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Single Dad’s Plaything: A Single Dad First Time Billionaire Romance by Natasha Spencer (6)

Chapter Six


It was admittedly pretty difficult to arrange further dates with Jamia due to her incredibly hectic and tight work schedule, or indeed, to arrange any kind of meet ups with her at all, not even just dates.

Their Sunday night meal out had gone really well; so well that Tyler was excited about their next one and wanted to sort something out for it immediately, and so well that he hadn’t even tried to get her into his bed at the end of the night. He’d been the perfect gentleman the whole evening, and he got the impression Jamia was rather pleasantly surprised by it.

After they’d finished their meal, which of course he paid for, they’d got in a taxi and he’d asked her for her address. He dropped her off at her home first, before asking the driver to go on to his place. Before she got out, he leaned over and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and murmured, “I want to see you soon.”

She blushed and mumbled back, “I want to see you, too. Goodnight, Tyler.”

He’d had to fight the urge to text her immediately. He didn’t want to seem too keen. But by the next morning, he could fight it no longer.

“I really enjoyed last night. Hope we can do it again soon.”

He yawned and got up out of bed. It was half past eleven, his usual wake up time. He wandered downstairs and had a look in the fridge for something to eat. He hated making food for himself. He generally just ate out all the time or ordered delivery.

There was some leftover pizza from his Saturday night delivery, so he warmed that up in the microwave and ate it for his breakfast/lunch.

By the time he’d done that, Jamia had responded.

“I hope so too. I enjoyed myself.”

Tyler chewed his lip a little, thinking about Jamia’s three jobs and how annoying they were.

“Do you ever get any time off?” he texted back.

“Not really, haha, that’s the problem.”

“What about vacations? Surely they must give you vacation time.”

“Yeah, I’m entitled to two weeks a year.”

He smirked. Good. Now he saw an opportunity. “I bet you’re the type who never takes it.”

“How did you know?”

“I know you so well already. They probably owe you like two months’ vacation now.”

“I don’t think it works like that, somehow.”

“Can you take them in random days or does it have to be two weeks in a block?”

“I can take them however I like.”

“Then take a goddamn day off this week and come hang out with me. A whole day. Or hell, maybe even two days. You don’t need the money, I’ll pay for everything.”

“I don’t like being a kept woman. I’m independent.”

Tyler rolled his eyes, stuffing some pizza in his mouth as he replied again. “Alright fine, I’ll pay for some things and make you pay for others. Sound better?”

“Sounds much fairer, yep!”

“Is that a date then? Are you gonna do it?”

“Am I gonna take two days off?”


“Yeah, alright.”

“Great! We’re gonna have an awesome time! You deserve a break, god damnit.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

“When will it be?”

“I don’t know. I’ll need to speak to my bosses today.”

“All three of them. Lol.”


“Will you let me know?”

“Yeah, duh.”

Tyler bit his lip and blushed. He was acting like an excited, giddy teenager all over some stupid two days off that some playing hard to get girl was taking. Maybe he needed to take a step back. And yet, he didn’t want to. This was fun.

“Alright. Talk later!” He sent off his final text.

He was already thinking about the cool things they could do together on her day off. She’d told him she hadn’t had a day at home playing video games for ages, and had been jealous of his lazy weekend, so that was definitely something they could do. It would be no biggie for him, but for her it would probably be awesome. Actually, he thought to himself, it was pretty awesome anyway just to find a hot girl that was also into video games. Jamia was quite the catch, and he couldn’t wait to see her again.

It wasn’t till around four o’clock that afternoon that he got another message from her, confirming her two days off as Thursday and Friday.

For Tyler, every day was a holiday but now, now he really had something to look forward to.

“Can I call you?” He text her back in reply.

“Not yet, I’m at work.”

“When do you go to the bar?”


“I’m gonna come in for a drink, if that’s OK.”

“It’s a free country, can’t stop you.”

“Well, you could ban me or something.”

“I could, yeah. Might do that.”

He smirked to himself and shook his head, then got ready to go out. He arrived at the bar around seven, when Jamia had already started her shift, deciding to actually eat his dinner there seeing as she’d told him how good the food was. He took it up at the counter, so that he could chat to her occasionally in between her serving customers. The place was pretty busy with people eating and Tyler was surprised; it seemed like an entirely different clientele to the 10pm onwards crowd he’d experienced the other night. Thankfully though, Jamia was serving behind the bar as usual, and not serving food, so she didn’t have a massive amount to do, and for the most part, just leant over on her elbows chatting to him and watching him eat.

