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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Protecting Shane (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Guardians of Hope Book 4) by KD Michaels (13)


Three SEAL teams and members of Alpha Squad huddled around allowing Jenniffer, several campus police officers, some loyal football players that were friends of Pattrick’s and several police officers from San Diego PD, decide who was going to go where. The group broke up into seven groups and assigned areas to search.

“Okay, Big Snake…” Laura started.

“Wait, which one of us is Big Snake?” Frank “Snake” Evans asked.

“Seriously? You want to whip out your dicks and debate this shit right now?” Diesel asked. “Cause I’m thinking the dude with the dog is Big Snake.”

“Sorry Laura, but I’m in love with Diesel now.” Viktor “Snake” Franklin said.

“Okay, I’ll let Goddess know.” Laura said with a straight face.

“Nah, I’m good. Nice knowing you Diesel. Okay, so, I’m Big Snake and Frank is Little Snake, got it, so what’s up?” Snake laughed.

“Little my ass, I’ll show you little.” Frank “Snake” Evans mumbled.

“Oh, good lord, grow up! Okay, what do you and Ahote need to help his search for Shane?” Laura said.

“Do we still have her shirt?” Snake asked.

“Here,” Laura said taking it out of the bag and handing it to Snake.

Snake got down on bended knee, “Ahote, vind.” Find. Snake had Ahote sniff Shane’s shirt.

Ahote started sniffing the ground and leading the small group around. They hung back so they didn’t crowd the dog. The group was getting exhausted after hunting for her all night to almost dawn, and still no sign of Shane. Laura was getting worried what condition they would find Shane in, more and more. Suddenly, Ahote barked and took off running causing their group to chase after him. Ahote stopped, then barked twice as he went down the embankment.

“Get me a medic and ambulance.” Laura yelled out as she followed Ahote down the steep hill ahead of Snake, Wolf and Joe.

Laura slid and slowly climbed down the steep embankment falling several times, ignoring Joe’s call for her to be careful. Ahote barked a couple of more times a few steps ahead, down at the bottom of the embankment lay Shane completely unconscious.

“Ahote found her. She’s unconscious.” Laura yelled up at the men. “Good boy, I owe you a giant ass steak.” Laura said to Ahote scratching his head.

“Ahote, beschermen” protect, Snake ordered. Ahote stood guard at Laura’s leg as Snake, Wolf and Joe came down the steep hill towards the women.

Laura looked Shane over and noticed she had some serious cuts and bruises as well as a nice-sized bump on her head. When she moved her hand down her leg, Shane cried out. “Shit, I’m so sorry Shane. Guys, get medical down here now. She’s really bad. Cuts, bruises and a possible broken leg. Snake, I owe Ahote a huge steak.” Laura said still looking over Shane.

“Lass, are ye okay?” Joe asked coming up to Laura. “Ye fell a few times, ye bleeding.”

“I’m fine, Joe. I’m more worried about Shane.” Laura said refusing to admit she felt a little woozy.

Thirty minutes later, everyone was waiting around in the waiting room at San Diego Medical, while Shane was being examined in the emergency room. Laura stayed in the back with her after Joe raised a big fuss about her being looked at, too. When the doctor informed her that Shane had lost a lot of blood, due to the severity of her injuries, she was the first to volunteer to donate. She asked a nurse to let the group of men in the waiting room know as well to give them a chance to donate too.

The doctors told Laura that they were going to be keeping Shane in a drug induced coma for a couple of days to give her body time to heal due to the severity of her injuries. While explaining the extent of the injuries to the group in the waiting room, a doctor came out asking for Laura. Twenty minutes later, she numbly walked back into the waiting room and sat down. Alpha Squad seeing the look on their teammate’s face, ran over to her causing confusion on the men’s faces.

“Hey Red, what’s wrong?” Lindsey asked Laura quietly.

“They couldn’t use my blood for Shane, but asked a lot of confusing questions about my blood. Is Dom still here?” Laura asked looking around for her brother.

“Yeah, he is, hold on. Dominick, your sister needs you.” Lindsey yelled out loud.

Joe, Wolf, Dude, Heim and both Snakes looked over at Laura’s pale face and quickly walked over in concern. “Lass, what’s wrong?” Joe asked worried.

