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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Shadow of Doubt (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Breaking the SEAL Book 5) by Wren Michaels (2)

Chapter Two

Malia Danpae closed her eyes and hoped the roar of the engines would lull her to sleep so she could stop imagining Kamon naked. He turned out to be harmless, but the medallion around his neck resembled those worn by high ranking members of the Yaza drug cartel, and it caught her attention before they ever boarded the plane. She needed to make sure she wasn’t being followed by any of the Yaza henchmen when she met up with her contact in Bangkok.

She’d been undercover for over a year trying to infiltrate the Yaza syndicate for traces of a CIA drug trafficking leak. Malia finally made her way organically to the operation headquarters run out of a casino Yaza owned just over the board in Vientiane, Laos.

Yaza liked his eye-candy, and often brought in women to be seen on his arm throughout the casino as he presented his philanthropist facade to the world. Months after working in his other hotel chains in Thailand, Malia was tapped to become the latest “it” girl at his main resort in Laos. Since gambling was illegal in Thailand, the source of his legal income came through his hotel chains there in various cities. But the drug operations were based out of the casino in Laos. Though reports of underground opium processing plants ran rampant, most remained undiscovered. This allowed him to move freely between all of his business interests, all while trafficking the drugs in and out of the country via the many ‘guests’ who frequented his establishments.

“Malia,” Kamon’s husky voice hit her ears and she nestled in closer to his shoulder, allowing his orgasm-inducing cologne to inundate her. “Wake up, princess. We’re about to land.”

Malia blinked and rolled her head, realizing she’d fallen asleep on Kamon’s shoulder. Fear shot her straight up in her seat as she glanced over his shirt for signs of drool. How long had she been out?

“Sorry. I can’t believe I fell asleep on you. I’m so embarrassed.”

She dipped her head, avoiding eye contact, but he tipped her chin with the edge of his finger to face him. “I’m not. You can use me for a pillow anytime.”

A smile teetered on Malia’s lips. She would love to get his number, but she was on a mission, not to mention undercover. Lying to someone you’d like to get to know better wasn’t the best way to start things off. But she had told him more truth about herself than she had to anyone else in a long time. He was easy to talk to, and she found herself telling him far more than she ever intended. All she wanted to do was probe him for info on the medallion to make sure he had nothing to do with Yaza. Instead, she made a friend and it saddened her heart that they’d part ways in a few minutes upon arrival in Bangkok.

“So, how long is your stop in Bangkok for? Just a layover?” Kamon asked as they walked out of the plane and into the boarding tunnel.

“Just a few hours. I’m meeting a friend for dinner, then I’m off to Laos.” She slowed her pace as they made their way through the boarding gate.

Kamon’s russet-brown eyes darkened. “Oh, a boyfriend?”

“No!” she replied, almost shouting before she caught herself. “No boyfriend. Just an old work associate. She’s got some things I need to get before I head to Vientiane.” Like weapons and intel. She couldn’t come out and tell him that she was meeting a fellow CIA operative for a briefing. “You?”

“A few hours myself, then heading to Nong Khai.” He adjusted his backpack on his shoulder and slid his other hand in his pocket. “Would have been nice to maybe catch some sights with you.” He cleared his throat. “You know, since I don’t speak Thai.”

Her heart sank. So he just wanted to use her as a translator? Or was he really that awful at trying to ask a woman out? Surely, as good-looking as he was, he didn’t find it hard to get a date. His long, dark-brown waves of hair curled against the nape of his neck as he nervously ran his hand through them. With every movement, his thick muscles stretched the long-sleeved v-neck shirt hugging his chest and his thighs threatened to bust the seams of his jeans. What she wouldn’t have given to see him without all those clothes.

“Malia?” he said, crouching down to catch her attention that had gotten waylaid by fantasies of him and a bottle of chocolate sauce.

“Huh?” she asked, startled. “I’m sorry, the chocolate got me. I mean you. I mean what were you saying?”

He chuckled. “I asked if I could give you my number. Maybe I could swing by the Casino when I’m done with my stuff in Nong Khai. Vientiane is right over the border of the Mekong River, right? We really won’t be that far from each other, and I’m going to be up there for the next week or so.” He shrugged like a shy teenager, endearing himself in her heart even more.

