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My Storm by Tiffany Patterson (20)


“You like Italian, right? I had one of my favorite spots deliver,” he says as we enter his home.

My nose is immediately hit with the succulent smell of fresh basil, tomato sauce, and garlic bread. My stomach answers his question for me.

“I figured.” He laughs.

“What’d you order?”

He places my bag down by the couch and directs me to the dining room where the large table is covered with a delicious-looking spread of Italian food.

“I ordered the caprese salad, fried calamari, garlic bread, prosciutto wrapped melon, salad greens of course, and a few others.”

My eyes roam over the spread after he lists the different items on the table. “I’m pretty sure this is enough food to feed an army.”

“Army?” His voice takes on an offended tone as a crease appears in his forehead. “You meant a marine unit.”

I giggle, remembering the banter that often goes on between him, Coral and Liam. They tease each other about their respective branches of the military. Liam and Coral served in the army, so they feel the need to deride Jeremy for being a marine.

“I’m sorry. I meant, this is enough food to feed the marines.” I laugh as he pulls out a chair for me.

“How was your day?”

We settle in and I begin telling him about helping the new temporary director get acquainted with the rules and regulations of the community center. She’s a part-time counselor, but she’s been away completing graduate school, so she needed some training on the director’s responsibilities.

“You didn’t want to take over the director role when Coral is on maternity leave?”

I shake my head. “No because I much prefer hanging with the kids every now and again and getting my hands dirty in the garden or reading them stories. That’s better than being the director. Plus since I’ve gotten my writing mojo back, I probably will only be there for about two to three days a week over the next few months. My agent has been hounding me to get this manuscript complete.”

He peers at me over his glass and I see something flash in those green eyes, but he blinks and it’s gone.

“How about your day?”

He wipes his mouth with his napkin, drawing my attention to those sensuous lips of his. The moment that napkin leaves his mouth, I’m sure he’s saying something about work, but my attention is fully drawn to the movement of his lips. Absentmindedly, I lick my own lips, remembering the way his mouth made me feel just the previous week. I’ve never experienced anything like it before of course because it was my first orgasm. Unfortunately, it’s been a week and because of Jeremy’s strict rules about not touching myself when he isn’t around, I haven’t been able to even try to replicate it. Not that I’d even be able to replicate the feel of his lips on me. Nothing could copy that, I’m sure.

“Are you finished?” he asks, breaking my concentration.

I clear my throat and take a sip of red wine. “Yes, I am. It was delicious.”

He gives me a panty-wetting grin before rising from his chair to take our plates. “No. Sit,” he insists when I rise to help him.

Shrugging, I sit back down, popping one of the melon balls into my mouth. My eyelids flutter as the sweetness from the fruit melds with the saltiness of the prosciutto, causing a delicious firestorm in my mouth. “Mmm…” I moan out loud.

“I love that you enjoy your food with gusto.”

I lower my head, embarrassed. I laugh. “I’ve always loved food. My grandmother used to pull me in the kitchen to be her little taste tester.” I smile fondly at those memories.

“I know from experience a woman who is able to indulge in food and savor it is also able to experience pleasure in so many other ways.” He leans down, trailing a finger along my jaw line. He stares deeply into my eyes.

I shiver from the sheer intensity of his gaze. I’ve always found Jeremy to be an extremely attractive man with an acute ability to convey a message with a single look. Right now, his look is suggesting that he’s a predator and I’m his prey. That thought sends a warm chill down my spine, and I realize I don’t mind being his prey. Leaning into his touch, I close my eyes and lick my lips again. Months ago, if someone would’ve told me I could feel this uninhibited and so close to such a virile man, I would’ve laughed in their face. But Jeremy makes it easy to just feel, be in the moment, less self-conscious and less fearful. I’m still trying to figure out what it is about him that makes me more inclined to put my fears aside. 

“Stand up, LaTasha.”

As if attached to his body instead of my own, my legs immediately move, doing as he asked.

Once I stand, he pulls me into his arms, never breaking eye contact with me. “Have you still been wearing the Ben Wa balls as instructed?”

I nod. “Of course.”

“Of course, what?”

“Sir.” It was my first time referring to him as sir and it felt good.

“I want you to go into the playroom and remove your clothes down to your panties and bra. Then wait for me on the bed while I finish clearing the table.” It wasn’t a question, but a command.

