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Tell Me What You Want by Megan Maxwell (48)


I’m on medical leave for three weeks, and I’m using the time to give my apartment a last cleaning and to pack up all the things I want to take to Germany. Eric wants to buy me a safer car, but I refuse. I love my Seat León. My insurance has it fixed in record time, and I imagine it’s because Eric has been all over them. The car comes back like new.

Eric takes care of me with great tenderness and helps me with my packing. I’m not taking a lot of things, just clothes, photos, books, and my music. I want the rest to stay here; as time goes by, I’ll take it with me little by little.

The day I return to work, everybody in the office just stares at me. I’m an object of great curiosity. They know I’m the big boss’s girlfriend, and they do what I hate so much: gossip!

“Now that you’re the boss’s girlfriend, will you still have breakfast with me?” Miguel asks, but in jest.

“You dweeb . . . Of course.”

On the way to the cafeteria, he asks me about my health. I tell him about my accident, and he listens, horrified. When I go to pay at the cafeteria, the employees won’t let me. They have orders from Mr. Zimmerman not to charge me for anything I consume. Once I’m back at my desk, my supervisor is solicitous. Her tone of voice is now soft, and she makes a real effort to be pleasant with me. A real gem, that one. Now that she knows I’m Eric’s girlfriend, she treats me with kid gloves.

Ten minutes later, a young woman comes into the office and sits at what used to be Miguel’s desk.

“Are you Judith?” she asks me.

I nod.

“I’m Claudia, Mr. Zimmerman’s new admin in Spain.”

I’m quite surprised. Eric didn’t said a word to me about her while I was on leave, but I can’t say I find it that strange. During my convalescence, Eric didn’t want to talk about anything to do with work. In fact, he wanted the doctor to extend my medical leave, but I wouldn’t let him request it.

Eric sees me as soon as he walks through the door.

“Good morning, Mr. Zimmerman.”

He drops his briefcase on my desk, leans over, and gives me a kiss on the lips that stuns both my supervisor and the new admin.

“Good morning, Jude,” he says after that much-desired kiss. “Are you feeling OK?”

A little taken aback by his welcome, I don’t know where to look, but I can tell Eric is trying not to laugh. Finally, I smile.

“Good morning, Eric; I’m good and ready to work.”

Delighted that she’s now in the know, my supervisor says, “You two make a beautiful couple.”

Liar! I can see in her eyes that she doesn’t think so at all.

“Thank you,” responds Eric.

My supervisor looks me over from head to toe. It’s clear she can hardly believe what she sees.

“Oh, and what a beautiful ring! Is that what I think it is?”

Eric takes my hand and kisses my knuckles. “A diamond for my precious gem,” he says.

His words make me blush, especially given how those two are looking at me. Finally, after an awkward silence, my supervisor turns to me.

“Judith, this is Eric’s new admin. Her name is Claudia Sánchez, and she’s my little sister. She’ll take your place when you transfer to Germany.”

I’m flabbergasted . . . Why didn’t she tell me when she introduced herself? And moreover, why are they making plans without talking to me?

“She’s very efficient, that’s for sure,” adds Eric.

That compliment bothers me, but I feign otherwise.

“Thank you, Mr. Zimmerman,” the young woman responds, obviously delighted with the attention. “I’m glad to hear you’re satisfied with my work.”

I know that sly little smile. It’s just like her sister’s, and I know it won’t come to any good. I watch as she licks her lips when she looks at Eric, and that irritates me.

“Claudia’s very clever,” says my supervisor. “Claudia, tell Judith how many languages you speak.”

The young woman blinks and touches her hair.

“German, French, English, Russian, and a little Chinese.”

“Impressive,” says Eric.

Wow, the girl’s a wonder . . . but if she keeps licking her lips, she’s going to end up choking on them.

They talk right over me for a good bit while I observe how she smiles up at Eric. It’s clear she’s into him, and in a way, I understand. Who wouldn’t like Eric? He finally finishes the chat and disappears into his office. But when her office phone rings and she ends up closing his office door behind her, I’m more upset than ever.

I can barely look at my computer. I’m much too aware of Eric’s office. Two minutes later, Claudia emerges.

“I’m going for a cup of coffee for my boss,” she announces.

When she leaves, I get up and sneak into my boyfriend’s office.

“What are you doing offering my job to someone else without talking to me about it?” Eric doesn’t answer. “When were you going to tell me you have a new admin?”

Eric drops the pen he was holding.

“There’s a problem, Jude?”

“No, I don’t have a problem, but from what I can tell, you seem to have a problem telling me things.”

Eric furrows his brow, but he’s not serious.

“Are you jealous of Claudia?”



Ill humored, I move a strand of hair from my face.

“Stop smiling at me like that, or I swear I’m gonna crack your head open with that planter.”

Eric guffaws, and his laughter echoes in the office. He stands up and comes around his desk, but he doesn’t touch me.

“Mmm . . . You know that very Spanish character of yours drives me crazy.”

Seeing him so close to me, I lift my chin.

“Why didn’t you say anything? It’s supposed to be my job, and you’ve already given it away to someone else.”

“Love, she will take care of my business for the time I have left in Spain. At the same time, she’ll start to learn what you do. That way, when you’re not here, everything will function as it always has. I have to think about what’s good for the company.”

“But have you seen how she looks at you?” I say, angry, and not really paying attention to what he has just said. “I’ve only been here five minutes, and I can already tell she’s attracted to you and . . .”

“The person I’m attracted to is you,” he says, interrupting me. “And other women, Claudia included, don’t matter at all to me. Only you. Get that through your pretty little head, OK? And if I haven’t said anything, it’s because I’m trying to save you these headaches. And you know why? Because once you are in Germany, I want you to rest and to live like a queen. I want you to be happy doing what you like. I want you to indulge each and every one of your whims. And if you want to work, don’t worry. I promise there will be a job for you there.”

I suddenly realize how ridiculous I must seem.

“How embarrassing! What am I doing?”

Eric smiles, but as he’s about to respond, the door opens and there’s Claudia with his coffee. The phone rings and she answers. After she tells him the call is from Germany, I leave, and we each go back to our desks.

At one o’clock, Eric leaves the office. He has a luncheon, and I decide to go eat at Vips. On the way back, I pass a florist and get an idea. I order a beautiful bouquet of roses for Eric that costs me a pretty penny.

On the card, I write, I don’t speak French or Russian or Chinese. Will you still renew my contract? ILY, Your Honey

Two hours later, as I’m typing away at my computer, I hear Claudia’s phone ring. Seconds later, she gets up, and I see a delivery person come in with a pretty bouquet of roses. A surprised Claudia takes them in to Eric. Discreetly, I watch as she hands them to him and leaves his office. Surprised, he stares at them. Roses for him? When he opens the card, I see him smile and look my way. I can’t help smiling back. An instant later, my cell buzzes. A message from Eric: Your contract is renewed for life in my heart. I love you.