The last thing she needed in her life was a civilian who she’d have to lie to on a regular basis about why she would be gone all the time. Working for the CIA filled the hole in her heart left by her biological parents. It gave her purpose and a focus for her anger and resentment against the drug cartels of the world who tore families apart without a second thought. She put all she had into ridding the planet of that kind of scum, and the culmination of her life’s work was about to come to fruition with this next op at the side of Thet Yaza himself, the man who ripped her from her parents.

Yet as much as her job filled one side of her, it left another hole in the other side of her heart, the romance part. But what were the chances Kamon would actually show up? He’d probably forget about her the minute they parted ways. If she didn’t exchange numbers, he’d end up asking her a million reasons why, and she really didn’t want to have to lie to him anymore than she had already. If he did call, she would just ignore him and he wouldn’t be in any danger.

“Sure, that would be great.” She handed him her phone and he did the same, each putting their respective contact information in.

Their fingers slid against each other’s as they handed their phones back and they lingered, neither one seeming to want to let go.

“Nice to meet you, Malia,” Kamon said, breaking the silence and the lock their fingers had.

“You, too, Kamon. See you around.”

She watched him walk down the hall toward baggage claim until the sea of people swallowed his body like the ocean reclaiming the sand. Malia turned down the other hallway with her carry-on suitcase where her CIA contact, Jayla McFadden, was waiting in a car to pick her up.

Malia stepped outside the airport and into the sweltering heat of Bangkok. Nothing like a surge of sweat, rotting fish from the river, and diesel to greet you. Her once shiny barrel-curls hung limp against her shoulders as the humidity crushed the life out of them. Late afternoon sunshine roasted her skin as she waited for Jayla.

As if she needed more heat to inundate her, her thoughts drifted back to Kamon and his sexy full lips and those big, brown eyes. He looked like a Polynesian god with his high cheekbones and chiseled jawline.

A small red fiat honked its horn, pulling Malia from her thoughts. Jayla waved and popped the trunk for her. Malia tossed her bag in and climbed in the passenger side.

“What’s up, my sister?” Jayla said as she pulled away from the curb, weaving in and out of traffic like a NASCAR driver. Clearly it wasn’t her first time in Bangkok.

“Good to see you, Jayla. Thanks for the pick-up.” Malia pulled her hair into a ponytail, allowing the rush of cool air from the air conditioner to hit her damp neck.

“Sorry, would have been there sooner but I got stuck behind a rickshaw in the market.” Jayla’s electric-blue and black hair bobbed in two ponytails hanging from the sides of her head as the car rumbled over the rickety road. Her black-tipped fingernails dug into the steering wheel with each dodge and weave.

“You took this thing through the market? Are you insane?” Malia blinked.

Jayla stared at her like she’d grown a second head. “Well, yeah, it’s Chocolate Banana Roti day.”

Malia giggled. “You really need to get out more.”

“Hey, I don’t get to come to Thailand that often. I’m making the most of my time here. Especially since Hound isn’t here for me to cover him in chocolate sauce, I had to improvise.” Jayla pulled into a parking garage outside the train station and handed Malia a container of chicken curry.

“Hound?” Malia asked before shoving a piece of chicken in her mouth with the chopsticks.

“Oh, Noah. Sorry. When I’m on mission I just fall into codenames. He’s my boyfriend, the Navy SEAL.” Jayla slurped a noodle into her mouth.

Malia nodded. “Right, Noah. Him, I remember you talking about. His codename, not so much. How do you make a relationship work with a SEAL? Do you ever get to see each other?”

“It was weird at first, because we were gone a lot, and the only times we ever saw each other all we did was have sex. So, for a while, that’s what we both thought the other person only wanted. But once we actually sat down and talked, it turned out to work just fine. We try and coordinate the times when we’re both not on a mission, and the absences give us the time and space needed to be our own selves. Plus, it’s great not to have to lie to the other person about our jobs. We know some things we can talk about, and others we just can’t because of security. So there’s a lot of trust, despite having to keep secrets.”

Malia sighed and thought back to Kamon and wondered what he did for a living. Maybe he was an athlete. His body certainly fit the bill, or maybe construction. Suddenly her mind drifted off to him shirtless, covered in a glistening sheen after working in the hot sun building their dream home, and her belly filled with flutters.

