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Seventh Heaven (Heaven Sent Book 7) by Mary Abshire (2)

Chapter Two


Emily placed the tray of frozen bread in the oven. The heat warmed her and she wished she could stand in front of it longer, but she had too much to do before the men arrived. She shut the door, ending the warmth, and then stirred the pasta in the boiling water. The hard noodles hadn’t softened yet. She tapped the large stirrer on the pot before setting it down. The spaghetti sauce cooked at a low temperature, so she didn’t bother checking it. By her estimate, Andrew and Matt should show up within fifteen minutes or so. The drive from DC to Rockville took about a half hour. It might take an additional ten minutes due to the holiday traffic. After she had received Andrew’s message, she’d started preparing the meatballs and had cooked them slowly. She’d waited twenty minutes before she’d started the sauce and another five for the pasta. If she timed everything right, the food would be ready upon their arrival. She lowered the temperature on the burner to ensure the water wouldn’t boil over.

From the cabinet above the stove, Emily retrieved three plates. She left the small kitchen and entered the adjoining dining room overlooking a balcony. The sheer curtains were closed since the sun had started to set and shine through the window. The rectangular black table in the middle of the room seated six people. A pendent chandelier hung above it. The off-white walls had a hint of gray or blue, she couldn’t figure out which, but the contemporary décor blended in well. The appliances were all stainless steel and up-to-date. It had been Andrew’s idea to stay at a more upscale hotel since Christmas was around the corner. Given the holiday would be his last on Earth, she let him have his choice of accommodations. After she set a plate at one end and the other two on each side, she headed back to the kitchen.

She gathered utensils and napkins from the drawers. She’d found the black cloths earlier when she’d been searching for a spaghetti spoon. Back in the dining room, she placed the forks, spoons, and napkins on each side of the plates. Having set the table, she returned to check on the pasta. White bubbles covered the top layer of water, preventing her from seeing the noodles. She blew at the froth while she stirred, and it almost disappeared. Satisfied with the progress, she set the spoon on the counter. Now she could change her top.

Emily left the food cooking and headed to the bedroom. The room was bigger than any she’d ever stayed in and had an oversize king bed. She passed a large wide-screen television mounted to the wall and the patio doors leading to the balcony. The suite had a great view overlooking a small wooded area with a pond. Early in the morning she’d seen a couple of deer. With the sun setting she could probably spot a few more roaming about if she had time to look, but she didn’t.

She continued into the lavish bathroom connected to the walk-in closet. The garden tub and glass shower were big, fancy, and very accommodating. Of course, she and Andrew had enjoyed time in each.

As she removed her t-shirt, she stepped into the closet. Andrew’s clothes hung on one side while hers were on the other. She would’ve preferred to keep everything in drawers since they were only staying until the day after Christmas, but Andrew didn’t want her clothes to get too wrinkled. She removed a long-sleeved maroon tunic from one of the hangers. It would go well with her black tights. Her pink fuzzy socks stood out, but they were so warm and soft she refused to change them.

Emily stopped at the vanity and gave a final check in the mirror. Her sandy-brown roots had started to show more, but at least they weren’t too different from the dyed light-brown color on her hair. She’d considered changing the tint again, but Andrew had convinced her to wait until after the baby was born. For now, she was glad to see her locks flowed past her shoulders again. She needed a trim to encourage more growth and to keep her bangs from falling in her eyes. The task would have to wait for another day. Satisfied with her appearance, she headed back to the kitchen.

On the way to the open door she heard male voices from the living room. One of them she recognized quite well. She stepped out of the bedroom and saw her husband and Matt standing a few feet past the entrance of the suite. Excitement rushed through her and her heart leaped when Andrew met her gaze. His smile spawned one from her. She extended her arms to claim a hug from him.

“I brought Matt,” Andrew said as he embraced her.

Emily gave him a smooch. He delivered two in return. They averaged three kisses each time their lips met, not counting when they were fooling around or having sex.

“I see.” She released him from her grasp. “I’m so glad you could join us, Matt.”

She gave the big guy a hug. He hadn’t changed from the last time she’d seen him, late in the summer in San Diego. He had a larger frame compared to Andrew and stood an inch or two taller. His short dark locks were straight whereas Andrew had slight waves. He wore jeans and a plain black t-shirt underneath his leather jacket.

