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Mountain of Masks (Shrouded Thrones Book 2) by Jeanne Hardt (18)

Chapter 18

The wonderful sun poured its light and warmth on Olivia. After being in Thanwine, she had learned to genuinely appreciate it.

She had placed a blanket beneath a tree in the courtyard and stretched out upon it to soak up the heat. The clash of swords, a short distance away, kept her from dozing.

Jonah laughed heartily. “What was that, Highness? I never taught you to wield your weapon so recklessly.”

“Recklessly?” Sebastian lunged at him. “I will have you on the ground before you dare laugh again.”

Olivia shook her head. Finally, Jonah behaved like himself again and Sebastian seemed in a better mood than when she left him to go to Thanwine. Confronting Frederick had obviously done a world of good.

“Please do not wound one another!” she yelled, giggling. “I love you both and do not wish to bury you.”

“Worry not, my love!” Sebastian wildly swung his weapon, then smacked Jonah on the rump with the flat of the blade.

“Damn you!” Jonah tossed aside his sword and pounced, pushing Sebastian to the ground. Fortunately, Sebastian dropped his own sword as they fell.

“How dare you curse in the presence of my wife!” Though Sebastian scolded Jonah, Olivia was not offended. His language gave further proof of his ease, and she would not fault him for it.

“Forgive me, Highness!” Jonah shouted in her direction, then grunted and groaned, as the two men tumbled around on the ground, wrestling like young boys.

Olivia rubbed her belly. “Your father can be quite silly.”

Scarcely two months into her pregnancy, no outward sign could be seen of the baby within. Yet Olivia’s finicky appetite proved the change. If not careful what she consumed, she would spew it up again. Even certain smells made her retch—likely the reason she had been so disturbed by the offensive odor in King Hadwin’s chamber.

Word had come by messenger that the dear king had died. From Olivia’s understanding, the man had passed shortly after she departed from Thanwine. She prayed Angeline was taking his passing as well as possible. Her friend had finally overcome heartache, only to have it upon her once again.

Allana appeared out of nowhere and sat down beside her. “I hope you do not mind if I join you. Delana and Catrice are annoying me, and I had to get away before I lost my temper.”

Olivia sat fully upright. “I am happy to have you here.” She pointed at the men. “They are trying to end each other, but have not been successful as of yet.”

Allana laughed. “They roll about like fighting dogs.”

“That they do, but I have not seen them so happy in a long while. As ridiculous as they look, they need this.”

Jonah tried to stand, but Sebastian yanked him down again and pinned him to the ground.

Allana tipped her head to the side, almost to the point of being upside down. “A male ritual?”

“Male bonding.” Olivia hugged her knees to her chest. “I believe since time began, men have sought ways to prove themselves. I only pray they never find themselves in a true battle. If one of them should perish—”

“Say no such thing,” Allana scolded. “It would crush me to lose either of them.”

Hearing it bolstered Olivia’s courage, and though she kept her eyes on the men, she chose to speak boldly to Allana. “You care for Jonah a great deal. More so than you indicated to me before?”

Allana nodded, then slowly bowed her head. “He is to be knighted.” She shifted and faced Olivia. “I may not fully be a woman, but I am far from being a girl. I understand the ways of men.” She shrugged. “With the exception of the silliness going on between them now.”

Olivia lightly laughed.

“I am well aware Jonah has had women.” Allana twisted her fingers together. “Many women. And yet, he remains celibate now because of me.” She cut her eyes in his direction, then returned her gaze to Olivia. “I have reason to believe he wishes to claim me, but I fear I will not know how to respond. I do not want to hurt him.”

“You would refuse him?”

“I am uncertain.” Her head bowed low. “I care for him, but his past troubles me.”

“You would prefer he was . . . innocent?”

Allana covered her mouth and giggled. “I cannot imagine Jonah that way—pure and holy. But yes, it would make my choice easier if he was unspent.” She kept her eyes focused downward. “Like Tesher of Oros.”

Olivia had to tell her the truth. Maybe it would help her decision. “Are you aware Princess Angeline favors Tesher?”

Allana picked at a small thread that had come loose from the blanket. “Delana told me how Angeline acted toward him when they were here, but I assumed any feelings were on Angeline’s part alone. Surely Tesher felt no attraction to her. She is old and . . .” She yanked the thread completely out, then tossed it in the air.


“Well . . . as I told you when we first discussed Angeline and her limited choice in princes, even Mother remarked that she is not very pretty. Not that one’s appearance matters so much. But . . . men generally favor women who are more pleasing to the eyes.” Her cheeks reddened as she fumbled over her words. “As I speak, all I hear is conceit. I am wretched.”

