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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Protecting Shane (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Guardians of Hope Book 4) by KD Michaels (2)


“What made you want to take cyber terrorism classes? I mean, what are you hoping to do with your degree?” Pattrick asked curiously, after they’d been in the library for an hour already.

“I’m thinking about going to work for the FBI Cyber Crime/Terrorism Division.” Shane said without hesitation.

“Are you good with computers? What made you want to do something like that?” Pattrick asked, intrigued with her choice of career.

“I’m okay with them. Just started playing with them a few years ago. I love a good challenge.” Shane shrugged.

“Okay, so why cyber-crime? What happened that made you want to go into that field? Not a choice many think of without something that steers them that way.” Pattrick said, looking over the notes he had.

Shane looked off to the side, watching other students come and go around the library. “Why not? Everything is evolving. Everything happens online now. Crimes face to face are falling at an inhumane rate, yet a lot are done in a secret society that no one knows or thinks about. Cyber-crimes are faceless unless you know the person who’s committing the crime against you.”

Pattrick looked at Shane intensely, causing her to squirm, “Interesting assessment, very deep at the same time. You and my Uncle Tex would get along great.” Pattrick chuckled.

“What are you in the cyber classes for? Your degree isn’t Criminal Justice.” Shane asked without looking at Pattrick.

“I like to tinker with things mostly. But I want to go military like my dad, go Special Forces, be their tinker guy who gets to do the cool stuff and find out what the bad guys are up to.” Pattrick said, with some excitement in his voice.

Shane looked up from her books and really looked at Pattrick with new eyes. “You should do your project around that. Maybe not all the details but as much as you can. Write about what drives you to want to do just what you described to me.”

“What are you doing on yours? Why you want to do it?” Pattrick asked curiously. “You’ll have to go further in your explanation than what you gave me.”

“I’m going in depth about cyber-crimes, the history, and the benefits hackers can actually be combating criminals.”

Pattrick laughed, a full belly laugh, that had a few people looking over at their table. “You really need to meet Tex.”

Shane and Pattrick went over assignments for their cyber class, discussed what they had read and worked on a paper together the professor had assigned them. They discussed a previous test and what problems Pattrick had with it. Shane gave him pointers in what key words to look for and how to categorize his sections. Before they both knew it, it was almost midnight.

“Oh wow, it’s twenty-three thirty. I didn’t realize how late it was. Let me walk you to your dorm. I don’t want you walking alone. My mom would kick my ass if she found out I let a girl walk home alone this late.” Pattrick said packing his stuff.

“Twenty-three thirty?” Shane asked confused.

“Sorry I meant 11:30 pm. Forgot not everyone knows military time. Here, let me walk you back to your dorm.”

“No! it’s okay. I’m used to walking. I have my mace handy.” Shane said a little panicky.

“Shane, I’m not going to follow you up to your dorm room, just to the front doors of the building. There’s a creep on the loose if you haven’t heard and I can’t in good conscious let you walk back to the dorm alone.” Pattrick said firmly.

“Just to the dorm building front door? Not to my room, right?” Shane asked hesitantly.

“Just the door. Jeezus, most girls would beg for me to come into the room. You’re killing my ego here, Shane. Do I smell bad or something?” Pattrick asked smelling his shirt and underarms.

Shane rolled her eyes as she started to walk. “Dream on Casanova, ken doll-wannabe.”

“Hey, that’s an insult. I’m not a ken doll. I’m GI Joe.” Pattrick faked pain in his chest at her insult.

“Well, if the cheerleader fits dude. She’s definitely Barbie doll material and she’s glued to you like melted plastic.” Shane shrugged as she walked away.

Pattrick stopped in his tracks looking at Shane as she kept walking, then busted out laughing. “That’s fucking hilarious. I’ve never heard that analogy before. I love it. But Shane, Cynthia may chase me, but that’s all she does. My parents and my uncles would stomp my ass if I kept her around or even thought of a relationship with her. My mother stopped talking to me for two weeks when Cynthia answered my phone, the day after I slept with her.” Pattrick walked up to Shane.

“Reality is, I tolerate her because of football and my roommate. What he sees in her, I’ll never know. She’s fake. She has no life goals or ambitions. She’s only in college to find her a rich husband. I’m neither, nor do I have goals to be. Just because scouts are begging me to go pro, doesn’t mean I want to. I have no desire to play football beyond college. I want to go into the Navy and be a SEAL, just like my dad and my uncles. I want to help those who can’t help themselves. Cynthia is too selfish to understand that shit.” Pattrick said with heat in his voice.

Shane just kept staring at him, at war with her emotions inside. Pattrick shook his head and started walking away from her without a backward glance. Shane ran to catch up with Pattrick. They walked in silence until they had reached her dorm building. Pattrick slowed down a little to which Shane matched his strides. Shane hated that she judged him, but she always went on the defensive with people. It was her safety mechanism.

