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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Protecting Shane (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Guardians of Hope Book 4) by KD Michaels (11)


Shane woke up her third day away from Pattrick in a restless mood. Classes were letting out for a couple of days for students to study for their mid-terms, since next week was Spring Break. Both Shane and Pattrick had completely forgotten about that due to getting ready for their mid-terms that their professors said they had to take, to earn their week off.

Shane missed Pattrick terribly. She had no plans for her Spring Break nor did she know if Pattrick would be back by then. Sheila and Pattrick had said something about flying her out to them, but she felt this was their time with Pattrick’s dad. Shane would feel awkward with all they were dealing with right now.

Jenniffer came into the room furious, later on that afternoon. “Shane, someone has it out for you, bad.” Jenniffer handed Shane a photo she’d taken down from the community board downstairs, in the dorm.

“What the hell? This isn’t me. Oh my god, is that Robert grinning into the camera? Who is that girl?” Shane asked upset. “He put my face on that girl’s body!” Shane yelled out.

“Shane, you need to let Pattrick know about this.” Jenniffer said.

“No not just yet. He’s dealing with his dad right now. I’m not going to trouble him with this juvenile bullshit. What am I going to do when he becomes a SEAL? Hide in the corner until his team comes home? No, I will deal with it, then tell him when he comes home and doesn’t have the stress of his dad’s injuries on his mind. I can handle Mr. Robert Bailey myself. Then I’m going to the Dean’s office to file a formal complaint against him and that bitch, Cynthia. I will be back in a few minutes.” Shane said as she stormed out of the room.

Twenty minutes later, Shane was pounding on Robert’s dorm door as loud and hard as she could. “Open up, you sorry sack of shit. I know you’re in there.”

Shane was beyond furious. During her walk over, she had seen several more photos of someone pretending to be her in compromising positions with the three football players. Several guys stopped her on the way to ask her for a chance and to see how much she charged per hour, only adding to Shane’s anger.

Robert finally opened the door with a huge grin on his face. “Hello, beautiful spitfire, how can I help you? Where’s your bodyguard?” Robert chuckled.

Shane pushed into his chest, surprising Robert enough to stumble back into his room. “Where’s your little bitch hiding at, asshole?”

“Who?” Robert asked.

“The bitch who helped you fake these fucking photos. What the hell is your problem, Robert? Mommy not love you enough? Are you that fucking unhappy because Pattrick isn’t up your ass to take Cynthia off your dick?” Shane spit out.

“Watch yourself, little girl. Flash isn’t here to protect your ass right now. Unless you’re here to return to your old profession of spreading your legs, then I suggest you get out.” Robert sneered.

“Excuse me? What the hell did you just say to me?” Shane asked in shock.

“Don’t act so shocked, Shane. I wasn’t when I found out about your past profession of being a prostitute. Having a cop for a brother comes in handy as hell, I have to say.” Robert laughed as he stalked toward Shane.

When Shane backed up, she wound up trapped between Robert and the door. She shrieked out in fear when he grabbed her by the throat, pinning her in place. Shane tried to struggle, but wasn’t able to move much when Robert covered her body against the wall with his. Robert leaned down and licked the side of Shane’s face.

“Mmm, I can see why Flash is so addicted to you. You taste yummy. Can’t wait to taste that pussy of yours and see if I can make it juice more than he can.”

Robert laughed when Shane started to struggle and whimper. Shane spit into Robert’s face as he leaned down to kiss her at the same time he grabbed her breast. Robert let her go, then smacked her hard, knocking her to the ground. Robert straddled Shane’s hips and started groping her, tearing her shirt in the process. Robert then punched Shane hard in the face, causing her to see stars.

Shane reached out and scratched Robert’s face, fighting against him hard, despite his groping and hitting her several more times, she managed to grab ahold of something and bashed Robert in the head with it, and kneeing him hard in the crotch. When Robert fell to the side, she quickly got up and kicked him again, harder in the crotch, and ran for the door.

Shane ran out of Robert’s room and down the stairs into the evening. She started to feel nauseous and dizzy but kept running, unaware of her surroundings until she fell. When Shane fell, she screamed out and wound up rolling down a steep embankment, trying desperately to stop herself, until she came to a stop and everything eventually went dark.

* * *


“Jenniffer, it’s Pattrick, is Shane there? I’ve been trying for several hours to get ahold of her and I can’t find her.”

