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Sublime Vanity by Arden, Dana (4)

Chapter 5


I step into the kitchen and see my mom, Greer, Dani and Lily sitting with a cup of coffee in their hands. Missing in this scenario is Razz.

“Where’s Razz?” I ask.

“Hey honey.” My mom says gently. “She’s in your bedroom. She said she had a phone call to make. You want a beer or coffee.”

“No, I’m good. I just need to see Razz.”

I walk up the stairs and notice our bedroom door is cracked. I hear Razz talking to someone. I don’t want to eavesdrop, but after having Sadie completely devastate my trust in women I find myself doing something I normally wouldn’t.

“Jimmy, I need you to put a tail on her again. She came here today pregnant and trying to put the baby on Trigger.” Again. What the fuck is going on? “I know you got plenty of shit on her the last time, but this time she’s threatening my family.” She quiets for a few. “She said she went back to Louisiana. She just showed up here after being gone for four months. It just doesn’t add up. She gets word that Trigger’s planning to propose to me and then without a second thought she’s back in Cumming to make sure he doesn’t.” I slip through the door and she lifts her eyes to mine and puts up her index finger telling me to give her a second. “Thank you. If you need anything let me know. I don’t care what it is. I need to figure out her game plan before she does something that we can’t fix.” She ends the call and lays the phone on the bed. “We have shit to talk about but I don’t want to have to repeat myself so can you get your Dad, Ryker and Spook and meet me downstairs.”

I wrap her up in my arms and kiss the top of her head. “Sure. I’m sorry about today, darlin’.”

She shakes her head no. “It’s not your fault. After I finish telling you what I need to tell you, you’ll probably be pissed at me.”

“I could never be mad at you. I love you too much to let something that involves Sadie put a wedge between us.”

“We’ll see.” She whispers.


Once I have everyone at the table in the kitchen, Razz comes downstairs carrying a moving box in her arms. She sets it on the table, but doesn’t lift her head before she speaks.

“I need to get this all out before anyone speaks. I know what I’m going to say and show you will probably piss you off, but you have to understand that even if I came to you with this proof, you wouldn’t have believed me. Sadie has a way of spinning everything so that you feel sorry for her or a way of turning the truth around so that someone else was to blame.”

She starts unloading documents and sets them in front of Dani. “When you thought Jolene was taking from the bar, I set up a wireless camera in the office.” She hands Dani a flash drive. Dani opens her mouth, but Razz waves her off. “I wasn’t able to get any evidence to who was actually taking the money, but I got plenty of Sadie in compromising positions.”

She pulls another flash drive from the box along with a manilla folder. She hands them to my dad. My dad scans through the paperwork and blanches. “When you all were in Blairsville dealing with everything going on with Greer, I was at the Clubhouse. Queenie wanted me to make sure that one of the rooms was cleaned and ready in case Greer and Ryland came home with ya’ll. When I was done with the room and was coming down the hall to leave, I saw Sadie coming out of your office.” My dad looks like he’s about to blow. “Please let me finish.” He nods. “I followed her to an abandon building in Milton. She took the folder in and came back out five minutes later with a smile on her face. She pulled off and I waited to see who came out.” I take Razz in. Her hands are shaking and her face is pale. “It was the leader of the Blue Enigma.” She stares at my dad for a few seconds and then lowers her head. “I approached him to get the folder back. I knew it had to be important if a gang wanted it. After about an hour of negotiating with him, he finally told me that Sadie was the one to approach him with the idea of blackmailing the club, so they could sell their product in Cumming. He paid her ten-thousand dollars for the information. I paid him twenty-five to give the information back and keep his dealings outside of Cumming.”

“Razz.” My dad rumbles. “They could’ve killed you. Why didn’t you tell us this?”

Razz holds up her hands. “He wasn’t going to hurt me because I helped plenty of his family when he was locked up. Let me finish and I’ll explain why I didn’t tell you.”