“I’m sorry Pattrick. I was wrong to judge you.” Shane apologized.

“It’s okay. Sorry I got heated. I know we don’t really know each other and never really hung out in the same circles.” Pattrick sighed. “But I hate being judged by my looks, or the fact that I play football. I got into sports to stay out of trouble and give myself and my mom something to do during my dad’s deployments. That’s it, not because of easy pussy or big money dreams.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to imply any of that Pattrick. Honestly was a knee jerk reaction. That Barbie chick doesn’t help.”

Pattrick laughed. “Yeah she’s a pain in the ass. Always has been. She’s always around. She’s banging my roommate, who’s also on the football team. He’s the quarterback, but for some reason, she’s always trying to get with me. I banged her once, regretted it ever since.”

Shane looked at Pattrick wide-eyed, “Seriously? Just once? Word on campus is you’re the ‘bang king’.”

Pattrick laughed, “Yeah I heard that but truth is I stay away as much as possible. When my dad deploys I go home to stay with my mom and sister or I’m hanging with one of the uncles. My Aunt Caroline called me one day, and the guys on the football team just assumed it was a chick I was banging. My uncles and even Caroline know the story and laugh with me.”

“Why not correct people when they run their mouth about it? Why let them think you’re a male whore?” Shane asked confused.

“Because they leave me alone for the most part. If they knew what I truly felt or believed, my life would be a living hell and I’d never get any rest.” Pattrick shivered.

Shane laughed once she realized what he meant. “What is it, that you truly felt or believe in? But yeah, I can see your point, the Barbie brigade would try harder to get your attention if they realized you’re not the man whore they think you are.”

“I want what my mom and dad have. What my uncles and their wives have. My parent’s marriage hasn’t been all roses. They’ve had some heavy patches, where things have been bad. But my parents love for one another, over-rode all that. My uncles have met their wives in the worst of situations and the love they have for each other makes those fairy tales my mom reads my sisters at bed-time silly in comparison. I refuse to just settle for anyone and when I do meet the one who makes time stop, I will make sure she never gets away.” Pattrick said looking at Shane.

Shane cleared her throat. “That’s nice. I hope you find it. It’s probably meant to be for other people.”

Pattrick sighed sadly,” Could we meet again this week? I kind of need help with this big paper due next week. I suck ass at papers. My mom says I’m too much like my dad, too short and to the point. I don’t know how to drag out stuff, to make the paper important.”

Shane laughed at Pattrick’s explanation. “You remind me of Red. She’s always saying the same thing about her reports.”

“Oh yeah? Who’s red? Pattrick asked curious.

Shane realized he was curious because this was the first time she’s ever talked about herself or someone in her life. “She’s someone, along with a few others in her circle that make all this…” Shane spread her arms out toward camps, “possible for me.”

“You’re smarter than you give yourself credit for Shane. Don’t sell yourself short,” Pattrick smiled at Shane.

“Pattrick, I don’t have the family you do. The only ‘home’ I’ve had for the last four years is this dorm. My roommate is the closest thing I have to a real friend. When I leave here, I have no one, no place and no idea where I am going. Smart doesn’t always get you everything.” Shane said, before turning to walk into her building, leaving Pattrick staring after her.

Shane took the stairs going up to her room, letting herself in.

“Hey, you’re home. Was about to send out a search party.” Jenniffer said, when Shane walked in.

“Ha ha. No one would have joined. How was your day, trouble?” Shane asked her best friend and roommate for the last four years.

“Ugh, my freaking economics professor killed the rest of my semester with his bullshit assignments. He better be glad he’s so freaking hot and hella eye candy or he’d be on my hit list later in life when I go pro as a serial killer.” Jenniffer said as she banged her head on her desk.

Both girls busted out laughing at Jenniffer’s cracks about her future employment choice. Jenniffer was the only person Shane let get close to her in the four years she’s been at San Diego University. While she didn’t know exactly what happened in Shane’s past, she knew enough that she’s super protective of Shane and has been that mother hen for her, aside from Red. Jenniffer has been the one who has pushed her to stay on top and kept her in the loop of all the campus gossip.

“So, what kept you late tonight, tinkerbell? You missed our daily dinner dates and you’re usually back here from the library with your nose deep in those books” Jenniffer joked.

“I got asked by the cyber studies prof to tutor Pattrick Jones and help him with his papers and stuff.” Shane said, as she pulled her books from her bag.

“Are you seriously freaking kidding me? You’re tutoring the Flash himself? What happened? One of his dick-hoppers suck his brains cells out, or something?” Be careful Shane, don’t get caught in that rumor mill. That bitch Cynthia, whatever the hell her name is, loves to start shit where he’s concerned. Word around campus is she wants him and his roommate to tag team her ass or something.” Jenniffer said in a serious yet concerned tone.

