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Single Dad’s Plaything: A Single Dad First Time Billionaire Romance by Natasha Spencer (66)

Chapter 16: Epilogue


It has been almost three years since that fateful day when I went against my better judgment and followed my heart. Hell, I guess that’s what I’ve been doing my entire life.

If I didn’t always go after what I wanted despite the consequences, I would never have met Damian. The greatest man I’ve ever known. And I would never have given birth to the most beautiful thing in the world, my son, Jonathan. He was two, and the smartest little monster I’ve ever seen.

That’s right, it was a little boy. I just remember exactly how smug Damian was for the next six months after Jonathan’s birth. Though that could be from how happy he is to have his family than being right. He does love being right. He still brings it up every single time we have the slightest argument.

That he was right and I gave birth to a bouncing baby boy instead of a beautiful baby girl. Jonathan was a name picked on a whim. Especially because I could not allow our son to be named Damian the Second.

He already takes after his father way too much.

Little spoiled brat already read his own bedtime stories and whined whenever he didn’t get his way. To be fair, that’s almost entirely my own fault. I just want my baby to be happy all the time. The happiest life anyone could offer him. That’s all I wanted for him. I have this bad habit of always giving him what he wants while Damian tries to be the stern father. Keyword right there is tried. Damian isn’t great at saying no to him either.

He blames me. Says it’s my puppy dog eyes that he inherited.

Nobody could really say no to him. He has his father’s twinkling eyes – though his were more periwinkle than sapphire- and an unruly mop of untamable black hair. Shiny raven locks that seemed to fall haphazardly yet beautifully. He also somehow possessed charming smile and the sweetest little voice I’ve ever heard.

“Our son is asleep.” My husband’s sultry voice purred in my ear, making shivers crawl up my back. I contented myself with the fact that nobody could resist him. It isn’t just me. I’m not just weak willed.

Don’t look at me like that! I’m not!

“You didn’t let me kiss him goodnight.” I tried to seem upset, ignoring the bright pink hue to my cheeks, and hoping he did too as he began to nibble and suck on the sensitive shell of my ear.

The puffs of breath that hit my ear from his snicker told me that he was not oblivious to my reaction to him and he was enjoying this. This prick. “I’m so sorry, My Love.” His tone told me that he was actually not sorry at all if I didn’t get it from the snicker or his smarmy grin. That bastard. “I have something else you can kiss goodnight if you wish?”

My head snapped in his direction so quickly I could practically hear it protest. Sure enough, his pink lips were curled into a perverse grin that made me feel dirty. Well, dirtier. He wriggled his eyebrows in a suggestive manner.

“Naughty boy.” I played along, sending him an answering smirk.

“Are you going to punish me?” His lip stuck out in a pout, but I could just tell he loved the idea. He wanted me to punish him. His eyes were lit up in intrigue and he gave me this sultry smirk.

“Take your queen to the bedroom,” I ordered him, watching as his eyes lit up with mirth as he picked me up bridal-style.

“Your wish is my command, My Lady.” He purred, and I reveled in the gentle way he held me. In the soothing tone of his voice, deep and yet, still melodic. The pet name was flattering, and it was somehow the least attractive part of his statement.

So, he’s like… a sex genie now? I’m completely down with that. There’s nothing about that idea that I’m against.

He carried me to our bedroom and deposited me on the bed. It’s so much better now. He gave up a life of crime for me. Not that… not that what he’s doing is not morally dubious. But it doesn’t put us in direct sight of the cops and we are not in trouble. After all, blood diamonds aren’t a concept people concern themselves with too much.

If trading is a drug lord for being a… diamond lord? If it keeps our family safe, I’ve found that I don’t care what happens. I can’t stay away from Damian; he is too big a part of my life.

I don’t remember how I existed without the ball of passion and beauty that sparks to life behind my eyelids every time I think of him, but I doubt I’ll be able to exist without it. Even if we were poor, old, and ugly, I would still want him more than anything else.

He laid me down on the bed. “I want to be in control today!” I practically shouted it, before blushing at how juvenile the tone I used was. He clearly noticed from the way the side of his lip quirked up in bemusement.

He was always in control. I’ve never seen him the way he gets me. Delirious with pleasure. Possessive? Sure. Crazy, even? Yup. But like this? When all I wanted was more, more, more. I don’t know if he’s ever gotten there before, and I can’t deny that I wanted it. More than anything else I’ve ever wanted.

I wanted to see his face twist with pleasure. Hear his voice as he whimpers his way to a climax as I pull him away from the edge several times. See him sob with pleasure as he finally gets to his release.

I’ve never even got to taste his cock. No matter how much I begged him to let me do it.

He didn’t see how I could get pleasure from the act and he refused for us to do anything together in which my pleasure wasn’t placed above all else.

