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Primal Paradox (Men of the Pack Book 3) by Parker Skye (28)


Chapter 27



Logan figured it was like ripping off a Band-Aid.  Do it quick and it would hurt less?  Firm in his resolve, Logan straddled Jude’s hips and grabbed his mate’s larger than average shaft forcefully.  He accepted this was going to hurt, but knew that was to be expected between two men, especially the first time.  Logan rubbed the head of Jude’s weeping cock over his pucker and started to sit back, but nothing happened.  Logan figured he must be doing it wrong and tried to approach it from a different angle.  When nothing happened, Logan quickly realized Jude was using his superior strength to hold him frozen in place.   Logan growled and met Jude’s gaze desperately, suddenly worried Jude had changed his mind. 


“What are you doing, Jude?  I said I’m ready,” Logan barked.  Jude sat up and touched their mouths together, soothing his mate with his honeyed kisses.  By the time Jude stopped his assault, Logan’s pupils were blown, his normally ice-blue eyes replaced almost entirely with black.  Logan found himself having trouble keeping up with Jude’s calm explanation.  . 


“I know, babe, but if we do it like this, you’re going to get hurt.  Give me just a second and I’ll be right back.”  Jude patted Logan’s hip but Logan stubbornly refused to budge.


“Fuck no.  You’re not leaving again,” Logan growled.  “I’m fine.  Let’s just do this.”  Judd chuckled, and Logan snarled not sure what his mate thought was so fucking funny right now.  Logan’s eyes narrowed to slits.  His enthusiasm was quickly morphing into exasperation. 


“Babe, I’m not leaving.  I just need to get up so I can get the supplies,” Jude said pointing to a pharmacy bag on the dresser.  Understanding flashed in Jude’s expression. 


“Is that why you were so pissed at me this morning?  You thought I left?”  Logan sullenly nodded once, refusing to meet Jude’s gaze. 


“I thought you’d decided I wasn’t worth all the trouble and left again,” Logan admitted.  Jude’s eyes widened at Logan’s response. 


“Never going to happen, Mate.  Now move so I can prove it to you,” Jude said with such finality that Logan was forced to accept his mate’s words as fact.  Logan shifted to the side, letting Jude retrieve the supplies they apparently needed. 


When Jude stalked back toward the bed, a bottle of lube in one hand, Logan couldn’t take his eyes of his mate’s monster cock.  When Logan had held his mate’s shaft earlier, Jude had felt larger than average, sure.  But seeing him in all his naked glory, his cock bobbing along as Jude neared the bed, Logan realized he was in for it.  The damn thing was too heavy to even stay upright when fully erect.  Little Jude was most assuredly going to destroy him.  Logan felt his entrance pucker in fear once again as he imagined the damage he was about to have inflicted on his virgin ass. 


Logan’s thoughts must have been painted across his face like a billboard, he realized, as Jude started to chuckle. “Lucky one of them found humor in the situation,” Logan fumed to himself.


Jude crawled on all fours across the bed, forcing Logan to lie back as he slowly maneuvered on top.  Logan spread his legs slightly and closed his eyes, clenching his teeth to prepare himself for the coming pain.  When a cold wet hand grabbed his dick, Logan yelled and his eyes flew wide in surprise. 


“What the fuck?” Logan complained.  He looked up into Jude’s smiling face and the bastard winked.  Suddenly the hand was gone and Jude’s eyes closed.  His brow furrowed in concentration and Logan realized Jude was preparing himself to be taken instead. 


“Wait.  Jude, what are you doing?  I thought we were doing this the other way,” Logan said in a flustered rush.   Jude ignored his mate’s rambling and sat back abruptly, nearly impaling himself fully on Logan’s cock.  Logan’s head flew back at the intensity of the sensation.  He called out Jude’s name so loud his own ears were left ringing.  Both stayed frozen as if too overcome to do more than try to catch their breath. 


After several moments, Jude apparently started to adjust.  The tiger began to rock back and forth and groaned.  Whether the sound was from pleasure or pain, Logan didn’t know.  All Logan could accept was that the sensation on his end was so much more than he’d ever experienced. Logan’s brain practically melted. 


Thankfully, Logan realized Jude must be there with him in his pleasure.  Jude’s huge cock still looked almost painfully erect and it rubbed wet circles along Logan’s abdomen as they finally started to move together.  Blind with lust, Logan felt his canines lengthen as his wolf rushed forth.  When his release exploded deep inside his mate, Logan’s teeth sank into Jude’s shoulder, sealing their bond.  Jude’s warm blood danced across his tongue as his own release splashed across Logan’s abs.