“He’s not like that Jenniffer. He’s already told her multiple times, today alone, that he’s not interested in her. The bed-hopper crap is just that, a rumor. He’s been nothing but polite and a real gentleman with me. He has a problem with his papers and has testing anxiety, so the professor asked me to work with him on both of those issues. Nothing more, nothing less.” Shane said matter of factly, while she got ready for bed.

“Just be careful, Shane. I have no problems adding that bitch to my hit list and making her numero uno.” Jennifer said with heat in her voice.

Shane rolled her eyes and went to bed. The next morning found Shane getting up and doing her normal routine. She only had one class today which gave her time to get most of her other assignments done. Twenty minutes before she was ready to leave her room, her cell phone rang.

“Hi Laura, how goes it?” Shane said cheerfully.

“Hey kiddo. All is good here so far. Just Diez driving everyone nuts as usual. How are classes going?” Laura ‘Red’ Pratt asked Shane.

“Good. Got a huge paper due next week so going to be working on that a lot this weekend. The big term paper that I have to do, is the one I’m pulling my hair out on. I know what I want to do, it’s putting the words on the paper the right way so it doesn’t sound corny.” Shane explained to Laura exactly how she wanted to work her paper for her final.

“Ugh, I remember them days, papers out the yazoo. I remember we talked about your final project last month. Your idea would help law enforcement a lot. Let me talk to Joe, he has a friend who’s a computer mastermind, he’s even helped us a time or two lately.”

“Really? That would be awesome. I’d really appreciate the help, Laura.” Shane said excited for her final even more.

“Anytime, Shane. I’ll send him a text soon as we hang up. How is everything else? Need anything? Groceries? Clothes? Someone need an ass-kicking that Jenniffer hasn’t stabbed yet?” Laura asked laughing.

Shane chuckled. She loved that Laura and her team always included Jenniffer in their check-ups on her. “Laura, you guys have gone above and beyond for me. You got me into SDU, the scholarship, you keep me stocked in food and I know you guys were the ones who personally got me the checking account and keep putting money in it every two weeks. Yet, you guys still call to ask if I need anything.” Shane said tearing up. These women were the closest to family she’d hadover the last five and a half years, aside from Jenniffer. “But I’m good. Jenniffer went grocery shopping yesterday after her last class and laundry day is Saturday, so I’m technically good, unless you want to do my laundry for me.”

“We’ll give it to Diesel. And Shane, we always look after our girls. Just because you’re not in the safe house anymore doesn’t mean we don’t keep an eye on you. You got yourself that scholarship to SDU, sweetie. Your brains got you where you are, not me. You have so much to offer the world, please don’t underestimate yourself. All you needed was that push in the right direction. Oh, and before I forget, Lindsey and I will be there next weekend for the big game. Joe and his brother, Marcus, are coming with us.”

“Fuck me running.” Shane heard Lindsey ‘Ice’ Raso yell in the background.

“Oh, shut it twinkle tits, he’s not coming for you. Sorry Shane, Joe’s been messing with Lindsey about dating his brother Marcus. Would love for you to join us, we want to see you while on campus. You can help me keep Lindsey occupied so she doesn’t kill Marcus. It’ll be tons of entertainment for you. I promise.” Laura said laughing.

“Okay, I hate sports but I’ll get to see you two, so that’s a plus. Yeah I’ll see about a ticket.” Shane said, laughing at Lindsey’s background noise.

“Nope, we’ve got it taken care of. So, we can make sure you’re sitting with us. See you next weekend, kiddo. Don’t hesitate to call if you need anything.” Laura and Shane hung up.

Shane headed to her class, replaying her conversation with Laura. She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn’t realize she had walked into the path of the Barbie brigade until it was too late. She squared her shoulders and kept walking.

Cynthia and two other cheerleaders blocked her path. “Hold it right there, dumpella,” Cynthia sneered.

Shane looked around then turned back to Cynthia, “I’m sorry, I don’t see anyone named dumpella. What do you need?”

“Har, Har, Har. Whatevs loserville. Look just because Flash is getting stuck working with you for that dumb class, like, don’t get used to it. Cause, like, he has standards and all that stuff. You’re not it.” Cynthia said cackling at her own jokes.

“Wow! I thought high school was over with. No one says ‘like’ in their sentences anymore. Must be why Harvard and Princeton turned you down, but, no worries Cynthia, unlike you, I have no illusions of marriage to whoever this Flash person is.” Shane said walking around the cheerleaders.

“Like, O.M.G. did she just say whoever Flash is? Like, so loserville Cynthia,” Cheerleader-one said.

Shane rolled her eyes and went on to class. Two hours later, Shane headed back toward her dorm building, keeping an eye out for the twit triplets.

“Hey Shane, hold up.” Pattrick yelled out.