Laura looked up at Joe with tears in her eyes, “I’m sorry.” And burst into tears.

Dominick came over at that same time. “Hey sis, what’s wrong? Joe, what the hell did you do to my sister?”

“Dom, did dad ever cheat on mom with anyone or on Christine, that you know of?”

Everyone looked at each other in confusion then at Laura and Dominick. “What the hell are you talking about? What does that have to do with everything going on?” Dominick asked Laura.

Laura looked at Wolf, “Wolf, can Tex find anyone with just enough information?”

“Uh yeah, pretty much, what’s going on Laura? You’re worrying me.” Wolf said.

“Sorry, just so much just got thrown at me. I’m trying to figure out everything.” Laura turned to look at Joe and started crying again. “I’m so sorry. I know we never really talked about anything beyond getting married. We haven’t even set a date.”

“Lass, what’s wrong? What are ye yamming on about?” Joe asked concerned, pulling Laura into his arms.

“I’m sorry, I love you so much.” Laura cried harder. “Please don’t be mad.”

“Laura, what is wrong love?” Joe asked sternly.

“I don’t have the flu, I’m pregnant.” Laura mumbled quietly into his chest.

“What did you just say, lass?” Joe asked.

“Duh she’s knocked up, dumbass…holy mackrel, you knocked up Red!” Diesel yelled out excitedly.

Joe pulled back looking down at Laura, “Are ye sure? Ye are really pregnant with a wee bairn?”

“Yes,” Laura said quietly.

“Are ye nae excited?” Joe asked worried.

“I am! I’m just afraid of your reaction.” Laura said.

“Joe, when she told the asshole ex she was pregnant, he stormed out after throwing a fit, hitting her and demanding she get an abortion. She’s scared that since you two haven’t really discussed the wedding or having kids…” Dominick explained to Joe and the rest of the group the reason for Laura’s fear.

Joe took a deep breath, “Lass, I love ye. I am excited we are having a babe. Especially, since it’s ye who is carrying my wee bairn. Ye are my heart and soul love. I want to marry ye when ye are ready. I was ready to marry ye the day I met ye. Nothing will ever change that.” Joe kissed Laura passionately among the cheers and congrats from everyone in the room.

“Okay, not to put a damper on everything, but what does all of this have to do with the sperm donor who helped create us?” Dominick asked confused.

Laura looked at her brother then everyone else, then back at Dominick. “Have the doctor check your blood against mine and Shane’s.”

“Laura, what the hell for? You’re not making sense.” Dominick said getting irritated.

“Oh my God!” Lindsey yelled out. “Men are so damn dense. Dominick, she asked about your father sleeping around, then just said to have your blood compared to her’s and Shane’s. It means Shane is possibly your sister…holy shit Laura, are you serious?” Lindsey exclaimed when she finally realized what it was she was saying.

“Yes, when they called me back to tell me I was pregnant, I was also asked about Shane. I thought it was funny when one of the nurses said we looked a like because we were both covered in dirt and looked like we’d been in a fight. The doctor decided to check my blood for abnormalities or something, which they do apparently, for quick on the spot blood donations. That’s when he noticed similarities in our blood as well as the pregnancy. His words, not mine. Dominick, Shane is our sister and that son of a bitch left her to the nightmares she suffered, while we were taken care of.” Laura ground out in anger with tears in her eyes.

Everyone looked at each other in shock at the double whammy that was dropped on them all. Dominick nodded and walked off to speak with a nurse. For the next couple of hours, Joe tried to keep Laura settled and occupied while everyone waited for more word on Shane. She had been rushed into emergency surgery due to complications that no one understood. Mozart did his best to explain, but all Laura wanted was for Shane to be okay.

Three hours after Shane was found, Pattrick, and his family arrived at the hospital, along with Caroline. Laura had tried to send everyone home, to no avail, only to have them throw it back that she needed the rest more than they did in her ‘delicate’ condition which almost got Joe, Marcus, Wolf, Dude and Mozart brained.

