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Oblivious... (Last Christmas Book 2) by Heather Mar-Gerrison (2)

I couldn’t wait another second to touch his silky skin. My hand was around his beautiful cock instantly. He gasped, “Oh, my God, Sebastian.” He said breathlessly, “That feels amazing.”

I nodded. It did feel amazing. He was so warm and so hard. His skin as soft as satin. “Can I do something?” I asked.

He looked up at me, his eyes slightly unfocused, “Sure,” he said, “Anything.”

I chuckled. I slid back off the bed and got my own jeans and boxers off and then I climbed back on the bed and covering us both with the quilt – more for cover in case anyone decided to come and find us – I snuggled up to him.

The feel of his naked body against mine was absolutely fantastic. But to feel his cock sliding against mine, once I’d manoeuvred us into position, was incredible.

I couldn’t stop myself from rutting against him a little as our kisses turned from gentle exploring to utterly filthy, teeth-clashing devouring of each other.

He was panting and moaning and I was whining and groaning. I reached down and wrapped my hand around the pair of us, “I’m gonna make us both come.” I panted, “Are you up for that?”

He grunted a response that I guessed was a yes, since he was giving my neck a massive love bite so I got to work.

“Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God,” I muttered as I could feel my orgasm building. Both of us were looking down at ourselves and my hand working us both at the same time. We both had pre-come oozing, which I was spreading around to make everything feel more slippery and sexier.

Kurt was watching with his mouth slightly open, and I could feel his hot breath on my chest. I’d never been more turned on in my whole life. This was what it was all about – having the time of our lives together.

“Gonna come.” He gasped before we watched both of our cocks start to erupt, covering our stomach’s in streams of hot, sticky semen.

“Oh, my God.” I groaned as I pumped us through our orgasms, “That was fucking incredible.”

Kurt rolled on this back, panting and grinning, “Awesome,” he said, laughing in amazement, “Absolutely fucking awesome.”



Chapter 18 – For the first time...




I don’t really know how I’d imagined my first time having sex with Sebastian but suffice to say that nothing could have prepared me...

I’d always considered myself straight and so even kissing him had been a revelation – but in a really good way and now I couldn’t get enough of his mouth on mine, being able to feel the slight stubble instead of perfect smoothness that I was used to from only ever having kissed girls before. It was different, certainly – but so much better at the same time.

Kissing girls had always been pleasurable, don’t get me wrong, but I’d never been grabbed so firmly and shown how kissing and touching should be done before. Sebastian was in a class all of his own and he turned me on to the max.

Now wasn’t the time for any more lessons in love, though. We had gifts to open and we needed to get back to the family before they sussed out that we were just the horniest pair the world had ever encountered... “We should get our presents opened and get back downstairs.” I reminded Sebastian, who was lying on the bed, blissed out in his post-orgasmic state, his stomach, just like mine, still covered in sticky come.

He nodded, “I know.” He said with a soft groan, “Give me a second.”

I grinned, “I’ll get us some tissue.” I sneaked out of his room and headed for the bathroom. Wearing nothing much more than a smile, I had to be quick. I didn’t much fancy giving his sister or his parents an eyeful, so I grabbed handfuls of toilet paper and cleaned up quickly, then I hurried back to help him clean up. I desperately wanted to give him his present. I’d really had to do some research on the best products and had chatted at length with the most beautiful guy in MAC about skin tone and contouring techniques. It was really quite interesting – even if it had cost an absolute packet – but my guy was worth every penny and I was quite sure he was going to totally love it.

He lay still on the bed as I cleaned him up, gazing up at me as if I was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen in the world. I knew exactly how he felt. He was my whole world... “Ready for your present?” I asked.

His eyes widened with delight and he pushed himself up to a sitting position, “Oh God, yes!” he exclaimed, “Let me get some clothes on!”

I chuckled, “Hey, you look just fine to me – stay naked for as long as you like. I’m beginning to think clothes are overrated!”

He laughed, “Just let me put boxers on and a hoody at least.”

I smiled and waited as he got himself a clean pair of boxer shorts out of his top drawer. Once he was sitting back in front of me I passed him my rather beautifully wrapped gift.

He beamed at me as he took it, “What is it?” he asked excitedly.

I laughed, “Open it and find out.” I was dying to know if he was going to like it or not. If he didn’t, I had no idea what I was going to do – but hopefully....

He tore off the wrapping in seconds and his mouth dropped open as he saw the gift set I’d chosen with the help of the beautiful guy in MAC. “Oh, my God, Kurt...” He looked back up at me, tears in his eyes and his chin actually wobbling.

I looked back at him in alarm, “Is it the wrong one?” I asked.

He shook his head, “It’s perfect.” He whispered. “How did you know?”

I shrugged, trying to look modest but all I really wanted to do was run around the house high-fiving everyone including the cat for being the best fucking boyfriend that ever lived... “I asked the guy in the shop.” I admitted, “He really knew his stuff.”

Sebastian grinned, “The one that wears the leather mini-skirt and the Dr Martens?”

I nodded, grinning, “The very one.” I agreed.

He nodded, “Yeah,” he murmured, “He’s cool.” He was lovingly stroking the lid of the box of eye shadows that I’d got him to go with his contouring set and his mascara.

I’d got him the most fabulous lipstick too – it was a deep plum-brown in matte. I knew he liked it because he’d been banging on about someone wearing it when we last went out – I wasn’t so sure I was going to like it all around my mouth after kissing him but what the hell? I’d have to put up with it from a girl if I had a girlfriend so what the hell was the difference?

I was just about giving up on the idea of ever getting my present off him when he jumped up, “Oh, my God!” he exclaimed, “I haven’t given you yours!”

I smiled, “That’s okay.” I said, “It’s enough to see you so delighted with your gift.” And it really was. He was so pleased with it and it made me feel amazing.

He darted across the room to his wardrobe and rummaged around inside for a moment before getting out a reasonably sized box. What the hell could that be?





I’d been so delighted with my fabulous gift from Kurt that I momentarily (or rather, more like a good ten minutes) forgot all about giving him his presents – and I’d spent ages choosing them, too.

I may have mentioned that Kurt was a tee shirt and jeans kind of a guy and as gorgeous as he always looked dressed like that – I had an idea that he’d look really good in a well-fitting shirt. So I got him a couple for Christmas. I’d got him a navy-blue on and a dark plum one. I handed him the box and bit my lip, wondering if I’d got it right – or horribly wrong...

He smiled up at me and thanked me before tearing off the paper and opening the box. “Oh, wow.” He murmured, “These are beautiful! Thanks, baby.”

He pulled me down for a long, slow kiss, “I’m gonna wear the plum one.”

I nodded, still totally blissed out from his kiss, “Good idea.” I breathed.



Chapter 19 – After dinner...




After being treated to that kissing and coming session in the morning, it was kind of hard to keep my mind on the day’s activities and not to keep drifting back to what we could be doing in Sebastian’s bedroom with each other.

Having said that, I wasn’t such a horn dog that I couldn’t function and we ate dinner with everyone else, pulled crackers, told funny stories and generally had a really lovely time.

We all agreed that dinner had been so delicious and filling that we really didn’t need pudding and so we all adjourned to the lounge to watch the afternoon movie.

Within ten minutes Michaela had sloped off to her room to chat on her phone with her friends and Mr and Mrs Kennedy were all curled up together on the love seat, fast asleep.

“Sebastian?” I whispered as his mum let out a little snore.

“What?” he whispered back.

“Do you think we could, you know, escape back to your room?”

The grin that spread across his gorgeous face was nothing short of evil, “Ohhh, yeah.” He agreed, grabbing my hand, “let’s go.”




He wasn’t taking any prisoners. As soon as we were behind the closed door of his bedroom, Sebastian pushed me back against it and pressed his hips into mine, allowing me to feel just how turned on by me he was.

My cock was becoming painful, being so hard and trapped in my tighter than tight jeans. “Sebastian.” I murmured between some really filthy kisses, “Touch me.”

He groaned into my mouth and as he delved his tongue even deeper into my mouth, he started to run his hands down my chest, rubbing my nipples on the way, which made my balls tighten and my cock, if possible, get even harder than it already was.

He trailed his hands down, down, down until he’d reached the button of my jeans. He flicked it open with ease and pulled the zipper down. The next second his hand was inside my boxer shorts and his fingers were wrapped around my cock and oh, my God! I’d never felt anything like it – well, since this morning anyway...

