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Steel Country Boxset by Fields, MJ (7)

Chapter Seven

Strip It Down...


I grab her a beer and open it up. She finishes it as quickly as she does the first.

“Damn, squirt.” I chuckle.

“Is the taste ever going to leave my mouth?” she whines.

With Mags watching us with that hawk eye of hers, I have to bite my lip to stop from telling her I have the magic solution under my zipper.

I crack another beer and hand it to her.

“I’m gonna be so white girl wasted,” she says, taking it and pouring it down her throat.

“Gage, the fish,” Mags says, pulling my attention from how Phoenix can swallow so damn quickly and trying to figure out the recovery period between swallows because I’m going to flood that sexy, little mouth.

I get to the fire and pull off the foil with the fish inside. Then I drop it on the table and open the packet. “Perfect.”

I look back to see Phoenix is now sitting on the picnic table bench, holding her stomach. Mags is beside her, rubbing her back.

“Thought you’d know that was something special in that mason jar.”

“Special?” she says, scrunching up her nose.

“That’s the best moonshine on the entire east coast. Triple filtered,” I tell her the same shit Mags told me the first time I got into her stash.

She nods. “Sure is.”

“I’m sorry, Mags, but I’m not buying into that bull,” Phoenix says, her head hanging low.

“You drink much?” I ask. Three beers and a couple shots of moonshine would be enough to make me fly for a good couple hours.

“No,” she grumbles.

“What did you eat today, honey girl?” Mags asks, pulling her head to her hip.

“Coffee, beer, and that...poison.”

“Yeah, you need to eat something, squirt,” I say, grabbing a fork full of fish. “Here.”

“I can’t eat that.” She sighs. “I saw it die.”

“Exactly why you should eat it—died for us to eat. Now open up.” I squat down in front of her, and she looks up at me through her long-ass lashes. “Open up, Phoenix.”

She opens her mouth, and I put the fork in it.

Her eyes widen. She looks pleasantly surprised.

“Good, isn’t it?” Mags asks.

“Mmm...” She nods as she chews.

“More?” I ask, standing up.

An hour later, she has her arms crossed on the table with her head down.

Mags shakes her head. “She’s out.”

“Should have warned her.” I laugh softly as I stand to pack up the picnic basket.

“Who would have known she didn’t know what mason jars hold?” She shakes her head.

“She does now.” I grab the basket. “You chill here. I’m gonna go get the Ranger to take you ladies up.”

“I’m gonna walk,” she says, standing.

“Mags, I gotta get her up there. Just hold up, will you?” I hurry up to the barn, knowing Mags’ stubborn ass will be trucking up the laneway if I don’t get down there. As much as I would like to be alone with a drunk Phoenix, that’s not a good damn idea after watching her come just over an hour ago.

I pull down the road, kicking up dirt behind me, and see Mags with Phoenix leaning against her.

Christ, that woman makes me scold my dick more than I had to in high school. Wonder if that shit will change once I’ve had her.

“You ready to ride?” I can’t help winking at Phoenix, who shakes her head and climbs in the back.

Mags climbs in behind her. “All right, take it easy, my boy.”

Once at the cabins, I throw it in park and look back to see Mags looking at Phoenix and get a little fucking emotional seeing the care in her eyes as she pushes her hair back from her face.

Mags has been a part of my life since I was a baby, then when we moved back to the States. I have watched her watch us, me and my brothers, with her eagle eye, and nothing but love in those sweet gray things. As I grew older, I learned about who Mags was—her past—and now respect her even more for who she is.

She’s a caretaker. She’s a mother to all who will allow it. She is love, and she is wisdom. She is now and forever family.

She looks up at me and winks.

Phoenix is a shade of green that isn’t all that fucking attractive on most, but because she’s goddammed beautiful, it works for me.

“Ready, honey girl?”

“No, just wanna sit,” she says quietly.

“Let’s sit you on the porch,” I say, climbing out.

“Just give me a few—”

She stops when I swoop her up and carry her little ass up the stairs.

“Easy,” she groans.

“Don’t do easy,” I tell her as I walk over to the glider and set her down. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

“No, you don’t have to,” she says from behind me.

“Mags, I’ll get that.” I take the picnic basket from her and motion before me. “Ladies first.”

“Such a gentleman.” She smiles. “But I should stay up with our girl.”

“I got her,” I tell her, and she looks up at me with raised brows. “It’s nothing like that.”

She smirks. “Sure it’s not.”

“Can’t have our tenant getting lost up here. Wouldn’t be good for business,” I tell her as I look at Phoenix, who’s standing up and walking toward the stairs.

“Whatever you say.” She laughs.

