, my body seizing, my heart aching with fear. I stand slowly, waiting, just waiting for them to pop out with their guns trained on me. They’re not there, though. I manage to get out of the bushes with no harm. I peer around the side of the building, and there aren’t a lot of cars left, being the hour of night it is.

I decide to stick to the back road running behind the store, walking down the dark stretch until I find a main drag far enough away that I feel safe. My legs and hands are aching, and when I pass streetlights, I see the bloody mess I’ve made of them. When I reach a line of cabs, I rush over quickly and jump into one, waiting with fear to see if bullets ring out.

They don’t.

I give the driver Maddox’s address, and he doesn’t even notice me as he drives out. Thank God, he might have thrown me out, or worse, called the cops. I sit in silence the entire way and when the driver pulls up, I pull a twenty from my jeans pockets, grateful I always keep one in my pants. I’ve learned that lesson the hard way.

The driver still doesn’t glance at me as he snatches the money and I get out. He drives off and I rush towards Maddox’s house, stopping when I see Tyke and Austin standing watch. Their eyes fall on me, and Tyke wheels himself closer, his face twisted with rage. “What the fuck, Sant . . .”

His voice trails off when I step into the light.

“Motherfucker, MADDOX!”

Austin rushes inside the house as I finally let the tears fall. All I wanted to do was see Maddox, I didn’t . . . God, I didn’t realize it was this bad. Tyke reaches out, putting an arm around my hips as he forces me closer to the house, his eyes darting about with concern.

“What. The. Fuck?”

Maddox’s voice comes out like an icy whip, lashing against my skin and making my tears flow harder. I turn towards him, and his eyes widen with shock and pure rage.

“I . . .”

“Where’s Mack?” he barks, looking around. “What happened?”

“I . . .”

“Well?” he roars.

“I snuck out!” I cry. “They . . . they shot at me . . .”

“Get inside,” he bellows, so loudly I flinch. “Fuckin’ now.”

Oh God. I rush past him and into the house. My eyes blur with angry tears as I run towards the bathroom.


His voice, like a damned acid-filled bullet, has me stopping and turning halfway up the stairs.

“Get. Down. Here. Now.”

God, he’s so angry. With shaky legs, I turn and walk down the stairs, trying hard to even out my breathing. My tears have stopped, and I’m filled with a mix of anger and fear.

“Get on the fuckin’ couch!”

I do as he asks, sitting down on the couch. I stare down at my knees and a pained wince comes out as I clearly see the damage done. This takes gravel rash to a whole new level. I’ve got chunks of blood and road all over my knees. My hands are no better.

Maddox says nothing as he pulls out his phone.

“Mack!” he barks. “Missin’ something?”

“This isn’t his fault!” I cry, trying to stand. His hand goes to my shoulder and shoves me back down.

“You fuckin’ let her out into the night to get fuckin’ shot at.”

Mack is roaring something on the other end of the phone. I flinch, hating that this ended so badly. I didn’t think about Mack when I found the determination to come and see Maddox. I didn’t think about how it would affect him.

“Fuck you, bro,” Maddox hisses.

Mack says something that has Maddox’s face scrunching in pure rage.

“You fuckin’ watch your fuckin’ . . .”

Obviously Mack hangs up, because Maddox hurls the phone across the room and then spins to me.

“What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you think I’m fuckin’ joking when I fuckin’ say that you’re in fuckin’ danger?”

His voice has me flinching with fear. God, I’ve never seen him so angry.

“You selfish, spoiled little fuckin’ brat!”

Another flinch.

“Austin!” he roars.

The young prospect rushes in. “Yeah?”

“Clean her the fuck up. I can’t look at her.”

Then he turns and charges down into the basement where I know he’s got a boxing bag that he takes his anger out on. I turn to Austin, my mouth opening but quickly closing again. What is there to say? I’m a God damned fool and I deserve this.


Austin cleans me up, and then goes and waits outside. I sit on the couch, staring at the basement door. I’ve heard Maddox’s angry thump, thump, thumps as he pounds into his boxing bag. I know I need to go down there, but what do I say? Maybe the truth . . . Yeah, that would be a good plan.

I shove to my feet, groaning in pain at the stiff, achy feeling that radiates through my knees and hands. I hesitantly make my way down to the basement. The noise gets louder and louder as I edge closer. I see the bag flying around before I see Maddox, but when I do lay my eyes on him, I gasp.

God, he’s angry.

