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Surly Bonds by Michaels, English (34)

“Love You Inside Out”



“You get Solomon; I’ll find his food and bowls and litter box stuff. Hurry, angel. Dinner was delicious, but I’m very, very hungry.” He made no effort to disguise the need in his dark eyes. I nodded, unlocking the door with shaking hands, and reached down to heft Solomon into my arms. His eyes narrowed on me, and I was greeted with an accusatory meow. His substantial paws immediately pushed me away, and he sailed to the floor with a solid thump.

“Mmm. Pissed.” Nathan shook his head, chuckling. “We must have the two most ill-tempered domestic animals in the Southwest.”

“Likely.” I’d begun throwing a few necessities into a small tote…toothbrush, cleansers, and lotions. Shorts, a couple of tees, and sandals. I stuck my head out of the bedroom door to see Nathan expertly stacking litter and kitty food into an empty litter box. “But the real problem is that Sol is clairvoyant. He knows he’s spending the weekend in someone else’s house. And he probably knows there’s a d-o-g.”

Nathan’s grin was indulgent. He grabbed my bag as I snapped it shut, and I dropped to my stomach to fish Solomon out from his hidey-hole under the sofa. “So your fortune-telling feline also understands you?”

“Well, obviously.” I extricated a terribly reluctant Solomon with a grunt and was rewarded with a death glare and fourteen pounds of dead-weight pussycat. Sol was staging a kitty protest—go limp. He’d probably break into “Michael, Row the Boat Ashore” at any moment.

Nathan held the door for us, snapped the porch light on, and locked up behind us. “Wouldn’t it then follow that he could also spell?”

“Now, Nate. That’s just ridiculous. Whoever heard of a spelling cat?”

The entire extraction effort had been seamlessly planned on the short trip from the restaurant. Nathan wanted me in his bed and his house. We both had a long weekend, and he wasn’t interested in rushing between houses to tend livestock. Anyway, he’d reasoned curiously, the animals should get accustomed to each other.

Mayze certainly had her suspicions about my late arrival, but she didn’t notice Solomon’s emerald eyes studying her—plotting her imminent demise—from his perch in the back of the GTO. We wouldn’t bother introducing these two charmers tonight. It would be a process and one that would begin tomorrow. Mayze was let outdoors for an evening constitutional while I installed Sol in Nate’s room.

The door opened after only a few minutes, and Nathan slipped wordlessly inside. In one large hand, he carried two wine glasses and a bottle of red, already open and breathing. He sat the glasses on the nightstand, poured generously, and silently bent to where I sat on his bed, kissing my mouth thoroughly. My arms reached for him, ready to pull him onto his bed and inside me, but he caught my hands and held them.

“I have something for you, babe.” He opened the nightstand drawer and handed me a silky drawstring bag from a store I recognized as a very expensive lingerie boutique. Loosening the strings, I drew out an exquisite silk chemise, the barest blush pink, with soft, candyfloss embroidered lace frothing along the hem. It may have been the most beautiful item of clothing I’d ever held in my hands.

I didn’t know what to say. It was a terribly intimate gift. And an unexpected one, considering the apparent lack of occasion.

“Thank you, Nate. I’m at a bit of a loss, I’m afraid. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything as lovely as this.”

His voice was very quiet. “I discovered it was very difficult to find something worthy to cover your nakedness. Even this”—his fingers caressed the fabric—”seemed a poor choice for the job. But it was the best I could do.”

I marveled at the workings of the heart and mind of this man. My man. Yes…mine. Such a deeply thoughtful and romantic gift. Was he beginning to think of me as his?

“I’m happy to wear something so beautiful for you, Nathan. But why cover me at all?” I smiled and raised one eyebrow playfully.

Again he reached into the drawer, returning with two fat candles and a long match. He lit the candles as he spoke. “Mmmm. Yes, why cover those beautiful breasts, soft pink nipples? All that velvety skin?” His eyes darkened again, and he turned off the remaining lamp, leaving the room bathed in candlelight alone. “Because I can’t afford the distraction of the heaven between your thighs tonight when I say the things to you I need to say.”

Things? What things? Now my heart was pounding and singing at once. And my mouth was hanging open—not cute, Cam. Shut it.

Nathan handed me a glass of wine. “I’m going to put on something more comfortable. Why don’t you enjoy some wine while you do the same? It’s one of my favorite pinot noirs.” With that, he picked up his wine and sauntered into the master bathroom, whistling softly. Sauntered.