Pattrick and his parents were told what was known about what had transpired with the SEAL teams surrounding him to keep him from leaving to hunt Robert, Cynthia or the two football players down. News eventually came that on hour three that Shane was in fact Dominick and Laura’s younger sister. While still settling from the news, the surgeon came out to the waiting room.

“I’m looking for Shane Graves’ family.” The surgeon said.

“Shane Jones. Her name is Shane Jones.” Pattrick corrected.

“Alrighty, then. I take it that you are all here for her?” the surgeon asked.

“Yes sir, this is her husband, Pattrick, I’m her sister, Laura, and this is her brother, Dominick.”

“Okay, good. So apparently when she fell, she was injured more than originally thought. She had some internal bleeding and two broken ribs, one had punctured her lungs during the fall. She suffered numerous cuts and abrasions as well as a broken leg that needed surgery to repair. She’s a lucky lady right now. We are going to keep her in a medically-induced coma for a day or two to give her body time to rest without the added stress.

Three days later, Wolf, Shane, Joe and Laura convinced Pattrick to go get a real shower and some food in his stomach. Laura stayed in the room with Shane going over her homework per Shane’s request.

“Okay Laura, you’ve been acting like you’re on egg shells when you’re not throwing up. Spill it. What’s wrong?” Shane said to the point.

Laura laughed. “Marriage and a tumble down the hill made you a bossy woman!”

“Nope, it’s being stuck in this god forsaken hospital bed, not able to do anything, especially when you, my husband, your brother and everyone else is hovering or asking me every five damn minutes if I’m okay or if I need anything if I so much as sneeze.” Shane replied with a snap.

Laura laughed a little then sighed. “Shane what do you know about your dad?


“Just humor me, please?” Laura asked.

Shane sighed, “Nothing to be honest. Just that it was someone my mom saw at her high school one day. He apparently had a thing for younger women despite being married. My mother claims she told him she was pregnant but he never cared, shoved some money her way and told her to take care of it.”

Laura took a deep breath, “When we got you here, you’d lost enough blood that they wanted to give you a blood transfusion to be safe. I, of course, volunteered as did Dominick and the SEALs. When they did their check of the blood that was donated, for some unknown reason to me, they checked the DNA strands and…” Laura trailed off as she stood up and walked over to the window.

“I swear I didn’t know. You’re my sister, Shane. We have the same dad. He was married to my mother when he slept with yours. Dominick and I always knew he was an asshole. We never knew about the other kids in the end. We suspected he cheated on our mother and vice versa, but always stayed out of their way. Dom and I still do to this day.” Laura said quietly.

“What kind of person was he?” Shane asked quietly.

“Hard, hateful and evil. He cared more about appearance than anything. He pushed Dominick, our brother, to be like him. He hated it when Dom chose to be around me. He would rant and rave about how ungrateful we were. When Dom graduated high school, just to piss dad off, he joined the Army and went Special Forces. He served for ten years, came home when I was going through a rough time and joined the police department. He really pissed off the family when he supported my decision to join the Sheriff’s Department, even helped me with my studies.”

“Sounds like the old man was an ass for sure.” Shane mumbled.

Laura laughed. “He is. Now he’s a wanted ass hole.”


“I’ll tell you that whole sordid detail another time.” Laura walked back to the bed and sat next to Shane. “Shane, just know Dom and I are here for you. We want you to be a part of our lives and hopefully yours, too. I know we can’t make up for what hell you went through, but we’d give anything if we could…” Laura had tears spilling over.

“Hey, hey, hey, Laura, you and Dominick are not at fault for what happened to me. You were kids. I would be no better than him if I held what he, my mother or foster parents did against you.” Shane pulled Laura to her as best as she could. “Despite his evilness to you and ignoring me, I’ve gained a real sister and brother. To me, that’s a good thing to wake up to. Is that why you’ve been tiptoeing around me for the last four days?” Shane asked with a smirk.

“Yeah. I was afraid you would hate me and the news would upset you.” Laura smiled through her tears. “Ugh, damn pregnancy hormones.”

“Oh my God are you pregnant?” Shane shouted excited.

Laura laughed, “Yeah found out at the same time as I found out that you’re my sister.”

“Yeah baby! A sister, a hot brother and a new niece or nephew. I’m so happy.”

