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Taylor (Angel Series #3.5) by Tracy Lorraine (5)

Chapter Five


Caleb’s panic and his mother’s disgust was written over their faces when I appeared stark bollock naked earlier. Probably not my finest moment, but how the fuck was I suppose to know Caleb’s parents were at the front door?

Hanging around to see what was going to play out wasn’t an option. I get enough shit from my own parents that I don’t need to get involved with anyone else’s, that’s for sure.

Everything had been going so smoothly with mine and Caleb’s transition into a relationship. I guess it was obvious something was going to derail us sooner or later. I just didn’t expect it to be his parents, or the fact he’s going away for the weekend and didn’t think to tell me.

Seeing his name lighting up my phone again pisses me off. I shut the power off and neck my drink. I thought he was serious about us, that he actually wanted to make a go of this with me, but him not telling me about Paris makes me wonder if I’ve got it all wrong.

By the time I walk back through our front door, it’s well past midnight and I’m way past being drunk. I stumble my way down to my bedroom and fall onto my bed.

* * *

When I wake up the next morning for work, my head is pounding and the room is still spinning. After discovering an empty flat, I down a couple of mugs full of strong black coffee and head off in the direction of today’s shoot.

It doesn’t take long for everyone around me to realise I’m in a stinking mood. Thankfully, they keep the coffee orders to a minimum and keep well out of my way.

When I get home, the only thing I find is a note on the kitchen worktop.

Matt wants to know when you’re available to hook up.

“FUCK!” I shout into the empty room. I launch my phone and watch as it smashes against the wall before hitting the floor a broken mess. I’d had a few calls from an unknown number but I hadn’t thought anything of it. If I’d have known it was Matt, I would have answered and told him I wasn’t interested. Instead, he’s turned up here looking for a quick shag. I know Caleb’s spent almost every second of the past few days overanalysing everything to confirm his suspicion that I don’t want a relationship with him, but that isn’t the case. To begin with, that was all I wanted, but things have changed a lot in the last couple of years. Living with him as well as watching Lilly and Lucas’ relationship develop has left me thinking that maybe having a boyfriend might not be so bad, and yet he’s trying everything to prove that isn’t true.

When I retrieve my phone, I’m amazed to see that although the screen is smashed to fuck, the thing actually works. I unlock it before finding Caleb’s number and putting it to my ear.

He doesn’t answer and I have no idea if that’s because he’s doing a shoot, he’s ignoring me, or he’s already fucked off to Paris.

I’m sat eating a tasteless microwave meal when I hear a key pushed into the lock. Seconds later, I’m looking at a soaking wet Caleb. His hair is sodden and stuck to his forehead and his white t-shirt is soaked through, clinging to every inch of his body. He stands stock still in the doorway, looking at me. His blue eyes darken and narrow; the longer he stares, the more pissed off he looks.

“Thought you would have been making the most of having the flat to yourself,” he snarls. “Or has Matt already left?”

“Fuck off, Caleb. You don’t get to be pissed at me. When the fuck were you going to tell me about Paris?”

“It’s none of your fucking business.”

“It’s none of my fucking business that my boyfriend is fucking off to Paris without even telling me?” I watch as Caleb’s chin drops open at my use of the word boyfriend. “Yes, boyfriend, Caleb. Correct me if I’m wrong, but that is kind of what I thought was going on here.”

“I stupidly thought the same until your booty call appeared at my front door.”

“I didn’t fucking call him. He’s in the army, and if and when he’s local, he gets in contact. If I’d have know the number calling me was him I would have told him I wasn’t available.”


“Don’t fucking ‘whatever’ me. Why didn’t you tell me about Paris?” I stand up and move so I’m directly in front of him, looking down into his eyes. He’s not getting away with this bullshit.

“Because I don’t have to.”

“Fuck you,” I say quietly as I lift my hands and push against his shoulders. “You were the one who’s been going on about honesty; you’re the one with the trust issues, yet now I find out you’re the one who’s been doing the lying.”

“Not telling you isn’t lying, Taylor,” he snaps.

“When were you going to tell me you were going, then?”

Caleb’s lips stay sealed, which fuels my anger.

“You’re going to need to fucking explain this to me because I’m not fucking understanding.”

“It’s for Beth’s wedding,” he admits, like it should explain everything.


“And…” he pauses. “And you’d have wanted to come.”

