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Resolution: Wanderlust (A Resolution Pact Short Story ) by Rebecca Gallo (4)


This is a bad idea, I think as I lift Milly into my arms and carry her back toward my bedroom. You barely know this girl. But her cherry red lips are too enticing, and I forget every single thought as I kiss them over and over, savoring Milly’s sweet taste.

With Milly below me, arching into me, I force myself to take a moment. “If this is too much, just tell me to stop, and I will. I promise.”

She nods her head in agreement but grabs the back of my head and pulls my face back down to claim me with her own heated kiss. One of her bare legs brushes along my side as she moans into my mouth. She squirms beneath me, grinding her body against mine.

You should stop, rational Ben says, worming his way back into my thoughts. I hesitate for a brief second, giving rational Ben more time to talk me out of fucking Milly senseless.

“I’m sorry,” I breathe out as I roll off her and onto my back. My cock strains painfully against my sweatpants, but I ignore it. I’m not about to become a selfish prick and take advantage of this girl.

“It’s okay.” Her voice is equally breathless. She turns her head toward me and smiles shyly. And then she’s gone. I feel like such a fool…kissing her senseless, bringing her to my bed, basically doing everything that would indicate I wanted to fuck her right until I chickened out.

“Way to go, asshole,” I mutter aloud to myself.

I hear Milly moving around my apartment, and it surprises me how much I like the sound of another person sharing my space. I am the perpetually single friend. All my mates are shacked up with fiancées or wives; a couple of them even have kids. Except me. The pub is my girlfriend, my fiancée, my wife. It’s everything to me, but maybe it’s time to change.

Maybe it’s time to chase the girl.

Milly looks beautifully frazzled pacing my living room a few moments later. With her cell phone plastered to her ear, she’s explaining to the person at the other end how she was scammed. Her cheeks are red, and she works her bottom lip between her teeth as she listens and nods, providing information as needed.

“I just want my money back,” she wails. “How long do you think that will take?”

The sound of her distress guts me, and I walk over to her and place my arm around her shoulders. She leans into me, and I feel her start to relax. She sighs heavily and ends the conversation with, “Thank you for your help.”

“Was that your bank? What did they say?” I ask softly.

“They’ll investigate my fraud claim, but it could take a while to get the money back.”

“Anything I can do to help?”

Milly looks up at me with her big blue eyes and bites her lip. “There is one thing,” she whispers. Those twin glacial pools staring up at me have me completely transfixed, and I barely register the movement of her hand as it slips under the waistband of my pants.

“Are you sure?” It’s the last chance that I’m giving her and myself.

“You started something, and now I want you to finish it.” Her voice is low and full of lust and need. Her hand slips a little farther inside my sweats and grips my fully erect cock, and she smiles in satisfaction. Or maybe triumph?

I look around the room. The living room isn’t exactly what I had in mind, but I’m not about to let this moment pass. My cock is aching after all the teasing it’s endured.

“Take off that fucking T-shirt,” I growl. It’s been a goddamn temptation, teasing me with little glimpses of her shoulder or a peek of her ass. Her hand slides up and out of my pants before she takes a step back and, with one hand, pulls the offensive garment over her head. I suck in a sharp breath because standing before me in nothing but a plain pair of cotton panties, Milly is absolutely flawless. Her skin is creamy and pink, and her breasts are perfect handfuls with rosy nipples made for my mouth.

I reach out and palm one of her breasts while wrapping the other hand around her waist to drag her forward. I place my nose along the ridge of her collarbone and inhale her fresh, clean scent.

“You’re perfect,” I murmur across her skin, placing light kisses up her neck and across her cheek. “Absolutely stunning.”

“Stop talking,” she commands me, and I can’t help but laugh. I kiss her softly once, twice, to distract her while my hand drifts from her breast to the waistband of her panties. My fingers dance along the edge, teasing her. She sucks in her belly sharply as my hand dips below the cotton fabric, and my fingers begin to explore her core.

“Yes,” she hisses. I raise an eyebrow; maybe I’m not the only one sexually frustrated.

I dip my finger slowly inside her and discover that she’s soaking wet. Greedy for more, I push all the way inside, and she gasps. Milly clings to me tightly as her legs part, a silent invitation to continue. I work my finger in and out, spreading her juiciness around her pussy. She starts to pant, but I don’t want her to come just yet. I want to prolong this pleasure. Just as she begins to tense, my finger is gone, and she cries out with disappointment.

“Not yet, sweetheart,” I admonish her lightly. I kneel before her and tug her panties down her thighs, letting them fall to the floor. She’s completely bare now, not a stitch of clothes on, and I’m ready to feast. I place my mouth over her softly, placing a reverent kiss on her center before gently spreading her thighs with my hands and swiping my tongue along her seam. Her sweet muskiness hits my tongue, and it’s pure heaven. Milly places her hands on top of my head and digs her fingers into my hair, grabbing the strands tightly in her fists as I continue to make a meal of her.

“Oh God,” Milly moans as she jerks away from me. I hold her tighter and yank her back for more, devouring every drop of her sweet juiciness. She continues her chorus of moans until I feel her tense and then shake with pleasure. She lets go of her death grip on my hair and stumbles her way to the couch.

“Fuck, you’re beautiful after you’ve come,” I say. I can’t take my eyes off her. Her blue gaze is hooded, and there’s a pink flush all over her creamy skin. Automatically, I take hold of my cock and stroke it. There’s only one place that I want to be right now, and that’s inside Milly.