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Something More (Another Falls Creek Romance Book 4) by SF Benson (13)

Around midnight, Brady’s lust ebbs, and we head downstairs to the kitchen. I do okay cooking for myself, but when I want something good to eat, I rely on his skills. He could have easily been a chef, but his stubbornness keeps him from adhering to a schedule.

Brady starts prepping a meal—pulling dishes from the refrigerator and slicing vegetables. While he’s busy, I decide it’s a good time to contact my little sister. I depress the number two on my phone and wait for her to pick up.

Giggling hits my ear first. Then, I get her voicemail. “You’ve reached Tia Nevers Romero. You know what to do.”

“What the fuck?” I know my baby sister isn’t that stupid.

“Something wrong?” Brady throws over his shoulder.

I remember what Greg said. Brian and Tia are mated. My blood pressure rises. “I just called Tia and got her voicemail.”

“And?” Brady continues working.

The smell of crispy, garlic butter potatoes isn’t enough to calm me down. I redial the number. “Listen for yourself.”

After hearing the message, Brady turns around. His chin drops, but his eyes stay fixed on me. “Audra…”

The phone slips from my grasp and hits the table as reality dawns. “You knew! You asshole! You let them do this? When did it happen?”

Brady holds his palms out but keeps his distance. “I didn’t let them do anything. Sugar, I found out last night. Elsbeth told me. The voicemail is the first confirmation I’ve had.”

My hands squeeze into fists as I lower my head. It takes every fiber I possess to keep my wolf at bay. “You should have told me.”

“Telling you wouldn’t have made a difference. They’d still be married. I promise you I didn’t know they were planning it.” Brady shuts off the burner before sitting down at the table. “Look, we’ll deal with Tia and Brian’s relationship when they return. The rest of the family will be here by the weekend.”

Great. This is not the time for a fucking Romero reunion. But it’s also not the time for anger, not toward Brady. Angered thoughts lead to angered actions. Wrong mindset for war.

“Who else knows?” I ask.

“Dad. I’m sure my brothers and sister know too. I was on the phone with Brandon when you came home.” Brady rests his hand on top of my fist. When my fingers unfurl, he continues. “I told Brandon what’s been happening here. He’s bringing reinforcements.”

Thoughts of blood being spilled enter my mind—a battle to the end, thanks to the Ryders. “Do you think that’s wise? Wolves are going to get killed.”

“It’s not my call. Brandon’s an alpha. He does what’s best for him and his family. I’d do the same thing in his shoes.”

“Any chance we can wrap up this shit with the Ryders before your family arrives?” I’d like to meet Brandon’s wife and avoid losing anyone.

“Sugar, we’ll do our best. If anything, we’ll be able to end this once and for all with the extra muscle. We’ll send Amber back to New Orleans and get on with our lives.”

“Okay.” I look toward the stove. “What’s to eat?”

“Spanish tortilla and chorizo.”

“Yummy. There’s white wine and a salad in the fridge.”

We stand at the same time.

“Sugar, it’ll work out.” Brady opens his arms to me. “You’ll see.”

Wrapping my arms around his waist, my conscience lets me know things won’t be solved until I’m truthful. My confessions can wait until later.

After we’ve won the war.

After I find out where my sister’s head is at.

After we get rid of Amber.

Then, I’ll be honest with Brady. We’ll make real plans. I’ll announce my decision—hopefully, I can make one.

The truth will have to wait a little longer.

Soreness plagues my body in the morning. As I swing my legs over the edge of the bed, parts of my anatomy tingle. It’s the only reminder—albeit a pleasant one—that Brady was with me last night. We fucked on nearly every surface in the house at least once. We were like a couple of newlyweds discovering each other for the first time.


Sunlight destroys the moment. Looking around the bedroom, I see no traces of Brady. He claims he doesn’t want to give away our deception if someone comes to see me. A load of bull if you ask me. Greg doesn’t care what I do or don’t do with Brady, and pack members aren’t allowed upstairs. Picking up his pillow, I hold it to my nose and inhale deeply. At least I have his scent. Nobody had better touch this bed.

Another fragrance grabs my attention though as I shuffle into the kitchen. A smile dances over my lips as the heavenly aromas greet me. Brady remembered to set the coffee maker for me. Outside of the fresh roasted brew, the smell of cinnamon and sugar tickle my nose. I open the warming drawer beneath the wall oven and discover a pan of freshly baked cinnamon rolls. My stomach growls its approval. Pouring a cup of coffee and grabbing a roll, I head to the table. Before I can sit down, however, the doorbell rings.