“Thanks for inviting me.” He stepped back and ran his gaze down her. “I can’t tell if you’re showing.”

Emily slid her hand over her small belly. “Not much. At least, you can’t really tell by the clothes I wear.”

“She is showing a little. Last week, she started to feel it kick,” Andrew said with a gleam of excitement in his eyes.

“It’s very light, but I’m pretty sure I felt a kick or the baby moving,” she added.

“Well, you look good and happy,” Matt said.

“I am.” She looked at Andrew. “We both are.”

He slid his arm behind her and pulled her close. “We are absolutely happy.”

Hearing a sizzle from the kitchen, Emily jerked her head behind her. “Crap, the food.” She strode away from the two men. “Show him his room.”

“How much longer will it take?” Andrew asked.

“Five to ten minutes,” she said.

She blew at the bubbles as she grabbed the stirrer. Water had spilled over the pot and had dried on the glass top stove. The noodles moved like worms in a pot. She lifted a few strands of pasta and ate one. The noodles were soft enough to eat.

After she turned off the burner, she pulled on the handle to the oven door. The smell of garlic drifted toward her. The butter had melted and the bread had started to turn light brown. She decided a few more minutes would ensure the loaf was thoroughly thawed.

Emily turned to the sink and dishwasher side. Finding the colander in one of the cabinets, she placed it in one side of the basin. Andrew walked in as she returned to the stove.

“Pasta is ready. The bread will be done in a few minutes,” she said.

As she reached for the pot, Andrew stepped in front of her and took hold of the handles. “I got this.”

Over the last two months he’d become more aggressive, grabbing and handling things for her. She’d argued with him a few times. Pregnancy didn’t make her handicapped. He’d told her he wanted to help more. His intentions were well and good, but she was accustomed to doing things on her own.

While he dumped the water and pasta into the colander, Emily removed the lid to the other pan on the stove. Steam drifted up. She used the large spoon to stir the thick sauce with meatballs and chunks of mushrooms. From the looks of the fluid, it was ready.

“It smells good,” Andrew said, standing beside her.

“If you want to set the pan on a plate warmer on the table, I’ll put the pasta in a bowl and bring it out.”


Matt strolled into the kitchen sans jacket. “Anything I can help with?”

“You’re our guest. Have a seat at the table,” she said as she opened one of the cabinets. A large bowl sat on the top shelf. She reached for it, but Matt hurried to get to it first. What was it with men always wanting to beat her to things?

“Let me get that,” Matt said.

Emily stepped back while he removed the bowl. He handed it to her and she said, “Thanks. Go have a seat and relax. I can handle this.”

Andrew walked in from the dining room. “Want a beer or something else to drink?”

“Yeah,” Matt said. “What have you got?”

Andrew opened the fridge. “Heineken, milk, water, and orange juice.”

“I’ll take a beer,” Matt said.

“Water for me please.” Emily dumped the noodles into the bowl. Food in hand, she set out a path for the table.

She placed the pasta next to the pan with the sauce. The garlic bread was only item missing. She headed back to the kitchen as the two men strolled out. “You can start eating. I’m getting the bread.”

After she passed them, she removed another dish from the cabinet and then set it near the stove. Using an oven mitten, she opened the door and removed the sheet with the loaf. She tilted the sheet and the hot bread slid onto the plate. The garlic aroma aroused her appetite.

Plate in hand, she strode to the dining room. Matt sat on the far side facing Andrew, leaving the end for her. Neither of them had put any pasta on their dishes. They seemed too busy chatting.

“Don’t wait for me,” she said as she set the bread on the table, closer to Andrew and on his right.

She ran her hand across the back of Andrew’s shoulders on her way to her seat. He caught her hand when it slipped away and he squeezed it.

“This is a nice suite you’ve got here,” Matt said before he reached for the spoon in the noodles.

“Yeah, I think it’s one of the nicest we’ve ever stayed in,” she said.

“I had to talk her into staying here. She didn’t want to because of the price,” Andrew said as he tore off a piece of bread.

“But I didn’t argue too much this time. It is Christmas,” she said.

Andrew claimed the pasta spoon once Matt had finished using it. He scooted the bowl closer to Emily and then lifted a big chunk of noodles. He dropped them on her plate.

