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Tank (The Bad Disciples MC Book 3) by Savannah Rylan (66)


I wasn’t about to give in that easily. Nancy had a tight grip on my arm and I knew she wanted me to herd out with the rest of the girls, but I jerked my arm away from her.

“I want to speak to Viper, first,” I snapped at her. I knew she was just doing her job and she’d get into trouble if she didn’t do it correctly, but I wasn’t going down without a fight. I could see the look of fear mixed with anger in Nancy’s eyes and I crossed my arms over my breasts.

“I’m not going anywhere till I’ve spoken to Viper,” I said.

The other girls were standing around us, glaring at me. If they admired me for my courage; they were keeping it to themselves. Outwardly, they could only pretend to hate me for delaying them from what was inevitably about to happen.

Nancy had her jaws clenched at me.

“You have to do as I say, Scarlet. You’re the club’s property now,” she said and now Candy spoke up.

“We all are,” she added.

“I have to speak to Viper first,” I repeated myself in a hissing voice and Nancy rolled her eyes at me.

“You’re going to get us all killed if you keep up this attitude,” she said and I shook my head.

“Just let me speak to Viper,” I said, in a louder voice and then we heard footsteps. I looked up to see Viper approaching us. He had a gun in his hand and two other Dragon Knights with him.

“Viper!” I said, rushing towards him. I’d sweet talk my way out of this if I had to. These guys were drinking with me at the bar just the previous night. Surely, they’d be sympathetic to me.

“Hello, sugar,” he said and grabbed my shoulders when I came up to him.

“What is going on? You’ve taken it too far,” I said in a squeaky voice and he smiled at me sleazily.

“You’re not enjoying this?” he said and I looked up at him with a pout.

“Okay, I’ve learned my lesson. Can I please go back home now?” I said, trying to make my voice sound as sweet as possible. There was no point being aggressive towards him now.

“Lesson? We’re not trying to teach you lesson, sugar. We’re putting you to work,” he said and that smile on his face remained while I stared at him with widened eyes. I never thought I’d ever hear him say that.

“Why? Viper, you can’t do this to me. Luke would never have allowed it,” I cried and my hands flew to my mouth.

“Luke is dead, and you’re no use to us. You’ve been causing trouble, Brooklyn, and you need to be kept under control,” he said and brought his face close to me. He was peering into my eyes, breathing in my scent.

“I didn’t mean to cause trouble, Viper. I promise. I swear I’ll listen to everything you say from now on,” I cried and he smiled again.

“This color suits your whore face,” he said in a sizzling voice while he studied my makeup, and I felt goosebumps on my arms. No matter how mean he had been to me before, I’d never heard him use this voice with me.

“Viper, please…” I said, tears beginning to well up in my eyes again.

“That’s what you are, aren’t you? A whore. Whoring around with that Bad Disciple motherfucker?!” he said and raised a hand over my face.

“We need her without bruises for tonight,” it was Nancy who had cut in and Viper looked up at her and I could see the look of warning in his eyes. Nancy had dared to stand up for me. I cowered beneath him, all my courage draining from my muscles now.

“Viper, please…I told you I can explain,” I whimpered, trying to think of excuses to come up with why Gunner was in my apartment.

“Save it, you’re good for nothing now,” he said and turned from me. I shrieked and threw myself at him.

“Did you kill him? Did you kill Gunner?” I screamed, bunching up my fists and throwing them at his back. It barely even affected Viper and he looked over his shoulder at me. He was smiling at me again.

“Is he your little boyfriend? Well, he’s dead now,” he said with a sly smile and the tears came gushing down my cheeks again. I couldn’t bear to hear those words. I continued throwing my fists at Viper’s back and he continued to smile.

“C’mon, get back in line,” Nancy was trying to hold me back while I screamed and sobbed and tried to hit Viper.

“Give her to Connor James tonight, Nancy,” he said to her and in his eyes, I could see he had decided a terrible fate for me.

“She’s not ready for him, Sir, she’s not been broken in,” Nancy said in a soft reverential voice.

“Do what I tell you to do. You’re not her mother, bitch!” Viper barked at Nancy who cowered and nodded her head.

I was crying, still sobbing loudly. I couldn’t believe this was actually happening to me. How had my life come to this?

“Luke would have killed you for this! Daddy would have never let this happen!” I was screaming as Viper began to walk away. The other two guys were going with him, each with sickening smiles on their faces. When had the Dragon Knights turned into this? No matter what daddy or Luke traded in, no matter what crimes they had to commit for work…I knew they would never have put innocent women through this. And definitely not one of their own.

“You don’t have anyone left to protect you, sugar. Just try and enjoy yourself tonight with Connor James,” Viper said and he exchanged sniggers with the others.

I felt like I was going to be sick. I’d collapsed to the floor, crying and kicking before Nancy started pulling me up.

“Don’t pull something like that ever again, do you hear me?” she said in a low voice through gritted teeth. I was still sobbing, beginning to feel helpless.

“Now, get back in line and follow the others,” she said, giving me a little shove in the direction of the other girls.

At least I tried. Now that Gunner was dead, now that I’d never see him again…what was the point in even fighting this? I was so close to just giving up.