“Who’s got a hot brother? Where is he so I can beat his ass.” Pattrick said as he, Dominick, Wolf, Dude and Joe walked into the hospital room.

“Yeah, let me see you fight Dominick there, big boy. That will make both our days when he whips your ass. That’ll be your pre-training before the SEALs get hold of your ass.” Laura said laughing hard.

“I can take him. He’s not that big.” Pattrick said pouting, looking over at Dominick

The men laughed. “Sorry Pattrick, my money’s on Dominick here. He may look small, but he’s quick and he’s got that Delta training to back him up.” Wolf said with a wink.

Pattrick’s eyes bugged out of his head. “You were Delta Force?”

Dominick laughed, “Yep, for nine years. I have to admit, hanging around you squids, I miss it now and again. I’d go back in a heartbeat if I could, but I’d miss Laura and Cody like crazy. Plus, now, I have Shane to get to know and Pattrick, and a new niece and nephew to welcome into the world, so I’m good for now.”

* * *

Shane spent two weeks in the hospital getting better, getting to know her new siblings and enjoying the closeness she was getting with them. For once in her life she felt a part of a family.

Robert and Cynthia were officially expelled from SDU and charged with rape, attempted rape and assault on both Katiana and Shane. The other two football players were eventually arrested and pled out agreeing to testify against Robert and Cynthia. Robert’s brother was fired from his police department for divulging sealed information.

Three months after their horrifying ordeal, Shane and Pattrick walked across the stage getting their degrees and officially becoming college graduates. Shane shocked them all including Pattrick when she showed them letters she received from both the San Diego PD and Riverton County Sheriff’s Department, stating she’d been accepted into the police academy. No one had known she’d applied to either department or that she’d considered being a cop.

“Okay, little sis, what exactly are you wanting to do career wise? Both are good departments.” Dominick said at another one of Caroline and Wolf’s famous cook-outs.

“Honestly? I want to do what Laura is doing. I want to make an impact on human trafficking. I either can join the HTTF eventually or help get another team going at SDPD.” Shane said.

“Well, we’d love to have you at the Sheriff’s Department squirt, but, at the same time, I think starting one at SDPD would be an amazing idea. That would be an enormous help to us in this fight. I can talk to the team tomorrow as well as the captain and see what we can get worked out. You may have to have some time on the force first, but with your background, we may get them to override that part or maybe have you do some one on one with us.” Laura said with her mind working already.

“That would be great. Pattrick, you’re awfully quiet. What’s wrong?” Shane asked.

Pattrick shrugged. “Honestly, I’m happy and proud of you. But I’m not happy about you putting yourself in the line of fire. It’s going to be hard for me to focus when I’m gone on missions, knowing something can happen to you.”

The men coughed. “Lad, as a SEAL and man who has a lass who wears a badge and gun, I agree, but I also have to disagree.” Joe said quickly to stop the protest from Laura. “Aye, I worry madly about Laura when I’m gone, but I also know that she’s smart and strong enough to take care of herself. Shane will have Laura, Dominick, Alpha Squad, myself, my team, Heim and his team, ye parents, ye dad’s team, and Wolf and his team, all looking out for her when ye are gone. Before now, Laura had all that, now she has Heim’s team too. That goes a long way to help me focus.”

“Thanks Joe. I guess that will help, some.” Pattrick said before turning to Shane. “Which ever you want to join, I support you one hundred percent babe.”

“You really worry about me when you’re gone?” Laura asked quietly.

“Aye love. I worry about ye because I am nae here to hold ye at night to keep the demons away that ye face when you rescue these young lasses.” Joe said smiling at Laura.

“Aw, my beast! I love you.” Laura kissed Joe.

“Ew, get a room you two!” Dominick yelled out.

“Just wait big brother, your time is coming. You can’t be a male ho all your life.” Laura fired back.

“You do know that’s how you got knocked up in the first place right?” Lindsey asked. “That mushy shit gets old after a while.”

“Linds, I can’t wait when you meet someone. When you get mushy, I’m going to be right in your ear, reminding you of this conversation.” Laura said laughing.

Lindsey rolled her eyes and looked at a certain someone out of the corner of her eyes. “Yeah, that’s never going to happen.”


For now!