“So what are we actually gonna do?” she asked him with a smile and a sparkle in her eyes. She was actually pretty excited. She hadn’t had a day off in ages, and it was definitely a bonus to be able to spend it with Tyler. She was starting to kind of like him.

“Well, I’ve been planning that all day actually,” Tyler grinned, chomping on some fries and then washing them down with a swig of beer. “On Thursday morning, I’m gonna come pick you up and bring you round to my place.”

“Are you indeed?” she raised an eyebrow. “You’re just determined, aren’t you?”

He chuckled and shook his head. “I assure you my intentions are entirely honorable.”

“Oh yeah, I bet,” she snorted softly. “So go on then…let’s imagine I agree to this. You’re gonna pick me up from my place, take me back to yours. Then what?”

“Then, we’re gonna – oh wait, I should have mentioned at this point that you need to bring some overnight clothes. Pajamas or something.”

Her eyebrows shot up again. “What if I don’t want to spend the night round at your place, hmm?”

“Look, you’re just gonna have to trust me on this, okay?” Tyler sucked some ketchup off his index finger then dabbed at his lips with the napkin. “You’re really gonna enjoy it.”

“OK, carry on.”

“So, when we get to mine, we’ll get changed into our pajamas straight away, and spend the whole day on the couch playing video games. And when we get bored of that or our thumbs get too tired, or if you don’t like the games I have, we can watch movies instead. And we can order pizza, or Chinese – “

“You mean Thai,” Jamia interrupted straight away, causing Tyler to burst into giggles.

“No,” he chuckled. “Definitely Chinese.”

“Or maybe Chinese AND Thai.”

“Well, that’s definitely a compromise. But yeah, we’ll just spend the whole day relaxing doing fun stuff. And you won’t have to worry about work, or money, or anything. How’s that sound?”

Jamia smiled. She was honestly impressed. She’d been expecting him to pull out something fancy; to want to wine and dine her again, or whisk her off on some private jet or try and impress her with his fancy cars. It wouldn’t have worked, of course, but that was what she was expecting, so for him to suggest a good old fashioned simple lazy day at home was actually really refreshing, and nice.

“It sounds amazing,” she smiled, and she wasn’t lying.

Tyler practically beamed with satisfaction, genuinely pleased that he’d got something right by her book. “Great. And you’re right, the food here is pretty damn good, by the way.” He pushed his plate aside.

“Told you.” She took it away for him and delivered it to the kitchen, stopping on her way back to serve a customer some drinks before returning to talk to Tyler. “So that’s Thursday sorted. And how about Friday? Got anything planned for that?”

“As a matter of fact I do,” he gave her a little grin and leaned forward.

“Don’t I have a say in any of this? You’re literally planning my days off for me.”

“Well, feel free to tell me if you don’t like any of my suggestions, but honestly, I think they’re amazing.”

“You would,” she scoffed.

He giggled. He just loved the way she didn’t take any of his bullshit. “OK so Friday, we sleep in, get up late, go out for breakfast. I know this amazing place.”


“Then, I’m gonna take you to the offices so you can meet Michael. He’s been dealing with the detective assigned to our case so that I don’t have to, answering her questions and shit like that so uh…if anyone can let you in on how things are going, what evidence they picked up from the scene, what kind of direction they’re pursuing, it’s probably him. He was one of the first people there, he identified my father’s body and all that.”

Jamia nodded, frowning a little. “Didn’t it freak you out?”

“Well yeah…” He shrugged, looking uncomfortable for a moment. “It’s just…messed up. But it’s life.”

“You don’t have to be brave for me,” she murmured softly, then reached out, placing her hand over his wrist and giving a gentle squeeze.

He blushed, not really knowing how to deal with that.

“Uh…thanks…I guess.” Then Jamia retreated her hand back and he cleared his throat, carrying on speaking as if nothing had happened. “So yeah, you can talk to him for a bit, get your cop work experience in, see the business I...well…kind of own but don’t run…and then after all that boring stuff we’ll go out and do something fun.”

“Yeah? Like what?”

“I dunno. We can go on my yacht or something.”

She chuckled and rolled her eyes. “You really do have a yacht?”

“Yep. I uh…I really do have a yacht.”


He held his hands up and laughed a little. “Sorry, sorry!”

“Drink up and go back to your mansion, posh boy,” she grinned. “If I stand around all night talking to you, my boss is gonna freak.”


Tyler couldn’t believe she was so good at video games. After having his ass handed to him three times in a row, he was just about ready to give up.

“Hey, maybe we should watch a movie or something,” he suggested lightly, stretching and putting the controller down.

“Just because you’re losing,” she laughed and gently slapped his arm. “Alright though…we can always play some more later.”

