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Paths: A Killers Novel, Book 2 (The Killers) by Brynne Asher (1)

Prologue - I Fucked Up


Its fucking hot.  The stench in this room is getting worse by the hour.  Its all I can do to focus on breathing. 





I never knew breathing could be a distraction, but its the only thing to focus on since its echoing in my ears from this damn thing tied over my head.  The monotony of my breathingkeeping it steady, listening to myself exhalealmost makes me forget about the pain. 

Almost, but not quite.

And as bad as the pain is, whats worse is I dont know where Crew is.  They could have himwed just separated when they got me.  Ive never fucking hated myself more than right now, knowing hes here because of me. 

The door slams.  Theyre back with more yellingagain demanding to know who I am, who sent me, and how I found them.  I get another warning, and just like all the other times, Ive learned to brace because I know somethings gonna follow. 


I bite back my groan, trying not to make a sound, but that felt like a pipe.  Hanging from one arm, those hits fucking hurt.  Im pretty sure they cracked some ribs.  Little do they know, I was taught how to take a beatingbut a pipe?  Thats new, even for me.

I go back to focusing on my breathing because theres nothing more for me to do.  I never realized how fucking big and heavy I was until all my weight is hanging by a threadthat thread being a rope, tearing through my skin.

More threats, demands, warnings.  Its all been badworse than I ever imaginedbut listening to them speak in their language, this shits about to get even worse. 

It doesn't matter how much I try, I cant control my heartbeat.  My breaths, which have been echoing in my head for whats got to be almost twenty-four hours now, get louder and faster. 

Focus, Grady.  Focus on something.

Nothing.  I cant find one fucking thing to think about besides my good hand being tied to something hard.  For the first time since they got me, I struggle.  Thrashing and twisting makes the pain worse, but fuck me, I think Im about to lose my hand, or at least my fingers one by one. 

Im not sure which would be worse. 

Yeah, I fucked up. 

My chest heaves, my lungs not able to keep up.  It doesnt matter how long this sack has been tied over my head, I suddenly feel smothered. 

Then my body jerks, and not from another strike, hit, or thrash.  I force myself to concentrate, making sure I still have all my extremities.  Its a noise.  I've used them enough, I know instantly what it is.  

A flashbang.

A lot of fucking gunfire mixed with screaming voices follow, all in their language.  The commotion around me is too much.  I tense and I feel the pain in my shoulder more than anything Ive felt so far. 

I hear bodies slam into others and two more gunshots ring out.  Thats it.


Grady?  You with me?


They didnt get him.

Even with the pain, I exhale in relief.  But I still cant utter a word.

My good arm is untied and before I know it the weight of my body is lifted.  That weight was so fucking heavy.  Never felt anything like it, not even when I was seventeen.  That weight wouldve been too much for most people at that age.  Not menot even then.  That was when I created a new path for me and my family.  Since then, Ive felt free.  Never a heavy day since. 

Until now, when I fucked up and almost got Crew killed along with me.  I almost got the one person I care about outside of my family killed and right when he found something to live for.  That path led me here, hanging by a threadbeaten, bloodied, and almost dead.

He mustve cut the rope.  I groan in pain as the blood starts to flow, even as my arm falls limp to my side.  When my ass hits the ground, Crew rips the stench-soaked cloth off my head.  I have to squint from seeing light for the first time in almost twenty-four hours.  My friend is bleeding from the mouth and a bruise is already forming on the side of his face. 

Hes serious, all business, when he demands, Im gonna pop your shoulder back in.  It cant wait, then weve gotta get out of here.

I wince and barely nod. 

Brace, Ill go on three, he warns.

I swallow and nod.  Then, I brace. 

One two …”

I scream, allowing the first sound Ive made since they got me.  Fuck!  You said three.

Crew yanks me up by my good arm and I dont know if I feel pain or relief in my shoulder.

Sorry, man.  It wouldve been worse on three.  Come on, weve gotta get the fuck outta here.

I shouldnt feel the weight.  No matter the condition of my body, all parts are still attached, and Im alive.  I should be light as a fucking feather. 

As Crew drags me out of the broken-down makeshift warehouselittered with bloody, dead bodiesIve never felt heavier.