I was slightly light-headed as I was surer than life itself that all the blood in my body had been re-directed to my crotch. Sebastian had his hand around my cock and he was working it absolutely magnificently! The boy was a fucking genius when it came to wanking. A genius.

“Oh, God.” I groaned, leaning against him as I felt sure my legs were about to give out on me, “That feels so good, Seb. So good.”

He nodded, kissing all the way down my neck and pulling my shirt to the side so he could lick my nipples, “Uh, huh.” He murmured, “Have I ever told you that you smell fucking delicious.”

I closed my eyes and just revelled in the sensations he was treating my body to. His tongue swirled around my nipples and his hand pumped my cock expertly. This was what I’d been looking for. I hadn’t even known I was missing out before I met him but now... Well, now I knew that I just couldn’t live without him.

“I need to taste you.” Sebastian murmured in my ear as he kissed just below it, “I need to feel you in my mouth.”

My cock jumped in his hand at his words, “Fuck, yeah.” I breathed, “Do it.”

He sank to his knees and pulled my jeans and my boxers down my thighs. I vaguely wondered what his sister would say if she walked in right now but then his mouth closed over the tip of my cock, surrounding me in wet heat and every thought in my head evaporated as pure instinctual lust took over.

“Oh, God.” I groaned, far too loudly, before I remembered where we were and bit down on my lip to stop myself from saying anything else.

Sebastian didn’t seem to mind, in fact it seemed to spur him on – he sucked me right into his mouth, paying attention to my balls as well as my cock – something that was completely new to me.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” I panted, “So good, too good.” I gasped.

He smiled up at me and then closed his eyes and slid his hands around and started to massage the cheeks of my arse as he sucked and lapped at my length. I was in heaven...

With shaky hands I threaded my fingers in his hair. He’d stroked my hair a thousand times as we’d watched TV together and I wondered for the thousandth time how I’d failed to realised that it wasn’t exactly normal for two guys to be so affectionate with each other. I smiled to myself. I’d been blind – absolutely blind...

As nice as it had always felt when he played with my hair – and I’ll admit I did convince myself that it was okay for him to do that because he was gay – I’d never stroked his hair before. This was all brand new to me and I was nervous of doing something stupid, something wrong... His hair felt silky soft and beautiful to touch. I sighed. I was being overwhelmed with his touch and his smell and touching him. Suddenly I wanted to touch a whole lot more of him.

“Seb?” I ventured.

He looked up at me. I looked down at him. He still had his mouth around my cock and the sight of my cock in his mouth was absolutely incredible. “Uh?” he asked. His eyes were kind of glazed over with lust and I knew exactly how he felt.

“I want to touch you, too.” I whispered, “I want to feel your cock.”

He grinned and pulled off me with a bit of a noisy slurp. “Cool.” He said, ‘Let’s get on the bed.”

I nodded. This was beginning to sound really good.

He’d got his jeans down in record time. I stepped out of mine and kicked off my boxer shorts, “No one’s gonna come in, are they?” I whispered.

He shook his head, “Nah, but we’ll get under the quilt again, just in case.”

I nodded and got in his bed. Turning over to face him I was suddenly shy. He’d totally taken control of things this morning. What was I supposed to do?

“Do you, uh, want to touch me then?” Sebastian asked uncertainly.

I nodded, “Yeah.” I said, “I really do – I just... I don’t know what to do.”

He chuckled, “You’ve masturbated before, haven’t you?” he asked.

I nodded, “Sure.” I agreed.

He shrugged, “Well, it’s just the same really – you just do it on me instead.”

“On you?” I licked my lips as a million new ideas flew through my mind, “What? You want me to come on you again?”

He raised his eyebrows and nodded, smiling lazily at me, “I want to do everything and anything with you – whatever your wildest fantasy is – so if you want to come on me, baby – go ahead.”

My heart was pumping away in my chest. Fuck. Sebastian was the sexiest person I’d ever met. How the hell hadn’t I seen it before?

“Oh, my God.” I breathed, “Where the fuck have you been all my life?”

He chuckled, “For the past three months I’ve been right under your nose, baby.” He said, “You just didn’t see me lurking there.”

I sighed, “I did see you – I just didn’t realise...” A stab of jealousy shot through me as I remembered seeing him on the sofa that time, jeans undone and shirts pushed up and his tongue down that guy’s throat...

He touched my face, making me jump, “I’m all yours.” He whispered, “I want to be yours – only yours. Will you be exclusive with me?”

I blinked. I thought we’d already established that when I asked him to be my boyfriend... Clearly things were a little different in the gay world. “Well, of course.” I started.

He smiled, “Good.” He said, “Because I never want to be with anyone else, Kurt. I love you. I have for a while...”

My jaw dropped. A while? That sounded like a lot longer than since I told him I’d fallen for him, “Since when?” I asked.

He cocked his head to one side and smiled mistily, “remember when we first met and you asked me out for a drink?”

I gaped at him, “Since then?” I squeaked. Fuck. I’d gotten off with Megan that night and took her back to the flat. It had taken me an age to realise that my feelings for him were anything other than platonic...

He nodded, “And we ate chocolate spread on toast and you fell asleep on the sofa. God, I wanted to crawl under that quilt with you and snuggle you all night.”

I smiled, “You should have done,” I murmured, “I might have realised...”

He shrugged, “Doubt it.” He said, “You still thought you were straight.”

True. “I’m glad we finally made it.” I said, kissing him on the end of his beautiful nose.

He smiled, “Me too – now lie back and let me suck that delicious cock of yours.”

I wanted to protest. To tell him that I wanted to touch him too and that I really wanted to have a go at sucking his cock but he was totally in the zone and yeah, it did feel awesome so I let it go. I could totally return the favour later. He was incredible...

He pushed me back onto the bed and took me back into his mouth. It felt so perfect, like we’d been doing this for years, completely in tune with each other – or at least he was in tune with me – but I’d catch up soon enough, of that I was sure.

“Oh, God. I want you.” I murmured, “So badly.” My desire for him was beginning to consume me completely. His tongue was driving me insane. The way he was able to totally turn me on, just from using his mouth and his fingers was such a revelation I was absolutely stunned. I had no idea – no idea that I could feel like this. I’d had loads of girlfriends since I’d discovered what my penis was really for but never had I met anyone who actually knew how to turn me on. Sebastian... He was a sex god. An absolute sex god...

“Do that again.” I whispered.

He licked me from root to tip and swirled his tongue around the head of my cock again, “Do what.” He asked after he’d pulled off me with a loud ‘pop’.

I grinned, “That.”

He smiled at me, licking his lips, “Gladly.” He murmured, “I could suck you all damned day.”

And I could let him suck me any time of any day – although I guessed that it would be kind of awkward in the supermarket, although... some of those aisles were kind of solitary... “Yeah, baby.” I groaned as he slid his mouth over me right down to my balls again. Heaven only knew how he did that without gagging. I had such a lot to learn and I really couldn’t wait.

“Wanna suck you too, Seb.” I murmured as I watched him working on my cock and feeling as if I was about to come right down his throat.”

He nodded slightly, his eyes closed and his long lashes brushing his cheeks as he totally revelled in sucking me deeply into his throat. Fuck. That felt absolutely amazing. I patted his shoulder, “Seb, baby – gonna come.”

He nodded and grabbed my hips, making absolutely certain that I had absolutely no choice other than to come in his mouth. Ohhh, fuck. That was hot. None of my girlfriends had ever wanted me to come in their mouths and I’d respected that. I was a little scared that Sebastian would be grossed out by it too but he seemed to be totally into it. Wow. This was fucking incredible. “Fuck,” I hissed, trying to pull away from him with little success, “really gonna come,” I gasped as I felt myself explode into his eager mouth.”

I watched as he seemed completely blissed out to be swallowing down everything I was pumping into him and he continued to suck me right through my orgasm. Holy shit. Nothing I’d ever experienced before compared. “Oh, my God.” I murmured, “Stop. Stop... I can’t take anymore.”

He slid off my softening cock and flopped down on the bed next to me, “Fuck,” he murmured, still looking completely blissed out, his lips shiny and panting slightly.

“Yeah,” I agreed, “That was awesome.”

“Awesome.” He agreed.

“Give me half an hour and I’ll totally be good to go again.” I joked, “But first – I really want to make you come too.”

He smiled, “It won’t take long, babe.” He murmured, “Here, feel this.”