“Yeah…” He smiled and looked at her. They’d been having the best day so far, and it was only just beginning.

“I’m really enjoying this,” said Jamia, expressing his thoughts.

They gazed in each other’s eyes for a moment. “Me too,” Tyler replied dreamily.

Jamia looked away first, turning off the game. “Shall we order something to eat?”

“Yeah! Good plan,” Tyler grinned and jumped up, going to get some menus. It was coming up to two in the afternoon already, so it was a good enough time to order food. “You choose a movie.”

Jamia got up and wandered over to the shelves, gazing at the hundreds of DVDs in awe. It was like being in a shop. The difference between Tyler’s massive mansion in the nice part of town and her shoddy, cheap apartment in a rough, crime riddled area was pretty ridiculous. It wasn’t that she hadn’t seen places like his before; it had just been a while.

She felt like she was in a DVD store there were so many, but thankfully Tyler was weird enough to have put them all in alphabetical order, so it made it slightly easier for looking.

She heard him return while she was studying the collection, and glanced back at him over her shoulder briefly. “These are in alphabetical order, you nerd,” she teased.

“Aw come on, hey,” he protested. “It’s not like I have anything else to do.”

He sat down and started looking through the menus while Jamia still perused the DVDs, eventually picking out a handful of choices because she couldn’t decide. “Maybe one of these,” she said, coming over.

“Or all of them,” Tyler smiled, taking the choices and glancing through, nodding his approval and holding one of them up. “Haven’t seen this one.”

“You own it and you haven’t seen it yet?” She raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah, there’s loads of them I haven’t seen yet,” he admitted with a bit of a blush.

She shook her head at him, then they busied themselves ordering food.

When it came, they sat slightly closer on the couch so they could eat, their thighs pressed up against one another’s and a pizza box across both their knees, watching one of the films.

They watched three in a row, then went back to playing games for a bit, before ordering more food in the evening and watching yet more movies. It was a truly lazy day, and Jamia enjoyed spending it with Tyler, sharing his enjoyment of the games, food and movies, and getting to know one another more.

When it got to around half midnight though, she was feeling tired, especially after the three or four beers they’d had, and she stretched up her arms and yawned as the most recent movie came to an end.

“Sleepy?” Tyler looked across at her.

She nodded. “Mmm…”

“Yeah, I kinda am too, to be honest…” He picked up the remote and turned the TV off before standing up and offering her his hands to help her up. “Come on. Let’s go up to bed, I’ll show you your room.”

“My room?” She looked at him in surprise. “You mean…you’re not going to try and get me in your bed?”

“You mean you’d actually agree to be in my bed?” He looked equally as surprised.

“Well…” She looked down at their hands. She hadn’t let go of his, even after standing up.

“Well…” He bit his lip and smirked a little. “Come on…” Dropping one of his hands but keeping hold of her other, he led her up the stairs to the bedroom, both of them already in their pajamas from when they’d got changed earlier on in the day.

“This is my room right here,” said Tyler, pushing open one of the doors in the hallway and revealing a large master. “There’s three spare rooms further down…” He pointed with a wave of his hand. “And a big bathroom for them all to share. Although mine has an en suite.”

She gasped. “You mean the guest rooms don’t have an en suite?”

“Afraid not.”

She shook her head in mock disgust. “That’s very disappointing.”

“I’m sorry to disappoint,” sighed Tyler, playing along with her. “I guess…if you’re that disappointed…you’ll just have to sleep in my room.” And at that, he placed his other hand on her waist and pulled her slightly closer to him, looking into her eyes as she gazed up at his.

“I guess I will,” she murmured, placing her hand on his waist in return, both of them standing toe to toe.

They stared in each other’s eyes for way too long, then Tyler made his move, leaning down and touching his lips to hers in a soft, chaste kiss. He didn’t pull away though, he allowed them to linger there, just to see what she would do.

Jamia knew the kiss was coming, and had wanted it, facilitated it, so she responded in kind, immediately pursing her lips slightly and gently returning the kiss, leaving one on his lips, their mouths still touching.

He kissed her again, and she responded again, this time both of them starting to move in unison, their lips slightly parting as they realized this wasn’t going to be just a single, one off kiss, but a full on make out.

He dropped the hand that was holding hers and instead wrapped it round her body and she did the same, both her hands moving slightly higher and holding his back, their chests starting to press into each other as their bodies instinctively came closer.

Tyler tilted his head to the left; Jamia tilted hers to the right, their mouths opening wider as they both deepened the kiss. Tyler led the way, dancing his tongue over her bottom lip then teasingly sliding it in. She parted her lips to accommodate him, letting out a soft little noise through her nose. As his tongue delicately explored her mouth, she danced hers over his; gently at first, then with a little more enthusiasm and passion.