“Damn fucking right I would’ve.”

“You saw my mum earlier…her face when they found us practically naked…”

“Oh, so this is about being ashamed of me?”

“What? No!”

“When what the fuck is it about?”

“It’s about me. It’s about me not disappointing them, about not ruining my sister’s big day. It’s about me not wanting to introduce you to them for you to change your mind and leave me. It’s about me, not you, Taylor.”

I’m stunned by his words, by his vulnerability. I look into his eyes, trying to show him how serious I am about this, that I have no intention of upping and leaving him.

“I can’t bear to go through what my sister went though when she was betrayed by the man she loved. If you leave me, that’s exactly what you’re going to do to me, Taylor,” he admits so quietly I have a hard time hearing it.

I don’t put into words my thoughts about what he was trying to say there with the word ‘love’. Instead, I take the final step towards him and slam my lips down on his. I move with such force that his back hits the door behind him with a thud. My hands come up to cage his head in before descending his body and grabbing onto his arse to pull him even tighter to me.

I kiss him like it’s the last chance I’m going to get. It’s wet, it’s tongues, lips, teeth. It’s fucking everything a kiss should be. After a good few minutes, I reach down and grab the back of his thighs. I lift him so he has no choice but to wrap his legs around my waist. I thrust my hips forward so he feels me against him; the action makes him moan into my mouth. He copies the movement and the friction against my cock has me gagging for him. I pull him from the door and march towards his bedroom. The second his feet touch the floor, I grab onto the wet fabric of his t-shirt and start peeling it from his skin. My lips go to his neck before descending down his chest. I continue down and run my tongue alone every line and indent I come across.

“Taylor, fuck,” Caleb mutters above me.

I rip open his fly and shove the heavy fabric of his jeans down his thighs, along with his boxers. His cock springs free, right in my face. I lean forward and take him to the back of my throat in one go.

“Shit, shit, fuck,” he chants as I start to suck

I fucking love this—the feel of him, the taste of him. It’s fucking everything.

I put everything I have into it and when I sense he’s getting close, I bring my hand up and begin playing with his balls.

“Fuck, I’m gonna come,” he warns, seconds before I feel his cock twitch and his cum hit the back of my throat. When he’s finished, I pull off with a pop and sit back on my heels.

I look up at Caleb, stood with his head tipped back, his chest heaving with his heavy breathing. His cock’s still bobbing and his jeans are still around his ankles.

“Don’t move a fucking inch,” I demand before running out of the room.

I’m back in seconds with my most precious belonging in my hands.

“Do you trust me?”

He hesitates.

“Caleb, do you trust me? Yes or no.”

“Yes,” he whispers.

“I need you to mean it.”

“Yes, I trust you,” he says, more sincerely this time, so I take it as my cue.


“What the fuck was that?” he asks, opening his eyes to find me down on my knees with my camera to my face.

“You look so fucking hot.”

“If anyone sees them I’ll fucking kill you,” he threatens.

“You’re mine, Caleb. I have no intention of anyone seeing you naked ever again. These are for my personal collection.”


I take a few more shots before demanding he gets on the bed and finishing what I started.

They say make up sex is the best you can have. Ain’t that the fucking truth.

* * *

“Taylor,” I hear, bringing me from my sleep.

“Uh huh.”

“I fly out tomorrow afternoon but there’re seats left on a flight Friday morning if you can get off work.”

My sleep-fuzzed brain has no fucking clue what he’s talking about. “What?”

“Paris, Taylor. I want you to come with me.”

“What fucking time is it?” I ask when I open my eyes and see it’s still dark out.

“Uh…half two. So shall I book you on it?”

“Give me a minute.” I put my hand up to pause him because I need to let my brain catch up a little before I answer anything.

“Why aren’t you asleep?”

“I was, but I woke up and realised that you were right and you should be coming with me.”

“Say that again.”

“I said I woke up and realised you were—” he stops mid-sentence when he sees the smile on my face. “Oh, fuck off!”

“I can’t; I’ve got a shoot on Friday. I think you were right before, though. If your mum is going to have an issue with us, maybe it’s not best to flaunt it in front of her face at your sister’s wedding. Maybe a more private meeting would be better.”

“I guess. I want you there, though.”

“I want to, but I don’t think it’s for the best.”

“Yeah, I guess,” he agrees sadly.

“I’m sorry,” I say as I lean over to kiss him.

