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Mountain of Masks (Shrouded Thrones Book 2) by Jeanne Hardt (24)

Chapter 24

A combination of frustrated murmurs and women weeping filled the great hall.

Sebastian held onto Olivia, who trembled in his grasp.

Every mask had been shed, and no music played. Everyone waited for word on Marni’s condition, but death hovered in the air, and he feared the worst.

Enraged shouts filtered in from the hallway.

King Callum stormed into the room. “My daughter is dead, and my grandson with her!” He lifted his blood-stained hands high, displaying them for all to see. “They tried to save the child by cutting it from her body, while she lay dying!”

Olivia clutched Sebastian tighter.

The mumbling around them grew, and several women fainted.

Callum drew his sword. “Who did this?” he bellowed.

Sebastian’s father moved to the man’s side. “Why do you seek a guilty party? Everyone here witnessed what happened. Your daughter swooned and fell. No one struck her.”

Callum pointed his blade at his father’s chest. “She was poisoned!”

Loud gasps came from every corner of the room, and people shouted so many questions, none could be discerned.

Allana patted Sebastian’s arm. “These were on the floor not far from Princess Marni.” She handed him two mugs. “I picked them up so no one would trip over them.”

Callum whipped his head in Sebastian’s direction. “What have you there?”

Sebastian gently placed Olivia in Allana’s care and walked calmly toward the man. “My sister found these close to where your daughter fell.”

He eyed the empty cups, but did not take them. “Two empty mugs?” He leered with hate, all the while keeping his sword ready to strike. “Who gave these to her?” he yelled to the crowd.

An unknown woman stepped forward. “I was standing close to her before she fell.” Her chin quivered, and she sniffled. “A servant girl brought her one mug, and then . . .” She fanned her face. “A bearded man gave her another. He-he bumped into her and caused the first to fall.”

Callum lowered his sword, but did not sheathe it. “Are we all not bearded? What more can you say of this man?”

She shut her eyes, then opened them again and wiped away tears. “His mask bore purple feathers, like the one in Prince Sebastian’s hand.”


Callum lunged for Sebastian, but his father stepped between them. The tip of Callum’s sword sliced across his father’s cheek, just below his right eye.

“No!” Olivia yelled and rushed to Sebastian’s side. “Stop this!”

Jonah and Severin arrived instantaneously with drawn weapons and positioned themselves defensively in front of them.

The sound of unsheathed swords rang out like a death song.

“You killed her!” Callum spit at Sebastian’s feet. “Your jealousy of your cousin drove you to it!”

“That is a lie!” Sebastian held his ground, heart pounding. “I would never do such a thing!”

“You want the throne for yourself!” Callum raged. “Everyone in this room knows it to be true! You killed my daughter to destroy a rightful heir! My innocent grandson!”

Shouts of hate-filled acknowledgments came from everywhere. The horrendous allegation left Sebastian speechless, as well as furious. How could anyone think him capable of such an act?

“Frederick lies in mourning beside my dead daughter, weeping like no man should.” Callum had lowered his voice, but his pronounced anger remained. “My wife is so tormented, the healer had to give her herbs to calm her. By my right, I shall end you!”

Callum wildly swung his weapon, and Jonah met it with his own. His fierce strike sent the king stumbling backward.

“Enough of this!” Angeline marched into the room, glaring at everyone she passed. “I will not allow blood to be shed here!”

The crowd parted and she strode to the platform and faced them. She pointed a stiff finger at Callum. “Are you now the judge in my realm? All is not yet known!”

Callum stomped across the room, shaking his fists in the air. “You have no authority here!”

Angeline’s eyes shot fire. “No authority? I am princess of Thanwine! My brother, the king, lies abed with his new bride. Do you wish that I disturb him?”

“In light of murder, yes!”

Prince Varlan joined his sister on the platform. “I stand with Angeline. We know not of any crime. Princess Marni’s cup may have been tainted—the poisoning unintentional. Who in their right mind would commit such an act on this joyous occasion? We have no grievances with one another!”

“Bah!” Callum waved a hand at him. “Sebastian has grievance with every one of us! He asked us to accept his bride, and we denied him. He abhorrently acted out to repay our refusal!” He hopped onto the platform and faced the crowd. “I deserve his blood!”

“Guards!” Varlan barked.

Men in armor emerged from both corridors that led to the great hall.

Thanwine showed unexpected strength. Had this happened in Basilia, nowhere close to this number of sentries would have been at the ready.

Angeline leered at Callum. “Do you truly wish to pursue this now?”

“I want justice.” Callum jutted his chin, then slowly lowered his sword. “That being said, it is right for you to stop the shedding of blood here. There are women and children who do not need to bear witness to it.” He glared at Sebastian. “This is far from finished.”

Callum sheathed his weapon, stepped off the dais, and stormed from the room.

“He deserves justice!” a man yelled.