Tyler gave a groan and turned them round a bit, firmly pushing her back to the wall by the side of his door, the pair of them still stood outside the bedroom, not having even made it in yet.

She moaned again and ran her hands up his back and down again, digging in her nails ever so slightly and wishing there were less layers of clothes in between them.

Tyler swirled his tongue round her mouth, the kiss deep and urgent now, not soft anymore, with Jamia responding in kind, each of them taking it in turns to push their tongues past the other’s lips for a good few moments, until Tyler pulled back a bit and sucked Jamia’s bottom lip in between both of his. He tugged and gnawed softly as he pulled at it. She let out a louder moan, her eyes rolling.

“Like that?” Tyler murmured, breaking off and starting to kiss along her jaw and down her neck.

“Mmm…” she whimpered and tilted her head to the opposite side to allow him easier access to her soft skin.

He trailed little damp kisses all along her neck, pulling her pajama top aside slightly to get at her bare shoulders and expose more skin. “I…think we should…take this….to bed…” he mumbled in between each gentle kiss.

This time, she didn’t object or have any smart remarks to shoot back at him, taking his hand in hers and weaving their fingers together. “I think we should,” she agreed in a whisper, before guiding him into his own room and over to the bed.

She sat down on it and he followed, leaning in to start kissing her again, pushing her gently backwards onto the bed and throwing one leg over to mount on top of her. He sunk his hand into her soft, fresh hair and her arms came around him again as they kissed, continuing what they’d started outside but in much more comfortable surroundings.

Jamia let out a little whimper and slid her tongue over his. He tasted sweet and warm, and she couldn’t get enough of him.

Tyler felt much the same way. Her lips and mouth were soft, warm and wet, and he could have kissed her for hours on end, had his dick not already started complaining. The more they kissed, the more he felt everything start to tighten up inside his pajama pants as their activity began to make him hard, his cock beginning to throb for extra attention. He shifted his body to one side slightly so that she didn’t have to feel it, not wanting her to think he was a randy dog with only one thing on his mind.

Jamia ran her hands further south and they ended up on his butt, squeezing it gently and getting a good feel, dancing her tongue over his bottom teeth. He gave a little moan and broke off again to kiss down her neck like he’d done before. “I want you,” he whispered.

“I want you too,” she whispered back breathlessly, urgent, her heart pounding rapidly in her chest. She pushed her hips up a bit and rutted herself against his thigh.

He gave a groan as he felt it and rolled off her onto his back, lifting up his butt into the air and pushing down his pajama pants, not really shy in the slightest about getting naked in front of her, or indeed anyone. Tyler had never been shy when it came to his body. He was fairly ripped and muscled underneath his clothes and he wasn’t afraid to show it off. He didn’t even work out that much, and he ate a lot of junk food, but somehow he managed to always keep his figure.

He wriggled out of his pajama bottoms and Jamia rolled over onto her side, sitting up on her elbow to watch him, her eyes widening a little when she saw the state of him. “Someone’s excited…”

“I told you I wanted you,” he whispered breathlessly, wrapping one hand around himself and stroking up and down his length slowly. “Let me see you…I’ve been dying to see what you look like under those clothes since the first night we met.”

“Since last week then,” she smirked and sat up, starting to undo the buttons on her pajama shirt. “Very patient of you…how did you ever cope?”

He chuckled and shook his head. “You never quit, do you?”

“Neither do you,” she cracked back, getting halfway down and revealing a bit more of her skin, making sure this was slow and teasing for Tyler.

He bit his lip and watched her eagerly, continuing to stroke himself.

“How about you take your shirt off too, hmm?” she murmured.

“Alright.” He sat up and pulled off the T-shirt he’d been wearing, tossing it onto the floor, now completely naked.

She glanced her eyes up and down his body appraisingly, checking him out. “Not bad.”

“Not bad?” He smirked. “Good to know I meet your high standards.”

“Just about,” Jamia joked, then she undid the remainder of her buttons and slowly slipped off the shirt, revealing her bare breasts underneath.

Tyler’s tongue came out and passed over his bottom lip, staring unashamedly at her bosom.

“Well? Do they meet with your approval?” She asked quietly.

“Very much so,” he whispered. He sat up on his knees then ducked his head and leaned in to kiss at them, cupping her left breast in his hand as he raised it to his lips.

