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Relentless (Otter Creek Book 13) by Rebecca Deel (26)













Piper huddled against the couch in the sitting room attached to her bedroom, wrapped in the blanket Liam had grabbed from the foot of her bed. Liam’s arm tugged her closer to his side as the EMT approached Piper.

“Let me look at your throat,” the woman said.

“I’m fine,” Piper insisted.

“All the same, I’d rather check.” Her gaze flicked to Liam. “I’m sure your boyfriend wants to know if you need a trip to the hospital. It’s better to be safe, ma’am.”

Liam squeezed Piper’s shoulder. “Do it for my peace of mind.”

She preferred to have Matt check her, but that wasn’t possible unless the members of Bravo made their presence known. They couldn’t do that without giving away their advantage. “All right.”

The EMT smiled. “Great. This won’t take long.” After answering a series of questions and allowing the woman to prod her throat, the medical technician pronounced her good to go. “Your throat will be sore for a few days and you’ll have bruises. Other than that, you’ll be good as new in a week or so. If you have problems with your throat, go to the hospital to be checked out by a doctor, ma’am.”

“I will. Thank you.”

The EMT gathered her equipment and followed her partner from the room, leaving the police behind with Liam and Piper.

One of the men dressed in a suit sat across from them in a straight-backed chair. His partner leaned against the wall by the door, notebook and pen in hand.

“I’m Detective Tate Haynes.” He inclined his head to the man at the door. “That’s my partner, Detective Wallace. What happened here tonight?” he asked Liam.

Piper relaxed at the knowledge Liam would be questioned first. His version of events would guide her in relaying her own version.

“I heard someone walk past my door at 2:15. When I checked, the hall was empty but Piper’s door was open. When I looked inside her room, I saw the gate guard leaning over Piper with his hands wrapped around her throat. I tackled him, restrained him, and called you guys.”

Nice. Nothing about the persuasive techniques Liam used to question Rusty. Something told Piper the gate guard wouldn’t have a mark on him to prove his version of events.

“You carry zip ties around?”

Liam smiled. “I’m in private security. We’re prepared for anything.”

“What outfit are you with?”

“Fortress Security.”

The detective’s eyebrows soared. “Tough group to get into. How long have you worked for them?”

“Five years.”

“What did you do before that?”


“Thank you for your service.” Haynes took Liam through his side of events a few more times, asking more detailed questions. When he was satisfied, he turned to Piper. “Tell me what happened, ma’am.”

“I was asleep. Something woke me and I realized someone was in the room. I thought Liam might be checking on me at first.”

“Is there a reason he’d come into your room in the middle of the night?”

She frowned. The detective sounded as though he was accusing Liam of something. Did he think Liam attacked her and she covered it up?

“My uncle told me some upsetting news before dinner. Liam is protective. I wouldn’t be surprised if he peeked into the room to be sure I was okay.”

“I see. Go on.”

His words were neutral. His voice, however, said he didn’t believe her explanation for Liam’s possible presence in her room in the middle of the night. “I knew before Rusty put his hands around my throat it wasn’t Liam.”


“Liam doesn’t wear cologne. Rusty does.” She wrinkled her nose. “A nauseating musky scent. I started to call out for Liam. Hard hands wrapped around my throat and choked me.” Her voice broke off at the remembered pain and panic.

“You’re safe, Sunshine,” Liam murmured. “Rusty won’t touch you again.”

“Did Rusty say anything while he held you down?” Haynes asked Piper.

“He wanted to know where the information was.”

A frown. “What information?”

Liam squeezed her shoulder.

“I don’t know. I fought to get his hands off my throat but his grip was too strong. Liam tackled Rusty and restrained him. We called you.”

Haynes watched her a moment, then took Piper through the attack several times, asking more detailed questions. Finally, he asked. “What aren’t you and your friend telling me?”

She stilled. “You think we’re lying?”

“Not lying. Holding back. There’s more to this story. I want all of it. If my investigation is hampered, I might be bad tempered enough to haul you in for obstruction of justice.”

Again? She heard the same threats from Barrett and Kerrigan in Copper Ridge. Unsure what to say, she said nothing. Trusting the wrong people would be hazardous to her health and Liam’s.

Liam stroked Piper’s arm. “We ran into a little trouble before we came to Hartman.”

“What kind and where?”

The operative gave the detectives the bare bones of events in Copper Ridge. “Gavin James left information for Piper but we don’t know where it is or what it’s about. If Gavin was still alive, I’d have a heart-to-heart talk with him about endangering my girlfriend because of his own cowardice.”

Haynes glanced at his partner who shrugged. “You’re sure James is dead, McCoy?”

“A bullet pierced his heart. I’m sure. The Copper Ridge police will confirm his death.”

The detective dragged a hand down his face. “The news will be all over town soon. You think Rusty’s attack on you has something to do with James’s death, Ms. Reece?”