“No, you are not.” Olivia ran her hand along Allana’s lengthy golden hair. “You and your sisters were blessed with beauty. Do not be ashamed of it. As for Angeline, I see her much differently.” Olivia scooted over and leaned against the tree. “After spending time with her, I have come to see her as beautiful. She has an enormous heart. And I confess, I watched her with Tesher. He was quite taken with her.”

Allana lifted her head. Her gaze once again rested on Jonah. “If that is so, Tesher could marry sooner than if he had to wait for me. Perhaps he desires someone older—more mature.”

“Can I be honest with you?”

Allana turned her head and stared at Olivia. “Have you not already been more than open?”

“I suppose I have. But in regard to Jonah, what he has done with other women is in the past. He is a fine man, and I am well aware of his fondness for you. He would be an exceptional husband.”

“It is not what he has done with the other women that troubles me.” Allana moved closer to Olivia, then turned her attention from the blanket to her skirt and fidgeted with the lace trim. “I worry I would not please him. I know not what to do with a man.”

Olivia grabbed her hand before Allana ripped away the fine lace. “Pleasing a man is not difficult, nor should it be cause for worry. If you agree to be Jonah’s wife, I am certain pleasing you will be his utmost concern. Besides, when you love someone, there is more than the physical act of lovemaking that carries you through each day. Simply being in each other’s presence is satisfying.”

A loud grunt from one of the men drew their attention.

“Have you had enough?” Sebastian yelled. “For I am not tired in the least!”

“Enough?” Jonah wiggled out from beneath him. “The word is foreign to me!” He latched onto Sebastian’s legs and flipped him over.

Allana laughed and Olivia joined her. The men would be good for little if they kept on this way.

“Do not harm my brother, Jonah!” Allana shouted.

Jonah froze, and of course, Sebastian took advantage. In a flash, he repeated his former move and sat upon Jonah, pinning him to the ground.

“He did not realize you were here,” Olivia whispered. “You have bewitched him with your presence.”

Allana pushed herself up from the ground and wandered over to the men. She hovered above Jonah, smiling. Olivia stayed where she was, enjoying the display.

Sebastian held both of Jonah’s arms and pressed them to the ground above Jonah’s head. The entranced man breathed heavily, and Olivia felt certain it had more to do with Allana’s presence than being spent in mock battle.

Allana bent over and looked Jonah in the eyes. “Are you injured?”

“Of course not.” Jonah rapidly licked his lips.

“And yet, my brother bested you. I thought you were the teacher.”

Sebastian stood and brushed off his clothes. “Our roles have reversed.”

Jonah scowled. “Bite your tongue!” His cheeks glowed red.

Allana reached out to him. “Let me help you up.”

Chuckling, Sebastian wandered away from them and approached Olivia. “Did you orchestrate this?”

“No.” She patted the spot beside her, and he sat. “However, I confess I told her about Angeline’s feelings for Tesher, and that they are likely reciprocated.”

Sebastian gestured toward Jonah and Allana. “They have a long while before they can act on any sort of feelings for one another. Why encourage them now?”

Jonah took Allana’s hand and stood, facing her without speaking.

“Jonah needs hope,” Olivia said. “His heart is set on Allana. Time spent waiting may cultivate something wonderful.”

“I know what you mean.” Sebastian rubbed his hand over her belly.

Utterly content, she lay back and pulled him with her. They kissed as if they were alone in their bedchamber.

“Excuse me!” Jonah fussed. “Can you not mind where you are? As well as who you are with? Allana does not need to witness such behavior.”

“I have seen them kiss before,” Allana said. “Even so, we should leave them to their privacy. Would you like to accompany me to the kitchen so we might find something to eat? I am quite hungry. Or would you prefer to clean yourself up first?”

Jonah scratched the back of his head. “You would have me escort you?”

Allana coyly tilted her head. “Please?”

Jonah extended his arm, and the two walked away as if oblivious to Sebastian and Olivia.

Sebastian propped himself up on one elbow. “You started something, Olivia.”

“No. It began long ago. I merely added fuel to the fire.” She lay flat on her back, gazing up at him. The love she felt overpowered her, and she chose to ignore just how dirty and sweaty he had become. She did not want to ruin this beautiful moment.

He gazed down at her, and his eyes displayed the intense feelings she, too, felt. “You are an expert at igniting a flame.” He kissed her deeply.

When he rose up again, she blissfully sighed. “I love seeing you so happy. If only this day could last forever.”

“It can.” He glided his lips down her neck.


“Yes?” He breathed harder with every passing second as he dotted her skin with tiny pecks.

“Would it be wrong of me to ask that you bathe before we go further?” Unfortunately, her stomach could not so easily dismiss his smell. “Your activity with Jonah has covered you in sweat. I love you, but your odor is making me queasy.”

Laughing, he sat up. “So much for making this day last forever. Unless, of course, it includes a decent bath.” He stood and offered her a hand. “I shall have one drawn, and then, will you have me?”