She closed her eyes and sunk one hand into his wavy dark blonde hair, running her fingers through it and pushing it back off his face. “Mmm…”

He wrapped his arms around her slender waist, sucking on her nipple until it became erect in his mouth, slowly pushing her back onto the bed at the same time and mounting on top of her again, no longer bothering to hide his hard cock as it nudged and bounced against her thigh, although he tried to keep it away from her crotch until they were both ready to take this further.

She lifted up her legs, which were still clothed in her pajama bottoms, and wrapped them round his waist, tugging on his hair a little and moaning at the feel of his lips on one of her most sensitive areas.

“You need to get the rest of your clothes off,” he growled, releasing her left nipple and kissing his way along to the right one, trailing his teeth across her soft skin.

“Working on it…” she mumbled, dropping her legs and her arms from around him and bringing them underneath her butt to tug at her pajama pants.

He moved his hands too and gave her some help, rolling off her a bit so she could rid herself of the troublesome clothes.

Thankfully she hadn’t bothered to wear any panties underneath, so she was already all set to go underneath those PJ pants.

Tyler gave a little hum of approval as he looked her up and down, taking in the new sight of her completely naked next to him. “God, you’re beautiful,” he murmured, reaching out and dancing his fingertips up and down her bare skin.

She shuddered slightly beneath his touch and bit her bottom lip, blushing and feeling very exposed and vulnerable. Unlike him, she wasn’t as confident in her body. “Thank you. So are you,” she whispered, and for once, she wasn’t being sarcastic, or jokey, or giving him a hard time. She was letting him see a different side to her; a side that very few people got to see, and he felt honored.

He leaned down and gently kissed her lips. He’d intended it to only be one kiss but as he pulled away, she reached up her arms and wrapped them around his shoulders and neck, dragging him down again for more and keeping him there, their lips locked together in a heated embrace.

She began to push her hips up into him, seeking out some friction, and now they were both naked, it felt better than ever.

He slid one leg in between both of hers and pressed his thigh against the warmth of her crotch, feeling her already damp and turned on. He groaned at the wetness and began to rub her with his thigh, moving it up and down on her, brushing over her clit.

She moaned and bucked her hips, her arms still around him and this time her nails scraping his skin along his shoulders. She reached up and sank her teeth into him, sucking and biting a bit to stifle her moan.

At that sensation, he gave a groan himself and ducked his head down into her neck, his lips finding a soft, untouched spot and kissing and sucking, wanting to leave a mark on her skin for all to see. He wondered how rough and kinky she could get in bed. She seemed like quite a feisty one so far.

She ran her nails further down his back, along his spine then finally down to his ass, giving it another squeeze and pushing herself up into his thigh more, then she moved one of her hands further round, sliding it beneath him to find his cock, wrapping her fingers around it delicately.

“Yeah, that’s right,” he moaned breathlessly, his suck turning into a soft, gentle kiss over the mark he’d just left on her skin. “Touch me, babe…”

“Mm…” She kept a firm hold of him and began to work her hand slowly up and down, in time to the movements of his thigh on her, but soon, just feeling her with the thick skin of his thigh wasn’t really enough. He wanted to explore deeper. He reached down, pulled his leg back, and replaced it with his hand, immediately plunging his fingers into her wetness.

She gave a louder moan this time and bent her legs at the knee, pulling them up towards her butt then lifting herself up off the bed a little to push herself more into Tyler’s fingers.

He slid one inside her, then another straight away, beginning to thrust them into her back and forth.

“Ah…AH!” She cried out even more when his thumb flicked back and forth over her clit.

Although he was the king of one night stands, he also knew exactly how to please a woman, and he took pride in that. He didn’t get any pleasure from sex if he couldn’t make his partner scream and moan in pure ecstasy. He liked to watch them completely come undone beneath him, whimper his name or beg for him to stop as he made them cum three or four times in a row.

Jamia’s hand continued to move up and down around Tyler’s thick length, but it was slowing slightly and hesitating whenever Tyler did something that caused such a big jolt of pleasure in her that it threw her off her stride, sent her into a whimpering mess. Then she’d pick it back up again and carry on. He didn’t mind; all of this was just making it last longer, and he was all for that.

After a few minutes of this, he began to leave a little trail of kisses down her body, starting at her neck and slowly working his way south, kissing her tummy, down her happy trail and to between her legs.

She instinctively spread them for him and he lifted up one of her legs to duck underneath it, situating himself fully in between them, resting on his stomach and getting comfortable. He looked up at her and made eye contact for a moment, then ducked his head and disappeared into her crotch, his mouth wide open and connecting with her wetness.

Jamia arched up and let out a loud whimper of pleasure. His tongue came out and began to flick back and forth up and down her, drinking in her juices and loving the taste of her. He closed his eyes and gave a small moan of his own, swallowing some of her down before concentrating on pleasuring her clit, circling his tongue round and round her little lump.