“What for?”

“I’m sorry that Matt just turned up. I’m sorry I have a past that you don’t like.”

“It’s okay. These things are going to happen occasionally. I just need to trust that it’s in the past.”

“It is, Caleb. I want you and only you.” And to prove my point, I set about showing him just how much I do want him.

* * *

I hate saying goodbye to him before I leave for work the next morning, knowing I’m not going to see him for days. It’s the right decision, though. We’ll organise something with his parents once the wedding is over.

It’s the longest day ever and I’m exhausted by the time I get home late. I can’t be arsed with dinner so I grab a packet of Super Noodles from the cupboard and tip them into a bowl along with some boiling water. I leave them to do their thing while I get changed into something more comfortable for a night in front of the TV. My camera sitting on the bedside table catches my eye. The memory of using it last night with Caleb pops into my head so I grab it along with my laptop and head back to the living room.

I’m waiting for the photos to download when the buzzer goes off.


“Taylor,” a weak and pathetic female voice says quietly.

“Mum? Come in.” I quickly hit the button to release the main door to the building and I pull our front door open as I prepare for what I’m about to be faced with.

My stomach jumps into my throat when she rounds the top of the stairs.

“Fucking hell, Mum,” I say as I reach forward to grab the bag she’s dragging along behind her.

“It’s fine, I’m fine,” she says, waving off her bruised and swollen face as if it’s nothing.

“It’s not fucking fine.” I place my hands gently on her cheeks and take a closer look at the damage. “Motherfucker. Please tell me you’re here because you’ve left that wanker at last.”

“Yes. I left two days ago. I didn’t come here right away in case it was the first place he looked. Has he been here?” she asks, looking around the room like he’s going to jump out at any moment.

“No, I’ve not heard anything from him, thank fuck.”

“Good. I think I managed to convince him that we weren’t talking. I left some things around to make it look like I was heading to Scotland.”

“Scotland?” She just shrugs as she gently sits herself down on the sofa. “Broken ribs?” I ask, knowing from experience how much they fucking hurt.

“I think so. Any chance of a glass of wine?” she asks when she clocks my red on the coffee table.

“Sure.” I head to the kitchen to get it for her, forgetting all about what I left open for her to see.

“I thought you did fashion photography, not porn.”

“Fuck,” I groan, rushing in to shut my laptop down.

“He’s not bad to look at. Someone I should know about?” she asks with a raised eyebrow. Mum and I have never really had the kind of relationship where we can talk about stuff like this; it feels a little weird to start now.

“Yeah, that’s Caleb. My boyfriend,” I add proudly.


“Why do you sound so surprised?”

“I’m not surprised; just relieved, I guess, that everything I’ve put you through over the years hasn’t put you off.”

“It’s done enough damage, don’t you worry. It’s taken us a long time to get here thanks to my issues.”

“I’m sorry, Tay.”

“Don’t. Just promise me that things are going to change. Do you have any idea what it’s like knowing you’re still with him, having God knows what done to you?” She drops her head and looks totally defeated. “New start, yeah?”

“Yeah,” she agrees, but not with the enthusiasm I would hope to hear. “I’m tired Taylor. Tired of living this non-existent life, tired of missing out on what the world has to offer. I’ve wasted so many years with him, being his weak little woman but it’s time for me to take control of my life. I want to spend time with you, get to know you properly. I want to make up for all the years we never got to be the mother and son I always wanted us to be. I want to be part of your everyday life, if you’ll have me?”

“Of course,” I manage to say around the emotion that’s clogging my throat. What she just described is all I’ve ever really wanted. A proper mum.

“So, do I get to meet him?” she asks changing the subject back to Caleb.

“He’s not here. He’s gone to Paris for the weekend for his sister’s wedding.”

“Why aren’t you with him?”

“It’s complicated.”

We chat for almost an hour about this and that. It’s great to be able to have an open conversation without worrying he’s going to be listening somewhere and take offence to what we’re saying.

“Please don’t take this as me not wanting you here, but I think it’s probably best if you stay in a hotel.” Mum looks at me and her eyes begin to fill with water. I feel like an arsehole, sending her away, but he knows where I live. It wouldn’t take much for him to find her here. “It’s safer, Mum. I’ll pay for it, but I want you somewhere he’s not going to find you.”

“Okay,” she agrees, although I can see she’s not happy about it.