I wrapped my hand around his hard length, “Fuck, you feel amazing.” I said. It still filled me with a sort of awed wonder that I could take hold of another guy’s cock and feel the way I did about it. Which was totally into it and dying to do more. I guess that was what love did to you. I’d never felt this way about anyone before. I’d just been going through the motions with all my girlfriends, doing what I thought they expected of me as a guy – who knew that all this time I’d just needed to find my perfect man?

I leaned up on my elbow and watched as I worked his cock. It was kind of fascinating to see my hand wrapped around his cock and when he started to thrust his hips along with me, effectively fucking my hand, I felt my own cock start to harden again, “Oh, my God.” I murmured, “You’re just too damned sexy.”

He grinned at me, “How’s your dick?” he asked, “Still too sensitive?”

I shook my head, “I think I’m good,” I said, “Why, what are you thinking?” All of his ideas were fucking awesome and I was getting excited, wondering what he was going to suggest this time.

“Well, you could take both of us in your hand,” he said softly, driving me mad with his low, sexy voice, “Or we could just slide our cocks together – that always feels really good.”

Fuck. Both suggestions were mind-blowing. “Uh, the second one.” I panted, “Sounds fucking blinding.”

He chuckled, “Don’t think it’ll send us blind, but...”

I chuckled, “Fuck off.”

He grinned, “Flat on your back, big boy.” He murmured, pushing me back and straddling my thighs, “and just enjoy the ride.”

I started to think of another way I could enjoy the ride but we still hadn’t really established if he was a top or a bottom and I had no fucking clue if I’d enjoy bottoming. I can’t deny I’d been fantasising about it, but I’d not been brave enough to practice with a dildo or anything.

“What?” Sebastian was watching me while I was having my internal meltdown.

I blinked, “What?” I asked.

“Talk to me.” he said, “What’s on your mind?”

“Are you a top or a bottom?”

He grinned, “I can be anything you want me to be, baby.” He said in a fake American accent.

I chuckled, “No, but really...?”

He nodded, “I’ve done both, I like both – I think if anything I prefer bottoming, but it’s not a deal-breaker.”

I nodded, “Cool.” I think I was going to have to try both and then decide, “Can we do both?”

His grin told me that he thought that was a very good idea...



Chapter 20 – Being bold...




I woke up and blinked in the darkness. I hated winter. I could never tell if it really was morning and that I was conditioned to waking up at seven every morning – or if it was still the middle of the night and I was just waking up with anxiety, which was also a distinct possibility since I’d been home and away from the one person that I wanted to be near for the rest of my life.

I lay there and stared at the ceiling for a moment before the memory of the best Christmas ever filtered back through to me – the one where Kurt came to see me and told me he loved me.

I lay there for a moment, drifting between being asleep and fully conscious and just listened to Kurt’s even breathing while he slept.

I snapped the lamp on next to me and turned over and had to stop myself from gasping. Kurt was lying there in all his naked glory next to me and oh, my God, he looked fucking delicious.

I couldn’t help admiring his shapely calves and thighs as he lay on his back with one leg outstretched and the other hanging off the edge of the bed. He had one arm flung out sideways and the other behind his head as he slept soundly. His mouth was slightly open and his hair, which was usually swept off his face in a bit of a quiff, had fallen over his forehead, making him look much younger – and incredibly cute.

My fingers itched to touch him. I had to feel that deliciously soft skin beneath my fingers, I just had to.

I reached out and stroked a finger up his outstretched leg.

He didn’t wake up but his breathing definitely changed and his morning wood got a whole lot more noticeable.

I grinned. Hello! Someone was getting excited. My confidence growing, I stroked my fingers lightly across the bulge in his boxer shorts.

He made me jump when his hand landed on top of mine. “Bold.” He said, grinning at me as I gasped and snatched my hand away like I’d just been caught stealing sweets.

“Oh, my God!” I exclaimed, “You terrified me!”

He chuckled, “I doubt that.” He said, sitting up and wrapping me up in his arms and pulling me back down, “Now give me a kiss – and no complaining about my morning breath – you’ve lived with me for long enough to know what I’m like.”

I chuckled, “I was just thinking about wrapping my lips around your cock, dude.” I reminded him, “But if you only want a kiss...”

He growled and rolled me over, pinning me underneath his weight and giving his hips a roll to show me how much he liked the idea. “You can definitely get your lips around my cock – after you’ve kissed me.”

I chuckled, “Fine.” I said, rolling my eyes a little dramatically, “One kiss.”

“Two,” he argued playfully, “One for good luck.” He winked at me, making me giggle.

“Fine – two – and then I want you stripped naked and I’m going to lick you all over.”

“Oh, fuck.” He groaned, “You’re too much.”

I shook my head, “Nah.” I argued, “I’m perfect for you – the yin to your yang.”

He nodded, “I think you’re absolutely right.” He murmured, “Come here.”

I lowered my face and fit my mouth against his, revelling in his soft lips moving against mine in perfect synchronisation. I sighed against his delicious mouth. I could lie here all day just kissing him, losing myself in the sensations of his tongue stroking mine and tasting him and feeling his deliciously warm body, hard against mine as his desire for me grew in the same way as mine was growing for him.

“Touch me.” I breathed, “I need to feel your hands on me.”

Kurt groaned into my mouth, “Oh, baby.” He sighed as he pulled away from the kiss, looking slightly dazed by the whole thing, “I thought you’d never ask.”

He reached his hand down and the next second his warm hand wrapped around my rock hard cock and started to work me.

I closed my eyes and just concentrated on the feel of his hand on my cock. “Oh, God.” I murmured, “Like that, yeah – just like that, baby.”

Encouraged by my words, he gripped me a little tighter and started to work me harder. My balls started to tighten and I could feel myself getting more and more turned on.

“Can I try sucking you?” he asked.

Oh sweet mother of all that is holy! “Is that another trick question?” I asked slightly incredulously.

He blushed, “Aw, come on Sebastian – I’m really new to this. I want to do it – and I’m pretty sure I’ll be kind of okay at it but... you know...”

I shook my head and gazed at him, “You’ll be brilliant, baby – just go with what feels good.”

He nodded, “Okay.”

He shuffled himself down the bed and nuzzled my belly with his whiskery chin. My cock twitched, desperate for some attention from his beautiful, sexy, filthy mouth...

When he finally closed his beautiful lips over the head of my incredibly eager cock I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. And oh, my God, he was a natural. I’d had my cock sucked a few times in my time but nothing, nothing felt like this. Maybe it was because it was Kurt and I was in love with him. Or maybe it was that he really was just fucking awesome at sucking cock and he’d really missed his vocation in life... Okay. I was in love... and he was really good at sucking my cock.

He took my whole length down his throat without even gagging and sucked me hard. I felt my cock swelling in his mouth and I was afraid that I’d get too carried away and come and put him off for life.

I needn’t have worried. He was totally up for it. He pulled off me after a minute or two with a messy slurp. “Oh, my God.” He panted, “I can taste you, man – and you taste fucking delicious.”

“I won’t come in your mouth.” I panted, “I promise.”

“No, no – you’ve got to come for me, baby.” He groaned, “Come in my mouth. I want it. I want everything. I want to experience absolutely everything there is to experience with you.”

Oh, my God. He was fucking perfect. Perfect.



Chapter 21 – Going home...




We’d been in each other’s company for a whole week, day and night and it had been absolutely amazing.

The only thing that could make it better would be if we could try going all the way – I was keen to lose my virginity so to speak...

We still hadn’t had full sex with each other. I hadn’t tried topping him and he hadn’t tried topping me either and I was beginning to get a little anxious about the whole thing.

“Hey, there’s no pressure.” Sebastian was quick to assure me when I voiced my concerns.

I nodded, “I know that.” I said, “But I really want to do it.”

He laughed, “We’ll be back at uni in a couple of weeks – we can totally do it there where no one else can walk in on us.”

I nodded, “Sure, sure.” I agreed. I bit my lip. I’d had an idea that we could do it way before then... “But we could also get the key to one of the cabins and have our own space back at home...” I’d really thought it all through. My bedroom wasn’t big enough to put us both up in – but if we had one of the cabins that were usually hired out...

Sebastian raised his eyebrows, “Seriously?” he asked.

I nodded, biting my lip, “definitely.” I said, “There’s always at least three that aren’t hired out.”

He grinned and nodded, “I’ll pack my condoms and lube then.” He said.

I smiled, “Have you got any toys?”

His eyes widened, “Well, aren’t you the surprisingly kinky one?” he teased.

I blushed, “Fuck off.”

He laughed, “As it happens, I do have one or two toys in my top drawer.”

