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Taken by Temptation: Rage Ryders MC by Liberty Parker (20)




Three more weeks have passed since Brady, Justice and I had a couple of beers together as we sat in the common room. Tensions have been at an all-time high with all of the guys. Sometimes it feels as if I’m walking on eggshells to not make matters worse. The guilt I’m carrying knowing that their temperaments are due to what’s come to them because of me is eating me alive. Justice has been keeping to himself more than usual, I can’t help but miss the friendship he and I were building. They’ve been having daily meetings, which is in of itself something out of the ordinary. It’s never happened until recently, since all of my bullshit followed me here.


If there was something I could do to help, besides turning myself over to Johnny, I would do it. The thought of never seeing Brady again, holding him and loving him isn’t something I’m willing to give up just yet—if ever. I know myself though, and if it’s the only way to keep a shit storm from hurting my friends, I’ll do it. I’ll sacrifice myself for the safety and good of my new-found family. First, I’m going to let this play out and see where it goes before I even consider giving myself over. Biding time isn’t easy, but I think if given enough time, things may come to a resolution. These guys know what they’re doing.


I’m back to waking up alone again, Brady says it’s only temporary that they’ve found a solution and I should just give it a little more time. Time, that four letter word, she’s mean to me. I’ve done nothing but tread through time as life marches on. I’m now living in time instead of it passing me by. Instead of allowing myself to be aggravated by his words, I use them instead to know that he’s fighting for our future and I need to stand beside him as he does. This is a new position for me, used to being told what to do, this time it’s different. He’s asking me to stand by him and help him out with the bitch, time.


I’m in the kitchen preparing lunch for the guys when I hear the meeting room door open. It’s nothing fancy, just a lot of frozen pizzas I threw in the oven and some bags of potato chips for everyone to throw on their plates. We’ve gotten ourselves a new club babe, her name is Tasha, and man she’s a bitch. She’s always giving me snide looks and talks at me instead of to me. As if I owe her a damn thing. She’s got a lot to learn, because if the guys catch her she’s in deep shit. They don’t put up with their Ol’ ladies being treated like shit.


“Better hurry it along, miss snobby pants. Sounds like the natives are getting restless, they’ll want some grub and a good fuck. Something I’m sure you don’t know how to do,” the bitch has the nerve to say to me. She goes to walk past me and my foot may or may not have stuck itself out and tripped her. She lands flat on her chest and I mock surprise on her behalf.


“Damn, I hope you didn’t pop that tit bag of yours. You know, the ones you carry around on your chest. Since we all know those things aren’t real. What were they, a black Friday deal? I think they messed up, one is bigger than the other.”


“You bitch!” she screams at me as she comes at me to attack. I drop the pan I had in my hands on the stove and get ready for my first-ever cat fight. I think I can take this bitch. Lord knows, I’ve wanted to scratch her damn eyes out since the day she joined us. She comes at me with her claws extended and I have my fist bunched up and ready to go. She, however, doesn’t make it to me before she’s lifted from her feet and tossed to the side. She looks like a rag doll as she flies through the air.


I look over and see Brady’s chest heaving in anger. “I know you were not about to put your filthy paws on my Ol’ lady.” I hear the door to the kitchen open and there stands Justice, Tic and Wasp, all with angered expressions on their faces.


“What’s going on in here, brother?” Justice asks Brady as if I’m not standing here. It was happening to me! I should be the one answering questions. Before I can let them know that, Brady beats me to the punch.


“All I know is I came in here to check on my Ol’ lady and this bitch,” he says, while pointing his finger at Tasha. “Was going to attack Bristol. She needs to be taught a lesson in manners. Nobody, and I mean no motherfuckin’ one touches my girl!” he screams in outrage.


“That cow tripped me!” Tasha screams out to the men.


“I did,” I tell them, “She insulted me. Hell, she’s been doing it since the day she arrived, but I’ve bitten my tongue and tried to be a good Ol’ lady by ignoring it. Today was the last straw! I can’t take her mouthy innuendoes and the way she talks to me anymore. I’m sorry, I just can’t.” I puff out, my chest is heaving in anger. “Someone might want to check that her silicone isn’t leaking from those fake boobs of hers. She landed pretty hard on her chest,” I say and each ot the guys has a surprised look on their faces at my outburst. “What?” I ask to no one in general.


“Woooeee, your girl’s got some fire!” Justice tells Brady, who has a huge smile on his face now. Pride shining in his eyes, which is making me feel like all is right in my world.


“That she does my man, that she does.” He comes over to me and plants a kiss on my lips. As he devours my mouth, I hear Tasha speak.


“She wouldn’t know how to strike a match, let alone let one burn. She’s nothing.” Expecting one of the men to be the ones to say something, imagine my surprise when it’s Ashton and Kori that speak up on my behalf.


“Hey Ashton, I think this girl needs to learn how an Ol’ lady is treated around here.” Ashton gives out a laugh that I would’ve never expected to come from her.


“Yes, Kori my dear, I do believe she does. Wasp baby, could you take her into the interrogation room please? Kori and I have some lessons that this new babe needs to learn.”


“It would be my pleasure,” Wasp tells her as he takes a screaming Tasha out of the room. She’s screaming all kinds of curse words right now, and I can’t be more delighted in the fact that I know she’s not going to have a pleasant experience at these two ladies’ hands.


“Coming Bristol?” Ashton asks me. I’m dumbfounded and it must show on my face. “You’re an Ol’ lady, Bristol, this is part of our job, keeping these bitches in line. Come on now,” she tells me and I follow like a little lost puppy, not knowing what to expect once we get into the room. The room is a wide-open space only consisting of two chairs that face one another. One has cuffs installed on the front feet and the back of the chair. I’ve never ventured into this room before, and even though it’s not a lot to take in, it’s all fresh and new to me.