“As you wish, beloved.” Damian purred in my ear, and I shivered in anticipation as he laid back on the bed, relinquishing control to me. “Your wish is my command.”

All of a sudden, I was unsure of what to do. He always pushed everything forwards, made sure we both felt good. Took care of it, like everything else, so I didn’t have to do it myself.

That was until I decided to remove his clothes and show his beautiful skin. There were some scars on his beautiful bronze skin. I brushed a kiss over every single one. I knew some of the stories, others, I was too afraid to ask where he got them. They were too unique, too severe, and I feared to know exactly what happened to the kind man I love.

His breath caught in his throat and he let out a soft whine. Oh god. That is the most erotic noise I have ever heard. His body trembled more and more as I kissed my way down his defined chest. Such delicious muscles. Perfection personified, really.

I toyed with the elastic of his pants, enjoying the sight of his face trying to stay calm as his beautiful cheeks were tinted a soft pink. His cock was hard and pressed against his pants. There was a visible wet spot.

“Clarissa.” He finally whined and I almost screamed. His voice, whining my name. That is just the greatest sound I have ever encountered in my life. I needed to hear it more often.

I slowly removed his pants, smirking at the sight of his uncovered member. It was so big. A beautiful bronze color and I noticed for the first time that he did shave. I was almost drooling at the thought of having it in my mouth. Of being able to stimulate him the way he did to me.

“You don’t have to do this.” He protested, pulling away from me just the slightest bit. He wasn’t embarrassed. Hell, I don’t fully believe he is really capable of experiencing embarrassment. He was turned on, and I could easily tell.

His cheeks were tinted pink and his smile was weak.

I smirked and told him, “You say this like I am doing this for your benefit. I am doing this because I want to, and for no other reason.”

It was honestly flattering the way he blushed and sputtered. He mentioned how it was the hottest thing he’s ever heard under his breath, and I just smirked. Damn, right it is. Damn right, I am the hottest thing he’s ever seen.

Poor guy. He didn’t even understand how much I wanted to do this. Like he was just unable to comprehend that I wanted to reciprocate, make him feel as good as he makes me feel. How I was aching to do this for so long. I don’t think he even could understand it if I deigned to explain myself to him.

My tongue darted out to like the semi-transparent, whitish liquid that was at the tip of his head. He immediately made a muffled moan, throwing his head back in pleasure and jerking his hips. I held his hips down so he didn’t make me choke on him.

“Behave.” I purred, smirking against his cock. “Or I’ll be forced to punish you.”

I let my tongue continue to lick all the liquid off the head of his cock, delighting in the whimpers and the way he trembled as he tried to refrain from thrusting into my mouth. I have to admit; I’ve always had a taste for odd flavors. This, however, may have been one of the best things I have ever tasted. I needed more. I will get more.

“I’m almost mad.” I nonchalantly said, pulling away for a moment. I purposefully ignored his whimpers and whines as I teased him, “You should never have kept me from such a delicious thing for so long.”

I went back to licking and nibbling on the sensitive head of his cock. I waited until he was whimpering and begging. Until he just whined my name over and over, begging for a release that only I could provide, so beautifully.

When I engulfed the head in my mouth, I made three abrupt realizations. They occurred nearly simultaneously.

First, I find that the warmth of his heated flesh in my mouth felt good, that was not what I expected. Every girl I had spoken to before said it would not be fun, but your guy would feel good so it was worth putting up with a little discomfort. I stand by my agreement with that phrase. Any amount of discomfort was worth making him feel good. But I didn’t feel that discomfort right now. It was good.

Secondly, as I stared at the rest of his cock that isn’t yet in my mouth I found that he was huge. Despite the fact that I assumed he was large, I still underestimated the size of his cock, and I was almost concerned for how it would fit. I could just feel my throat getting sore as I choked on it because he humped my mouth.

Finally, I realized I was wrong. Oh god, I was wrong about his noises. No sound could be better than the soft mewl he just made. Beautiful. I wish I had my phone out so I could record that sound and play it over and over.

In retaliation, I decided to force the sound out of him more. I raised my hand up to pump the rest of his cock. I slowly opened my mouth wider and let more of him into my mouth, gagging as I felt the head of his cock hit the back of my throat, the wispy pubes at the base tickling my nose.

He continued making those noises, and I had to hold his hips down to keep him from forcibly humping my throat as he got closer and closer to his release. I kept doing the motions, slowing down right when he got to the edge and speeding up again until my neck was starting to hurt and my throat was definitely sore.

Weirdly enough, I even like the way those things ached it felt really good.

When I finally let him get to his release, the sound he made as he cried was indescribable. I choked as he humped my face, his come sliding down my throat. It tasted even better than his pre-cum, I have to admit. Oh god. I could just do this forever.

