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Six Floors to the Top (Stuck With You Book 1) by Karma Kingsley (11)


"Come on, El. It's been a week. You've got to get out of this apartment." Ti barged into my room, pulling my covers out of my grasp. "Or at least put on a waist trainer or something. You're going to get fat just sleeping all day."

I groaned. I loved her but she was driving me crazy. I just wanted to mope. Was that really so much too ask?

"Leave me alone," I grumbled, placing my pillow over my head.

"I get it. You lost your job and your man but it's time to get over it."

I moved my pillow, propping myself up on my elbows to look at her. "I didn't lose my job. I quit. And Arieon isn't..." I plopped back onto the bed. "He's not anything to me."

"Mhmm. Well, then get up and take a shower. You're gross."

I sat up and caught a whiff of myself. She wasn't wrong. "Fine." I climbed out of bed and headed for the bathroom, my body creaking with each movement. I hadn't done much moving around since...

I shook my head. I wasn't going to think about it. I was going to shower and likely crawl back into bed to sleep and keep my brain turned off.

Once I finished my shower, I surprisingly had a little more energy. I dried off and dressed, and decided I'd clean up the path of destruction Ti had left behind while I was out of commission.

"You look so much better after a shower," Ti greeted me as I stepped out of my room. "See me, I've got to beat this face for a good thirty minutes, but you; just a little soap and water and you're ready for the day."

I rolled my eyes but smiled despite myself. "I'm up. You don't have to shower me in compliments to keep me that way."

"Fine." Ti shrugged. "Next time you look cute, I'll be sure to keep it to myself."

I laughed, stopping when my doorbell rang. "Seriously, Ti? I just got out of bed. I'm not in the mood for company.

Ti held up her hands. "I didn't invite anyone."

I narrowed my eyes on her. I never had visitors and if I was getting them now, they were definitely because of her, no matter what she said.

I moved cautiously to the door and peeked through the hole, gasping when I saw Elion standing on the other side.

"It's my boss," I whispered at Ti. "Well, not my boss anymore."

"Open it," Ti urged and I shook my head. What would I say to him? What would he say to me?

"I know you're there, Ellen. I can hear you," Elion said calmly through the door.

Shit. So much for stealth. I opened the door and gestured for him to come in, waving my other hand at Ti to disappear into the guest room. I had so many things to say to him, to ask him, but I couldn't seem to make a sound.

"Ellen, I wanted to talk to you one-on-one," Elion started, making himself comfortable in one of my chairs. He had a way of looking like he owned any place that he entered.

I nodded, still unable to find my voice.

"Arieon told me about what happened between the two of you."

My face heated up and my stomach dropped. How much had he shared with Elion?

"It was completely inappropriate for him to start that kind of relationship with you."

I sank into my couch, hoping that it would suck me into oblivion. I'd known Elion since I was a child. Even the vaguest details of my sex life were things I'd rather him not have knowledge of. Especially, when it involved a scandal with his nephew.

"I should have never left him in charge," Elion continued, bypassing my embarrassment. "The thing is, I got so used to you being by my side, Ellen." He met my eyes adoringly and a warmth spread over me. "I've groomed you since you were eighteen years old. And from the very first moment, I knew you were something special. And I got complacent. I knew I could go dark when I lost my sister because I could count on you to keep things afloat. You're so sturdy that I forgot you were what was holding me up." He shook his head and climbed to his feet, moving toward me.

I was at a loss for words, even more so than before. My eyes watered as he cupped my hand in his and I let a tear spill down my cheek without shame. Even Elion seemed choked up.

He cleared his throat before he continued. "I thought Arieon would be my legacy. That he would carry on the company name and the family name all in one. But it should have been you." He closed his eyes for a moment before he opened them and met mine, utter sincerity reflected in them. "I must have made you feel..." He cleared his throat again and another tear slid from the corner of my eye. "I know how important you are, Ellen. I value you, and I am immeasurably sorry that I didn't say it sooner."

He reached out and gripped me in his arms. I wanted to say thank you, wanted to tell him that he'd just given me everything, but my throat was too tight and I was terrified that I would ruin it. That I would speak and wake up to find that it was all a dream.

"Will you come back? Will you pick up where I left off?" Elion asked, letting me go.

I nodded before a thought slapped me in the face. "What about Arieon?" Of all the responses I'd thought I'd make when I mustered the ability to speak, that wasn't even close to being one of them. "You can't fire him."

What was wrong with me? Why was I so determined to let Arieon be my downfall?

Elion stepped back, his eyebrows knitting together. "I didn't fire him. You haven't spoken with him?"

I shook my head.

"He quit. Almost immediately after you." Elion shook his head. "That boy. I gave him everything. Raised him like a son and even supported him when he went to frolic with paint cans or whatever he was up to." Elion sighed. "I wanted him to be something, but he simply refuses."

I reached out for Elion. "I didn't land that Sims account all on my own, Elion. Don't give up on him. Arieon might surprise you yet."