“And he shall have it!” Angeline countered. “All will be questioned, but for now, I suggest everyone retire to their chambers.” Her face puckered, and she looked as if she might crumble. “The celebration is no more.”

Tension reigned thicker than mud. Men of each realm gradually secured their swords.

Jonah and Severin kept their defensive stance until all weapons had been stashed.

“We should return home tonight,” Jonah whispered. “You are not safe here.”

Sebastian’s father rubbed his bleeding cheek. “Damn him for cutting me.”

Olivia whimpered and peered up at Sebastian. Their unspoken words said everything, but at least his father still breathed.

Sebastian’s heart had not calmed to any degree, and he kept a strong hold on Olivia. “I will not risk traveling in the dark. Severin, gather my sisters and bring them to my chamber. Post guards outside our door.” He turned to his father. “Mother retired early. Is she unwell?”

“She will be when she hears what transpired. But fear not, her door is well-guarded. I will go to her at once.” He gestured to two of his guards, and they all stalked away.

Olivia breathed heavily. “Are you certain he is safe?”

“They want my blood, not his.” He gave her a reassuring kiss on the forehead, but her worry lines remained. “You fear because of your dream. His face has been cut, and yet his beard is unchanged. He will not perish tonight.”

Olivia sadly nodded, then looked behind her. “I must go to Angeline. She is devastated.”

“I understand how much you care for her. But—”

“She needs me, Sebastian.” Her pleading gaze reached his thumping heart.

“Very well. But please, be quick about it.”

Olivia rapidly kissed his cheek and released him.

Sebastian kept his eyes on her, but did not move from the center of the room. Nearly everyone in the great hall had disbursed, aside from Jonah, who remained at his side, also watching Olivia.

“Who could have done this?” Jonah whispered.

“I have my suspicions.” The thought of what had been done to Marni, wrenched Sebastian’s gut.

“Tell me.”

“This is Frederick’s doing. Only he could be so callous.”

Jonah’s head drew back. “Are you crazed? Why would he kill his own wife and child for God’s sake?”

“I know not, but no one else is as capable. This reeks of him.” Sebastian kept his eyes on Olivia, while his mind continued to spin. “What better way for Frederick to gather the sympathy of our people and turn them fully against me? The more I think of it, the more certain I am it was he.”

“God help him. I believe there is a hotter place in Hades for men like him.”

If only they could return to Basilia immediately. Then again, the walls of Sebastian’s own kingdom were falling down around him, and he knew no way of stopping them.

Olivia reached out to Angeline and helped her down from the platform.

They embraced, and Angeline’s tears dampened Olivia’s shoulder.

“I am so sorry, Angeline.” Olivia hugged her tighter. “I cannot comprehend what horror you witnessed.”

Angeline released her and wiped at her tears. “There was so much blood. When Marni’s recovery was hopeless, Frederick begged my healer to save the child. The poor babe came forth fully formed, but lifeless.”

“Frederick must be overwhelmed with grief.”

Angeline covered her mouth and rapidly nodded. “Olivia?”

“Yes? What can I do to help?”

“Tell me truthfully. Do you believe Sebastian capable of poisoning her?”

“Heavens, no!” She gaped at her friend. “You should know him well enough to be assured he would not do something so wicked.”

Angeline turned away. “He hurt me.”

The insinuation tore at Olivia’s soul. “Hurt is one thing, murder is another. Sebastian has a heart of gold. He could not take an innocent life.”

Two innocent lives,” Angeline whispered and stepped back. “I fear, until this matter is settled, it would be best if we keep our distance from one another.”

Tears welled in Olivia’s eyes. This hurt worse than any kind of physical pain. “Sebastian is innocent.”

“That remains to be seen.” Angeline spun around and walked away, leaving Olivia frozen in place.

A hand rested on her shoulder, startling her. She turned to face Sebastian and dove into his embrace.

“We should go to our room,” he said and led her from the great hall.

Jonah followed close behind them, faithful as ever.

Olivia had never felt so defeated. “Angeline feels you were capable of harming Marni. How could she believe you would do it?”

“It is not difficult to cast blame on someone who has brought you pain.”

“But I am her friend. Does that not count for something?”

“Perhaps. For now, Angeline is trying to keep peace in her home. Can you blame her for wanting to distance herself from us?”

Olivia trudged alongside him, wishing she were merely caught up in a nightmare she would soon wake from. “I only wanted to help her.”

“I know.”

If Sebastian had not been holding her upright, Olivia might have fallen to the floor. Exhaustion had set in, yet she feared her dreams and did not want to sleep.

When they reached their bedchamber, Basilian guards lined the walls beside the door. One of them opened it, and the three of them went in.

Allana rushed to Jonah and embraced him. “I feared for you.”

Jonah’s gleeful shock almost made up for some of the wretchedness surrounding them. “I am well.” He smiled at her and pushed a strand of hair from her tear-stained face. “Cry no more.”

Severin stood in front of Sebastian and motioned to Catrice and Delana. “I brought them as you requested, Highness. Estelle is secured in her bedchamber with Eural, though I fear for her, considering King Callum’s disdain for you.”