Once we’ve finished our drinks, I call a taxi to take us both to a hotel to check her in.

“Could you just pull over here, mate?” I say to the taxi driver when he approaches a supermarket. “I’ll be ten minutes.”

I jump out the car and jog inside. I quickly find the electronics section and pick a pay as you go phone for Mum to use.

I’m back in the car in a little over five minutes. “Here,” I say handing her the box. “I need you to know something, though.”

“Go on.”

“If you change your mind and go back to him, this is the last time I’m ever going to help you.”

“Okay,” she says weakly.

“I mean it, Mum. I can’t keep playing this game. I will help you build a new life, do anything you need me to, but if I have any suspicion that you’re even talking to him, that will be the end of it.”


We get her checked in to a hotel and, after making sure she has everything she needs, I leave her to it. I decide to walk back home as it’s not that far. I’m happy she seems to have left him. It’s more than she’s done before, but I can’t get rid of the nagging feeling that this is only temporary. He’s like a rotten fucking smell that never goes away, and for some reason, Mum seems unable to resist the motherfucker.

I shut the front door behind me and make sure I double lock it as well as put the bolt across. If she’s been gone two days like she said, I’m surprised that he hasn’t already been here. Maybe she did a better job of making it look like she’s gone elsewhere than I’m giving her credit for.

I barely sleep. Every noise outside, every bang from our neighbours, has me on alert. I could really do without meeting the wrong side of my stepdad’s fists again so soon.

I must drift off eventually because when I wake the next morning it’s to my ringing phone. I only managed a few texts to Caleb yesterday. He rang once he got to his hotel but I was too busy dealing with Mum to answer. Then, when I rang him, it went straight to voicemail so I sent him a text to give him a run down of what was happening here.


“What the hell, Tay? Your mum’s there?”

“Well, in a hotel, yeah. She looks like shit.”

“What about him?”

“Fuck knows. She said she made it look like she was heading up north but I can’t shake the feeling that he’s too clever to fall for something like that.”

“I have a huge favour to ask that might just help get you out of harm’s way.”

“Oh yeah?” I ask sceptically.


“Beth, what’s wrong?” Mum shouts in a panic the second we walk into my sister’s hotel room and find her sobbing on the bed. The wedding is being held in this swanky hotel that one of Daniel’s friends owns. I’ve stayed in my fair share of hotels but never one this flash. I couldn’t believe it when I walked in my room yesterday evening to see the Eiffel Tower looking back at me from the window.

“The photographer’s mum has died and he’s cancelled. This is a disaster,” she splutters.

“Oh honey, it’s okay. We can find another, I’m sure.”

“Not like him. He was the best.”

I don’t hear Mum’s response; a plan is too busy forming in my head.

“I’ll sort it,” I announce, much to their surprise.

“How are you going to sort it?” my sister snaps. “Know many French photographers, do you?”

“Just trust me,” I say, before pulling my phone out of my pocket and walking out to the hallway.

“We need you. Beth’s photographer has had to cancel and she’s having a meltdown about it. I just booked you a ticket on that flight I mentioned. It should get you here just in time.”

“Are you having a laugh?”

“No. Go drag your suit out and get your ass on that plane.”

“I’ve got work, Caleb, and Mum to deal with.”

“Call in sick. And she’s an adult who can look after herself. Come on, I need you, and my mum will love you for saving the day,” I add.

“For fuck’s sake, Caleb. I’m on my way. Send me the flight details. It’s a good job I lo

The air thickens and the buzzing on the line is suddenly the only noise I can hear. My heart thuds in my chest and I repeat the beginning of that sentence over and over in my head. Did he just…? Was he going to say…?

After long seconds of silence, I eventually manage to breathe some air into my lungs and agree to send him what he needs before hanging up. A huge smile breaks out across my face as I hang up the phone. Is Taylor falling in love with me? I push aside the thought that he could have just meant it in a friend kind of way. Surely he wouldn’t have cut himself off so abruptly if that was the case though, would he?

“Why are you so happy?” Mum asks when I reappear.

“Photographer’s on his way.”

“Seriously?” Beth asks, sounding shocked. Does she have that little faith in me?

“Yes, seriously.”

“And he’s good?”

“Yes, Beth. Now chill out and try to enjoy your day.”