It’s tempting to ignore it, but I don’t. When you’re an alpha, pack members stop by and interrupt private moments. I put down my breakfast and go to the door. Opening it, I find Sarah.

“Good morning, Sarah!”

Her eyes rake over my sweatshirt and pajama pants. “Late morning?”

“I slept in. Come on. You can join me in a cup of coffee.”

Sarah follows me down the hall. “You’re in good spirits today.”

Those words give me pause. I’m supposed to be getting over a breakup. “I slept well last night.” Not a complete lie. We did get some sleep. “Plus, I have my favorite cinnamon rolls for breakfast. I forgot I had them in the freezer.”

The older female studies me for a moment before accepting the cup I hand her. “Do you have cream?”

I open the fridge. “Will half and half do?”

“It will.” She pours a generous portion from the carton followed by two heaping teaspoons of sugar.

“Thanks for stopping by.” I sit across from Sarah. In all honesty, I contacted her yesterday. I was afraid she would disrespect me and not heed my summons.

“Sorry it took me so long to get over here. I had family business to handle.” She takes a sip of coffee, grimaces, and adds another teaspoon of sugar.

“Anything serious?”

“No. Just my youngest needed my help. You have my undivided attention though.”

Good. I take a bite of the pastry and consider what I’m about to say. Sarah can’t think I’m walking away from the pack. “You know I trust your opinion.”

She nods.

“I considered what you said the other day.” I wrap my hands around the mug and savor the heat. “Before I can even think about stepping down, there has to be some changes within the pack.”

“Like?” Sarah reaches for the pan of cinnamon rolls.

“I need a new beta. Luther’s a good—”

“No need to say it. He’s too good. Big heart but couldn’t defend a fly.” She dabs at her thin lips with a paper napkin. “Audra, pack members will be happy you’re replacing him. A lot of families left because of his promotion.”

News flash.

Never once did I consider my appointing a weak wolf jeopardized the pack. Contrary to my father’s assessment, I suck as a leader. “Can I get your help to fix this?”

“Of course. I’ll pull together the heads of the families. They’ll be happy to meet with you and select a new beta. Give me a day, and I’ll get back with you.” Sarah pushes to her feet and gives me an appreciative look. “Audra, this is a necessary move. I think you’ll be happier knowing that the pack’s well-being doesn’t completely rest on your shoulders.”

I nod. “I hope so.”

“Have faith.” She smiles. “I’ll see myself out.”

I make an executive decision and stay at home for the day. The assistant manager can handle the lunch crowd at the bar and determine staffing for the evening. I need time to evaluate and consider all of my options—starting with the pack and ending with Brady.

Speak of the devil… My phone lights up with his name. “Hey, baby. Miss me already?”

“You don’t know how much.” He breathes deep. “I won’t be over tonight.”

My heart sinks. I was hoping to play hooky with him. “What’s going on?”

“I’m in New Orleans. Brandon set up a meeting for me with Ace. I plan on getting some much-needed answers while I’m here.”

“Good.” I curl up on the sofa and reach for the remote. Maybe I can catch up on Supernatural while I’m home. “Are you bringing Tia and Brian back with you?”

“Yeah, after I read them the riot act. They have to know making snap decisions isn’t smart. There’s a reason we plan things.”

Lifting my hand, I attempt to stifle the chuckle. Brady hears it anyway.

“What’s so funny?”

“We made our fair share of snap decisions when we were younger. Remember how our parents thought we were too young to be so serious?”

“I do. That doesn’t mean our siblings need to follow in our shoes.”

A hint of mockery slides into my voice. “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

“No, sugar. It’s just the path of love has been difficult for us.” He pauses for a moment. “I don’t want that for those two.”

True. Our parents tried to prevent our relationship from escalating. When they learned we had mated, they forbade our bonding using every trick they could, including the threat of disinheriting Brady.

“Well, it’s their choice. It’s up to us to help them live with it.”

“I know. Sugar, stay safe. We still don’t know what the Ryders are up to.”

“Don’t worry about me. I’m staying home today. Someone wore me out last night.”

Brady’s voice lowers and becomes husky. “Really? Wonder how that happened?”

“Do I need to explain how sex works to you?”

“Only if it comes with a visual.” He laughs. “Sugar, I have to go. The jet is gassed up, and the pilot’s waiting for me.”

“Have a safe trip. Call me when you land. Love you.”