She let him help her to her feet. “Over and over.”


She wrapped an arm around his waist, and they headed toward the castle. “I told Allana there is more to loving than lovemaking. If you did not love me, I doubt you would be so willing to bathe. You would have taken me without respecting my wishes.”

“Hmm. Not in the courtyard. Maybe I would have scooped you up and ravished you in our chamber.”

“Stinking to high heaven,” she laughed. “And I would have lost my breakfast on you.”

The guards stepped to the side of the entry door, so they could pass.

Once inside, Sebastian grabbed onto her, pressed her against the wall, and kissed her with such intensity it took her breath.

She gaped at him. “What brought that on?”

“I wanted to leave with a far more pleasant thought than you heaving all over me.” He threaded his fingers through her hair, grinned, and stepped back. “Perhaps you should go to our room and rest while I bathe. You can wait for me there.”

“Gladly.” She fingered his beard, and he shuddered. The look he gave her sent her heart racing.

She placed a light peck on his lips. “Please make it a quick bath.”


They parted and went in separate directions.

She meant what she had said about this day lasting forever. Her dreams of late had not been good, yet she had not told Sebastian their details. He had been through too much, and she wanted to allow him a brief rest before he was called to face more difficult trials.

If her dreams held true, the crazed priest’s warnings were mild in comparison to what lay ahead.

Angeline was almost out of breath, but she would never let on to Darius that she needed to stop.

“You hold your sword like an inexperienced child!” he barked. “Do as I taught you!”

The sword felt heavier with every passing moment. Even so, she corrected her stance and gripped it in the proper fashion. Sweat dampened her entire face.

“Better,” Darius grumbled. “Now, come at me and prove you know what you are doing.”

She took a large breath, lunged at him, and stumbled, tripping on the edge of her skirt.

“No!” He spit the word out, tossed his sword on the ground, then shook his fists in the air. “You have learned nothing!”

“Stop yelling at me!” She leered at him and dropped her weapon. “I cannot fight in this damnable dress!”

Darius grunted and splayed his arms wide. “Then, remove it. No one is about.”

“Fine!” She yanked at the ties binding her gown and loosened them, then stripped it off and tossed it aside.

They had been coming to this empty chamber in the depths of the castle for months. It afforded them a private space where they alone ventured. Here, they had first coupled, but she had hated the lack of a proper bed and insisted they find elsewhere to play. Because of her desires, she relocated her bedchamber to one in a wing of the castle set apart from her siblings. It proved to be perfect for her activities with Darius, but unsuitable for swordplay. In order to fulfill her destiny, she had to master the craft, so she enlisted Darius to help her.

At times, she regretted it. The man had no patience. His skills as a lover far outweighed those as a teacher.

Somehow, she had to focus on the task at hand. This frigid chamber was good for little else. Though void of windows, due to its underground location, it was incredibly cold. If not for the exertion she had just spent, the frigid air might have stung, but it felt liberating to be free of the heavy gown. Her undergarments covered most of her, yet were unbinding and gave her the freedom to move about.

Darius smirked and picked up his sword. “What are you waiting for? Come at me!”

She grabbed her weapon and charged at him.

He stood firm, and with a single blow, he knocked the blade from her grasp. “You are impossible.”

His smug expression made matters worse. Anger boiled inside her with vengeance.

She tried to pick up her sword, but he stepped on it and stopped her. “We are done for today. I cannot teach someone so pig-headed.”

“Pig-headed?” She slapped his face as hard as she could.

He grabbed her by the wrist and squeezed. “Do that again, and I will strike back.”

“If you hit me,” she hissed, “I shall see you hung.”

They glared at each other, breathing harder and harder.

Angeline’s thoughts took an enormous turn.

She threw her arms around Darius and kissed him with such force they nearly fell to the floor. He yanked her close, and she backed him against the wall and tugged at the strings of his trousers.

“I thought you despised doing this here?” Darius helped her shed his clothes.

“Shall we stop?” She pursed her lips and jutted her chin.

“Of course not. But what about our swordplay?”

“As you said, we are done for today. With that form of thrusting, that is.” She grinned, eyeing him up and down. “I see you have grown cold.”

He scowled and covered his shriveled self.

“Dear, dear, Darius. Let me warm you.”

She took a deep breath to compose herself, walked away from him, and knelt on the floor beside her discarded dress. After smoothing the heavy gown, she lay back upon it. “What are you waiting for?” She grinned slyly. “Come at me.”

“You are a devil, Angeline.”

Maybe so, but he certainly appreciated her wicked ways. It took her no time at all to arouse him.

If she were to fulfill the prophecy, she had to become proficient at both sword fighting and archery. For now, she contented herself, reveling in something she had already mastered.




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