His huge body is covered in a fine sheen of sweat. He’s taken his shirt off, and is only wearing his jeans. His fists are bloody and broken, and his face is a twisted mass of rage. He looks so scarily stunning. He notices me before I can open my mouth, his blue eyes cutting through me like razor blades.

“I fucked up.”

Thump, thump, thump.

“I’m sorry, Maddox. I just . . . I wanted to see you.”

Thump, thump, thump.

“I shouldn’t have done it, I deserved everything I got.”

Thump, thump, thump.

“For fuck’s sake!” I scream, losing my shit. He pauses for a minute, but resumes his thumping. I resume my yelling. “You pissed and moaned about me dating Alec, you made it clear you didn’t like it, you put your . . . body all over mine, and we have a big-ass moment, and then you switched off. You just fucking switched off. You don’t get the right to do that, you giant . . . fuckhead.”

He stops hitting and stares at me, his face expressionless.

“You done?”

“No!” I snap. “I’m not done. I came out tonight because you haven’t spoken to me for three days. I’m tired of this fucking game we continue to play. You either want me, or you don’t. Make up your fucking mind. If you decide you don’t, then stay the fuck out of my business.”

He’s in front of me in a flash, causing me to take two quick steps back. His eyes flash with rage as he glares down at me.

“You could have gotten yourself killed, because you don’t fuckin’ listen.”

“I know that,” I say, keeping my voice strong.

We stare at each other for long, long moments, saying nothing, but feeling everything.

“You touched me,” I say, my voice low and broken. “You made me feel incredible after he . . .” My voice wavers, “hurt me. And now you’re treating me like I don’t matter.”

His face softens, but it’s still so hard. He says nothing, but I can see the internal battle going on inside him. For whatever reason he’s holding back, and I’m tired of it. I’m tired of dancing around this. I take a step forward and reach up, placing my hand on his damp, hard chest. He flinches, and his eyes close.

“Maddox,” I breathe. “Stop hiding from me. You want this as much as I do. I can feel it.”

His lips thin out, his jaw flexes, and his eyes remain closed. I step even closer, pressing my lips to his skin. I let my tongue slide out, tasting the salt. I let out a little, satisfied moan and step even closer until our bodies are molded together. He doesn’t move; he’s stiff as a damned brick wall.

I don’t back down, though.

I press my open mouth against his chest, and blow hot puffs of air against his skin. He shudders, but still, his hands aren’t on me. He’s not pushing me away though, so I’m not going to stop. I gently lower my body down his, sliding my mouth over his abs which are super hard from his work out.

I reach his jeans and take the top button, trying to ignore the pain in my knees as I squat. I can’t lean on them; this is the best I can do. I’ve always wondered what it would feel like to have a man’s cock in my mouth, and now is my chance for that. I undo the top button, my heart quickening at the realization of what I’m about to do.

No words are shared between us as I slowly lower his zip. His cock is hard. I can see it straining against his jeans. Yum. I lower the top of the denim just enough for him to spring free. God, he’s huge. I stare at the long, thick length in front of me for a minute, before reaching up and wrapping my fist around it. I try not to wince in pain at the movement of my bandaged hand, and I pray I don’t hurt him with it.

He finally hisses.

I guess it doesn’t hurt.

His hands are clenched by his sides, and he’s panting, both from his exercise and what we’re doing. I lean in close, breathing him in. Slightly salty, all man. I slide my tongue out, shivering when it touches the soft, silky skin. He growls, low and deep. I lick around the crown of his cock, before tilting my head, and slipping him into my mouth.

“Fuck,” he snarls, finally speaking.

I suck, feeling my lips stretch around his impressive length. His hands twitch, and he finally raises one to my hair, tangling it through the lengths and tugging softly. I take him deeper, sucking my cheeks in to give him the best I can. He hisses and groans, jerking his hips forward. I swirl, suck and lick, until he’s rasping my name. He takes my arms suddenly, pulling me to my feet.

His lips crush down over mine, and he kisses me with such ferocity it takes my breath away. I shake, melting into him, pulling his hips closer and loving how heavy his cock feels against my belly.

“No more wasting time,” I whisper against his mouth. “I want you to fuck me, Maddox.”

“Fuck,” he breathes. “You’re fuckin’ killin’ me.”

He backs me up until my body is pressed against the cold concrete walls. I whimper as he runs his hands up my sides, causing little goose bumps to break out over my skin. His fingers knead my flesh as he moves up, reaching for my shirt. He lifts it and removes it quickly, before making light work of my pants and underwear.