“Love you to the moon and back.”

I disconnect and snuggle into the sofa cushion, ready for a marathon session with those hot Winchester brothers.

My phone buzzing beneath my cheek wakes me up. It’s dark outside, and the late news is on. I lower the volume and answer the call.

“Hello?” I rub the sleep from my eyes.

“Did I wake you?”

It’s Brady. “Yeah, but it’s okay. Are you just getting to New Orleans?”

“No. I called earlier but got your voicemail. You must have been knocked out.”

“I guess so.” Swinging my feet to the floor, I reach for the remote and turn off the TV. “What’s up?”

“Audra, you need to go to Elsbeth.”

“Why?” Panic grips me, and I struggle to my feet.

“I just met with Ace and Amber.”

“Wait! Amber’s there? How? I thought you left her here.” I take the stairs two at a time, headed for the bedroom.

“Somebody is posing as her. I confirmed it when I called Mom. I had to wait for the so-called Amber to finish her shower and then I spoke to her. Problem is, Ace and Amber were in the room with me.”

An impostor—that explains the weird vibe I got at the bar. I should have mentioned it to Brady. If I had, we could have taken care of the pretender already.

Going to the closet, I remove a pair of jeans, a sweater, and black combat boots. “We need to find out who the impostor is.”

“No shit.” He pauses for a moment. “Amber swore to me that she doesn’t know Cal Ryder. Oh, and I learned something else.”

I put the phone on speaker so I could get dressed. “What?”

“I don’t know who my mother spoke with, but Amber isn’t looking for a mate.”


“I met him today. He’s Ace’s beta.”

“What the hell is going on?” I sit on the edge of the bed and pick up a boot.

“Not sure. After Amber left, Ace and I had a private meeting. I told him about the beef with the Ryders. We now have the support of the Broussard pack. Ace is coming back with me. He doesn’t appreciate someone impersonating his sister.”

“Good to know.” I tie up my boots. “Have you seen Tia and Brian?”

“Yeah.” Brady breathes heavily. “My little brother is going to make a great alpha one day. He’s already met with Ace about the Mercier witches.”


Brenna and Santiago raised their pups right. “And my sister?”

“You can be proud of her. She went to Amber and let her know she was the beta’s wife. Tia even settled the ugliness between you and Amber.”


“Mind you this information comes from Ace. Apparently, Tia told Amber that the wives of leaders need to know how to forgive and set aside differences. Amber agreed.”

I lift the phone, turn off the speaker, and place the device to my ear. “You’re kidding?”

“Nope. An engaged Amber isn’t as bitchy.”

Stranger things have happened. “I’m on my way to Elsbeth’s. I’ll handle the situation on this end.”

“Thanks, sugar. I’ll talk to you later. As soon as I wrap up things here, we’re headed home. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Later, baby.”

Time to see the Red Witch. Again.

Most supernaturals wouldn’t dare set foot on the parcel of land belonging to Elsbeth Beckworth. Darkness shrouds the island and nothing lives on it unless the Red Witch, a name that transcends time, permits it. Anyone who tries to breach the wards surrounding her sanctuary are met with a painful punishment. I’m glad she granted me admission as I steer the small boat toward the dock.

Securing the boat, I take in my surroundings. Tall pine trees sway in a breeze that smells like decaying flesh. Elsbeth informed me that she would not meet me. I’ll have to face the angry spirits stirring in the dark on my own.

Pebbles shift beneath my feet as I step from the bank onto the grass. Something moves, and I jump. I attempt to walk across again, and the ground contracts. Oh, fuck this! I take off, sprinting toward the yellow glow coming from Elsbeth’s cabin.

The door flies open as I clear the warped porch with its slithering snakes. Invisible fingers touch my shoulders as I cross the threshold. I sure hope to hell those are her wards and not something more nefarious.

Cackling greets me as I come to a stop in the too-warm living room. Elsbeth sits on a lumpy, faded sofa in her moth-eaten and threadbare black dress, not bothering to transform her appearance.

“When you’re at home, don’t you appreciate comfort?”

“I do.” Unfortunately, the present atmosphere does nothing for my level of comfort. Taking a seat at a wooden table, I notice Elsbeth’s eight-legged pets scurrying over the sofa.

Adding to my anguish, the primeval witch leaves her perch and crosses the room, bringing the dreaded creatures. She sits across from me. Spiders crawl off her dress and onto the table. I drop my arm and scoot back.

“My children bother you?” Elsbeth says.

