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Single Dad’s Plaything: A Single Dad First Time Billionaire Romance by Natasha Spencer (139)

Chapter 17


Silas looked down at his mother who was still in the coma. She had fallen and gotten hurt, but had not woken up after suffering the bump on her head.

When he had come home from Sally’s house, Jackie had been waiting for him with the news.

“Your mother is hurt. She fell down and is in the hospital.”

He had rushed to her side as quickly as he could get there. Jackie had offered to go along to which he had grudgingly agreed. At least he would have some support through this difficult time, though he was sure she was going to try and convince him not to use the information he had about her in their divorce.

Along the drive to the hospital, they had argued about many things, “If you use those photos I’ll let the world know of your secret fetish of dressing in women’s clothes!” she said in a threatening tone.

“Look Jackie, let’s not argue, I want to make sure my mom is okay first, and then we can talk more.”

“Fine, but I’m not kidding. I’ll make you the laughing stock of the world!”

Silas remained quiet the rest of the drive to the hospital.

Silas had remained by his mother’s beside for almost the whole time he had been there. His father was a mess as well and Silas tried his best to comfort him.

Neither he nor Jackie told his father about their divorce. His father had always liked Jackie. Plus his father didn’t need to be told even more bad news on top of the fact his wife was in a coma.

The doctors hadn’t yet figured out why his mother hadn’t woken up from her coma. But they were doing all kinds of tests and filling her body with more prescription medicines. He wished his pharmaceutical division had come up with something to help his mother, but they were still working to put it all together.

He longed to call Sally, but the few moments he had away from the hospital had been spent with his father. He raked his hand through his hair and talked to his mother, hoping she would hear his voice and wake up.

“Mom, I really wish you would wake up. Dad and I need you here with us. And I also have something really important to tell you. Jackie and I are getting a divorce. I caught her cheating, and well, you know we haven’t been intimate for years now. I also met a new girl. She’s amazing and I think I love her. I think you’d really like her too and she’s nothing like Jackie. She isn’t with me for my money, hell she wouldn’t even take any of it to get a new apartment. She was living in a really bad area of town, and I couldn’t let anything happen to her. So I moved her into that new building we put up last year. I even set up a special offer just to be given to her so she could afford to move in. Her name is Sally Yates and she comes from Nebraska. She had such a fresh outlook on New York and is making me love it all over again. Not only that but she is on board with the new division and thinks it is a wonderful idea. Mom, she even called me brilliant! I can’t get her off of my mind. I really should call her, but I’ve been too busy helping Dad get through this. She’s going to be furious with me since I haven’t called her yet though. I only hope she’ll understand.” Silas stopped for a moment.

He heard movement behind him and looked up to see his father.

“Son, if you love this girl you should call her.”

“How much did you hear Dad?”

“Enough to know that she is a good girl and that you care about her deeply. Go and call her and at least let her know what’s going on.” His dad stated.

Silas got up and walked down the hall, going outside to enjoy the sun. He dialed her number and it went to voicemail. He didn’t leave a message, but instead he tried her again.

He pulled up his emails and looked through them. There were a few from Sally. He stopped and muttered, “What the hell?”

Mr. McComb,

I am formally giving my two-week’s notice. I will be leaving the company effective May 12th. I have sent you the updates on a spreadsheet I created for the new division. I really appreciate the opportunity to work at your company, but I feel that I will no longer be a productive employee.

Sally Yates

He dialed her number again and this time left a message.

Sally it is Silas, I’m sorry I haven’t called you before this. But my mom fell and she’s in a coma. I came up here and I’ve been in the hospital with my father ever since. Please don’t resign, let’s talk it out first. I hope to be back in town shortly, but I want to make sure my mom is okay first.

He still wanted to talk to her and find out why she was leaving the company, so he tried her number a few more times. Finally, he dialed the number to his office at work, knowing if she was there that she would surely pick up.

“McComb Industries, Sally Yates speaking.” She answered.

He breathed a sigh of relief at hearing her voice. “Sally, thank goodness I got a hold of you! I got your resignation letter. What’s this about?” He asked, more sad than angry.

“I’d rather not talk about that right now.” Sally said.

“Too bad, I want to know. We were just fine the other night. I thought we had a special connection. I’m pretty sure you would agree with me. Your body was calling out for my touch.” Silas said.

“That was before you ran away with Jackie. Yeah don’t be shocked. I know. I called you the other night and she picked up your phone. Said you were in the shower. Well Silas enjoy her, because you’ll never have me again! If you value yourself so little that you would go back to her after she cheated, well you really deserve her!” Sally commented.

Silas could hear the unbridled anger in Sally’s voice. “What are you talking about? Jackie is with me, but only because my father loves her. But we are not in any way back together. I didn’t even know you called me. My mom fell and she’s in a coma and the doctors are still trying to figure out why. But I have not or will I ever touch Jackie again, I swear to you, even if she was the last person on Earth!” Silas explained.

He heard her voice softening, “Oh my goodness your mother was hurt? I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope she will be okay, how are you handling it?”

“Better than I am handling your resignation honestly. But it is still tough. And it’s especially hard on my father. They’ve been married for 52 years now and he is lost without her. I just hope she pulls through this okay.” Silas said.

“I’m really sorry about her, I know you love her.” Sally commented.

“Does this mean you won’t resign? Will you at least let me talk to you in person? I miss you so much Sally.”

“I don’t know Silas, I’m scared now, and I don’t know if I can trust you. Why would Jackie be in the same room with you when you were taking a shower?”

“She wasn’t in the same room as me. I left my phone out in the kitchen. She never told me you called, and I didn’t check the messages, I went back to the hospital.”

“I’ll talk to you when you get back, but I don’t know if I can work for you anymore.” Sally finally said.

“Okay fair enough. I guess it’s all I’m going to get you to agree to right now.” He sighed. “I miss you Sally, and I can’t wait to see you and kiss you again.”

“Good bye Silas.” She hung up the phone.