Oh, my God. He was totally my kind of guy... “Bring them.” I said.



Chapter 22 – Cristian...




Mum was a little tearful that we’d got to leave so soon after Christmas and that we couldn’t stay for New Year’s Eve, but she understood that Kurt also had to see his family and that they’d missed Christmas Day with him.

“It’s been so lovely to meet you, Kurt.” She said wrapping him up in a hug, that, I’m not gonna lie, made me feel a little jealous.

He laughed self-consciously, “It’s been a pleasure meeting you, too.” He said, “And thank you so much for putting me up.”

She smiled, “Oh, it was nothing.” She said, “Sebastian’s been doing most of the entertaining.”

Yes. Yes I had...

“Come on,” I said, before Mum could say anything else that could be misconstrued and used against her in a game of innuendo bingo. “We’ll miss the flight if we don’t go now.”

We got to the airport with plenty of time to spare and we were browsing the duty-free when some ridiculously beautiful guy walked up behind Kurt, stood on tiptoes, reached around and covered his eyes with his hands, “Guess who?” he lisped with a giggle.

What the fuck? He was so overly familiar and he spoke in such a sing-songy voice I had to wonder if Kurt had been holding out on me and had, in his past, actually dated this guy.

And to make matters even worse, he was grinning all over his face as he turned in his arms, “Cris?” he asked delightedly.

“You guessed!” He crowed, dropping his hands and then flinging his arms around my boyfriend as soon as he turned towards him. What was even worse was that Kurt wrapped him up in a bear hug and returned the hug wholeheartedly!

Who the fuck was this Cris guy? I frowned and walked around the aisle to stake my claim on my man. No fucking way was some pretty-boy flight attendant gonna take him off me now that I’d finally gotten him. I did my best to scowl at the guy menacingly. I don’t think I pulled it off particularly well since he just looked back at me with some amusement and raised his eyebrows at Kurt. “And who’s this?” he asked, “Have you finally turned to the dark side, too?”

Kurt blushed and nodded, rolling his eyes as he did so, “Yeah,” he said, “This is my boyfriend, Sebastian.”

Cris beamed at me, “Sebastian?” he breathed, “What a fantastic name.”

I blinked. Was he for real? I looked at Kurt questioningly, “Who is this guy?” I asked in possibly my surliest tone ever.

He grinned, “This is Cristian.” He told me, “We all kind of grew up together – he’s a bit like an adoptive younger brother.”

I nodded, “Right.” Well, phew – I guessed that wasn’t so bad...

Cris was nodding along, “I’ll probably see you at the New Year’s party.” He said with a very definite lisp that made him sound even more camp than he already did. Hell, he was far worse than I was. “I’m really looking forward to seeing Elliot again.”

Kurt raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything more.

Seconds later, Cris had shot off to wherever it was that flight attendants assembled between flights and we were once again alone. I had to ask. “You and he? You never...?”

Kurt looked at me incredulously, “I thought I was straight until I met you – does he look like the type of guy I’d be interested in?”

I smiled, “Not really, no.” I had to admit, “But I was worried there for a second when you closed your eyes while you hugged him.”

He laughed, “He’s like my little brother.”

I nodded, “Cool.”

He bit his lip, “I hope he isn’t setting his sights on Elliot as a prospective boyfriend, though,” He said, “Elliot’s...”

“A dog.” I supplied without any hesitation.

He nodded, “He is a bit.” He admitted with a laugh, “But I still think you’ll like him.”

Well, I guess we’d see...




To no surprise, Cris was on our flight. And he couldn’t have looked after us better. He got us priority boarding, then he gave us a glass of complimentary champagne each when he found out how Kurt had come to find me from the engagement party to tell me that he loved me and he even got us twenty per-cent discount tickets for the flights to the UK for when we had to go back to uni. What a truly lovely guy he’d turned out to be.

“So what’s the deal with Elliot?” Kurt asked him quietly as he served us our champagne.

He flicked his rather perfect fringe back and sighed, “Well,” he said, “We’ve been sort of getting friendly whenever I’m back home...”

Kurt made a face, “Don’t be just another one of his conquests, Cris.” He said, “You’re worth more than that.”

Cris made a face, “That’s your best friend you’re talking about,” he said a little bitchily.

Kurt nodded, “I know that.’ He said, “And that’s how I know what he’s like – he tells me about all of them.”

Cris’s jaw dropped, “Has he mentioned me?”

Oh, fuck. He’d already been a conquest...

I glanced sideways at Kurt and just about managed to keep myself from bursting out laughing. His face was every bit as shocked as Cris’s. “Uh, no.” he said, “He hasn’t.”

Cris smiled, his face a little pink. “I’d better get back to work.” He said.


The rest of the flight was fine. I hated landing and was gripping Kurt’s hand while pressing my other hand on the seat in front, whilst praying to every god I could think of for us to make it – and of course we did...

Kurt chuckled, “You’re funny.” He said, “I never would have pegged you for being a nervous flier.”

I shrugged, “Meh, I can’t help it. We had a really bad flight when I was a little kid and I’ve been a bit of a scaredy-cat ever since.”

He smiled, “You’re so fucking adorable.”



Chapter 23 – The Cabin...




Sadly, Cris couldn’t do us any favours with going through passport control and baggage claim, but eventually we got through and my brother and his fiancé, George were waiting on the other side for us.

Kane’s whoop of joy at seeing me with Sebastian was so loud it was frankly embarrassing, but I was just as pleased to see him as he was to see me.

I dropped my bag and gathered him in a massive hug, “Bro’!” I shouted back, “Great to see you!”

He pulled away from me, grinning all over his face and then he and George both totally checked out Sebastian – how fucking rude!

“Guys,” I admonished, “He’s not a piece of meat.”

They both chuckled, “You did good.” Kane said.

George nodded, “It’s very nice to meet you.” He stepped forward and shook Sebastian’s hand.

Sebastian grinned, “And it’s very nice to meet you both too.” He said. Turning to me with a cheeky grin he added innocently, “You never mentioned that you lived with such a pretty brother.”

I burst out laughing and then pulled him to me. It had been far too long since I’d last kissed him. I planted a very firm kiss on his beautiful mouth. “You’re so damned gorgeous.” I murmured.

“Fuck’s sake.” Kane said, “Get a room!”

I laughed as I pulled away from Sebastian, “About that.” I said, “Are there any cabins left?”




Thankfully, there were two left. I claimed one – and I told Mum to leave the other one for Cris – since he lived too far away from us to be able to travel home at New Year.

Sebastian and I dumped our bags and then went over to the main house so I could introduce him to Mum and Dad.

They were both really pleased to meet him and Mum insisted that we stay for some supper before we turned in. “It’s going to snow heavily tonight so you’ll need something warm – just in case we lose power to everything in the night and have to live off cold meat and salad for the rest of the week before it gets reconnected.”

She made a good point...

After the best meal either of us had eaten in living memory – or, you know – since Christmas day anyway, we made our way back to the cabin.

It was dark and cold when we first left Mum and Dad’s, and the snow had just started to fall, “This is so perfect.” Sebastian whispered as we got up to the front door.

I nodded, “I used to think it was pretty crappy living here,” I admitted, “But being here with you makes me see it the way other people must – it’s kind of magical with someone to share it with.”

He smiled, “Come on,” he tugged me along, “it’s also freezing out here – let’s get back to that cabin and you can make us a fire.”

I laughed, “You make me sound like a caveman.”

He grinned, “Well, you’re more caveman than I am,” he said, “That’s for sure.”

I smiled. Sebastian could never be described as a caveman type of guy. He was far too beautiful but he wasn’t quite so feminine as Cristian. Thinking about Cristian made a pang of worry go through me. It didn’t sit well with me that Elliot was using him. Elliot was a lot of good things – but playing nice with his prey was not one of his good points. He was bloody awful to guys – and Cris deserved so much better.

I needed to talk to Elliot – to talk some sense into him – and to tell him to leave Cris the hell alone. “I’m gonna have to have a word with Elliot.” I murmured.

Sebastian frowned, “You should really leave them to sort their own troubles out, babe.”

I nodded. I did get that, too. It was like being between a rock and a hard place. I was a friend of both of them and I didn’t want either of them pissed off with me. “Yeah...” I started, “I know.”

Sebastian raised an eyebrow, “But you know them better than I do – so it’s your call.”

Fuck. I was happier being told to leave it well alone. “Come here – I’m not going to think about it at all tonight. Tonight is just about you and me – and what you’ve got in that bag.”

