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PACO: Night Rebels Motorcycle Club (Night Rebels MC Romance Book 5) by Chiah Wilder (28)

Chapter Thirty-One

Two months later

Ever since Chelsea had received notification that she’d passed the GED test, she’d been walking on air. She pulled into the driveway and turned off the engine, smiling when she looked at all the shopping bags sprawled out in the back seat. As a gift, her mom and Peter gave her five hundred dollars to spend however she liked. At first, she thought about saving it for a car, but she’d decided that morning to go on a shopping spree at the mall.

As she bent over to collect her bags, a crunch on the gravel behind her made her stop. Her senses went into high alert, her heart raced, and the hair on her nape lifted. Someone’s behind me. What am I going to do? Think!

“Need some help with that?” a deep voice said.

She cried out and bumped her head on the car door’s frame as she tried to spin around.

“I didn’t mean to scare you.”

That voice. It’s Paco! She dropped the bags from her hands and turned around. Paco, dressed in black jeans, a T-shirt, and leather jacket, stood behind her. She flung herself into his open arms. “How… what are you doing here?”

Bringing his hand to her chin, he tilted her face upwards and looked into her eyes. Then he lowered his head and kissed her hard, deep, and hungry, sucking her bottom lip, then nibbling it. As he continued to kiss her, her pulse raced, her skin tingled, and she sagged in his strong arms that kept her from falling. She savored his warmth and proximity; safe in his arms, nothing could hurt her.

“I missed you so much,” he whispered into her soft skin before returning to her lips. His hard dick pressed against her belly as his hand slid under her sweater and cupped her breast.

Paco’s scent—fresh air, leather, and myrrh, swirled around her in a heady combination of love and lust. Desire surged through her as a dull ache between her thighs pulsed.

“I can’t believe you’re here. I’ve dreamt of this moment for so long,” she whispered against his lips.

“Me too, baby,” he said, his tone deep with arousal as his hands ran up and down her back.

“How long are you staying?” she rasped as she rubbed against his hardness.

“Just until you pack and get things in order.” His lips trailed down her neck.

She drew back. “What do you mean?”

Gathering her in his arms again, he nuzzled her neck. “I can’t live without you so I came to take you back with me. I’m addicted to everything about you, baby. I crave your sweetness, your laugh, your warm body next to mine. You’re the fucking blood in my veins.” He bent down and crushed his lips against hers.

A million butterflies fluttered inside of her as she sank into his embrace. He came for me. All she wanted was to freeze time and stay forever in his arms, clinging to him, kissing him deeply.

“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured. For the first time in years, she believed she was.

The sound of the garage door opening cut through their sexual fog as he drew back slightly, looking over his shoulder. Her mother’s car pulled into the garage, and Chelsea grasped Paco’s hand and tugged him beside her.

“Paco. What a pleasant surprise,” Linda said as she got out of the car. She went around back and opened the hatch where bags of groceries filled the space.

“Hey. Let me help you with those,” he said, rushing over to take the bags from her hands.

“Did you know he was coming?” she asked Chelsea.

“No. I was shocked … but in a great way.” She took out a couple of bags and followed her mother into the kitchen.

“I thought I’d come by and congratulate Chelsea on getting her GED.” Paco placed the sacks on the island. “I also came to take her back to Alina with me.”

Her mother placed three cans of beans in the pantry, and from the way her eyebrows furrowed, Chelsea knew she wasn’t pleased by what Paco had said.

He looked fixedly at her. “I love Chelsea and she loves me. I want her with me, and I’m pretty sure she feels the same way. I gave her some space, but now it’s time for my woman to be with me.”

“Chelsea?” Linda stared at her.

“I love being home with you, Mom, but I was ready to leave with Paco three months ago. He was the one who told me to enjoy more time with you and to concentrate on myself as well, and he was right. I got my GED, I’ve been in therapy, and I’ve been working—but none of it means anything if I can’t share it with Paco. I love him. When I’m with him, it feels like I’m with someone I’ve known my whole life, someone who sees me for who I am and loves me for the things I don’t even love about myself.”