“No, she’s not here. I haven’t seen her since she stormed out of the room earlier this afternoon. What time is it… Oh God, Pattrick, if she isn’t answering her phone…” Jenniffer started hyperventilating.

“Jenniffer, calm down, why did Shane storm out? What happened?”

“Oh God. Someone posted some provocative pictures, placing Shane’s face on them. I found one and showed it to her. It was of some girl having sex with three guys, with Shane’s face on the girl. She stormed out to confront Robert since it was his face on one of the guys facing the camera.”

“Jenniffer, do you still have the photo?” Pattrick asked barely holding his temper.

“No, she took it with her to confront Robert, but I have another one I found when I went to dinner. Pattrick, please tell me she at least texted you today.”

“Not since early this morning before her first class. Why the hell would she confront that son of a bitch? If he hurt her…” Pattrick couldn’t finish that sentence. “Jenniffer, stay in the room. I’m making a few phone calls. You may have a group of men there soon to help you find her. Call campus police to report her as missing. Jenniffer, don’t go near Robert. Let the campus police and people I’m calling deal with him.” Pattrick disconnected the call and blew out a deep breath.

“Everything okay son?”

“No, mom. Something happened at campus and Shane’s missing. I need to call Wolf to see if he can go out to the campus and help look for her. How long before our flight?”

“Oh, my God. Our flight is in two hours. Let’s get to the airport. Stay strong sweetie, she’ll be in your arms before you know it.” Sheila said with conviction to her son.

Pattrick watched as his mother walked away to get his sister and father moving. He could only pray his mother was right. Taking a deep breath, hating that he was calling for something potentially bad. While praying that Wolf and his team weren’t deployed, he dialed Wolf’s number.

“Hey sport, how’s your dad?”

“Hey Wolf, he’s good. We’re taking the red eye back home. Dad wants to do his rehab in San Diego where the real SEALs are. He’ll be good as new in a couple of weeks. He’s hating the fact he’s got to prove that to the medical review board. But you know how he is.” Pattrick said.

“What’s wrong, kid? You sound on edge.” Wolf said.

“Wolf, I need your help. Shane’s missing. She’s not answering her phone, there’s no messages and Jenniffer hasn’t seen her since earlier this afternoon when she stormed out of the room.”

“What happened for her to storm out?” Wolf asked cautiously.

“Apparently, my roommate, Robert, and the biggest mistake of my life, Cynthia, got two other football players and an unknown female together to take photos of them having sex and photoshopped Shane’s face on the female’s body. They did this on several different photos, then posted them around campus. Jenniffer showed Shane one of the photos, which is when she stormed out of the confront Robert. No one has seen her since.”

“Has Jenniffer called campus security?” Wolf asked all business.

“She was doing that when we hung up. Wolf if that…if he hurt her, I will kill him.” Pattrick growled.

“Pattrick, focus on your dad…”

“Fuck that, my dad is right here making sure I called you…” Pattrick said. “Don’t tell me not to focus on what’s happening there. You hated that shit when Caroline went missing.”

“I’m hanging up now and calling the team. We will find her. Just focus on getting back here.” Wolf disconnected the call.

* * *

“Matthew, what’s wrong?” Caroline asked her husband.

“Abe, it’s Wolf. Get the team together and meet me at the SDU campus, by the dorms. Shane’s missing and Pattrick is going ape shit.”

“What happened?” Abe asked.

“I’ll tell everyone at the same time. I have to call Laura as well since Shane is one of hers.” Wolf said.

“See you there.” Abe disconnected the call.

“Oh, my God. What can I do Matthew?” Caroline asked her husband.

“Be ready to pick up Pattrick and his family from the airport in a few hours. They are headed to the airport now. Flight should be here in about six hours. Hopefully we’ve found Shane by then.”

Wolf breathed deeply then dialed Laura’s number. “Hey Red, this is Wolf.”

“Hey Wolf, what’s up?” Laura asked.

“We have a problem. Pattrick called me a few minutes ago, Shane’s missing.”

“What the hell happened? Where’s Pattrick?” Laura asked.

“He’s in DC. His dad was injured on an op, Shane stayed behind due to mid-terms. Get your team together and meet me and the guys at the campus by the dorms. We’re forming a search party. I’ll tell you everything there, but can you ask Joe to gather his team too? We’ll meet in the parking lot to brief.”

