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Quarterback's Baby: A Secret Baby Romance by Roxeanne Rolling (20)



The tickets were waiting for me at the call office. I’ve never even been to a sporting event before. Never been to a football game, and I certainly have never been to a professional game before.

I’m surprised at just how many people are here. It’s a huge crowd, and a simply massive fancy stadium. I feel kind of dumb. I mean, I knew there was money in football, but I guess I didn’t realize just how much.

Shane must really be raking it in.

I’ve left Will with Jane again, who swears she doesn’t mind. He’s feeling a lot better, and just has one more day of the antibiotic. He’s started, funnily enough, to really like the flavor. And he was disappointed when I told him that he’s not going to be able to take it any more.

He asked me why he can’t just take it everyday, saying that it’ll keep him from getting sick. I tried to explain to him how antibiotic resistance works, and that it’s not a good idea to take it all the time. That was when Jane was there, arriving to take care of him for today. “Actually,” she told me. “Resistance to antibiotics is something that happens to the population at large, not to individuals.”

How the hell does she know that? Whatever, I know it’s not a good idea to take antibiotics continuously. It’s funny, but sometimes Will has me questioning some of the basic facts I know about life. Soon he’ll get to that stage where he’s asking questions all the time. Although I’m not exactly sure when that happens. I remember being about five years old and repeatedly asking my mom, “why,” about any subject that I could possibly think of, no matter how crazy or trivial it was.

A security guard ushers me through the rows and rows of people. I follow him, and he just keeps leading me farther and farther down, closer to the field.

“Wow,” I say, thanking him, and sitting down in my plastic bucket seat. “I’m really close, I guess.”

“You sure are honey,” says a woman next to me. “These are the best seats in the whole place.”

She’s decked out in football gear. She’s got a team hat, a team sweatshirt, and even a boots on her feet with the team name on it. She’s wearing something that looks like a pendant necklace with the team name…

“Nice,” I say. “This’ll be a good way to see my first football game then.”

A couple people turn their heads to look at me. I guess it’s sensible to go to your first football game or something. Or maybe it’s unusual to have such good seats for your first football game.

“Your first game? Are you serious?” The woman’s jaw completely drops.

“Yup,” I say, shrugging my shoulders and settling farther back into my seat.

“Wow, you sure got lucky with the seats. How’d you get them. Are you some famous actress or something?”

“Oh, no,” I say, laughing. “I work at a restaurant. Well, used to. I just quit.”

“Wait, you’re not a football fan and you’re not some celebrity. I don’t get it.”

“Oh,” I say. “My son’s… I mean, this guy I’m seeing is playing today.”

“You know one of the players?”

She just keeps looking more and more shocked by the minute.

I nod my head.

“Which one?”

She’s hanging on every word I’m saying, desperate for the next one.

“Shane…” I start to say. I don’t even get to his last name before she shrieks in excitement.

“Oh my god!” she says. “I can’t believe it!”

I just nod my head, not really knowing what to say.

I guess I was pretty naïve in not realizing that this would have this kind of reaction.

“He’s gorgeous!” says the woman. “He’s incredible… And he plays so well…”

I don’t really know where to go with this conversation, so I’m relieved to see that the game is starting.

The woman, I can tell, wants to know everything about Shane, down to the type of toothpaste he uses. But fortunately for me she’s even more interested in seeing the game in front of us.

It’s hard for me to concentrate on the game. For one thing, I don’t know what the hell is going on. I don’t understand the rules to this game at all.

Before I know it, the players are lining up on the field.

I spot Shane.

He looks hot, muscular. Even more muscular than normal, with his big football pads covering his body. His tight pants show off his ass perfectly, muscular and round, completely gorgeous. I want to sink my teeth into one of his cheeks and take a bite out of it. Ha, I crack myself up. Not a literal bite. A figurative one. And I don’t really want to do that. But you get the idea.

In reality, I want that ass to be powering piston-like motions from his cock, as he pummels it into me. That’s what a good ass means to us women, I guess, that there’s power and thrust behind a cock. Who knows, maybe it’s something else entirely.

The game has started. Shane’s got the ball and he seems to be looking for someone to throw it to…

My mind wanders back to when Shane fucked me in the car, when I rode him and when he gave me head, the best head of my entire life. It was the best sex I’ve ever had, something completely mind-blowing, something like nothing else I’ve ever experienced.

I can feel myself getting wet in my pants. How embarrassing. At least no one’s looking there. And it’s not like it’s going to go through my jeans or anything.

Everyone is concentrating on the game while I’m daydreaming about Shane slamming his cock into me.

The pass is complete, from what I can tell.

People are cheering.

Something’s happened.

I’ve been letting my mind wander too much…

“Oh shit!” says the woman next to me. “Damn!”

She sounds upset, as if something bad happened.

“What happened?” I ask her, nudging her with my elbow.

I figure it’s just something like a botched play or something. Or maybe someone dropped the ball and she’s upset about it.

Frankly, I want Shane to win, but just because it’s Shane.

I wouldn’t care about the team at all if Shane wasn’t on it.

“He’s hurt!” says the woman next to me.


“Your man! Shane!”

That’s not good.

“What happened?” I say, worried, nudging her again, but she’s too preoccupied with following what’s happening on the field to notice me anymore.

I manage to find Shane on the field. It’s not like he’s being dragged off anywhere on a stretcher, but he’s holding his shoulder in a funny way.

I remember back in college, the way we met initially was that I was supposed to help him with his shoulder problems.

I figured that by now, with all the best sports doctors in the country aiding him, he’d have figured out his shoulder problems.

Right shoulders are probably pretty important for a quarterback, right?