“We love you, honey. You must know that.” Linda wrung her hands.

“I do, and I love you, but it’s not the same. I don’t feel like I fit in. People stare at me like I’m a freak, and you, Kate, Peter, and Grandma act like nothing has happened to me … and so much has. I’m not the same person I once was, Mom.”

“I hate that the news on TV showed so much coverage on your kidnapping and escape, and that you lost your sense of privacy with all the fanfare that surrounded it, but you’ll always be the same person to me.”

Chelsea went over and hugged her mother. “I need to move on with my life. I’m not fifteen anymore, and so much has happened to me. Paco met me when I was at my lowest, and he still reached out to me and gave me his heart.”

“What if it doesn’t work out?”

“What if what doesn’t work out?” Peter asked, coming into the kitchen.

Chelsea groaned inwardly. The last thing she wanted was for Peter to throw his two cents in.

“Paco has come to take Chelsea with him to Alina, and she wants to go.”

Peter narrowed his gaze, highlighting the nets of wrinkles at the corners of his eyes. “What the hell are you thinking? What do you have to offer her?”

Linda came over to Peter and leaned against him. “He’s right. Chelsea wants to go to college.”

Paco gripped Chelsea’s arm and drew her to him. “I love your daughter.”

Peter shook his head and exhaled loudly. “That’s it?”

“I’ll always have her back,” Paco draped his arm around her shoulder.

“What the fuck does that mean?” Peter said.


Chelsea felt Paco stiffen next to her. The last thing she wanted was a big blowup between him and Peter, and from the way they were both glaring at each other, it seemed like it was inevitable. She cleared her throat. “I love Paco very much. I can still go to college and be with him.”

“I don’t know, honey. You’ve just been home for such a short time. Again, what if it doesn’t work out?” her mother replied.

Paco held her tighter. “It will. I promise to take good care of your daughter. She trusts me with her forever, and, as I said, I’ll always have her back. Always.”

“Aren’t you in a motorcycle gang? We don’t really know you. She’s been through enough heartache and disappointment. I don’t think it’s a good idea,” Peter said.

“I would never hurt Chelsea. And I’m not in a gang—I’m in a club. Chelsea is old enough to decide what she wants to do.”

“She hasn’t grown up normally, so I don’t think she’s capable of making this type of decision,” Peter said.

From the way Paco clenched his jaw, Chelsea knew he was holding his anger at bay. She pulled away from him slightly. “I’m capable of a lot of things. You have no idea what I went through, yet I survived. I’ve decided to go back with Paco and, as far as I’m concerned, the discussion is closed on this subject. I’d love for you and Mom to visit us in Colorado. You guys have been talking about going there ever since you got married. The San Juan Mountains are spectacular, and we’d be more than happy to show you all around. Paco knows the area so well. Please be happy for me, Mom. I never thought I’d ever be happy… but then Paco happened.”

Silence engulfed the kitchen, and after what seemed like hours, her mother nodded. “For the past three months, my heart broke whenever I saw the sadness in your eyes, and I knew it was because you missed Paco. I’m not going to tell you that I’m happy to lose you so soon after all the years you’ve been gone, but for the first time since he left, I see the light back in your eyes. I just hope you’re not planning to leave tonight.”

“This is fucking unbelievable! You’ve always given in to Chelsea, Linda.” Peter stormed out of the kitchen, slamming the back door behind him.

Chelsea picked at her cuticles. “I’m sorry if I caused a problem between you and Peter.”

Linda smiled weakly. “He’ll be fine. You know his bark is worse than his bite. So are you leaving tonight?”

Paco shook his head. “We’ll leave after Chelsea gets things in order with her job and makes sure everything is how she’d like it to be between all of you. It’s up to her when we leave.”

“I have to give two weeks notice at work, and I want to finish the quilt I’m making for your nephew. So, I suppose we can leave in two weeks.” She brought his hand to her lips and kissed it then glanced back at her mother. “I want to take you, Kate, Peter, and Grandma out for dinner before we leave, Mom.”

