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TACKLE (Boston Terriers Book 4) by Jacob Chance (6)

Chapter Five


Tearing my helmet off, I drop it to the ground and grab the white towel from the bench. Wiping the perspiration from my hair and face, I scan the crowd for Grace once more. I haven’t seen any sign of her, although Amelia and Leah are here. I was distracted throughout much of the game wondering where she is and why she didn’t show. I invited her and made it clear I wanted her to come. What made her decide not to attend?

“Good game, bro.” Owen thumps his palm on my back. “What are your plans now?”

“I’m heading back to the apartment, I guess.” I was hoping to spend time with Grace, but now that’s not happening and I have nothing else on tap.

“I’m heading to C’s with some of the guys if you want to go. Amelia and Leah are coming too.” Maybe I can find out from them what’s up with Grace.

“I’m up for that. A cold beer sounds like just what I need.” We gather up our helmets, water bottles, and towels and make our way to the locker room. Coach enters as soon as we’re inside.

“That was a good game, boys. Not bad for so early in the season. Each week we need to play better than the last. There’s no space for letting off, we need to go balls to wall if we want to dominate. Moving forward I’d like to see more third down conversions, but all in all it was a decent showing. And it’s another W in the books that we needed.”

Shouting and whistling resonates as we celebrate our victory. Today was an important game because we won against one of our biggest division rivals.

“Let’s hit the showers and get out of here. I texted Amelia that we’d meet them out front in ten.”

* * *

Owen raises his shot of whiskey. “Here’s to many more wins this season. To winning.”

A chorus of “to winning,” rises above the clinking of glass as we bang the rims together. In a synchronized motion we all down the golden liquid and slam the empty glasses onto the bar. Even Amelia and Leah join in the toast. I was pleasantly surprised they ordered whiskey too. I expected them to request some girly shot instead, but I probably shouldn’t assume such things. These two are badass chicks. I lean over toward Amelia and ask the question I’ve been holding back since we left the stadium.

“Where’s Grace tonight? Aren’t you three joined at the hip?”

“She’s supposed to be on her way as we speak.” She is? My eyes scan the area by the door in hopes of seeing her.

“How come she didn’t make the game?”

“She had to work earlier, and when she got home she told us to go without her.”

“Where does she work?” I’ve never thought to ask her myself. I’m an inconsiderate asshole.

“Her parents own a restaurant in Somerville.”

“Oh yeah? Which one?”

“It’s called Davis Square Cafe. They serve breakfast and lunch only.”

“Nice. We’ll have to go there sometime and check it out.”

“Lincoln, get back over here and do another shot.” Nolan shouts, waving me over.

“If you guys need anything give me a holler.” I tip my head toward the group of guys next to us.

“We’ll be fine. I can handle myself.” Amelia smirks. “I have two older brothers.”

“I’m sure you can, but Zeke would have my ass if something happened to you and I’m right here and could have prevented it.” I edge back over to my friends, stepping around a couple of patrons ordering drinks.

“Here.” Owen holds out another whiskey shot. Taking it from him, I glance at the front of the bar, but there’s still no sign of Grace. Damn it. Did she change her mind? “Okay, boys. This shot’s for successfully finding holes. And I don’t only mean holes for Nolan to jet through on the field.”

We all laugh and shout, “to holes,” drawing chuckles and side-eyes from the throng gathering near the bar.

“Nolan, how’s it feel to be in the big city after being stuck in Vermont at an all male prep school?” Flynn inquires.

“It’s awesome. I feel like I just got out of jail after being locked up for four years.”

“It’s gotta be a culture shock for you,” Owen offers. “Not just the area, but having so many hot girls around all the time.”

“It is somewhat. I’ve been to cities before, guys. I’ve just never lived in one. You know Vermont isn’t far from here.”

“It might as well be the other end of the world,” Flynn laughs. “Back to the no girls thing. You went to school with all dudes?”

“Yep, I did.”

“How did you get laid?” Flynn questions.

Nolan chuckles and tucks his chin before raising his head once more. “I didn’t.”

“What?” we all guffaw while Nolan turns red.

“Dude, have you remedied that since you’ve been here?” Owen asks. Nolan slowly ticks his head from side to side.

“Nope, not yet.”

“What are you waiting for?” I raise a brow, curious to know the answer.

“I don’t know. I’m not good at talking to girls.”

“Dude, you’re the starting running back on the Terriers. That alone will get you laid. You barely need to speak. Just smile and tip your head toward the bedroom and someone will come running,” Flynn instructs.

He gives a dismissive shrug and I can tell he doesn’t want to talk about this anymore. Leaning back on the bar I point my gaze his way. “I feel kinda disappointed we never really got the chance to prank you. They’ve really cracked down on hazing, and the punishments doled out would mean being suspended from playing. You’re lucky none of us wanted to risk getting caught.”

