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The Beast In The Castle: A Billionaire Werewolf Romance by Daniella Wright (39)

Chapter Two


School has been difficult for Charity to adjust to. She stopped her formal education at 13 to help her family on the homestead and she was quickly discovering that sitting for long periods of time was difficult for her. But Charity is nothing but resilient. She is studying in her room when someone knocks. Standing she opens it to reveal Remy dressed in his football outfit. She smiles seeing him, “Remy, can I help you with something.”

The tall man grins and nods, “I noticed you’ve been holed up in your room the last couple days, depriving me of your beautiful company and I have decided I can tolerate it no longer. You have to come out of there and thrive!”

Charity smiles and shakes her head, “I have to study for my test next week.” Remy rolls his eyes and leans forward ruffling her already tussled hair,

“My darling Charity that is what God invented the weekend for. Come on, you can come watch Dylan and I play football. It’s the Homecoming game. You have to come. I need the moral support.” He juts his lower lip out, green eyes widening in his best impression of a puppy dog pout, “please Charity, I need you. You will be my guiding light in the storm. Hearing your cheering voice will guide me to victory!”

Charity shakes her head at him and rests her face in her hands, Remy is always so dramatic, but she had always wanted to see a football game. “Alright Remy, but tomorrow you cannot bother me. I truly do need to study for this, it is imperative.” Remy rolls his eyes and nods,

“alright, be ready to go in ten huh?” He claps his hands excitedly and vanishes back into his room. Charity is left shaking her head and wondering what she has gotten herself into. She shuts her door and looks in her closet, what does one wear to football games? She looks out the room and notes that the weather appears child so she changes into a nice warm sweater and slides her shoes on before going to meet with Remy and Dylan in the hallway.

Remy is pristine in his bleached and ironed uniform, his curly chin length hair framing his face at just the right angle to allow but brief flashes of his brilliant green eyes, and beside him stood Dylan. Dylan was shorter than Remy by three inches, standing 5’8, his shoulders were blocky and built, and his dark brown eyes are staring intently at Remy as he nods. When he notices Charity he nods once more in her direction, “she’s here. Let’s go.” Remy turns and looks at Charity and claps his hands again,

“you look cute as a button Charity. Not exactly spirited attire, but it is fitting for you.” He winks at her and grabs her hand. In his excitement he drags Charity to the field making sure she gets front row seats, “cheer loud for me okay? Remember you’re my guiding light.” He winks and runs off to join the rest of the team. Dylan hovers a moment before muttering,

“thanks for coming.” He runs after Remy catching up with him easily. Once they are both gone Charity finds herself sitting alone in a huge crowd of fans. She is startled by the rambunctious cheering as people stand and shout. So this… is football. She glances over and shakes her head before turning her eyes back to the field. She didn’t understand the sport but as promised she begins shouting Remy’s name in support. When the bell rings for halftime she looks at them as they run up, Remy waves and blows her a kiss as he grabs water and Dylan is trailing behind him as always. They catch each other’s eye for a brief moment before Remy looks away to listen to their coach.

Dylan goes out to the field to do the kick off and the world slows down. Dylan is so focused on his task, his muscles flexing powerfully as the game kicks off, his face mostly obscured by his helmet except for the intensity of his dark eyes. Charity cannot look away from him. Her pulse begins to quicken and she finds that despite the chilly air she is quite hot. She begins fanning herself, but her eyes never leave Dylan. She has never felt anything like this before and her mind is reeling for an explanation before crashing to a halt. Could I….. like him? She bites her lip and the end buzzer rings. She has no idea if home team won, but she can surmise from the cheering that they did. When Remy runs up she quickly smiles at him before looking away when Dylan approaches,

“Charity! Are you coming to the after party with us? It will be so fun!” Remy grins and claps her shoulder as she nods, “that’s my girl. I heard you shouting, your voice carried us to victory. You must be a good luck charm.”

She blushes and lets herself be lead off by Remy and Dylan to the college frat house. She keeps her eyes down unable to look at Dylan the whole time which causes him some confusion. He ponders if he has done anything to upset her, but eventually shrugs it off deciding that he would never understand women.

They arrive at the party and music can be heard from outside the building and it is clear there is alcohol. Charity backs up surprised, but Remy doesn’t notice and barrels in with her in tow. A flux of people approach and Remy is swiftly swept up by the crowd. He lights up with the attention, “that was a pretty good throw right? Sure let’s go get a drink.” He turns and winks at Charity as he vanishes with the crowd leaving Charity with Dylan. She glances at him for a moment and blushes, her eyes are searching for a couch to take solace on.

“You gonna be ok?” Dylan’s gruff voice breaks through the noise causing Charity to blush and grab at her sweater nervously,

“Ah, yes. Go and see your friends, you should celebrate your victory. I will just be over here.” She breaks away to the couches and breathes a sigh of relief when she sees Dylan shrug and walk off to converse with other people at the party.

I should have just stayed home and studied. What a disastrous situation, I cannot possibly act upon these feelings. It would be untoward…. “I brought you a drink.” Charity’s head jerks up to see a glass of punch as Dylan plops down beside her, “I noticed you been sitting here still. It’s been awhile, I don’t like the parties either. It’s Remy’s scene. I prefer… quieter activities.”

Charity takes the drink with a trembling hand and nods sipping it, “don’t worry it’s not alcoholic. I noticed you don’t ever drink when Remy invites you out.” He sips his own drink looking out at the crowd.

Charity looks into her glass hoping that Dylan does not see the red on her face or hear the increasingly louder beating of her heart, “if you don’t like parties…. What do you like to do?” Dylan turns and looks at her and smiles. She had never seen Dylan smile before, he was always so sullen and serious. The world around him melts away as his eyes light up, “I love horror flicks. Actually, a new one is showing tomorrow. Do you wanna go? Remy is too chicken.”

Charity almost spits out her drink at the invitation and is thankful for the first time that her hair is so thick and wild, it hides her startles expression just long enough for her to catch her breath and push it aside. “I would love to.” Dylan grins and leans back content.

Charity leans in and smiles, “I have never seen a horror movie before, do you think I will like it?” Maybe if she talked to him more about this, she could see that smile again. Dylan turns to her appalled and it is at that moment that Remy realizes Dylan is not behind him. Confused he looks around and smiles seeing he is with Charity. Good she needs some company, Remy thinks to himself feeling guilty for leaving her behind until he sees the expression on Dylan’s face.

Why is Dylan smiling at her?