“Okay.” Linda went over to Chelsea and pulled her into a loving embrace. “All I ever wanted for you and Kate was to be happy. When you disappeared I blamed myself for it.”

“Mom, stop. You did nothing wrong. Things happen. I refuse to see myself as a victim. The important thing is that I’m beyond happy.”

“Just plan on a visit from me and Peter real soon.” She kissed her on the cheek while smoothing down her hair.

“I’m counting on it.”

She helped her mother put away the rest of the groceries while Paco sat at the table and watched her. Each time she caught his gaze, her heart turned over. I’m finally going home.

*     *     *

One month later

Chelsea rang up the last sale of the day, then went over to the front door and locked it. “We’re officially closed,” she said to Jillian.

“I’ll be ready to go in a few minutes. I just want to freshen up.”

Chelsea watched her disappear among the Army surplus items, leather jackets, and biker boots. She and Jillian were meeting Paco at Cuervos for dinner and drinks. Since she’d come back to Alina, she’d started working at Paco’s surplus store. She and Jillian hit it off right away, and Chelsea was thrilled to have a good friend after so many years.

When the two entered Cuervos, her eyes caught Paco’s and her stomach fluttered. He came over to her and kissed her deeply. “You look hot, babe,” he said.

The rest of the night was spent eating, drinking, laughing, and dancing, not to mention fooling around in the back room down the hall where they kissed and groped each other. It was like Chelsea could never get enough of Paco. She was addicted to him and wouldn’t have it any other way.

Later that night, as they lay together in bed in their new house, he played with her hair. “Did you have a good time tonight?”

“Yes, but then I always have a good time with you. I’m so happy now. Sometimes, I can’t believe how I’ve come such a long way since that night you told me to get on the back of your bike and you rode me to freedom. You brought me back to life.” She stroked the side of his face. “You make me feel safe and protected.”

“Baby, you’ll never be alone. I’ll always have your back. You’re a survivor, and I love that about you. A VP needs a strong, kickass old lady.”

“I’m your old lady?”

“Yeah. Hang on.” Paco jumped out of bed and walked over to his closet. She watched his toned, corded body as he moved. He’s simply magnificent. He came back with a leather vest and handed it to her, then switched on the lamp. “Chelsea, will you be my old lady?”

The leather was soft and cool between her fingers. “Yes. I’d love to be your old lady.” She ran her hand over the vest. “It’s beautiful,” she murmured and turned it around and read the white embroidery: “Property of Paco.” She smiled. Normally, the “property of” phrase would’ve freaked her out, but she was stronger now, and she trusted Paco implicitly. For her, belonging to Paco meant a relationship full of trust, love, and understanding. They accepted each other for who they were—with their own limitations, demons, and all. Her heart belonged to him, and his did to her. They were the property of each other.

She leaned over and kissed him. “I love it. I can’t wait to wear it.”

“I like hearing that.”

“I love you so much.”

“I can’t wait to see you wearing my cut and nothing else.”

She chuckled as she stripped off her nightshirt and put on the cut. It felt soft against her skin. The lust in his eyes sent shivers down her spine.

“Get over here,” he gritted.

She came over and he swung her on top of him, the cut falling open and exposing her breasts. He grabbed them and squeezed them hard. The sweet pain made her tingle and throb everywhere. She bent down low and kissed him while wiggling her butt over his hardening dick. With a wicked glint in her eye, she pulled up and opened the nightstand drawer, pulling out soft cuffs and a feather teaser.

A devilish grin spread across his face, and he grabbed her arms and pulled her down on him. “First we’re gonna fuck, and then we’re gonna make love.”

She rubbed her nipples against his smooth chest. “I’m not going anywhere. I have all the time in the world.”

She licked his lips, then trailed her tongue down his chin, past his Adam’s apple, and around his nipples. With her heated gaze latched onto his, she slowly licked her way downward as anticipation in pleasing her man shivered through her.

My man. I like the sound of that.