Shane groaned out loud and turned around. “Yeah, what?”

Pattrick laughed as he caught up to her, “Hello to you, too, grumpy puss.”

Shane gave Pattrick the evil eye, “I am not a grumpy puss. My name is Shane, not loserville, grumpella, or whatever else you people want to call me.”

“Uh oh, let me guess, Cynthia?” Pattrick asked with a sigh.

“Yep,” Shane said making a loud popping sound on the ‘p’ at the end. “Look I’ll talk to the professor and see if she can’t put you with one of the guys in the class because I’m going to wind up stabbing the plastic bitch with her Hello Kitty hair bows, and it won’t be pretty.”

Pattrick gasped in mock horror, “No, not the Hello Kitty hair bows. Please don’t ruin Hello Kitty with her blood. My sister would cry and be scarred for life.”

Shane let out a huff, “Fine, just this once, for your sister’s sake.” Shane slowly smiled with a slight chuckle. “Done for the day?”

Pattrick smiled, “Done for the day. Need to work on my homework for two classes, then football practice, then more homework. Since mom is staying with Caroline and Wolf until Monday, I’m staying here to focus on my assignments I’m slightly behind.”

“Well I’m headed to the library if you want to tag along. Probably be quieter than your dorm room.” Shane shrugged as she offered up the extra space.

“Are you sure? I know you love your peace and quiet.” Pattrick said.

“Does twat-waffle come into the library?”

“Who?” Pattrick asked confused. “Oh, you mean Cynthia…no, I’m not sure she knows what a library is, to be honest.” Pattrick laughed.

“Okay then, you can come into the club since I doubt she’ll venture into Minas Tirith.” Shane said as she walked away.

“Wait a minute, did you just use a Lord of the Rings reference?” Pattrick asked amazed.

“The fact you asked means you know the series, therefore you shall pass with permission.” Shane said without stopping, until she reached her corner of the library.

“Okay Shelton or is it Gandalf?” Pattrick laughed when Shane glanced up at him with a raised brow, “Let’s get some studying done. Can we meet up this weekend since I’ll be here to work on the cyber class assignment?” Pattrick asked hopeful. “I don’t have that class’s notes and stuff with me to go over right now.”

“Um yeah, sure. Don’t you have, like, nothing but practice all weekend since next weekend is the big game?” Shane asked.

Pattrick shook his head, “Only Saturday morning for a few hours then we have rest day on Sunday. I usually do laundry and relax with my family. Probably my downfall that I don’t study that one day.

“Nah, everyone needs at least one day to let the brain cells rest. So yeah, okay, um yeah, this weekend is fine. Tomorrow is Thursday, I have lab and two other classes. Friday is just two classes in the morning back to back. Saturday, I usually study and do my papers, and Sunday is my laundry day. So, I should be here in this spot the next three days if you want to come here.” Shane said noncommittedly.

“No phone number still, huh?” Pattrick asked prying.

“No. Look don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m very selective about who I give my number to. I don’t know you well enough for that. Okay?” Shane said bluntly.

“Okay, sorry. I just figured it would be easier for me to check with you by text messages to see if you’re here before hoofing it to the library.” Pattrick responded, sounding dejected.

Shane sighed deeply, “Shit, I’m sorry. God, I seem to be saying that a lot lately with you. I’m not used to someone asking me for my number or any of this to be honest. I’m used to it being just me or just my roommate. Hell, even she doesn’t have my cell phone number and I’ve known her for four years.” Shane said sheepishly. “That probably makes me sound like a bad friend since she’s practically my best friend, but I know that statuses can change quickly with people. There are only seven people I trust with my life to have my back and they are the only ones who have my phone number. So please, don’t take it personally, Pattrick.”

“Shane, I don’t know what happened in your life that has you this careful, but it’s okay. I understand. I didn’t mean to make you upset. I just figured it’d be easier to meet up instead of me just hunting you down. Tell you what, let’s do this, how about we set a time, I know I’m usually done with classes on Thursday and Fridays around three o’clock. Let’s plan to meet here, say four on one of those days, or, on Saturday, I’m done with practice around one o’clock, so does two-thirty or three work? You choose.” Pattrick said, trying to lighten the mood.

“Tell you what, it’s up to you. I’m almost positive I’ll be here around those times, other than dinner time which I do go to, at five.” Shane said with a smile.

“Okay so it’s a date.” Pattrick smiled.

“Um, it’s not a date, more like a plan.” Shane corrected Pattrick.

“Shit, sorry, I meant it’s a plan. I am such an idiot.” Pattrick cringed realizing his mistake.

Shane laughed, “It’s okay, you’re cool.”

For the next several hours, both parties worked on their respective class assignments, talking to one another every now and then about something on their assignment to get the other’s opinion. They would talk over the assignment and then write notes on what the other had said, then there was a comfortable silence for them to work again.




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