He threw his head back and laughed, “Horny, are we?” he asked.

I nodded, “I don’t mind admitting to you that I’ve been thinking about your cock all night.” I said, “So, let’s get this fire started and then let’s get naked.”

Sebastian smiled, “Can anyone see in through these windows?”

I shook my head, “No – it just faces the mountains – so unless someone’s out there on the mountain with night vision binoculars...”

He smiled, “then let’s leave the curtains open so we can see the snow falling while we make love.”

Oh, my God... I’d found my soulmate. Truly. “That sounds perfect, sweetheart.”  I murmured.

I got the fire going in minutes. I’d been making fires in these cabins for years so I knew exactly what I was doing.

As the room started to warm up I turned to Sebastian, “Time to get naked, baby.”

He grinned, “Fuck, yeah.” He said, “Are we undressing each other or just watching each other?”

“Just watching.” I said, “It’s quicker and my dick’s killing me in these jeans – I’ve had a semi going on since we got off the fucking plane.”

He chuckled, “Me too.” He admitted, “Let’s get ‘em off!”

We were stripped in seconds. I gathered him to me. His hardness pressed against my own tantalisingly. “You feel so damned good.” I murmured, breathing in the fabulous scent of his hair, “And you smell fantastic.”

He fastened his lips over one of my nipples and ran the tip of his tongue over it, making me shiver, “Mmmm,” he murmured, “So do you. I really wanna suck you.”

I shook my head, “I want you inside me – I want to know what it feels like before I do it to you.”

He blinked and then a slow smile spread over his face, “Are you serious?”

I nodded. I was absolutely terrified of it hurting and putting me off him for life but this was something I really wanted to do. I didn’t want our relationship to be one-sided in that I was always the top and he was always the bottom. I wanted to share the experience, “I am absolutely serious.” I said, “I want to feel you inside me. I want to be yours in every sense of the word, Sebastian. Kissing you is like heaven on earth – and when we do other stuff it’s even better than just kissing. I can only imagine what it’s going to be like to be able to become one with you.”

He nodded, his eyes filling with tears, “I get you,” he said, his voice cracking with emotion, “I feel exactly the same way.”

We’d gathered the quilt and pillows from the bedroom and arranged them in front of the fire, with the cushions off the sofas arranged in a makeshift mattress. It would probably have been a whole lot more comfortable if we’d just gone to bed – but this was more romantic by far – and the flickering fire made everything just so much sexier.

Sebastian pulled me towards the ‘bed’ we’d made on the floor, “Come on,” he said, “Let’s just get started and see where it takes us – I honestly don’t mind if you change your mind about this – I’m cool with the way things are – if you never want me to fuck you it’s perfectly fine. You can just fuck me if that’s what you want.”

I frowned, “I don’t want to ‘fuck’ you, Sebastian,” I said, “It’ll be making love.”

He grinned, “Yeah,” he said softly, touching my face with his fingertips, “I know that – I just didn’t want to sound like a pussy.”

I grinned, “Oh, I see – so I sound like a pussy, huh?”

He chuckled, shaking his head, “It sounds sexy from your lips – when I say it, I just sound like a right wanker.”

I laughed and lay down on the pile of cushions, blankets and quilts. It was surprisingly comfortable. I looked up at Sebastian, “Are you going to join me?”

He nodded, gazing down at me before he dropped to his knees and started to crawl towards me. My dick stood on end at the sheer sexiness of the move. Fuck me. The guy was pure sex. How the fuck had I not noticed for all those months sharing the same space? I really had been utterly blind.

He managed to crawl right between my slightly spread legs and then he lowered his body over mine, rubbing our cocks together as he lazily kissed me.

I groaned into his mouth as his tongue found mine and we started to really explore each other’s mouths. His hands were roaming all over my nakedness. My hands slid down his body to find his fabulously rounded behind. I’m not gonna lie – I was kind of addicted to grabbing his arse. It was so deliciously squashy. But tonight I was going to be brave. Tonight I was going to go that little bit further and I was going to find his hole and I was going to finger him.

I slid my hand a little further between his cheeks and marvelled at how different it felt – warmer and slightly moist with his sweat. The skin felt differently here too and then I found what I was looking for – the slightly puckered skin of his hole.

He gasped into my mouth as I stroked my finger across it. “Oh,” he pulled away from the kiss and leaned up, “And you call me bold?”

I grinned up at him, feeling suddenly a little shy about what I was doing. I essentially had my finger in my boyfriend’s arse – and I still wasn’t freaking out at the gayness of the whole thing. Guess I really was finally comfortable about being in love with a guy. “Is it okay?”

He nodded, “Fuck, yeah.” He breathed, “It feels amazing.”

I leaned up and kissed his mouth, “Good,” I said, “Come back down here – I want to suck on your tongue while I finger your arse.”

“Oh, God, Kurt.” He teased, “You say the nicest things.”

I chuckled, “Just give me your tongue.”

He settled himself back down, sliding his cock against mine seductively as he did so. His mouth covered mine and he nipped on my bottom lip before allowing me to suck his tongue. I circled my fingers around his hole as I kissed him, licking into his mouth and tasting him, revelling in the feel of his beautiful, naked body against mine. I was totally in heaven.

He pulled away from me after a while and leaned up on his elbows, which meant that his cock was left exactly where we both wanted it – right next to mine.

“I have an idea.” He murmured, stroking a finger down my chest, “And I think you’ll like it.”

I raised an eyebrow, “I’m really enjoying myself now.”

He nodded, “Me too – but this will blow your mind – and it’ll help get you ready for me, too.”

I blinked, visualising his thick cock entering me. Hello! Whatever he had in mind sounded kind of hot... “Okay.”

He smiled and then started to move down. What? He was just sneakily going in for a blowjob? I leaned forward to see what he was up to.

He looked back up at me, “What?” he asked.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

He grinned, “How much gay porn have you watched in your time?”

I opened my mouth to tell him that I’d watched a fair bit because of my brother and my best friend, but then I wondered if he’d think I was kinky for watching it when I was straight so I closed it again and shrugged, “A bit.”

He raised an eyebrow, “Ever watched one guy rim another?”

My cock went rock hard so fast my head went a little dizzy. I nodded, “Yeah.” I squeaked, “And I don’t mind admitting that it was fucking hot.”

He grinned, “And that was the answer I needed,” He said, “Because I’m going down.”

Oh, my God. He was so my ideal man...

He nuzzled my balls before taking first one and then the other into his mouth and sucking them. Holy hell. No one had ever done that to me before and it was quite a shock – albeit a very nice one. I tensed a little as he spread my legs a little wider to give him access to the rest of me, “Mmm,” he murmured, “looking good, babe.”

Really? How the hell could my hairy arse and my shitter look good? Seriously, I really wasn’t sure that I was cut out for this – and what about the way I smelled? Would he like it or hate it? Ohhh, God. I was totally overthinking it all.

However, all thoughts of the way I smelled – or tasted come to that – went out of my head when I felt his tongue circle my hole. Holy shit! That felt absolutely amazing...

After what felt like only a few seconds but could have been hours – I’d kind of got lost in the sensations – he stopped what he was doing and totally stuck his tongue in my hole. Oh, my God! That was such an incredible feeling. I wasn’t sure I’d ever be brave enough to return the favour but fuck! It felt good.

He stopped after a while and came up for air. “I think you’re ready.” He said, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand.

I nodded, “I’m sure I am.” I agreed.

He smiled, “It’s not easy relaxing enough to let someone in, you know?” he said, “So I’m totally good with us not doing this.”

I nodded, “Would you like me to do you if I can’t?”

He shrugged, “We’ll see how we feel.” He said, “I can suck you and you can suck me instead.”


I watched as he rolled the condom down his shaft and then lubed himself up.

“Should I...?” I started.

He shook his head, “I’ll do it.” He said, “I really want to finger you.”

Fuck. What a perfect guy...

I nodded and flopped my head back on the pillows. Fuck. I’d never been so turned on in my life.

Second later I felt his lubed-up fingers probing at my hole. My first instinct was to tense up but I knew if we were going to get anywhere that I had to relax and I tried – oh, God, did I try?

“Relax, babe.” He crooned, “You’re too tense. I can’t even get a finger in.”

I sighed loudly, “I know – I want to – I just... I can’t.”

He stopped and crawled back up the bed, “Hey, don’t look so sad – we’ve got a great cabin – you built us a fabulous fire that’s gonna keep us warm all night long – and you can still try topping me.”

