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Say Yes: Ian: Say Yes Series Book One by Amelia Mae (8)



I wake up to my sheets smelling like sex and Cora’s green apple shampoo. I inhale deeply, just letting half-asleep memories from last night wash over me. Cora’s supple body underneath mine.

How wet she got from a simple touch.

The beautiful noise she made as she came.

I turn over, expecting to see her lying next to me, but I’m alone. Her side of the bed is cold.

But, as I look around the room, I see that her boots and her dress are still on my floor. Okay, obviously, she didn’t try to go home naked.

I hear a metal pan crash to the floor.

“Ow! Fuck,” Cora winces from the kitchen.

I can’t help but smile. I’m the first man to ever taste her, which fills me with a crazy sense of pride. And fucking her was better than anything in my wildest fantasies. I came so hard I saw stars.

And now she’s in my kitchen making breakfast.

This has to be a dream.

I open the bedroom door and peer out. Cora’s flipping something in a pan that smells delicious. She’s wearing my tee shirt from last night.

This can’t be real.

I rummage through my dresser for some clothes, my eyes still on Cora.

She rises to her tiptoes to reach something in a high cabinet. As she reaches overhead, the tee shirt rides up, exposing her ass.

My tee shirt. No panties.

Screw clothes. I head into the kitchen buck naked.

And hard.

I approach her from behind and snake my arms around her waist.

“Morning,” she says cheerfully.

“Mm-hmm,” I whisper as I kiss her neck and shoulder, pressing my body against hers, making sure she can feel every damn inch of what she does to me. It makes her jump.

“I’m making French toast,” she says, playfully ignoring my ploy for morning sex in the kitchen.

“Sounds good.”

“Hungry?” she asks.

I nod.

As she turns to head towards the fridge, she purposefully brushes her ass against my throbbing cock.

Fuck breakfast, I’m hungry for her.

Fucking starving.

Suddenly she looks right at me, her eyes wide.

“Was that me?” she gasps.


She touches my back, which I know has to be covered in scratch marks.

“Yeah, that was all you, baby,” I say with a shit-eating grin.

She touches them gingerly. “Does it hurt?”

“Yeah,” I answer, “In the good way. Means I did my job.”

She looks away, blushing. “Guess I got a little carried away there.”

Before I can some up with some witty retort about how multiple orgasms will do that to a person, Cora’s phone, which had been in her purse all night, rings loudly.

“Shit, it’s my agent,” she says, retrieving it from the tiny bag, “And he’s called three times. Can you watch the pan? I’ll be right back.”

“Of course,” I reply as she heads off into the bedroom.

Suddenly, the front door is flung open and I hear my sister Nikki shout, “Ian! Get your ass out of bed - God! Ian!”

She covers her eyes.

“Do you ever knock?” I shout back at her as I retreat to the bedroom for clothes.

As I pull on a clean pair of jeans, I realize that I’ve just barged in on a very pissed off Cora.

“When the hell were you going to tell me about this?” she seethes.

“That’s just my sister,” I reassure her, “I’ll get rid of her.”

“Not that,” she says, her eyes narrowing, “The video. The one my agent was calling me about. It’s your video.”


“You knew about this.”

“Yes, and I don’t understand why you’re so upset,” I say.

“I gave you that whole speech the other night about how I wanted to do more than just be a pretty face, meanwhile I find out that the first real, paying gig I ever get, I only got because you wanted to sleep with me,” she replies.

“It’s not like that.”

“The hell is isn’t,” she hisses. “You guys even took me without an audition. How is it possibly not like that?”

“I swear,” I try to reassure her, “Our manager picked you. Technically. And we took you without an audition because we needed somebody quick after our original model bailed. The fact that we happened to know each other is a complete coincidence.”

I can tell she’s not convinced.

“Well, what are you going to do?” I ask bluntly, “Turn down the job?”

“No,” she spits out, “I just… ugh, and now I have to turn up at the shoot today and I’ve already slept with… well, I guess you’re technically my boss, right?”

“Kind of,” I say.

“Great, now I’m that girl who fucked her way into a job.”

“Cora, you didn't fuck your way into anything. Our manager picked you. Fair and square. The fact that we have a history is a complete coincidence. The fact that I happened to walk into the Caspiar Club and find you working there is also a coincidence,” I continue, “And the fact that you ended up in my bed and we fucked each other senseless, well, that may be the best goddamn thing that’s ever happened to me.”

She looks back at me, dumbstruck.

“Now, please let me send my sister on her way and we’ll have breakfast naked or something.”

She thinks about it. “Okay.”

I head back into the kitchen where Nikki is waiting, not so patiently, for me.

“Can this wait,” I ask, annoyed, “I’m kind of in the middle of something.”

“In the middle of someone,” she corrects.

“Whatever. Make it quick.”

“Hello! We were supposed to have brunch today before shooting the bar scene with the model.”

“I’m sorry. I forgot,” I apologize. “Can we reschedule? Cora and I were making…”

Suddenly, we hear the ear-piercing beep beep beep of the smoke alarm.

I quickly turn off the burner, throw the smoking pan into the sink and start the cold water. There, crisis averted.

Breakfast, however, is ruined.

Cora rushes from the bedroom to the kitchen, still dressed only in my tee shirt.

“What the hell… Oh, hi,” she says, spotting Nikki. Her face goes scarlet as she extends her hand. “I’m Cora. Nice seeing you again. Though this wasn’t how I imagined it happening.”

“No worries,” Nikki replies, shaking her hand. “I’ve seen worse.

Cora looks at me knowingly. I scowl at my sister.

“That’s not what I meant,” Nikki says, correcting herself quickly. “Well, actually it is, well, it was. Actually, I haven’t seen any girls around for quite awhile. Not since…”

“Nikki…” I cut her off.

“Since what?” Cora asks.

“Depressing story,” I tell her, “Another time, I promise.”

Cora nods.

“Anyway,” Nikki starts, “We were supposed to meet for brunch.”

“Oh,” Cora starts, “Umm… I guess I should go then. I’ll just get my stuff and I’ll leave you to it then.” She turns towards the bedroom.

“Do you want to come?” I blurt out.

Brunch with Nikki is usually just the two of us. Family time. But I’m not ready to say goodbye to Cora just yet.

My sister glares at me. Really?

My eyes widen and I silently beg her not to send Cora away.

“We’d love to have you,” Nikki finally adds, “But no pressure.”

“Um, I’d love to,” Cora replies, “Just let me get dressed.”

She heads into the bedroom.

Nikki looks at me. “Up top,” she says, approvingly, and goes for a high-five.

I laugh. Nikki is kind of hilarious when she tries to be one of the guys.

“It’s okay that I invited her, right?” I say.

“I guess so. Hope she’s not sick of you already.”

“Me too. I kind of want to keep her around.”

“For more than a few hours?” she says, raising an eyebrow. “Never thought I’d see the day.” She shakes her head in mock disbelief. “She must be pretty fucking special.”