“Especially when you’re captains,” Owen broaches, raising a good point. As the two team captains, Owen and I must exemplify model players. That means our work ethic stands above all others and we follow all rules - not just the ones we don’t mind. Coach gave us a whole spiel about how there can be no exceptions and if our behavior is questionable at all, we’ll be replaced. And since neither of us wants to lose captain status, we do what we have to. If that means letting the rookies off easy, then so be it.

Raising my hand to flag down the bartender, and as he moves down to our end of the bar, I spot Grace standing with her friends a few feet away. How did I miss her walking in? She smiles at something Amelia says but she looks tired.

“What can I get for you?”

“Two Heinekens, please.” I continue studying her until the bartender slides both bottles in front of me. I hand off some bills and scoop the beers up.

“Hey, where’s our beers Mr. One Way?” Owen calls out.

“Sorry, fellas. I’ve got more important things to do.” Popping my eyebrows up and down, I grin before stalking Grace’s way. I’m almost upon her before she notices, but when she does a scowl mars her beautiful face.

“Ladies,” I acknowledge them before turning to Grace. “I got this for you.” I hold out the green bottle. She hesitates before closing her fingers around it. “There are no strings attached,” I jest, my left cheek arcing up in a half smile. “Can I talk to you for a minute?” Her eyes bounce between Amelia and Leah before meeting mine.

“Sure.” I clasp her hand and move us down to the two empty stools that just became available. “Have a seat.” She plucks her hand free and slides onto the swiveling seat. I sink down onto the stool next to hers. “Why did you leave last night? I went to find you, but you were gone.”

“I didn’t want to be a third wheel or ruin your game.”

“You could never be a third wheel, Grace. You were the one I wanted to spend time with.”

“I’m sure your night ended much better with her than it would have with me.”

“You’d be wrong. About thirty seconds after you walked away I went looking for you. By the time I realized you’d left and went outside, there was no sign of you.” Her hands cup the bottle as she stares down at it. “Grace, did you hear me? You left for no reason.” She lifts the bottle to her gloss slicked lips, taking a deep pull. And then another until half the beverage is gone. What’s going on with her?

“I’m sorry if you looked for me. I didn’t mean to waste your time.”

“You didn’t waste my time. But I’d rather have spent the rest of the night getting to know you better.”

“What’s the point, Trevor? Nothing will ever happen between us.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because you’re not my type. So now you’re off the hook.”

“Ouch. What’s that supposed to mean? What’s wrong with me?” This is interesting. I’ve never been so harshly dismissed as not someone’s type before. Why is she so adamant about this?

“I don’t want to get into rehashing everything. You can’t help the way you were raised anymore than I can change how I was.”

“What’s wrong with the way I was raised?” My tone rises as the frustration begins to hit me.

“Nothing. I’m not saying anything is.”

“What exactly are you saying? If you’ve got something to get off your chest go for it.”

“I don’t. We were brought up differently and we should agree to keep our distance from one another. Here we are arguing and there’s no reason for it. You go your way and I’ll go mine. It’s an easy fix.” She shrugs, carelessly. Does she really not care? Fuck it. I don’t need to beg some chick to pay attention to me.

“Okay. Message received loud and clear. I’m sorry for bothering you.” Rising from the stool, I don’t spare her a glance. “See ya around.”

What the hell’s her problem? I’ve been nothing but nice and she wants to sling insults my way. Fuck that. I don’t need to put up with being treated poorly. I was trying to be nice and she shut me down rudely. Tipping my beer back, I swallow down the remainder and slide the empty bottle along the bar, edging in next to Owen.

“Hey, what’s going on?” he questions.

“Not much. I just got shot down, brutally.”

“By Grace?”

“Yep. I don’t know what her problem is, but I’m done, man. I’m not gonna beg her to give me a chance. I’m a nice guy and I like her enough to put some legit effort in, but if she can’t see me for who I am, then I’m not wasting anymore time on her.”

“Don’t make any decisions tonight. Maybe she had an off day.”

“It’s possible. Or maybe she’s just got a stick up her ass.”

“She doesn’t seem like the kind of girl to be dramatic about things.”

“I didn’t think so either, but I saw a different side of her tonight.”

“Which makes me think something’s going on for sure. She’s never been like that. Although, you guys definitely have some weird love/hate thing going on.”

“I like to call it sexual tension.”

Owen laughs, “Is that what it is? I guess it could be.”

“Come on, you can’t tell when you’re near us?”

“I don’t really pay attention, but I will next time.” He glances over my shoulder. “Her eyes are practically drilling a hole in your back at this very moment. Maybe you’re right?”

“Of course I am. I just don’t know if I feel like putting in more effort to do anything about it. I’m all for hard work, but if she’s a lost cause then I’m only wasting time. I’m not really one for spinning my wheels.”