I blinked, “Are you sure?”

He nodded, “Been there and done that before, babe – I can definitely take you but we’ve got all night – I’m sure we can do this.”

I nodded, gritting my teeth. I could take him. I was sure of it. “Do it. I said, “I want you so much – and I’m totally clean back there – I looked it all up and I got a douche and everything so I’m definitely good to go.”

He smiled, “You’re fucking adorable.” He said, “Thanks for being so considerate.”

Well, it was just good manners, wasn’t it? Did some guys not do that? Was I freakily clean? Fuck it – I was who I was and I wasn’t going to apologise for it. I didn’t think it was a good idea for him to end up with a random piece of sweet corn or something under his foreskin so I’d done the whole douching thing that was very well explained by the online company I’d bought my sex toys from. I was totally clean – and pretty damned confident.

He applied a little more lube to my extremely excited hole and then he pressed his cock against my entrance. It felt fucking huge.

Breathe. I told myself. You can do this. You want to do this – just think about how it’s gonna feel against your prostate... Yeah. I really had to stop talking to myself like I was one of my professors...

Seconds later, Sebastian had actually managed to breach my entrance successfully.

The noise that left my mouth was something I don’t think I’d be able to recreate if I had every day of the rest of my life to try. It was almost inhuman. Seconds later though, it was worth all of the anxiety and apprehension.

“Oh, God.” I groaned, “That’s fucking amazing.”

He nodded, “It’s fucking brilliant.” He gasped, “You feel amazing. So tight – and so hot. Oh, God – I’m not gonna last long.”

I didn’t care. This was my first time with a cock in my arse and it felt absolutely incredible – a little on the painful side, I’m not gonna lie – but when his cock nudged that sweet spot I’d read so much about – wow! If he lasted a couple of seconds or four fucking hours – I honestly wasn’t bothered – this was just amazing. “Come.” I gasped, “I want you to come!”

He shook his head, gazing at me with a bit of a glazed look on his face, “I really want you to come too.” He panted, “Fuck, I’m gonna have to start going to the gym – I’m fucking exhausted.”

“Oh, baby.” I wanted to laugh. He looked so earnest. “Just come, sweetheart – I’ll give you a hand.”

I reached for my cock and started to work myself. If he wanted us to come together – I’d do my damnedest to make it happen.

It was a matter of seconds before I started to feel the familiar tingling that was the beginning of my orgasm, “Oh, God, Seb – I’m gonna come.” My cock exploded between us, covering my stomach and chest in long, thick streams of my come.

“Oh, thank God.” He gasped, making me want to laugh again. The next second, his whole body shuddered as he came. He collapsed on top of me, burying his face in my neck and smearing the sticky mess between us. “Sorry,” he mumbled, “I’ll get something to clean us up in a second.”

“’S’fine.” I murmured as I revelled in his weight on me. His cock was still inside me, but it was definitely softening.

He heaved himself up again carefully and slid himself out of me. “Are you okay?” he asked, “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

I shook my head, “Not really,” I said, “It hurt a bit at first but it was far less painful than I imagined.”

He smiled, “I’ll bottom for you next time – topping is fucking exhausting!”

I laughed, “Deal.” I agreed.

Sebastian padded off to the bathroom and came back with a massive wad of tissues. We got ourselves cleaned up and then I patted the space beside me, “Come here.” I said, “Let’s cuddle for a bit and watch the snow falling.”

He smiled and snuggled down next to me. We watched the snow drifting down. “It’s coming thick and fast.” Sebastian said with a yawn.

I nodded, “It does round here.” I said, “Fancy going tobogganing tomorrow?”

Sebastian shot me a look of alarm, “Tobogganing?” he said, sounding slightly horrified, “Umm.”

Clearly he didn’t want to say no but I could tell that he wasn’t exactly enamoured with the idea. “It’s safe.” I assured him, “And I’ll be right there with you – I can go at the front and you can hang on to me – or I can wrap you up from behind.”

“Oooh, hello!” he joked, “That sounds more like it!”

I laughed, “Let’s go to sleep. We can decide in the morning.”



Chapter 24 – Tobogganing...




Swallowing down my fear, I got dressed in the borrowed salopettes, coat and boots that Kurt insisted I needed to wear to go tobogganing.

If he could try bottoming and end up enjoying himself – then, hell – I could go tobogganing.

We were meeting his brother and George, his brother’s fiancé, on the slopes at eleven o’clock.

Feeling completely stupid in my dreadful get-up I squinted in the sunlight as a guy started to approach us. Who the hell was this guy? He was grinning all over his rather handsome face.

“Elliot!” Kurt exclaimed in delight, “Come here buddy!”

Elliot skied smoothly over to him and gathered him in a massive bear hug.

The smile kind of froze on my face. I really didn’t like other guys hugging my boyfriend. It made me feel ever-so-slightly nauseous, which in turn made me feel bad for the way I’d made Kurt feel when I’d had other guys around the apartment. Still, I hadn’t been aware of his feelings for me back then...

Kurt was disentangling himself from his friend’s embrace and pulling him towards me, “This is Sebastian,” he said proudly as he beamed at me. My heart melted a little at the way he was so willing to show me off even though he’d left home only a couple of months ago, believing himself to be as straight as an arrow.

 Elliot was beaming along with him and shook my hand heartily, “It’s really good to meet you.” He said enthusiastically, “And you couldn’t have picked a better guy than Kurt here.”

I smiled and nodded. I already knew that... “Nice to meet you too.” I replied.

Kurt slung his arm around my shoulder, “We were going tobogganing – are you sticking to the ski slopes or would you like to join us? Kane and George are meeting up with us shortly.”

Elliot looked slightly cagey and shook his head, “Uh, no...” he said, “I’m uh, meeting someone.”

Kurt raised an eyebrow, “Oh, yeah?” he asked, “Who?”

“Me!” came a rather camp voice from behind us.

We all turned. There was the flight attendant from the day before, “Cristian!” Elliot shouted, “Come here, you!”

Cristian just about knocked him over in his enthusiasm to give him a hug. I looked at Kurt, “Someone’s got it bad.” I murmured.

He nodded with a bit of a confused frown on his face, “Yeah.” He said, “And I’m not sure which one has it the worst.” He said.

Elliot and Cristian soon disappeared off together, lost in their own conversation and each other.

Kane and George appeared shortly afterwards, “Hey, Kane.” Kurt asked, “Has Elliot been dating anyone recently?”

He blinked and shrugged his shoulders, “Not too sure if I’m honest.” He said, “I’ve been a little distracted, what with getting engaged and everything.”

He nodded, “Hmm.”

Any further conversation was forgotten as we got to the tobogganing area. Kane and George arranged themselves on their toboggan with Kane at the back, keeping his fiancé secure in his arms.

I decided that it looked the best way to do it so I sat in front of Kurt and we set off after the others.

I screamed pretty much the whole way down the slope and we came to a stop with Kurt laughing so hard I thought he was going to die.

“Oh, my God!” he gasped, holding his sides, “That was the best thing ever!”

I chuckled, “It was fucking terrifying – I’m never doing that again!”

Kane and George came running over as fast as the snow would allow, “Going again?” Kane asked, his nose red and his smile almost as intoxicating as his brother’s.

I shook my head but Kurt pulled me up into his arms, “Oh, come on babe – it was brilliant fun!”

I rolled my eyes, “Oh, alright.” I begrudgingly agreed, “One more run...”



Chapter 25 – New Year’s Party...




I wouldn’t say that Sebastian was a convert to snow sports or anything but I’m fairly confident that he enjoyed the day on the slopes.

It reminded me how much I missed home, being out playing in the snow and taking part in all of my favourite activities – but it was also so much better because I was showing it all to Sebastian – and seeing it through his eyes. He thought it was fantastic and that really made me happy – that he was enjoying what was essentially my home life.

We’d been playing outside in the freezing temperatures for a good couple of hours and I for one was getting pretty damned cold, now.

“I think it’s time we went to the bar and got ourselves a beer or something – and definitely something to eat.”

Sebastian beamed at me, “I thought you’d never suggest it!” he said with a laugh, “I’m starving!”

I chuckled and slung an arm around his shoulder, “You did great today.” I said because he really had. Snow really wasn’t his bag but he’d totally thrown himself into the whole thing and I really couldn’t have asked for more.

He leaned into me, “It’s fun with you.” He said softly, “I feel like I can do anything with you encouraging me.”