Soon, I’m fully naked in his arms. He lowers his head, capturing a nipple between his teeth and rolling it about. The stiff peak almost hurts it’s so damned hard. I cry out, but it’s not in pain, it’s in pure pleasure. Maddox clutches me with a ferocity and passion that has my heart pounding so hard it hurts.

He puts a hand to my belly and slowly lowers to his knees, using that hand to hold me against the wall. With his other hand, he takes my leg and lifts it up and over his shoulder. Heat floods my cheeks as I realize what he’s about to do. He doesn’t allow for protest, because his mouth is against my pussy in mere seconds.

“Oh God,” I cry out, arching towards him.

His mouth devours me, every stroke like fire against my exposed core. His tongue goes up to lazily circle my clit, while his finger gathers the moisture at my opening, rubbing it up and down, up and down, preparing me. Just as I start to clench with pleasure, he slips one finger inside me.

I squirm, feeling a slight burn as he rotates it around, stretching me, preparing me for what I know is coming. He keeps sucking my clit, bringing the pleasure to the surface again. I’m mumbling his name through moans, and God, he looks good down there, his big body crouched, devouring mine. When his finger is slick with my arousal, he slides a second in.

“M-M-Maddox,” I whimper.

He says nothing, he just holds his finger still while he continues to lick and suck my aching nub. Finally, when I’ve stopped clenching around him, he moves his fingers gently until they’re sliding effortlessly into my pussy. He tilts them, rubbing over a bundle of nerves inside me that has my knees going weak.

Then he stops, pulling his fingers out and removing his mouth. He stands, steadying me with one hand while the other strokes his cock, preparing it. “You’re goin’ to come around my cock,” he breathes. “Not my fingers.”

I stare at the thick length, then back at the blue eyes I trust so much. He reaches into his jeans pocket and pulls out a condom, tearing the packet with his teeth and rolling it down his length. He doesn’t take his eyes off mine, and I know he can see how nervous I am.

“It’s gonna burn, baby,” he says, lifting my leg and putting it around his hip. “But it won’t burn for long.”

I nod, biting my lower lip as he gently pushes up. His head probes my opening, encouraging it to take him. I close my eyes, terrified after my last ordeal. Maddox is gentle, though, pushing in slowly. His entire body is straining, and I know it’s hard for him, but he doesn’t hurry it up.

My pussy stretches around his length, burning and protesting as he fills me deeper. “I’m in, honey,” he rasps. “Fuck. You’re so fuckin’ tight.”

I open my eyes and stare at him. He looks so incredible, looming over me. I stare down at our bodies, joined for the first time, and my heart warms. I didn’t realize until this moment just how much I’ve wanted this. Maddox slowly pulls out, sending a fresh burst of pain through my body, before sliding back in. He does this over and over, so slowly, so beautifully, until finally I grip his arms, my breath coming out in short bursts.

“F-f-f-fuck me.”

He makes a low, throaty sound and gradually picks up the pace, thrusting his hips in and out, warming me, filling me. I whimper, my fingernails sliding into the flesh on his shoulders as I tilt my pelvis up to take him deeper. Our moans tangle together, increasing as his hips thrust harder and faster.

Until finally, he’s fucking me.

And God, does Maddox fuck good. His big powerful body is overwhelming in the best way, surrounding me, all hot and hard. His muscles flex as he moves his hips so skillfully it sends me climbing higher and higher, my body burning for more. His mouth is everywhere—on my throat, on my nipples, and his finger is on my clit, rubbing and stroking.

“Maddox,” I cry out. “Oh God. Yes.”

“Hang on for me, baby,” he rasps. “Hang on.”

He fucks me harder. His fingers on my hips will no doubt leave bruises. His cock swells inside me, and he barks out, “Now, come now.”

I was already there before the last word left his lips. I come hard, so hard my world goes white for just a moment. I’ve never felt something so incredible in all my life. My pussy hugs his dick, clenching and unclenching, milking his cock. His bellows are deep and throaty, the veins on his neck bulging as he releases into me.

I come down from my high first, dropping my head into his chest. My God, that was everything I ever dreamed and more. He runs his hand down my back softly, before slowly pulling out of me. “You hurtin’?” he croaks, his voice husky.

I shake my head, even though I am a little sore.

“You’re a bad liar,” he murmurs, pulling the condom off and tying it, before throwing it in a nearby trash can. “Come on, lets get you cleaned up.”

He takes my hand, pulling me close to him. His lips rest on my forehead for a moment before he helps me get dressed. We walk up the stairs and towards the bathroom, where I get undressed all over again. I’m not complaining though, not even a little bit.

Because I spend the next half an hour running my hands all over Maddox’s hot, wet body.




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