Make him feel good. Make him moan. Make him come. Make him feel good. Make him-

And his arms were around me now, he was brushing the softest kisses to my cheeks. He was so gentle. He loved me so much. “You’re so special. So beautiful.”

I don’t know what changed at this moment, but his touch was electrifying. Every spot on my body that he pressed his lips against lit up like a livewire. More intense than any other time he has touched me.

I batted his hands away. “No,” I ordered him. “I’m still in control.”

He made a whining noise deep in his throat. The whining noise became louder and louder as I ground against him. Electricity went through me at every movement. Every second of delicious skin on skin contact made me feel like my very soul was on fire.

I slowly pulled off the rest of my clothes, running my hands over his skin. He was a drug, and I was addicted. I wish I could be upset about it, but no part of me was.

When I finally divested myself of all my clothes, my womanhood was throbbing with need. I had neglected touching myself at all to make him feel good, and I may have been going crazy with want.

I ground against him, mewling as his cock rubbed against the lips of my pussy. He was hard again. Thank god for my Werebear’s incredibly short refractory period. I do not have the patience to wait that long for him.

He whimpered and whined, begging me for him as he ran his hands over my skin. Every place he touched burned, in the best way. As if every nerve in my body was set aflame and his touch somehow both soothed and enraged the fire simultaneously.

“No touching.” I tried to be confident, trying to retain this delicious control I had over the most attractive man in the cosmos. “Don’t make me tie you up.”

He practically drooled at the thought, and I have to put that away for later. Definitely.

His hands left my body and I was torn between being happy that I was in control, and mourning the awful loss of his beautiful skin on mine. The thought left my mind as he wriggled his hips, grinding against me as best he can.

A loud cry left my lips before I bit my bottom lip and pulled away just a bit in punishment. “Damian. Behave.” I ordered.

“Or what?” He gave me his most devious grin. “You’ll spank me?”

Despite my misgivings, my hand ached to spank his muscled rear. I didn’t even think I was into that until now! This is not even fair. God, he was so perfect and it just wasn’t fair for any other person on this planet.

“You really want to.” He whispered it in awe, his lips curling into an overly smug, self-satisfied grin. “Don’t you? I know you do. I’m just that amazing.”

I almost growled at him. God damn it, why does he have to be so smug all the time? It was horribly annoying and made me want to destroy something. At the same time, I know I never want to hurt him in any way.

Well, except the way I did. Because my retaliation was to tangle my fingers in those beautiful raven locks of his and tug. Hard. The way he moaned at the pain brought a smirk to my lips.

Kissing and nipping his neck as I ground against him was always fun. Leaving my mark on him, even temporarily. Showing to the world that he is mine. All mine. (Maybe his Werebear tendencies are rubbing off on me? Who knows.)

Finally, I sunk down onto his cock, guiding it into me. I mewled loudly. We’ve had sex multiple times, but this time it is like magic. The slightest movement sent a rush of pleasure through my body.

Slowly, we rocked to a melody that only I know. Holding his hips down as he whimpered and whined, clearly wanting nothing more to just bang me into the luxurious – only the best for the two of us, I suppose - mattress was so enthralling. The sight of his face as his voice caught, clearly trying to beg for something, but being unable to formulate the words.

It’s not like it was easy for me either. I underestimated just how much I wanted to move fast. How much self-control it takes to deny not just him, but myself as well. Is this what he goes through, every time he decides to tease me?

If so, I have severely underestimated the man I have married. I have severely underestimated him, and I am awed by his level of self-restraint.

Especially awed, because it takes less than another minute for me to get overstimulated. To buck against him furiously as my eyes gaze in awe at his features. There is even beauty in the way he is panting and the sheen of sweat covering his perfect skin.

He’s perfect. And the sensations going through me were too intense.

It took mere moments for me to orgasm, my eyes rolling back in the head as the pleasure crashed over me in waves, threatening to drag me under.

I didn’t notice he had rolled us over so I was on my back under him until I felt his powerful strokes. He pounded me into the mattress and my overstimulated nerves became more frazzled. He didn’t stop until I had too much.

All the pleasure at once was too much and it made me feel too good.

When we finally stopped, he took me in his arms and stroked my hair. He cooed softly into my ear as I trembled from a volatile mixture of pain and bliss that I could barely understand.

“I love you.” His soft voice crooned.

Looking in his eyes, I knew it was the truth.

It was the only truth I needed to know for the world to make sense.

It was enough.

It would always be enough.

“I love you too,” I told him, letting my eyes slowly drift close, knowing whatever we would have to face in the future, we would face together. And that is more than good enough for me.

We were more than enough.

And we always will be.





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