My heart felt like it was going to burst, “I love you.” I said, “I really love you.”

He smiled, “I love you too.”




We stamped our feet outside the pub to get rid of most of the snow. Even doing that never meant that the floor was completely dry and a trail of wet footprints tracked right up to the bar. Not that we cared. It was warm inside and I for one just wanted to sit down and relax for a while.

As we waited to be served, Sebastian nudged my shoulder, “someone’s getting cosy.” He murmured, nodding towards the corner of the pub.

I frowned and turned to look. There, sitting very close together were Elliot and Cristian. What the fuck was going on with those two? “Yeah,” I agreed, “I really hope Cristian knows what he’s getting himself into.”

Sebastian sighed, “You can’t protect him, Kurt,” he said, “he’s a big boy, now.”

I nodded. He was right. I couldn’t protect him from Elliot. Hell, Elliot might have stopped being such a slag now anyway – I’d been away a while. Who knows – Cris might actually be the one to tame him... I doubted it but stranger things happened – like me realising I was gay when I’d always identified as straight.

As I glanced over, Elliot looked up. He smiled and waved us over, “Hey! Kurt!”

We went over with our drinks, “Hey guys.” I smiled at them both, “Are you both coming to the New Year’s do tomorrow?”

They both agreed enthusiastically and said they’d be there.

It wasn’t specific that they were coming as a couple and I really didn’t want to probe too deeply into what the hell it was between them. I got the feeling something was going on – but I didn’t really want to get involved.

“Great!” I said with such obviously forced joviality it was frankly embarrassing, “Well, see you both then!” I grabbed Sebastian’s hand and dragged him away to a booth of our own. “What do you think’s going on with them?” I hissed as we sat down.

Sebastian shrugged, “I don’t know.” He said with a laugh, “It’s none of our business, Kurt.”

I shook my head, “I know.” I tried to push my concerns to the back of my mind – after all, my priority here was my beautiful boyfriend – but I couldn’t help worrying about it.

I thought back to when I last saw Elliot before Cristian appeared looking all adorable and cute. He’d seemed to be really smitten with someone. Hmm, was Cristian the poor bastard that had fallen into the ‘rebound’ category? Probably.

I frowned for a moment. Elliot wasn’t usually one to keep so quiet about a guy. In fact he used to keep us all up to date by text on all of his exploits – good and bad. So what was going on?

Was Cristian actually the guy he was smitten with?




“Hey Sebastian?”

Seb turned away from the mirror where he was creating the most fabulous hairstyle, “What’s up, babe?” he asked.

It had been bugging me all afternoon. “Do you think Cristian and Elliot could be the real deal?”

He smiled and shrugged, “I don’t know either of them as well as you do – do you think something’s different for Elliot this time?”

I bit my lip. I didn’t like to speak too soon. I could have just been catching him off guard but he really seemed to like Cristian – like, really liked him... Even more than he’d liked George... “He’s definitely acting a whole lot differently to the way he usually does with a guy.”

Sebastian’s smile became a massive grin, “Then maybe the magic has spread to him too, then.”

I grinned back, “Let’s hope so.”

We made our way to the main hall where the party was already starting to get going. Kane and George came ambling over. Kane took me to one side, “So is it going to be Mr and Mr Swain-Kennedy or Kennedy-Swain?”

I blinked, “I hadn’t really thought about it.” I admitted, “We’ve only been dating a couple of weeks, you know?”

He nodded, “I know.” He agreed, “But you’ve never been like this with anyone before and I know you feel it. I know you feel about him the way I feel about George. It’s like...”

“Magic.” I agreed, “Yeah, I do know.”

He beamed at me, “George loves the surname Swain so we’re having his name go before mine so he can add his surname into his middle names.”

I nodded, “Cool.” I agreed, “I’ll have to ask Sebastian what he wants.”

“And what would that be?” I heard Sebastian’s sexy voice in my ear as his arms snaked around my waist.

Kane grinned. He was so damned sure I was going to get all tongue-tied. Well, not today, bro’... Shooting him a challenging stare I turned around and cupped Sebastian’s face in my hands, “Whose name do you want to go first when we get married?”

His eyes widened comically before the most massive grin, that made his eyes totally disappear, spread across his gorgeous face, “Wow.” He murmured, “Was that a proposal?”

I shook my head, “Hardly.” I snorted, “When I propose to you, I want the romantic works.”

He chuckled, “I think Kennedy-Swain works.” He said, sliding his arms up my chest and around my neck, “What do you think?”

I nodded and grinned, “I think that works very well.” I agreed.

Kane nudged my elbow before I got too lost in my kiss with Sebastian, “Look who’s just arrived.”

I looked up and tried my best to focus on the door, “Ahh,” I smiled, “Elliot and Cristian – again.”

Kane grinned, “They’re getting to be quite the couple.” He murmured, “I wonder what’s going on with them.”

I shrugged, “Time will tell, mate,” I said sagely, “Time will tell...”


The End



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Coming Soon









Yes, I’d been a bit of a cockslut for a while... for as long as anyone who knew me could remember actually and no, it had never really bothered me before...

Well, there was one time that it had bothered me and that was a couple of years ago when I’d fallen pretty hard for a guy that had come on holiday and then who came back again the year after. I’d been pretty smitten and thought we might rekindle things, only he – and my best mate – had other ideas and they fell headlong in love with each other, leaving me feeling like I was on the outside with my nose pressed against the window... If I’d not been such a prick to George I might well have had more of a chance with him.

Still. I’d long since gotten over that. It was plain to anyone with half an eye that George and Kane totally belonged together. They were perfectly adorable.

Kurt, Kane’s twin brother was equally as adorable with his new found boyfriend (he’d always dated girls before) and I was beginning to feel as if my chances of finding the one were slipping away with my receding hairline...

Something that Kurt, Kane and their respective partners found highly amusing...



Chapter I – Paranoia...




“You are not going bald!” Kurt laughed, rubbing my head and making me squawk loudly before I pulled my beany hat back over my thinning locks.

“It’s because you wear hats.” Kane said slyly, knowing that I’d immediately want to remove my hat and allow the fresh air to get to my hair follicles... I was easily rendered paranoid...

“Who’s the lucky guy?” Sebastian asked kindly. He was such a sweetheart and I could totally see how Kurt had fallen for his subtle charms.

I felt my face heating up. Was I that transparent? Sebastian had only met me a handful of times. The last time being when they were home for the summer break. It had now rolled back around to the winter break and since Kurt had missed Christmas with his family last year, they’d come straight from uni this year, with plans to spend the final two weeks of their winter break with Sebastian’s family over New Year instead. “There’s no special guy.” I mumbled.

Kane raised an eyebrow, “Oh, yeah?” he asked, “So why are you blushing?”

“Fuck off, will you?” I said defensively. Well, wasn’t that the wrong thing to say? All four of them turned to me with their mouths open and then...

“Oh, my God!” That was George.

“You really have met someone!” That was Kane, looking utterly delighted for me.

“What’s his name?” That was Sebastian.

“The boy’s finally been tamed. We have to meet this mystical creature.” And that was Kurt.

I smiled back at them all, my heart swelling with their combined enthusiasm, “I’d love you to meet him but he’s rarely around here – he’s a flight attendant...”

I didn’t actually expect any of them to know who I was talking about, since he didn’t even live in France. He was from across the border and his family lived in Turin, but he had his own apartment in Les Arcs and he spent most of his down time skiing in the winter and mountain biking in the summer. He was totally into the same things that I was. He was amazing...

“Are you talking about Cristian Llardi?” Kurt was looking at me curiously.

My jaw dropped, “Yes.” I admitted since there was little point in denying it, “How the fuck did you know?”

He shrugged, “You were so smitten with him last year – and then this last year you’ve kind of slowed down your, uh, activities...”

I blushed. Fuck I’d been totally busted. “Well, I couldn’t carry on the way I was...”

Kurt raised an eyebrow, “Took you long enough to work that one out.” He mumbled.

I nodded with a massive sigh, “I know.” I agreed, “And honestly, I think I’ve left it too late. He doesn’t take me seriously. I’m just his sure thing when he gets home from jet setting all over the world. He meets new exciting guys every day – all of them with far more to offer him than I’ve got.”

The guys were all looking at me with concern and sympathy on their faces. I didn’t feel particularly comfortable about that. I was more interested in a solution to my problem – for them to tell me how to achieve what they all had – eternal love and happiness with the man of their dreams...