* * *

Just over four hours later, I’m stood in the hotel foyer waiting for Taylor to emerge from a cab. I was going to meet him at the airport but I stupidly mentioned the idea in front of Beth and she almost had a heart attack in case I got stuck in traffic or something and missed the wedding. I agreed because I’m a soft touch where my sister’s concerned, and also I thought Taylor’s arrival should probably be a surprise for Mum. If I disappeared, she might start questioning what was going on, so I resorted to sitting on one of the plush velvet couches with my knee bouncing in excitement and anticipation of what Mum’s going to think about this, about having Taylor attend her big day.

I’m on my feet the second I see him step out of the cab. “You’re here,” I breathe as I rush towards him.

“Did I have a choice?” he replies with a laugh.

“Come on, Beth’s getting ready and wants photos taken from about two hours ago.”

“Do I at least get a kiss first?” Taylor asks as he grabs my hand and tugs until I’m chest to chest with him.

“I’m sure that can be arranged,” I whisper before reaching up to place my lips to his.

“I missed you last night,” he says against my lips, making me smile and my heart beat that little bit faster.

“Ugh, get a room,” I hear a familiar voice shout from behind me. Taylor and I break apart and when I turn I see a smiling Molly with Lois attached to her hip. “I know it took you guys long enough to figure this all out,” she says, gesturing between us, “but Beth is starting to hyperventilate about the lack of photographer upstairs.”

“We’re on it,” I say as I start pulling Taylor in the direction of the elevators. He pauses briefly to say hello to Molly, but in seconds, we’re heading to the top floor of the hotel to hopefully make Beth’s day. As for Mum? Well, we’re about to see how this is going to go down.

“Caleb, about time. Where is this photographer you promised?” Mum barks the second I walk into the room.

“He’s here,” I say, stepping aside to reveal Taylor behind me.

“What’s he doing here? I thought you said he wasn’t coming.”

“Mum,” both Beth and I snap at the same time at her attitude.

“He’s a photographer, Mum. And a bloody good one.” At that announcement, Beth is out of her chair, much to the hair stylist’s annoyance, and launches herself at Taylor. They’ve met a few times before and although she never said anything I’m pretty sure she was well aware of my feelings for him.

“Thank you so much. You have no idea how much I appreciate you being here.” Once Beth’s let go of Taylor, she turns to me. “You’re a little bit awesome, you know that, right?” I shrug my shoulders at her in response. “I’m glad you’re here, Taylor,” she says as she walks away. “And not just as the photographer. Mum…” she prompts as she walks past her.

“Thank you, Taylor,” Mum adds, just about managing to crack a smile.

* * *

The ceremony is short and sweet. I’d love to be able to say what actually happened, but I spent the entire time staring at Taylor’s ass. Those trousers just hug it in the most incredible way. I’m dying to get them off him. I can see he’s more stressed than usual and I can only presume that’s because of his mum. We haven’t had any time to talk since he arrived and it’s killing me that he’s so close.

The whole day goes by in a blur of wedding formalities, amazing French food and even better French wine. I get a few fleeting moments with Taylor but nothing like I want.

“Hey, Mum. Having a good day?” I ask when I see her sat alone for the first time all day at the bar.

“Yes. Just look how happy they are,” she says with wet eyes as she glances over at Beth and Daniel, who are talking to Steven, Daniel’s brother, and his wife. “All I want is for my kids to be happy—to find someone they love and spend their lives with them.” I look back at her then down at her empty glass, wondering how much she’s had. “I’m so sorry, Caleb. I’m embarrassed of how I’ve acted, how selfish I’ve been. I’ve been watching you today and it’s clear how happy Taylor makes you. You obviously do the same for him as well. Not everyone would have hopped on the first plane to be here at the last minute today, especially with how I treated him last time I saw him.”

“He’s special, Mum.”

“I can see that. He was showing me some of the photos he’s taken. They’re beautiful.” I feel myself swell with pride for my man. “I think this all worked out as it should, don’t you?” At that moment, I feel heat behind me. Mum looks over my shoulder and smiles before getting up off the bar stool and walking away.

A large pair of hands land on my shoulders and spin me around.


“Hey. How did you do it?”

“Do what?”

“Win my mum around?”

“It wasn’t hard. I mean, I’m awesome so it was inevitable it was going to happen eventually,” he says, a cocky smile on his face.

“You’re a nightmare,” I say as I slap his shoulder.

“I’m your nightmare.”




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