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Omega Passion: M/M MPreg Shifter Romance (Dirge Omegaverse Book 3) by Esme Beal (26)




“The snow is coming to an end. The storm will pass after the next sun.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’ve been living here long enough that I can sense it. I’ve lived through many long snows. This… This was short. I’ve spoken to Baron. He’s lived through many more and he feels the same way.”

I nodded in understanding.

Anita sat on the other side of the fire. You wouldn’t have known how cold it was just by looking at her. Her body completely bare, she looked comfortable staring into the fire.

“How is your Omega?”

“Oliver is fine. He’s resting peacefully.”

“He needs as much rest as he can get. His pregnancy will fatigue him as the weeks go by. It will only last for a month before he gives birth but until he delivers your child, he will grow more and more exhausted.”

“I’m prepared to do everything I can for him.”

“I have no doubt of that.”

Anita sighed a deep breath through her nose.

“Why did you call me here?” I asked. “What is it you wanted to speak to me about?”

“The snow will end soon. What are your plans?”

“My plans… My injuries have healed enough. I can walk without much discomfort. And with the bears back in my expedition, I see no reason to end my journey.”

“Your journey. Even after all you’ve been through, you continue to seek your resources.”

I smiled as I thought about all I’d experienced.

“I am grateful for Oliver,” I said. “I’m grateful for you and everything you’ve provided. But my journey into the Timberlands was not for me. It was for the city of Dirge. There are people back in the city who need help. I haven’t forgotten about them.”

“You dwell in the city but you and I are a lot alike, jaguar.”

“That’s clear to me now more than ever.”

“You’ve changed the destiny of this skulk. We are proud foxes but we are even prouder after living through what we did. We are survivors. And those who came after us will know what has happened. I can’t thank you enough.”

Seeing Anita smile was still strange to me. She was such a confident woman that it was hard to believe there was a softer side to her.

“You don’t have to thank me,” I said. “You will always be who you were destined to be. You can’t change the stars.”

“I can’t change the stars but I can change the way I look at them.”

She paused for a moment before continuing.

“I will grant you access to the mines,” she said. “You can gather the ore and transport it to the city. Your people need it more than I do.”

“Are you sure you want to do this?”

“It is the right thing to do. Perhaps this could foster peaceful relations between your people and ours.”

“We’ve established many friendships with those living in the Timberlands already.”

“Yes, I’ve met the bears. They seem quite fond of you.”

“The feeling is mutual.”

I smirked at Anita then bowed my head in thanks.

I was more than willing to continue the journey but I was grateful that I would be able to return to the city having accomplished the mission I’d set out for.

“And what of the Omega?” she asked.

“Oliver? What about him?”

“What will become of him?”

“I… I don’t understand. I will be by his side.”

“But you will return to the city. He is a part of my skulk. Do you expect him to leave?”


I looked down at the ground. So much had been going on that it didn’t hit me until now.

“…I don’t know,” I said. “But I leave that decision to him. I will be by his side. I will be by my child’s side. If he wishes to remain in the Timberlands, then I will do so. The question is, if he wishes to come with me to Dirge, will you allow it?”

I looked into Anita’s eyes. She had a frown on her face. It was strange to think after all we’d been through, there was still something to be upset about.

“Nobody can change the stars,” she said. “They are there for everybody. Including the Omegas. I will let Oliver decide how he views his destiny for himself.”

There was nothing left for me to say. I nodded then got up to my feet. I held my hand out to her. She looked down and hesitated for a moment before reaching out and shaking my hand.

“Thank you,” I said. “I can’t tell you how many will appreciate what you’ve done.”

“The appreciation of my skulk and those to come will be enough.”