Once Mags is inside with her basket, I hurry over to Phoenix, who’s now walking toward the dirt road.

“What the hell are you doing?” I ask on a laugh once I get to her.

“Walking off the buzz,” she says, holding her belly.

“You got it wrong, squirt; you’re supposed to sleep it off.” I grab her as she stumbles over a rock.

“I know better. I’ve been drunk before,” she says, slowly pulling her elbow away, then repeats, “I’ve been drunk before.”

“Not sure I believe that if three beers and a few shots of moonshine got you all sorts of fucked up.”

“Few shots?” she huffs. “I drank that like it was water.”

“You also spit out a shit ton,” I remind her.

“Clearly not enough,” she says, slowing down.

“You should go back, chill, relax, and sleep,” I tell her.

“Just wanna walk it off,” she says, nearly falling again.

I grab her hand and pull her back to steady.

“Thanks,” she says, looking down at our hands.

“I’m gonna insist on holding this so you don’t fall. Might not be quick enough next time.”

She doesn’t say anything; just keeps walking.

Feels a little fucked up at my age, holding hands with a girl. Fucked up, but not horrible. Hell, maybe even good.

We end up back at the lake, where she stops and looks down at our hands and then up at me.

“I think I’m good now,” she says quietly.

“Not sure I am,” I tell her honestly.

“I don’t understand what you’re doing; why you’re doing this.”

“Not sure, either. But it feels good, so why not just let it happen?”

She looks confused, then pulls her hand away, and I let her.

“I’m not in a place to start a relationship.” She stares me straight in the eyes. “If I was, it wouldn’t be with someone like you.”

“And what exactly is someone like me?” I ask, a little fucking irritated.

She shakes her head. “Someone who just wants to get laid.”

“Be honest with yourself and answer this: what exactly do you want?”

“To be me. To be strong. To not be what everyone needs.”

“Except Mandee?”

“Mandee isn’t expecting anything from me. She’s my friend. I was able to get away from everyone and everything because of her.”

“It’s give and take with her, then,” I say, walking out onto the dock.

“Exactly.” She follows me. “See.”

“I see.” I motion to the dock, and she sits.

I sit behind her and pull her back against me. She tenses up.

“What are you doing?”

“What feels right.”

“It doesn’t feel right, Gage. It feels like you’re trying to fuck me so you can get off and get on with whatever issues you’re not dealing with.”

“Not gonna say that’s untrue.”

She elbows me, and I laugh.

“What? You got off. Did it feel wrong to you?”

She doesn’t answer.


“I’ve been cheated on, used, and deceived by people I trusted.”

“I’m not deceiving you. Been straight up with the fact I wanna fuck you. I’m not gonna use you any more than you’ll be using me. And Phoenix, I’m not asking you to be mine. I’m not here for that long. Neither are you. So, no promises will be broken. And I’m not asking you to promise me shit, either.”

“That’s not who I am,” she says quietly.

“Says the girl riding my lap a couple hours ago.”

Again, I get the elbow.

“Not being a dick. It was hot as fuck.”

“That’s not who I am.”

“Squirt, I have a feeling you have no fucking clue who you are, but I’d be glad to tear you open and show you.”

She stirs a little, but I don’t let go.

“I don’t think you know who you are, either.” She looks back at me.

“I know exactly who I am.”

She looks at me, not saying a word, with a clear question in her eyes. Who is Gage Falcon? Therefore, I give her what I can.

“Life fucks with good people, Phoenix. Can’t control anyone but you. Hell, you can’t even trust people you thought you could because they change. I’m not changing shit. I’m me. I say I’m gonna do something, I’m gonna do it.”

“Honest Gage, like honest Abe.” She smiles a little.

I nod. “Yeah. Just hope my life doesn’t end like his did.”

“Me, too.”

I am two seconds from taking her mouth because her eyes are begging for it, when she looks away.

“Fucking killing me, smalls,” I mutter then brace for the elbow.

She squirms out of my arms, and I have no choice but to let go. I have given her honest, yet she’s still lying to herself.

I get up and look out over the lake as I listen to her walk away.

I’m two seconds from giving her an expiration date on my offer when I feel hands on my back, pushing me hard. I reach back and grab her wrist as I allow myself to fall.

“No!” she cries out in a laugh, right before we hit the cold lake water.

I laugh when I pop up while she’s gasping and choking.

I grab her wrists and lift her up high. My feet touch the bottom; hers sure as hell don’t.

She stops choking. “It’s fucking cold, you ass!” Then she laughs.

“You’re flirting like a teenager, Phoenix.”

She laughs. “I am not acting like a teenager.”

“Good, ’cause you’ve got some big girl decisions to make.”

“And what decisions are they?” she asks, floating toward me.