The chemise was like sliding into a pale pink cloud. If my nipples were a true distraction, there might be issues, but we would cope somehow. I turned the bed linens back. Hmmm. Could it be? Another linen snob—we were truly a match made in heaven. A double set of oyster-colored Charter Club shadow striped sheets with a real silk blanket sandwiched between the first and second set. Four real down pillows. Well done, Nathan.

I was still caressing the sheets pornographically when the bathroom door opened, and Nathan stepped back into his bedroom, near enough to naked that I forgot pretty much everything. His body was long and lean, and the candlelight illuminated the muscles of his arms and abs as he moved across the room toward me. He wore loose jersey lounge pants, button-up rather than drawstring, with the top button oh-so-fortunately undone. The sleek smattering of dark hair there served to remind me that heaven didn’t lie only between my thighs. A sizable bulge was already obvious between his legs, and the soft material of those pants did little to conceal an erection that would pleasure me considerably, but later. I was anxious to hear what weighed on Nathan’s mind—or heart—first. Eyes meeting mine, he reached to relocate Solomon from where he’d parked himself on the corner of the bed. He groaned and reached for his lower back, feigning injury at Sol’s chubbiness.

“He’s half pig,” I deadpanned.

“I don’t doubt it.” Nate gently deposited my fat baby in his stupidly plush travel bed at the corner of the room and was immediately rewarded with a brief hiss and Sol’s signature death glare.

Nathan settled his long frame easily into bed beside me where I’d stretched out comfortably on two of the plush pillows. He passed me a wine glass before lifting his own to toast, “To the beauty I see inside you and to your beautiful body…I must be crazy to cover it, even for a minute.” He grinned and enjoyed a healthy drink from his glass, all the while perusing the length of me, barely covered in the dreamy blush silk.

He swallowed the wine, and his handsome features relaxed into warmth, all focused on me. I snuggled into the protective curve of his arm and waited.

“So. You don’t date?” The grin was back. “Me, either, babe. Now that I see more of the whole picture, it all fits together. We weren’t looking. I didn’t think I should replace Eliott because my love for her was so deep and her death ruined me. I was hard broke. But I see now that I don’t have to denounce what existed then to try again. Even Eliott always said that you should never give up…she had a saying about that.”

It was my turn to grin. Nate had no way of knowing how much that idea meant to me. He’d never asked about my tattoo; things were always too heated by the time I was naked. “The idea of trying again has been so important to me. I’ll tell you the story sometime. But it got me through some very dark days following the attack and Amos’s death.” I loved how his eyes studied me while I spoke; I knew that he listened to me intently.

“It hasn’t been a lengthy courtship, so far, and I’d say things are going very well.” Another devastating grin. “But people who are wired the way I am tend to put things on timelines, and I sense very strongly that’s a mistake I don’t want to make with you. Everything about the way I feel about you is too important to risk a misstep.” I could feel my body tense. I couldn’t see the direction Nate was taking this; but, all at once, I was completely sure where I wanted him to go. Nathan took my wine glass and sat it deliberately, along with his own, on the nightstand.

“The point is this, Camille Elizabeth.” He gathered me carefully into his arms and looked, as he had already done many times, deep into me. “I am in love with you. It’s not just an emotional pronouncement, although it is emotional. It’s just right; I can feel it down to my bones. You are meant to be mine, and I want to be all yours if you’ll have me.” He swallowed hard. “Cami, I don’t know if I’m blindsiding you, and I don’t want you to feel like you need to…”

I didn’t mean to do it, I really didn’t, but I almost knocked the big man out of his bed when I jumped on top of him, rolling him half over and onto me, my tears spilling over and mixing instantly with laughter and surprise. “Nathan Morgan, I love you. So, so much. It feels like I’ve waited forever for you to find me.”

His mouth was on mine in a second, sweetly nibbling and nipping at my lips before gaining entrance to leisurely explore inside. Big warm hands moved under the gown, stroking my belly, then the tender underside of both breasts. After long moments spent languorously tending me, he paused to carefully release both delicate straps of the gown, fully exposing my breasts and both tight pink nipples more fully to his touch. His mouth wasn’t far behind, kissing tenderly at first and then more passionately. “Love you, Cami,” he murmured. “So much, baby.”

His hands tugged at my gown and his lounge pants, removing both with little ceremony, and then his mouth was at my ear. His voice was serious, urgent. “Need to spend tonight inside you, angel. I want to give you everything you can imagine and some things you haven’t thought of yet. I’m going to pour myself into you, mark you with my seed. Make you mine.” He hesitated a moment, breathing heavily. “Is that what you want, too, Camille?”