“They will not dare harm her,” Sebastian said. “Eural loves her, and I feel confident he will protect her, regardless of her kinship to me.”

Severin folded his arms over his chest. “I chose not to disturb Princess Becca. I doubt you intended for me to bring her here.”

“You chose wisely. Becca will be made aware of these horrors in due time. I pray she can convince her new husband I am not a murderer.”

Severin pulled his shoulders back and fingered the hilt of his sword. “Will there be war, sire?”

“I pray not.” Sebastian turned to Olivia. “Please, go to my sisters and comfort them.”

She moved from his arms and guided Allana back to the other girls.

Catrice and Delana sat cuddled together in the far corner of the room. Their eyes held fear as well as tears.

Thoughts of sweet Daisy rushed in—memories of the terrible ordeal in Padrida when they were holed up in the keep. Lives were lost during that altercation, and Olivia feared just how much blood would still be shed.

Her dreams had not lied.

Angeline forced a sullen frown. Once she returned to her room, she would celebrate her victory, but she had one task left to complete.

She found Tesher, hovering near one of the abandoned food tables. So much wasted, but every appetite had been squelched over the dramatic presentation. No stage production could rival the amount of talent displayed because of her orchestration.

As she neared the boy, he held out his arms. The poor dear had been crying.

She happily went into his embrace. “My sweet, Tesher. I cannot imagine your grief over the loss of your sister.” She pulled back enough to look into his face. “And yet, here you are, waiting for me as you swore you would.” Sniffling, she shifted her eyes to the floor. “You should be with your family.”

“I soon will be, but I made a promise I intend to keep.” With pleasantly surprising force, he lifted her head, then peered so deep into her eyes, she swore he bore a permanent hole. “Have you ever been kissed, Angeline?”

She heaved her bosom as hard as she could. “Romantically, no.”

“Nor have I.” His tongue flicked out, moistening his boyish mouth. “God forgive me, but even with my sister’s passing, I have thought of little else but your lips.”

She blinked slowly. “Then, think no more and take them.”

He breathed so heavily, she feared he might cause himself to faint. With his hands still clutched to her head, he put his mouth on hers. The firm kiss would likely bruise her.

The boy had much to learn.

He drew back, looking utterly disappointed. With good reason. A kiss so dull would defuse any flame if he had done enough preceding it to ignite one.

Perhaps affording him one little lesson would do no harm. She felt it her duty to give the grieving child something to lift his spirits.

She caressed his smooth cheek. His youth had not yet afforded him a beard. “I am ignorant to such affection,” she sweetly said. “But I believe we should make another attempt. We were both trying too hard. Perhaps we should slow down and ease into it.”

The crease in his brow deepened. “I only want to please you.”

She inched her face closer to his, all the while watching his turquoise eyes. With feather-softness, she brushed her lips over his. The boy trembled, and she went further. She caressed his back and put her mouth on his, then gently slipped her tongue between his lips and tasted him.

Soon, she had his tongue dancing with hers, their mouths hungering together. He had the essence of wine and youthful innocence.

He moaned and pressed his body into hers. Although he had no whiskers, his pronounced codpiece reflected a more-than-mature manhood. His firmness pushed against her thigh like a rock.

Enough of this.

He had become too tempting.

Sighing, she released her hold, but he did not let go of her.

“Tesher, we cannot continue like this. It is unfair to you.” She tried to wiggle out from his grasp, but he seemed determined not to relinquish her.

“I love you, Angeline.” He pecked her lips. “Can you not tell?”

“Oh, yes.” In more ways than one. “And I will remember this kiss until our next meeting. But you must return to your family and offer comfort. Although I crave you, they need you more. Our time will come.”

“I ache for you.” He dropped his arms to his sides. “Damn my age!”

“Do not say it. You cannot condemn the year of your birth. All things will come to us when they are meant to be.”

“Would you marry me now, if I convince my father to grant permission?”

She touched his cheek, and he cradled her hand with his own. “I would not want to be accused of tarnishing a youth, and I fear those in every realm would see it as such. I know you are a man, but until your eighteenth year, our people will not view you that way.”

“The very reason I scorn my age. I care not what others think. If you will have me, I will do all I can to make it so.”

His eagerness was commendable, but . . .

“Go to your family. Allow yourself to grieve, and then we will meet again and decide what to do.”

“Another kiss before I go?”

She smiled and nodded. This time, she added an appropriate moan to accompany her thrusting tongue. When their lips parted, she had him shuddering in his boots.

“Dream of me tonight,” she breathed into his ear, then sent him on his way with a pat to his behind.

The look he gave over his shoulder could have melted butter. Perhaps she had been too forward touching him in that manner, but since this would be the last instance she could touch him, she chose to take advantage.

Sleep well, dear prince.

She waited until he had gone completely out of view, then meandered to her bedchamber.

The time had come for celebration.




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