“Tell him.” Kane said, “Tell him how you feel about him – what’s the worst that can happen?”

I pulled a face, “Well, he could laugh in my face and tell me to get a life. He’s not interested in a relationship...”

Sebastian shook his head, “How do you know?” he asked, “You have no idea what’s going on inside his head – look at me and Kurt – I was convinced he was straight...”

Kurt chuckled, “And I was convinced I was a homophobe – we got there in the end, though – because we talked about it.” He looked at Sebastian with such a look of raw adoration I wanted to cry.

“I’ll think about it.” I muttered.

George nudged my arm, “Make sure you do, bud.” He said, “Make sure you do.”



Chapter II – Elliot, my one and only...




The first time I ever laid eyes on Elliot Galbraith was when I was twelve years old. It was the height of summer when we moved – Mum and Dad were property developers and had decided, since making their first million quid that they were going to buy a holiday home with a twist in the French Alps.

I was totally stoked, being into BMXing in a big way, since the area they were looking at lent itself to skiing and snowboarding in the winter – which I was totally up for learning – and mountain biking in the summer. I’d happily trade my BMX for a mountain bike and take to those amazing hills...

Anyway... Like I said, I was twelve, almost thirteen and I was riding along this cycle path with my older brother, Allesandro, when we saw, up ahead, a young man in the road – probably around the same age as Allesandro.

He was wearing a pair of cut-off jeans with a pair of battered old Converses that were faded blue. He was bare-chested and he had a deep tan, making his nipples look dark brown – oh, yeah – I totally checked him out. He was quite possibly the most beautiful thing I’d ever laid eyes on. It occurred to me in that moment what I’d long suspected for various reasons, that I wasn’t like other guys – it occurred to me that I might well be gay.

Not that I hadn’t had an inkling before but this hammered the point home like nothing on earth. I was instantly smitten – tongue-tied and flustered – but smitten...

Allesandro of course, being an obtuse clot had absolutely no idea about my inner turmoil and stopped his bike to introduce himself. Looking back, I guess it was far more awkward for him to have been shipped out to a foreign country to finish his last year in school and he was looking for people to build his friendship group.

Elliot was very friendly. “Oh, hi – you must be Allesandro Llardi.” He said with a massive grin that made my heart just about thump right through my chest, “Our Maths teacher mentioned you – you’re his nephew or something...?”

Allesandro nodded, “Yeah,” he said with a laugh, “Nice to meet you – have you, uh, have you got a puncture or something?”

They chatted together and, since no one was talking to me, I leant my bike up against the railings on the other side of the path and sat myself down on the grass – where I could ogle Elliot, quite unnoticed.

As I watched them fixing the bike I couldn’t help noticing that Elliot was flirting with Allesandro – or trying to at least.

There was little point. He was as straight as a die and had never expressed any sort of interest in any of his friends other than being friends. He was totally into boobs.

I opened my mouth to point this out, then thought the better of it and clamped it shut again. Elliot didn’t come across as stupid. He’d work it out – but I wasn’t stupid either and in that moment, hope bloomed in my chest that one day... one day, Elliot would be mine...



Chapter III – All grown up...




Cristian had always been a cute kid but the first time I really noticed that he wasn’t a kid anymore was last Christmas when we were all home for the holidays and he was walking through the airport with the rest of the cabin crew.

Cristian’s family home was now in Turin. His brother Allesandro had met and married the prettiest girl imaginable a couple of years before and Cristian had been flying around the globe as a flight attendant since finishing college.

I was amazed that he’d gone for that job. It was nothing like the way he’d been as a kid. He’d been into everything sporty imaginable and had taken up mountain biking and parkour in the summer months, and once his first winter on the slopes had come to an end, he was on the local snowboarding team and a very accomplished skier.

I missed him too – he’d always been around when we were kids. He might have been four years younger than the rest of us but we were perfectly happy to have him around.

We were quite a group for a while, before everyone started leaving to pursue their careers and started meeting their respective partners – like I said, Allesandro kicked it all off by meeting the love of his life and getting married a couple of years back and then of course George came back, and Kane snaffled him from under my nose while I was flirting with Cristian and then Kurt ended up with his roommate, Sebastian from university and all of a sudden I was the only single one left out of us all – with the exception of Cristian... Now, you might think that was the perfect scenario, but it wasn’t. Because as flirty as he liked to be with me whenever he came home, which was actually quite a lot – we never seemed to get anywhere with each other and that had been fine to begin with. I wasn’t interested in anything more than a casual hook-up and neither was he – well, that was until we actually had the hook-up and it was the best sex I’d ever had in my life.

And of course I couldn’t leave it at one hook-up – and the more I saw of him, the less I wanted to see of anyone else until he was all I thought about.... I’d finally fallen in love – and I didn’t have the faintest idea how to deal with that.




Short Stories by Heather Mar-Gerrison




Zoe’s First Date with Fate

Save The Last Dance (Dance #1)

Can We Dance (Dance #2)



Something Stupid

Maybe Never…

Kiss The Boy (Boy Next Door #1)

Are We Good...? (Boy Next Door #2)

Equal Measures (Boy Next Door #3)

Some Kind of Paradise (Boy Next Door #4)

Without You... (Boy Next Door #5)

Looking for Trouble (Boy Next Door #6)

Best Boyfriend Ever... (Boy Next Door #7)

Racing Hearts... (Boy Next Door #8)

I need a little time... (Boy Next Door #9)


Desperate (Last Christmas #1)


What If... I Belonged to You? (What If? #1)

What If... I want commitment? (What If? #2)


Coming Soon


What If... I Remember? (What If? #3)

What If... I told you a secret? (What If? #4)


Determined (Last Christmas #3)


When Danny met Horatio (The Band #1)

When Noah met Tobias (The Band #2)

When Justin met Max (The Band #3)

When Karl met Devon (The Band #4)


Contemporary Romance by

Heather Mar-Gerrison



The One That Got Away

If I Can’t Have You

Like No Other

Summer Break (Summer Break series #1)

Too Easy to Pretend

Operation Boyfriend (Operation Boyfriend #1)

All Kinds of Trouble (Operation Boyfriend #2)

The Trouble with Tyler (Operation Boyfriend #3)

What Happens with Vegas (Operation Boyfriend #4)


True… Love (Riverside #1)

Tomas… Enchanted (Riverside #2)

Tatum… Undercover (Riverside #3)

Toby… Captivated (Riverside #4)

Trey… Unbelievable (Riverside #5)

Sam… Distracted (Riverside #6)


Peyton... Protected (Studs & Steel #1)

River... Redeemed (Studs & Steel #2)

Alfie... Abused (Studs & Steel #3)

Buzz... Bedazzled (Studs & Steel #4)

Looking For Lorenzo (A Studs & Steel Novella)

A Shoulder To Cry On... (A Studs & Steel Novella)

Dangerous Love (A Studs & Steel Novella)

Coming Soon



Emilio… Enraptured (Riverside #7)

Riverside… The Weddings (Riverside #8)



Stake Out... (Studs & Steel #5)

Simon... Spellbound (Studs & Steel #6)

Seth... Saved (Studs & Steel #7)

Thai... Troubled (Studs & Steel #8)



Summer Dreams (Summer Break #2)

Clean Break (Summer Break #3)


When Deanna Met Lincoln (Operation Boyfriend #5)

Misunderstood… Theo’s Fight For Love (Operation Boyfriend #6)




Heather also writes historical romance eBooks


The Duchess of Chittenden (Duchess #1)

Highway to Society (Duchess #2)

The Real Duke of Circhester (Brunswick #1)

Philip Brunswick is getting married (Brunswick #2)


Coming Soon


Matilda’s Escape (Brunswick #3)

An Unlikely Hero

The Lady and the Blacksmith

Rosy’s leap year

Gabriella’s unexpected proposal

The Other Son… (Duchess #3)



Check out my blog at for news of my upcoming books.

Follow me on Twitter: @hmgwriting

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About the Author


I live in Nottingham, England with my lovely, long suffering and incredibly patient husband and my two beautiful daughters. We also have two cats that we adopted from the RSPCA, Bella and Romeo... and Enzo, our Border Terrier...

When I’m not looking after a wayward dog – I’m generally writing a book, any spare time I get between these two pursuits, you can either find me curled up with a good book that someone else wrote and a cat or a dog on my knee in place of the laptop, or I’ll be pottering about in the greenhouse, whilst plotting my next storyline in my head, muttering to myself like a crazy woman.... It’s not easy living with all the voices of my characters in my head!




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