“Nothing else makes sense. I work in a candle shop in Otter Creek, Tennessee. The most dangerous thing I do all day is pour hot wax into molds and decide which scents to add to the mix. I have no idea what Gavin discovered. Whatever it was got him killed. I don’t want to be the next victim or drag Liam into this mess.”

After reviewing their statements one more time, the detective stood. “Come to the station tomorrow. We’ll have more questions and you can sign your statements. In the meantime, be careful and watch your backs. If you think of anything else that might help, call me.”

After he took pictures of her neck, Haynes and his partner left.

Gino walked into the room. “Piper, what’s going on? One of the guards said you were attacked in your bed.”

“I’m sorry the commotion woke you, Uncle Gino.”

“You should have sent someone for me. I have a right to know someone attacked you in my home.” His words came out clipped, tone harsh.

“I planned to tell you when you woke. I didn’t want to disturb you.”

He waved her explanations aside and glanced at Liam. “Tell me what happened. Don’t leave anything out.”

Liam gave him a sanitized version.

Gino shook his head. “I don’t understand. He’s worked for me for two years and I’ve never had trouble with him. This doesn’t make sense.” He sighed, his attention shifting to Piper. “I understand if you prefer to stay somewhere else. I doubt you’ll feel safe after this.”

“Piper and I will talk.” Liam kissed her temple. “We’ll let you know what we decide to do.”

All the anger seemed to drain from her uncle. “I’m sorry, Piper. Perhaps I shouldn’t have asked you to return home. I hoped you and Gavin would mend your relationship and continue where you left off.”

Piper gripped his hand and urged Gino to sit beside her. “He cheated on me while we dated, Uncle Gino. Not once, but over and over. I couldn’t trust him after that. Besides, I love Liam.”

Gino’s eyes widened. “I see.”

“I plan to marry Piper, sir. I’d like your permission and blessing.”

A small smile curved the old man’s mouth. “And if I won’t give it?”

Piper’s breath caught at the mischief dancing in her uncle’s eyes. This was the uncle she adored. But was it the real Gino? The possibility that he was behind her troubles remained. He had means, motive, and opportunity.

Liam’s own lips tipped up at the corners. “I’ll be sorry to cause you distress but that won’t change my plans. I love your niece.”

A soft sigh. “I’m disappointed in Gavin. He turned out to be like his father.”

Piper frowned. “You knew Gavin was like that but you still encouraged me to be with him?”

“The match would have been a good one.”

For who? Not for her.

“Some women wouldn’t mind a wandering husband if they had access to a life of luxury.”

“I’m not one of them,” she said flatly.

“I see that. Liam, you and Piper have my blessing. I hope your marriage is blessed with children and many years of love and laughter.” With a pat of Piper’s hand, Gino rose. “I’ll return to bed for a few more hours of sleep.” He pierced Liam with a pointed look. “I expect to hear if anything else happens in my home.”

“Including if we find more listening devices and cameras planted in our rooms?” he asked.

Gino’s jaw hardened. “Including that. Looks like I’ll be talking to my security people later today. Do you have recommendations for security improvements?”

“Several, if you’re interested.”

“We’ll talk later.” With a wave of his hand, he walked to the hallway and spoke with one of the security guards who hurried off to carry out his orders.

Piper leaned her head against Liam’s shoulder. “What are we going to do?”

“For now, nothing. We’re staying on this couch where I can watch over you for the rest of the night. No one will get through me to hurt you.”

“You need to sleep.”

“So do you. I’m used to staying awake for days at a time on missions. Staying awake for one night won’t hurt me.”

“You have to sleep sometime.”

“We’ll figure something out.” He squeezed her shoulder, his gaze intent.

They hadn’t checked this room for bugs or cameras. Piper swallowed hard, flinching at the soreness in her throat. The thought of sleeping with possible bugs or cameras keeping track of every breath or movement made her skin crawl.

She shook her head. “I can’t,” she whispered.

“Then sit with me and let me hold you.” Liam palmed the remote and channel-surfed until he found a station running episodes of a cozy mystery series she enjoyed. “Just relax,” he murmured. “I think we should count this as another date and another step in my attempt to romance you.”

Piper tilted her head back. “Watching old episodes of a television series?”

“I prefer shows with more action in them. This is a real sacrifice, Sunshine.”

She burst into laughter, a surprise considering a moment ago she felt no humor at their situation. Piper snuggled close to Liam’s side. “That’s quite a sacrifice. I’ll give you credit for a date.”

“Awesome. I promise to come up with something better for the next date.”

“My turn to choose the date and I have a perfect place.”

“Hmm. Sounds intriguing. What’s my reward for going along with your plan?”

“Your choice.”

He chuckled. “That’s easy. Another kiss.”

“Deal.” Her plan would work if Liam was as good as she thought he was. If not, they’d be leading the enemy to Gavin’s next clue.