“I’m not gonna chase ass that doesn’t want to be had. Never had to before.”

“I’m sorry I’m not a slut.” She doesn’t say it pissed off. She actually laughs.

“I can assure you I wouldn’t want you if you were,” I tell her straight up.

“But those other—”

“I was trying to...” I pause and shake my head.

“Look, if I’m going to consider doing something I never in a million years thought of doing before, you better at least treat me like you would a friend.”

“I don’t have female friends.”

She swims away, and I watch as she pushes herself up onto the dock. Then she looks back at me and smiles.

“If I’m gonna trust honest Gage, he better trust me.”

I swim over and climb out.

She’s shivering as she walks away.

I follow her up the path, soaked to the bone, just like her. She looks back a few times but keeps walking.

When I get to the Ranger, she stops on her front steps. “I’d offer you a shirt, but it wouldn’t fit.”

“Feel free to take it off, anyway.”

She rolls her eyes, hugging her body, her teeth chattering.

“Go inside and get warm,” I say as I walk up Mags’ steps to say goodnight, knowing damn well she’s waiting up to see that we made it back.

I look in the window as I start to tap and see her lying on the floor.

“Mags!” I yell as I open the door and run to her. “Come on, Mags. Babe, wake up. Wake up, Mags. Just wake up!”

“Gage?” Phoenix says, running in.

I start to lift her up, and she opens her eyes, looking at me in confusion.

“What happened?”

When I lift her, she cringes.

“Gotta put me down, my boy. It hurts.”

“What hurts?” I ask. “What hurts, Mags?”

I hear Phoenix on the phone, giving out the address to what I assume is the 911 operator.

“My hip,” she says. “I think I fell.” She puts her hand on her head. “Yes. Oh, it hurts.”

“Okay, Mags, we’re gonna get you to the hospital and get you all checked out, okay?”

“No, don’t fuss over me.”

“Mags, shut the hell up, you stubborn, damn woman.”

Mags laughs, but I know damn well she’s in pain. I know this woman better than my own mother.

“Don’t move her,” I hear Phoenix from behind me.

I look back at her. I’m pissed, scared, and she seems to get that shit.

“They’ll be here soon, okay?” She walks up and grips my shoulder, squatting down by Mags. “You get into that mason jar, Mags?”

Mags smiles. “No, honey girl, but it sounds pretty good right now.” She looks at me. “You two take a swim?”

“She pushed me in, Mags.” I laugh because I know she will get a kick out of it, and I need to see her smile.

“You deserve it?”

“Suppose so,” I tell her truthfully.

“And you pulled her in with you?”

Phoenix smiles. “Yeah, he did.”

“You two are good for each other.”

“Friends?” Phoenix asks me.

“Yeah, squirt, friends.”

“That’s my boy.” Mags squeezes my hand.

I sit on the floor, soaked, with Mags’ head on my lap, while Phoenix stands.

“I’ll be back.”

“Where you going?” I ask.

“To get you some dry clothes. I’m sure you’re gonna want to ride with her,” she says, walking out the door.

“She’s a good girl, Gage,” Mags says quietly.

“She’s a pain in the ass.”

She winks, but doesn’t say anything else. She’s hurt. Mags is fucking hurt.

Phoenix gets back at the same time as the ambulance.

Mags gives them some hell. I expected it. While she is being a pain in the ass, I change my clothes again.

I pull off my shirt, and Phoenix looks away, scowling.

I look over my shoulder at the source of her annoyance and see a female EMT checking out my back.

Shit timing, but otherwise it works.

I drop my shorts for added affect, and Phoenix looks at me, mouth dropping open.

“What?” I ask, trying not to let on that I know exactly what.

Her eyes cast down at my boxer briefs and they get wide as hell.

“You think I should turn around?” I ask.

She looks up at me. “As your friend, I’m thinking, unless you want that bimbo to grope you with her hands and not just her eyes, then you might wanna stay facing this way.”

“And as your friend, I’m asking how it feels.”

“What do you mean?” she hisses.

“That motherfucker at the bar staring at your tits pisses me off just as much as this is pissing you off.”

She opens and shuts her mouth, trying to say something smart back, like a fish trying to get air as I throw on clothes.

“Save it for when you, a grown-ass woman, can speak your truth. You want me just as much as I want you.” I turn around and walk over to the stretcher.

“Why the hell do I need an IV?” Mags snaps at the chick Phoenix was pissed at.

“Mags, let the woman do her job so we can get you to the hospital and see what we’re facing. Sooner that happens, the sooner you get back to the Landing.”

She sighs and looks up at me as the woman sticks her a few times, trying to get a vein.

It hurts her, and I hurt because she hurts. This fucking sucks.