“Yes, sir.” I can already feel the wetness pooling in my panties just from the deep rumble of his voice and that sharp look in his eyes. The way he can switch from friendly banter to Dom in seconds is thrilling and sure as hell keeps me on my toes, which I’m sure is his intention. With one last look in the deep pools he calls eyes; I pivot and head down the hall and down the steps to the playroom. As I step inside, I’m assaulted by memories of the last time I was in this room. My first orgasm had occurred right on that bed. I grin, running my hand along the silk sheets that now adorn the bed. The cool, smooth, and soft feel of the sheets beneath my fingers makes me anxious to feel them beneath the rest of my skin. I remove my skirt and shirt and fold them before placing them on top of the dresser. I turn toward the full-length mirror, looking at myself in my matching pink lace bra and panty set. I admire my appearance. I settle on the bed and tuck my legs underneath my butt, sitting up on my haunches to wait for Jeremy.

Seconds later, I hear his footsteps drawing closer to the room. I’d left the door open and soon he appears at the entranceway. I allow my eyes to rove over his entire body before finally lowering them toward the floor, per his rules. There’s long stretch of silence as he simply stares at me. His gaze is so powerful that it feels as if he is touching me. My heartbeat quickens with anticipation as I wait for his next move. Finally, he steps fully inside the room and shuts the door behind him.

“Did you enjoy yourself the last time we were in here?”

“Yes, sir.” Damn, those words slip so easily from my mouth.

“Good.” The satisfaction in his voice sends a thrill of pride through me.

“Are these new?” he asks, running a finger along my bra strap, down my waist to the top of my panties.

“Yes, sir.”

“I like them.”

I smile at that, but remain silent. I’d bought these with him in mind.

“Stand up and take them off.” He steps back from the bed, giving me space to step off.

I stand, my hands trembling from how turned on I’ve become just from his simple caresses and instructions. Carefully, I reach back and undo my bra, releasing it. I manage to stifle my grin when I hear Jeremy’s muttered curse as my breasts spill out. With my bra in one hand, I manage to push down my panties with the other before I step out of them.

“Hand them to me.”

I place them in his outstretched hand and keep my eyes cast downwards. I hear him walk over to the dresser and place something heavy on top of it.

“Look at me.”

My eyes immediately shoot up to his, and for the first time, I see that he has removed his shirt. Now, he’s only wearing a pair of dark slacks. I allow my eyes to roam over his masculine frame, taking in the sculpted muscles of his abdomen. Many of them are decorated with various tattoos. I lick my lips, wanting to taste his entire body. I stand taller, feeling the pull of my own desire toward him.

“Unfortunately, I have to leave town Sunday morning so I won’t be able to spend as much time as I would like indulging in this body of yours.” He moves closer to me. “But tonight I plan on giving you something that will help you remember who you belong to while I’m gone.”

My mouth falls agape and heartbeat quickens at his words. Who you belong to. The words that’d never appealed to me before seem to be a boom to my arousal right now. “Stand with your legs apart and close your eyes,” he says as he turns away from me.

Inhaling deeply, I do as he’s requested. I hear a rustling noise and then I feel his presence once again in front of me. He wraps a silk tie around my eyes, rendering me temporarily blind. I feel goose bumps rise on my skin from his nearness as his breath kisses the skin of my shoulders.

“Oh!” I blurt out as I feel his hand caressing the hood of my pussy.

“You’re wet already,” he gloats as his fingers find their way deeper into my folds.

I whimper at the feel of his fingers on the most intimate part of my body. I begin thrusting my hips into his hand.

“Not yet.” He chuckles.

I frown at the loss of his touch. I sense him lowering himself in front of me and I wonder if he’s going to put his mouth on me. But instead of the warmth of his mouth, I feel wetness as he rubs the curls on the hood of my pussy again. I feel some sort of lathering sensation and realize he has put shaving cream on me. I want to ask is he shaving me and tell him I could have done that at home, but I don’t have permission to speak. Seconds later, I feel the stroke of a blade. It doesn’t hurt. Quite the opposite actually. He is extremely adept at this, moving the razor so lightly yet efficiently that I know he’s done this before. His movements are very measured and careful, ensuring that he doesn’t cut me. Tingles begin rising all over my body at the intimacy of this moment. There is something intensely erotic about having someone shave my most intimate body part. Of course, it could just be the man doing it. The feeling of being so cared for overcomes me once again at his skillful hands. And yes, I become even wetter.

“Mmm, that looks good,” he states, rising up. “Don’t move yet,” he instructs.

“Yes, sir.”

I feel him rub the remaining shaving cream off of me.

“All right,” he says at the same time he pulls the blindfold off. “Open your eyes.”

I blink a few times, allowing my gaze to readjust to the low lighting in the room.