She groaned and pushed one hand into his hair.

He knew if he just kept going in that spot, she wouldn’t be able to help herself. She’d climax eventually, and then she’d be even wetter and juicier, and he’d be even more turned on.

He kept two fingers inside her and moved them slowly in and out while his tongue did it’s work on her, his eyes kept closed in concentration, just focusing on the movement of his tongue and the sounds she was making in response, his gauge as to how close she was getting.

When her moans became more desperate, frequent and insistent, her breathing more irregular, he could tell he was doing a good job and she was well on her way. Besides, she let him know in words too.

“I…I’m gonna…I’m gonna cum…” she gasped and panted when he was about five minutes in.

He couldn’t really respond. He had his tongue out and his mouth full. He just kept going, flicking faster and faster. Her grip on his hair became stronger, and she reached down her other hand to grab his shoulder, squeezing and digging her fingers in. A second later, her body convulsed and she practically screamed his name, followed by hoarse gasping moans as she twitched and shrank back away from his tongue, the pleasure almost becoming too much.

He grabbed her thighs with both hands and followed her as she moved away, wanting to make sure he drank some of the fresh juices she was emitting.

“Oh God, stop…stop,” she whimpered, wriggling out of his grasp and flinging her leg over him to get away.

He chuckled and sat up a bit, grinning at her. “Like that?”

“Y-yeah…yes, God,” she panted.

He smirked and then bent his head down again, starting to kiss along her thighs. “There’s so much more where that came from…” And he snuck one hand around and danced it down the side of her thigh, back into her soaking wet pussy again. She jumped at the touch, but slowly spread her legs and allowed him access, reaching down for him and pushing her fingers through his hair. “Come up here and kiss me.”

“Mm, okay, then you can taste yourself on my lips…” He shuffled up the bed and leaned down to press his lips to hers. She kept her mouth open and met his with her own, wrapping one arm around him and her other going for his cock again, the two of them slowly beginning to jerk each other off while they kissed.

She could feel Tyler all hard and throbbing in her hand, the tip of his thick length slightly damp and glistening. “I know you want me, Tyler,” she whispered.

“Damn right I do,” he mumbled against her lips. “You know I do.” He kissed along her jaw hungrily and she tugged at his hair.

“Then quit fooling around and have me.” She twisted her other hand, the one that was around his cock, pulling on him harder and then pushing the foreskin back down quickly.

He gasped and arched his back a little, pushing himself into her hand, his fingers slipping deeper inside her. She moaned and wriggled and at that moment of weakness, he took control again, flicking his thumb over her clit and throwing one leg over her, mounting himself on top and, with his other hand, pushing down against her shoulders and pinning her to the bed.

“You’re going to have to beg me first,” he growled, smirking a little as he looked down at her. “You really want my dick in you? Then you’re gonna have to beg. I wanna hear you…nice and loud. Don’t be shy now.”

“Are you kidding?” She writhed in frustration.

He chuckled and removed his fingers from her completely, refusing to touch her. He reached out with one arm and grabbed a condom from the drawer, carefully tearing open the packet so he didn’t rip the delicate rubber inside; he’d done that one too many times and it was pretty annoying having to grab another one. Anything that slowed down the process of intercourse was an annoyance, but Tyler had always practiced safe sex. The way he slept around it would be crazy to do anything else.

“No, I’m not kidding,” he smirked as he looked down at his cock to slowly roll on the condom. “I want you to beg for my dick.”

“Gimme your dick,” she mumbled non-commitally.

“Not good enough. Louder.” The condom was on now, and he was ready to go, whenever she was. He took hold of both her legs and spread them, situating himself in between them and leaning down over her. He wasn’t touching her where she wanted to be touched, and he knew it must be pretty frustrating for her.

“Come on,” she huffed a bit and wriggled around on her back, bending her legs and lifting her hips up to try and press herself against the tip of his cock.

He pulled back just in time and laughed a little, shaking his head. “Uh-uh, not yet. Not until you’ve asked properly. Not until you’ve begged like a good girl.”

Jamia gave a groan of frustration and moved one hand to touch herself, needing some kind of contact. Tyler grabbed her wrist and yanked it out of the way sharply. “No,” he snapped. “You don’t get to touch yourself, that’s not how it works.”

“Oh come on,” she huffed.

Just to make sure she wasn’t tempted to disobey him, he took hold of both her wrists and pinned them down either side of her head, leaning over her and dominating her with his expression, glaring into her eyes and daring her to disobey. The tip of his cock was just nudging against the warm wetness of her entrance, right where they both wanted it to be.