Jayla snapped her fingers in front of Malia’s face. “Earth to Malia. Where’d ya go?”

Malia shook her head and heat rose in her cheeks. “Sorry. Sorry. What’d you say?”

“What’s his name?” Jayla asked before slurping up a tapioca ball from her smoothie.

Malia hitched a shoulder. “What?”

“You’ve got the look of a lovesick teenager. Someone was naked in your mind.” Jayla smirked.

Malia huffed. “Kamon, and he was only half-naked.”

“Oh, sounds exotic. Did he ask you out?”

“Well, kind of. But it’s not like I can really do anything about it right now. I’m deep undercover. I can’t blow this case when I’m so close to Yaza. Besides, I can’t tell him I’m a spy. I have no clue what he does or who he is. I just met him on the plane. But we had a connection, you know? That spark you feel when there’s just something about someone, something that just inexplicably draws you to them.”

Jayla laughed. “Yeah, Hound and I had that. He saved my life three times and we ended up on a deserted island having sex during a hurricane. You’re doomed.”

“Wait.” Malia’s eyes shot open. “He saved you? You’ve got this rep through the whole agency that you’re damn near Superwoman.”

“Right?” Jayla laughed and nodded. “But he did, and that’s when I knew I was head over heels. Not because he saved me, but because I needed saving. I left myself vulnerable because I was distracted. The one person who could get to me so deep to break my concentration had to be the love of my life. When you find that, you can’t let it go. You make it work, no matter what.”

Malia sighed. Maybe there was hope she could find her own “Hound” and have a happily ever after. But could she have that with an ordinary civilian like Kamon? His life would always be in danger because of what she did. She couldn’t put him in harm’s way, but she wasn’t quite ready to give up on her life in the CIA either. Why was she even contemplating this over a man she’d only known for thirteen hours and slept on him most of that time? It was ridiculous to think about, and she needed to get her mind cleared for her mission and off the inane fantasies.

“Okay, I’ve got you loaded up with all the usual toys; tracking devices, wires, guns. You know the drill. You check in with me once you make it to the casino with this prepaid phone under the guise we’re just old friends and you’re letting me know you got to your new job safe. If you get in over your head and can’t call, you push this side button on the burner phone and it’ll send a beacon to Langley of your last known location via satellite. Got it?”

Malia nodded. “Usual protocol.”

“I’ll be just over the border in Nong Khai if you need me. Once you’ve gotten confirmation of CIA involvement, backup will arrive to get you out and a team will be sent to shut the cartel down.” Jayla clasped her hand. “Remember, you are not to take down Yaza on your own.”

Malia’s heart pounded. “What do you mean?”

Jayla stared her down, but her face softened. “I know you want to, Malia. I know your story. And believe me, if I were in your shoes, I’d want to slice and dice the bastard, too. But Langley wants him brought in alive to press him for info on other drug cartels. So I have to say it, for protocol, and because they threatened my cat if I didn’t.”

Malia nodded with clenched teeth. “Understood.”

“Now, that’s not to say that if you’re, you know, defending your life … if it’s him or you, always choose you. Bullet goes in his brain. No one can fault you for that,” Jayla said, punctuating it with a cough for effect.

A smile teetered on her lips. “Got it, boss lady.”

Jayla gripped the ends of her ponytails. “Ugh, don’t call me that. This new position of mentoring agents is already weird and makes me feel old.”

Malia winked. “Well, you are almost thirty. Still a couple years on me.”

“I’m so making you pay me back for lunch for that!” Jayla shouted as Malia exited the car and grabbed the new suitcase from the trunk, leaving the empty one she had on the plane in the car.

“Go get ‘em, Tiger,” Jayla yelled out the window.

Malia spun around. “Really? You had to go there?”

“Every time.” Jayla winked and drove off.

Jayla got the cool codename of Fox, which aptly fit with her SEAL boyfriend’s, Hound. Malia ended up with Tiger, because she attacked her martial arts instructor in a move that ended up scarring his face due to her long nails. Hyperthyroidism made them grow particularly fast. No matter how much she trimmed, they grew almost overnight, maintaining the illusion she had claws.

Malia sucked in a deep breath and headed into the train station for the ten-hour journey to Laos, and finally getting to avenge her parents.




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