“Honestly? They scare the shit out of me.” My gaze stays on the large, hairy one watching me intently.

“Et relinquam illam.”

The spider pivots on its legs and side-steps away. My blood pressure goes down a notch.

“Now that my child has left, how can I help you?”

“It’s the Romeros who need you. Brady called from New Orleans. He said there’s an impostor here.”

Elsbeth pushes to her feet. “Come with me.”

The Red Witch leads me outside behind her cabin. In this dark, desolate space, electricity crackles overhead while tiny, sharp claws skitter up and down the tall trees. A foul wind blows, making the house moan and creak.

It’s like standing in a childhood nightmare. My scalp prickles while chills course down my spine and my gut says to run.

“I feel her.”

“Her who?” I ask.

Elsbeth raises her hands and closes her eyes. Her lips move rapidly, but no words are spoken. I’m waiting for Elsbeth’s head to spin like in a bad horror flick. Instead of combusting or some other nonsense, the witch walks toward the Romero estate.

“What’s going on?” I shout, running behind her.

She stops at the water’s edge and faces me with a pinched expression. “There’s a witch inside their walls.”


“Not just any witch.” The tip of Elsbeth’s blue tongue, forked like a serpent’s, darts from her mouth. It looks like she’s tasting the air. “Mercier.”

“Do you mean there’s a Mercier witch here?”

“Yes, child,” Elsbeth says frustratedly and lowers her hands. “Mercier witches are experts of illusion.”

“What? Shapeshifting?”

“No. Illusionists use glamour. They can appear to be whatever or whoever they need to be. Only another witch skilled in illusion or a more powerful witch can detect it.” Elsbeth gestures for me to follow her back inside the house.

I shut the door and realize Elsbeth has transformed—youthful face and black leather outfit.

“This is glamour. If I wanted, my glamour could take on the appearance of anyone you know. Who is at the estate?”

Leaning against the wall beside the fireplace, I say, “Besides the staff, Santiago, and Brenna, Amber Broussard is supposed to be there. But she’s not. Brady spoke to Amber and her brother today in New Orleans.”

“Brady went to New Orleans because he wanted to know more about Amber and the Ryders?”


Elsbeth shakes her head. “You are in danger. I told you before that the Ryders and the Mercier witches are working together. Trust that they know your relationship with Brady still exists.”

“What about Santiago and Brenna?”

“The Mercier witch cannot harm them. I left protective charms with them. Husband and wife wear the trinkets.”

“And Brady?”

“Likewise. The only ones unprotected are his siblings, your sister, and you.”

My wolf is awake. I push off the wall and stalk toward Elsbeth. “Give me whatever I need. I’ll make sure Tia and Brian get theirs.”

“Not possible.” Elsbeth eyes me for an uncomfortably long minute. “The Romeros and I have been loyal to one another since day one. I do not have that understanding with your line.”

“Then make it!” I shout.

The Red Witch twists her head from side to side as the space surrounding her begins to hum. Her glamour fades, and darkness descends upon her shoulders. The house shakes with the power radiating from Elsbeth.

“Will you lay your life down to protect me?”

I open and then close my mouth.

Pointing a twisted finger at me, she asks, “If I summon you in the dead of night, will you come?” Elsbeth’s voice is like ice, cold and sharp as a dagger. Her words are full of contempt—a hatred that’s at least a few centuries old. “Will you do my bidding without question?”

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t scared, but I won’t back down. I can’t. It’s not my way. Instead, I glare at the Red Witch.

Elsbeth returns a gaze burning with scalding fury. Her angry voice stabs the air between us. “The Romeros made a deal with me when they first came to this soil. I have honored the pact through the generations.” She reaches into a sleeve and produces a blade. The lights in the room glint off the weapon. “Sell your soul along with the souls of all generations of Nevers, and we shall have our own accord.”

“No thanks.” I’m not responsible for the deals made in the past. I’m sure as hell not about to condemn my entire family to save my life. “I’ll take care of it myself.”

Elsbeth returns her weapon to its hiding place. The lights brighten, the shadows hovering around her dissipates, and she dips her flaming red head. “Very well, but be careful, young wolf. The Ryders are coming for you and your sister. This I am sure. You may or may not survive the encounter.”

“Thank you for the information.”

“Do not bother me again,” Elsbeth says, dismissing me.

I waste no time. Heading toward the boat, I think about her warning. If Calhoun and Andrew think the Nevers family is going down without a fight, they are bigger idiots than I thought.




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