She whined, and wriggled a bit in protestation. “Come on!”

“Say the magic words,” he insisted darkly, knowing she’d have to cave eventually.

“Alright, alright!” She screeched, panting a little already and wriggling her hips about, just trying to get him to push inside her a tiny bit more than he was. That tiny touch wasn’t enough, especially now he’d stopped stimulating her with his fingers.

He stayed silent, watching her expectantly, waiting, ready to penetrate her any second, quietly willing her to say the words and wanting this just as much as she was, if not more.

“P-please,” she mumbled, quiet at first.

“A little louder,” he encouraged.

“Please,” she gasped, still not loud enough but getting there, sounding more insistent and desperate.


“Please!” This time she was forceful, and louder.

He started to push inside her ever so slightly, about an inch, but not enough to completely satisfy her.


“Please!” She cried out again, then once more louder than ever, practically shouting and screaming. It was a good job he lived alone in a mansion. “PLEASE!”

That was enough for him; that was exactly what he needed to hear. This time, he pushed all the way inside, not pausing to give her time to adjust, or waiting to see how she would react to his size. He just leaned over her, pressed his hands against both her shoulders to hold her into the mattress, and entered her, completely and fully, slipping in inch by quick inch, until he was buried balls deep inside her.

She gasped at the quick movement, her eyes widening first, then rolling to the backs of their sockets as her body naturally pushed upwards to meet his firm entry.

Now that he was inside her, he didn’t feel the need to pin her down quite so much, so he released his grasp on her shoulders and instead ran his hands down her body, dancing his fingertips over her bosom, along her stomach and to her thighs.

She lifted her legs up a bit and he tucked his hands underneath her thighs, keeping them slightly raised off the bed so he could get a good angle.

“Fuck me,” she whispered breathily.

This time, he didn’t question what she said, tease her, or ask her to beg. He sat up, pulled back his hips, and then immediately snapped them back into her. He didn’t want to have to wait any longer to get what he wanted, what he needed.

She moaned and, with her now free arms, reached up and wrapped them round him, scratching her nails down his back straight away and tugging him down close on top of her.

He kept a grasp on her thighs to keep the good angle they had going, but also leaned down at the same time and managed to connect his lips to hers, the two of them kissing desperately, their tongues clashing in a hungry embrace as he began to make love to her.

He started to roll his hips into her, his movements slow and deliberate at first, just building up a bit of a pace and getting them both used to it, but those thrusts soon began to build up and increase, and before long he was snapping into her hard and fast.

She cried out with every movement, her throat becoming sore and hoarse but she hardly cared, or even noticed. It had been so long since she’d even had sex with a guy, and even longer since someone had fucked her the way Tyler now was; so completely and fully. She could feel the stretch deep inside her, the walls of her vagina just about accommodating his girth and length, each thrust seeming to send him even deeper, touching parts of her she never knew existed and threatening to make her climax from the sex alone. That had never happened to her before.

Within a few minutes of their fast pace, Tyler felt a sweat break out on the back of his neck and along his shoulders. He kept going, knowing he was fit enough and strong enough to keep this up for some time, his muscular thighs flexing as he pounded back and forth inside her tight hole. She gasped and tossed her head back, her entire body trembling as she started to come undone beneath him. This was what he wanted; this was what he aimed for every time; this moment when he could see and tell that his partner was totally his, and that he was causing every second of her pleasure.

After a while, he dropped his grasp on her thighs and changed up their positions ever so slightly, leaning down over her and tucking his arms under her shoulders, clamping their chests together and locking his lips to hers in a deep embrace while his hips continued to do their business, thrusting back and forth, his balls banging against her ass with each snap of his hips.

She moaned hungrily into his mouth and lifted her legs up more, wrapping them tight around him. He carried on in that position then got an idea to switch things up again. Since her legs were so tight round his waist, he was sure this would work, so he grabbed hold of her and rolled to the right hand side, rolling right onto his back and bringing her with him.

She rolled, staying connected to him for most of it, but his dick slipped out right at the last minute, just as he landed on his back. He grinned and looked up at her, taking hold of the base of his cock and holding it upright and steady for her. “Get on it,” he whispered. “Ride me.”

She didn’t need any more encouragement than that. She threw one leg over him and got on top, looking down so she could line herself up and get in position, then she slowly allowed herself to sink onto him. He filled her up again and she kept going until he was all the way inside her, giving a whorish moan and biting her lip at how good it felt.

He placed his hands on her waist and gave her a gentle squeeze then reached up and cupped her boobs. This was the ideal position from which to appreciate them. As she began to ride him and bounce up and down on top of his eager, throbbing dick, he managed to get a load of her breasts, squeezing them, twisting and tweaking the nipples, worshipping her body as best he could while she brought pleasure to both of them.