“I’m on it. See you in a few.” Laura said hanging up.

Wolf hung up and headed out to his car. Hearing the neighbor’s dog barking made him decide his next call. Pulling out of his drive way and heading toward campus, he sent a silent prayer at the same time he waited for his call to be answered.


“Hi Heim, sorry to bother you, can you send me Snake’s number? I need his help.” Wolf said with a sigh.

Xavier “Heim” Spencer responded, “Sure, what’s wrong?”

“Pattrick, my godson, his wife Shane is missing. He’s at Bethesda with his dad waiting on a flight home. I need Snake and Ahote’s help to find her. She’s been missing for several hours.” Wolf informed Heim.

“Where you headed? I’ll call him and tell him where to meet us.” Heim said without hesitation.

“Us?” Wolf asked hearing rustling on the phone.

“I’m coming to help search, too, now where are you headed?” Heim asked again.

“San Diego University, we’ll be meeting in the parking lot by the dorms.” Wolf informed him.

“All good, see you soon. Calling Snake for you now.” Heim said as he disconnected the call.

Wolf breathed a sigh of relief, he knew his SEAL brothers took care of family and Shane was family, more than she realized. He would make sure that she was found before Pattrick got home, come hell or high water. Wolf said another silent prayer for Shane’s safety.

Thirty minutes later, SDU’s parking lot became overrun with three SEAL teams, one dog, several police officers from San Diego PD, which included Laura’s brother Dominick, and Alpha Squad. When Wolf had everyone’s attention, he briefed them on what had happened that had brought them all to the point of where they were now.

“That little shit is dead.” Laura growled in anger.

“Down lass, we will find her. Don’t over exhaust ye self. Ye are still getting over the flu.” Joe said.

“Fine, I’ll let Lindsey and Diesel kill the fucker.” Laura snapped.

“Goodie! Let’s go ‘round up this Cynthia bitch and show her that she messed with the wrong girl.” Diesel said rubbing her hands together.

“Fuck that, we played nice at the football game. Time to Harley Quinn, this bitch.” Lindsey said in anger.

“What the hell does that mean?” Viktor “Snake” Franklin asked laughing.

“It means that it’s time to show this bitch who the real Harley Quinn is and why she carries a baseball bat. Little twit won’t miss a thing but her teeth. Be a whole new meaning to gumming shit. She’ll be the newest sensation for toothless blowjobs and gummy bears will be her new best friend.” Lindsey responded to him with a smirk.

“Holy shit, Ice is pissed and the bitch in her just woke up. Y’all are seeing how she’s earned her nickname now. I freaking love it. Knew her getting porked by a MacLeod would bring that shit out.” Diesel cheered.

“Porking a MacLeod? Are you banging the gong with Marcus and didn’t tell me, you slut?” Laura asked Lindsey with squinty eyes and a smirk on her lips.

“Hell no, I’m not fucking that toad. Fuck off you two.” Lindsey yelled while flipping Diesel the bird as she walked away.

“Aye a woman after my heart.”

“Back off, Welsh. One Scotsman at a time.” Joe warned with laughter. “My brother would gut ye and nae blink an eye over that one.”

Everyone laughed until Laura spoke up. “Okay, so let’s do this. Wolf, you, me, Joe, Heim and Snake go talk to Jenniffer. If we all descend on her, it’ll scare the poor girl to death.” Laura looked at Wolf, “I know your team and Joe’s know her personal history, but does Heim’s?”

“No, I didn’t want to divulge that information without talking to you first. These guys are good. We both, Joe’s team and mine, trust them with our lives and the lives of our families.” Wolf said strongly.

Laura nodded then looked at Heim and his team. “Shane is one of ours. The seven women you see here tonight are part of a special task force that targets human trafficking in the state of California, but mainly here in Riverton County. Shane was forced into human trafficking by her mother and eventually her foster parents. When you find her, let her know you are friends of Alpha Squad, Joe’s team and Wolf’s team or she will panic.”

Laura’s words were met with echoes of “son of a bitch” and a few other choice words. Laura thanked the men for their assistance and gave extra thanks to Snake for bringing Ahote. After introducing Alpha Squad to Heim’s team and the new SEAL team introducing themselves, Laura, Joe, Wolf, Heim and Snake headed towards Shane’s dorm room as the rest worked out where they were going to search and with what groups.