Matt finished adding sauce to his noodles. “So you’re the conservative one?”

“Most of the time, yeah,” she said. “I’ve always been, but more so now since I don’t have any income.”

“She doesn’t need to be so conservative.” Andrew brought the pan closer to her dish.

She shooed his hands away. “I can handle this. Get some pasta.” She loved and appreciated his gentleman qualities, but he went overboard sometimes.

Andrew handed the sauce spoon to her. “While we were in Vegas, I spent time at a few casinos. My luck hadn’t changed and I was able to add to our accounts.”

“Between my funds and his, I’ll be able to live comfortably and stay be a stay-at-home mom,” she said as she poured the red sauce and meatballs over her food.

Andrew dumped a heaping portion of noodles on his plate. “Wherever you decide to live, I want to make sure you have a decent home and Matt does too if he’s going to live nearby.”

Matt tore off two pieces of garlic bread. “Andrew told me you two have been traveling and looking at places to settle down.”

“Yeah. Michigan is out,” she said. “Besides the weather, I think it’s too close to Illinois. I’d hate for someone to recognize me ten years from now and turn me into the police.”

“And what do you think about Rockville?” Matt asked.

“Bread?” Andrew asked, offering her a slice.


He set it on the edge of her plate while she stirred her food with her fork.

“It’s okay here. I like the community and the location is close to DC and Baltimore. The ocean isn’t far away either…” She paused and set her hand next to her dish.

“But?” Matt prompted.

Andrew grinned while he chewed.

“I think I would prefer somewhere warmer and where the sun shines the majority of the year. Plus, I think our child would be safer in a smaller city.” She took a bite of pasta.

Although she liked the area and the option to travel to nearby towns or vacation at the beach at any time, she had an unsettling feeling about raising a child near any large city. There were plenty of safe urban areas. And safety was a huge concern for her. Andrew could see demons in humans. She couldn’t. She wanted their child to stay as far away as possible from them and the best place to find one would be in or near bigger populations.

“There’s nothing wrong with that. You should pick a place that feels right to you,” Matt said before he shoveled spaghetti into his mouth.

Andrew swallowed and lifted his beer. “I told Matt we were going to head to New Mexico next and you’d like to check out some places in Arizona and Utah.” He pressed the bottle to his lips.

“That’s the plan. We have to change where we stay every three to four days though.” She stuffed her mouth with a meatball and some noodles.

Matt wiped his mouth with the napkin. “Andrew was telling me more about Steven on the way here. I have an idea that might help you.”

Emily’s brows rose while she sipped on her water. She swallowed and set the bottle on the table. “What’s your idea?”

“If you two wouldn’t mind me tagging along, I could be an extra set of eyes for you and keep watch to make sure he doesn’t try anything if he shows up. And if you wanted to use my name and account to book places to stay, you’re more than welcome to.”

“I can move money to your account to pay for expenses,” Andrew added.

Matt nodded. “Whatever helps to keep Emily and the baby safe. Consider me her bodyguard.”

Emily stilled while her heart swelled with admiration. “Matt, that’s very generous of you. But are you sure you want to give up whatever you have going on in your life to follow us from town to town? And more importantly, are you certain you’re up to being the godfather?”

His kindness never ceased to amaze her. He’d gone to great lengths to help her escape Mexico months ago. She could never repay him for his efforts. And while she would love to have him serve as godfather to her child, she wanted to make sure he was comfortable with the role. She had a feeling she would go through a long phase of depression once Andrew left, so she’d welcome any assistance she could get.

“I haven’t committed to any jobs since the property sold in Borrego Springs, and I haven’t been looking for any. Quite honestly, when Andrew asked me to be the godfather and to be there for you and the baby after he’s gone, I jumped at the request. I would prefer to stay with you two and do what I can to help. I’m financially secure and I can kick anyone’s ass who tries to harm you or the baby. I want to lead a better life and make a difference. If you let me stay, I know I can make that happen. I’ll do whatever I can to ensure my godchild lives a safe and happy life. I’ll even change diapers.”

Andrew chuckled while Emily’s eyes filled with tears. She swallowed and fought from crying.

“You’re a good man, Matt. Good men are difficult to find,” she said. “But I don’t want you giving up your life to become some lifelong bodyguard for our kid.”