She carried on until she was out of breath and her thighs were aching, then collapsed a bit on top of him, breathing heavily.

“Hard work, isn’t it?” He chuckled, running his hands up and down her back. “Want me to finish us off?”

She nodded.

He reached down and slapped her on the butt. “Get on your hands and knees.”

She obeyed without a word, rolling off him and collapsing on the bed a moment, before crawling up onto her hands and knees, facing the headboard.

He flipped himself over and got up on his knees behind her, shuffling himself into position and grabbing his cock, guiding it into place so they could do it doggy style.

He held her by her waist then slowly slipped himself in.

It felt new to her as she’d never been had that way before, and it went extraordinarily deep. She moaned at the new sensation and clawed at the sheets, grabbing them and scrunching them in her fists.

Tyler reached down with one hand and wrapped it around her body from behind, placing his arm around her throat and pulling her back slightly towards his body.

She moaned in pleasure and tossed her head back. “Choke me,” she whimpered.

Biting his lip to suppress a moan, Tyler applied a small amount of pressure with his arm around her throat from behind, then began to thrust into her, hard, fast and deep.

She kept her eyes half closed and her mouth open, unable to make much noise but occasionally giving a silent scream or gasp of pure pleasure. He could tell she was loving this and the feeling was mutual. He reached up with his other hand and tugged at her hair, getting a fistful of it and yanking her head back while he applied more pressure to her throat with his arm, wrapping it right around her.

Jamia felt so on the edge, more than she’d ever been. She normally couldn’t climax like this in sex before, but with Tyler it was different. He seemed to be such an expert in what he was doing and he knew exactly what buttons to push with her. After a minute or so in that new position, she felt impossibly close and she could feel her body begin to let go, to give in to the pleasure and allow itself to fall over the edge. She tried to communicate with him, to let him know it was about to happen, but all that came out were a few incoherent moans, followed by a half strangled scream a few seconds later as she called out his name so loud she felt almost certain someone would hear.

Tyler didn’t need any words to let him know that she was reaching her climax. As soon as it happened, he felt her clenching up and spasm around his dick, and everything felt more wet and damp down there than it had previously. His incoherent moans too, had turned into screams, which was a massive indicator, as well as the ribbons she was now scratching down his back. He didn’t mind in the slightest. He smiled to himself as he carried on pushing into her, knowing how sensitive she would be now, and that he could also allow himself to let go too, knowing that he had brought her to a climax.

He leaned down close to her, whispering in her ear. “How was that?”

She had no words, but he didn’t need her to.

He sat up, placed both his hands on the small of her back, near her butt, and held her there quite firmly, to stop her from wriggling or sitting up while he had his way with her. “My turn,” he growled, then sped up, going harder and faster than he had throughout their whole session, truly slamming into her so hard that the bed was shaking and creaking, knowing he was only seconds away from his climax and using her spent body for his pleasure.

She continued to gasp and whimper as he pounded her, her over sensitive body twitching and trembling beneath him until he finally reached his end, exploding into the condom and filling it up with what seemed like gallons of his thick cum. It had been a good while since he’d had sex, or even jerked off, there was a decent build up.

Now it was his turn to moan and whimper like a little bitch, his legs trembling as his thrusts slowed and faltered, and eventually stopped, his whole body feeling like it was on fire, and incredibly weak. He panted and cursed beneath his breath then collapsed in a heap on top of her, breathless and totally worn out.

He closed his eyes and just stayed like that for a good while until he could recover.

She reached behind and stroked her fingers up and down his side, no longer digging in with her nails but just dancing up and down with her soft fingertips. It made a nice change.

They were both sweaty and exhausted, but satisfied.

Neither of them spoke for about five minutes, and it was Tyler who moved first, carefully rolling himself off from on top of her and dropping to the side, collapsing onto his back. His dick was totally soft and spent by now, with the full condom still attached. He carefully removed it from himself and then sat up, concentrating for a moment to tie the end of it in a knot, then he took an aim and hurled it across the room towards the trash can. He completely missed and it landed on the floor. They both giggled, then Jamia reached up for him with both arms.

“Come here,” she murmured.

He nodded and didn’t argue, coming in close for a cuddle. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close into her chest. In turn, he slid his arms round her and the two of them cuddled quietly for the next ten minutes.

Tyler reached up and pulled the covers over their naked bodies to keep warm.

“That was great,” Jamia murmured after a while.

“I told you it would be,” whispered Tyler tiredly, and the two of them fell asleep.




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