She digs through the box again. She lifts another flash drive and folder from the box and hands the folder to Greer and the flash drive to Spook. “Greer, after Dimitri was taken down I hired Rose to keep an eye out for anything regarding you on the internet.” Greer nods with tears in her eyes. “About two months after you came home, Rose called and said that there had been an explosion of pictures and videos of you that hit the web. She traced everything down to a punk kid who had received it from an anonymous person. I sent Mad Dog the address and Rose wiped the pictures and videos off the internet. She, also, tracked down who had watched them or saw the pictures. Each and every computer she connected them to, she gave it a virus that couldn’t be wiped clean.”

More digging into the box and another folder pulled out, she hands a folder to Lily. “Your ex only sent you the flowers. The rest was bought and sent by Sadie. I didn’t know that until after everything had run its course and he was gone. I’m sorry I couldn’t have found out sooner.”

Hands in the box, she pulls out three thick folders and places them in front of me. “Before you open them, I need you to listen to me.” I nod still trying to wrap my head around all this new insight into Razz. “Remember when you came back home from your second tour in Afghanistan.” I nod again. “I gave you the picture of Sadie and old man Jefferson.”

“Yes.” I answer warily.

“You told me that I faked the picture to tear you and Sadie apart. You told me to stay out of your business, because there was nothing I could say that would change how much you loved Sadie.”

“I remember.” I mumble.

“When you left from your break to go back to Jacksonville for duty, Sadie cornered me at Dani’s and told me that if I didn’t back off she was going to make sure that you and the MC would disown me. She said she would spin the story that I was the one causing the MC grief, so I never brought anything up to you again. I wasn’t trying to ruining your happiness. I wasn’t trying to do anything that would benefit me. I just didn’t want you to spend the rest of your life with a woman who didn’t give two shits about you or your family.”

“The club wouldn’t have disowned you, Razz. You’ve been apart of this family since you were little.”

She shakes her head at me. “You have no clue the type of woman she is.” She takes her eyes from mine and stares at my mom. “Remember when you thought someone was stealing your mother’s jewelry?” My mom nods and her eyes begin to water. Razz pulls an antique jewelry box out and slides it to my mom. “You went to Ernest’s Pawn Shop and they didn’t have anything, but told you if it came in they’d let you know.”

“Yes.” My mom croaks.

Razz takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. “I’ve had a private investigator following Sadie for years now. He’s local and I trust him. He put a tracker on Sadie’s car that is undetectable and every time the car moves, it sends a notification to his phone. Queenie, when you came back from the pawn shop without your mother’s jewelry, I called him and told him to be on the lookout for a possible pawn shop alert. A month later, Sadie drove to downtown Atlanta to Mercy Pawns. I went to Atlanta the next day and told the owner that the jewelry was stolen and he was able to give me a description as well as the video feed from the previous day. Sadie made a couple of grand off your jewelry.” She hands a flash drive to my dad. “This is the proof of her selling it.”

Razz walks to the cabinet and pulls out a glass filling it with water from the sink. She sets the empty glass on the counter and turns back to us. “I never told you all my suspicions or even my truths of Sadie because she’s manipulated most of you for almost a decade. When I tried to intervene, I was shot down and made to feel stupid. There’s just so much one person can take from the person she’s loved all her life before she snaps.” She looks at me and I start to rise from my chair, but she shakes her head. “I’m not finished.”

“What the fuck else could there be?” My dad bellows.

Razz chuckles but it isn’t pleasant. “Sadie didn’t lie about going back to Louisiana. The address she stayed at is the home of one Albin Breaux. He’s lived there his whole life. He has one daughter, Serafina Adélaïde Breaux, but we know her as Sadie.” She pulls another folder out of the box and tosses it onto the middle of the table. “Here’s some more of Sadie’s truths.” She glances around the table at each and every one of us then she turns, grabs her keys and walks out the door.