“Please don’t think of it like that. I want to help raise the child. This is my chance to be a father figure,” Matt said.

Andrew reached over and put his hand on top of hers. He squeezed it. “He wants to do this, Em. He’s the right man to take over for me when I’m gone.”

A tsunami of sadness flooded her and she lowered her head. While Matt’s willingness to assist overjoyed her, but the grim thoughts of being without Andrew outweighed everything else. A tear ran down her cheek. Then another did the same.

She pushed her chair back. “I’m sorry. Excuse me.”

She hurried through the kitchen, turned the corner, and then headed for the bedroom. Along the way, she wept and wiped the moisture from her face. Her mood took a deep dive every single time Andrew mentioned not being around anymore. There were days she could avoid crying, then others, like the present, her emotions took control and she bawled.

After reaching the bathroom, she stopped in front of the vanity. She tried to shake off the blues by reminding herself of the good things she had in her life. She had a loving husband and a caring friend. Both would do anything to help her and her child. She had enough money in the bank to last two lifetimes and she would never have to work. In the grand scheme of things, she had it easy. So many others were in desperate or poor situations. Instead of weeping, she should have been praising the two men who wanted to help her.

“Hey,” Andrew said softly as he entered the room. He stepped behind her and rubbed her back. “Are you okay? We didn’t mean to upset you.”

She sniffled as she turned to face him. “It’s my hormones. I’ll be fine.”

He wrapped his arms around her. She welcomed his embrace and rested her body against his with her head on his shoulder. In a year, she wouldn’t be able to feel his warmth or his love. She’d take all she could get while she had time.

“He’s a wonderful man. And we are extremely lucky to have him as a friend. I’m grateful he wants to be a godfather and bodyguard,” she said.

“Then let him. There is no reason not to.”

She couldn’t think of any either, so she nodded. “He can stay with us. I don’t mind.” She lifted her head. “He should know if he ever wants to leave, he can. I don’t want him to think he has to stick around because he’s the godfather.”

“I’m certain he knows that, but I’m betting he will enjoy his new role. Remember how I told you he can’t have kids?”

She nodded.

“Our child won’t be blood related to him, but that won’t matter. The three of us are like family. This is his once-in-a-lifetime chance to hold a baby and help raise it into a happy and productive adult. I highly doubt he’s going to walk away from our child.”

With that said, her lip trembled. While Matt would get something he’d always dreamed about, Andrew would be missing out. Life didn’t seem fair.

She put her head back on his shoulder and squeezed him as more tears escaped her eyes. “I think you’re right. But if I could have one wish, it would be for you to stay on Earth with me and together we’d take care of our little one.”

He held her tight and kissed her head. “I wish for it every day and night.”

She sniffed as she inched away from him. Crying only made her feel more depressed. They had company and dinner would get cold if she continued to let the sadness devour her. There was nothing any of them could do to change when Andrew had to return. Her best option was to accept it, plan, and prepare. She’d grieve later.

“You should go back to the table. I fixed a good meal and I don’t want it to go to waste. I’ll be there in a few minutes.” She wiped her cheeks.

He took her face into her hands. “You’re strong. Everything will work out. Lean on Matt for support and you’ll be okay. You’ll see.”

His words lifted her spirit, even if only a smidgen, and she nodded. Time would heal. At least, that was the saying. “I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

“And you heard him, he’ll change diapers for you.”

A chuckle slipped from her.

“That’s my girl.” He pressed his lips to hers. “Now come back to the table and let’s finish eating.”

“Go ahead. I want to clean up real quick.”

“Okay, but if you’re not at the table in two minutes I’m coming back for you.”

“Fair enough.” She planted a kiss on his mouth.

He returned the affection with a longer, more inviting version. “I have more of that for you later.”

With warmth flowing through her, she looked forward to bedtime. “Go.” She tilted her head toward the door.

Through his reflection in the mirror, she watched him leave. She loved how he tried to make her laugh and continued to want to please her. He was rare catch and he belonged to her. She considered herself the luckiest woman on Earth and even more so since she had a good trustworthy friend. Mood improving, she decided Christmas would be a great time to celebrate their friendship. How? She didn’t know yet, but somehow she’d try to make it one the three of them would always cherish.




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