It was my turn for my hands to travel down his glorious body. I gripped his narrow hips, fingers massaging the muscles of his tight ass. I pulled him to me until the length of his erection warmed my belly. “I need all of it, Nathan. I need your hands and mouth, your heart and your cock. Make love to me. Let me come, make me come. Give me what I need; mark me, all of me. I have to have everything. Love me right now, Nate.”

He dropped between my legs with a pained groan, licking my breasts and stomach as he descended. I’d expected a kiss, and I got one. But it was my pussy, not my mouth that was slowly opened and thoroughly explored by Nate. He settled between my widely outstretched legs, pushed my knees wide and high, and blew warm breath across the tender, swollen labia. He lapped from one side to the other with the widest part of his tongue, tasting me, and rubbed a bristled cheek against my thigh while he swallowed, letting me know he loved my taste in his mouth. His head rested against my thigh, and he fed leisurely, licking and caressing. Occasionally, his pointed tongue teased under the hood of my clit, bathing the knot as it swelled and throbbed. I grew increasingly restless, lifting myself from the bed toward his mouth.

“Getting closer, angel? I want you to come in my mouth. Love the way you taste…” He continued to feast on my pussy, suckling and groaning as he swallowed what I gave him, all the while teasing my clit in search of my orgasm. Finally, there were two warm fingers at my wet entrance.

“You’re nice and creamy wet, baby. Your pussy’s ready for me now; relax and let me in. Time for you to come and get ready for my cock.” His tongue lapped rhythmically at my clit, and he filled me gently with his two thick fingers, beginning at once to stroke the front wall. My hands clutched the sheets, but it wasn’t difficult to come with Nathan in control of my body. He thrust slowly and deeply, circling my clit insistently with his tongue. When he eased me over the edge, it wasn’t a crash but an easy slide. Utterly pure, perfect, and intensely sweet in a way only pleasure delivered at the hands and mouth of the man who loved me could’ve been. Measured waves of bliss rolled over me as my man groaned into my core, slowing with me as the orgasm waned and my eyes finally fluttered open.

He slowly straightened over me, and I took in all that was Nathan, hard and wanting me. He knelt between my still-splayed knees and let his eyes study my naked body in the dim light offered by the candles. One hand lightly rubbed the silky mat of hair along his lower stomach, coming to rest in a firm grip around his hard cock. The other hand moved to his mouth, and he thoroughly cleaned my arousal from his fingers. I noticed idly how he never seemed to miss an opportunity to taste me; what was more, his enjoyment was genuine. His eyes continued their perusal of my body, and his hand began lazily to stroke his length. Then he spoke quietly.

“I don’t know that there’s anything I love more than making you come, Cami. The noises you make…the way you taste, baby. I can’t get enough. But tonight is about me marking you, do you understand?”

I nodded hesitantly. “I think so.”

He stopped stroking his cock and eased himself close until I felt his chest brush my taut nipples, supporting his weight on his elbows. The generous head of his erection was warm and slick with precum as it prodded my center, so gently, sliding upward each time, across my very sensitive clit. The beginning of the climb toward a second orgasm had already begun, but Nate stilled. Then he unexpectedly pushed the head of his cock just inside the entrance of my pussy, wresting a moan from my lips. My eyes flew open, and I held my breath.

“Look at me, Camille. Breathe, baby.”

I nodded and breathed again, almost ready to take him.

“Such a sweet, tight little pussy my angel has.” His voice grated, and his eyes looked right at mine as he pressed himself into me, slow and unrelenting. “Take your man’s cock, baby.”

I was ready and needy, but he was so much to take. The beat of my heart marked the seconds as Nate tormented me with his deliberate intrusion. My core felt a heavy, pressing want, craving the thrusts I knew would send me flying. I busied my hands, exploring the width of his chest, brushing tight, coffee-colored nipples with a thumbnail and eliciting a groan. His eyes fluttered shut as he struggled to maintain control. He didn’t just love me. He wanted to make me all his.

“Just a couple more inches, angel.” His hips worked. “You feel so good, Camille. So fucking good.” One of his large hands reached under my bottom, gripping a cheek, and tilted it upward slightly. He bent his handsome face to mine, brushed my lips with his, and seated his length firmly inside me, our hipbones finally resting against one another.

His lips dropped to my ear and ground out one fiercely whispered word: “Mine.”

Yes, I thought as he began to move inside me. All his.




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