“Look in the mirror,” he says, pulling me to the full-length mirror.

I look at myself in the mirror, lowering my gaze to the area he has shaved and immediately I gasp. I gasp in shock. Staring at the mirror, I read his initials, JB, in calligraphy essentially engraved into the trimmed hairs of my pussy. How in the hell?

“Practice.” He grins. “Now, even though I’ll be gone for another week, you’ll know this pussy belongs to me. Not even you are allowed to touch it without my permission. Is that clear?”

“Y-yes, sir,” I absently state, while still staring at his handiwork in the mirror. He actually shaved his initials into my pussy hair. But damn if it doesn’t feel good.

“Good. And right now, you have my permission to touch yourself. Lie on the bed, prop yourself up on your elbows, and spread your legs.”

I look up at him, frowning. I’d much rather that he touch me. He simply stares back at me waiting for me to do as instructed. Walking to the bed, I lay as told. In this position I can see all of myself in the mirror and Jeremy standing right next to it has the same view. Even in the dimly-lit room, I can see his eyes have darkened in hue, alerting me that he is indeed as nearly turned on as I am.

“Pinch your nipples.”

I raise an eyebrow at him.

“Love…” The admonishment comes out as a low growl, and I know even that half second of hesitation is causing Jeremy to lose his patience.

I smirk with the realization that his desire for me is likely fueling his impatience. Finally, I reach up and pinch my nipple. “Ohhh,” I moan as the painful yet pleasurable sensations shoots through my body, heightened by the way Jeremy’s eyes become hooded as he stares at me.

“Again. The other one,” he commands.

I can do nothing but his will in this moment. I gasp as I pinch my other nipple, purring as another powerful sensation rips through my body.

“Spread your legs wider and show me how wet you are.”

I do so and he bites his lower lip.

“Lower your hand to my pussy. Show me how you want me to pleasure you.”

At his words, I trail my fingers down my breasts, over my tummy, and to my sopping wet core.

“Move your finger to your clit,” he instructs.

Doing so, I bite my lower lip at how sensitized that area already is.

“Now move lower, use your two fingers to spread your wetness to your clit.”

I do, reveling in how wet I am already.

“Circle your clit with your two fingers and look in the mirror. Watch yourself as I watch you.”

“Ohhh!” I moan as the intensity in my core builds up, heat spreading throughout my body. I look at myself in the mirror and I can see my sex juices glistening on my fingers.

“Taste yourself.”

Shit. I raise my two fingers to my mouth, licking my juices.

“Now, dip your fingers to my pussy, insert your two fingers. Show me where you want my cock to go.”

Goddamn. I don’t know what is turning me on more—his words or staring at myself in the mirror as I get myself off. That’s a lie because I know it’s him. It’s all him.

“Show me, LaTasha,” he growls.

I begin pumping my fingers faster to mimic the movement I want Jeremy to do with his penis between my thighs instead of my fingers. The buildup begins to feel so good, I let my head drop back and my legs splay even wider. I can tell I’m getting close…so close. Just a few more pumps…


What?! I want to defy him. It feels too good to stop, but something inside of me won’t let me dare disobey him. “Sir, please!” I try to beg, asking for just a few more seconds. I’m so close.

“Close your legs and sit up.” His voice is filled with finality.

I sigh and reluctantly close my shaky legs and sit up, glaring at him.

He grins mischievously at me, knowing that now my impatience is growing. I want to finish what he started.

“It’s been a long day and I need to get some rest. You will sleep down here tonight. You don’t have permission to touch yourself. If you do, I will know.”

What?” I barely get the full word out before he turns and is out the door, shutting it behind him. “What the hell just happened?” I ask, looking around the room as if the walls can answer me. I don’t even know how long I wait, sure that he is going to return and allow me to finish this. The throbbing between my thighs insists that I continue to completion. I continue to wait, staring at the door, willing it to open with Jeremy standing on the other side with that mannish grin on his face and hooded eyes. But it doesn’t happen. There’s nothing. My eyes well up with tears of frustration. I try to get my breathing under control and lay back on the bed. Unfortunately, the coolness of the silk sheets only heightens my arousal. That was Jeremy’s intention, I’m sure. I stare up at the ceiling, still hoping he will return, but all that happens is the fire that was raging through my body begins to die down to embers, eventually extinguishing. I’m only left with a deep sense of longing, loneliness, and confusion. Finally, realizing he has no intention of coming back tonight, I begin tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable enough to fall asleep. Needless to say, that was a fruitless endeavor.