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The Devil You Know (Ceasefire Series Book 1) by Claire Marta (11)

Chapter Eleven

“Change of plans. You need to keep the girl safe and not bring her here.” Gabriel mutters in my ear.

Finally, after twenty-four hours he’s answered his phone. Why does this not sound good? I can hear the tension in his voice.

“Where the fuck have you been?” I snap.

I’m not about to tell him about our trip to discover what Cassandra is yesterday. That’s between me and the team. Although, knowing this all-seeing archangel he probably already knows. So why isn’t he chewing my arse up over it?

Max has left me sated and sore. Waking to find myself alone in the hotel room had been a disappointment. He hadn’t even bothered to leave me a message, only breakfast. I still don’t fully understand what this thing is between us. Why he keeps disappearing like a puff of smoke.

Luckily no one was up when I got home.

“There’s been a body found in Cease Fire. It’s Colin.”

Scrunching up my nose, I wonder why that name sounds like it should ring a bell. “And I’m supposed to know who that is?”

“The green skinned demon who blew up your bike. He’s wound up dead and you were the last one seen with him.” My boss sighs in irritation.

Fuck. Not what I need to hear. Although he got what he deserved.

Switching off my kettle, I pour hot water into a coffee cup. “When I left him, he was walking and breathing. I haven’t been back there since.”

“That’s not what’s being said by his friends.”

Phone wedged between my shoulder and my ear, I stir the contents carrying the drink at the same time to my kitchen table. “They’re lying.”

“They must be very convincing. There’s a warrant out for your arrest.”

I pause. This is more serious than I thought.


Gabriel clears his throat. It’s a sign he’s going to ask me something he finds uncomfortable.

“You sure you didn’t end him?”

Smacking my drink down, I grab a hold of the phone more firmly. “No. I’m not idiot enough to break the rules. Gabriel, you have to believe me.” I hiss back. Does he really think I would be that stupid?

“I do. Lay low until I can figure this shit out.”

I’m being framed. By who and why is a mystery. One I want to unravel with the end of my sharpest knife. No one screws around with my life. Whoever they are they will soon find that out.

“We know Cassandra is an Oracle.” I tell him quickly before he can end the call.

Silence for half a beat before he answers.

“Lucifer has been after her bloodline for centuries.”

Today is starting off full of fucking surprises. Really unpleasant ones.

“The fucking Devil himself wants her? Do you even realise what kind of demonic forces will be on our arses now?” I can’t stop my voice from rising. Is he crazy? He really does have us in the firing line this time.

“Calm down.”

“Did you look at my messages? We have Cade and God knows how many other bounty hunters looking for us. How am I supposed to be calm?”

Gabriel grunts through the line. “I don’t know, maybe use the fucking vibrator Leo got you for your birthday.”

Is he joking?

“An orgasm is not going to help this situation.”

“Fine. Just stay put. I’ll arrange a pick up for her tonight if I can and text you the details.”

He cuts off before I can say any more.

Dumping the phone on the surface of the table, I take a sip of coffee. I seem to be a vortex for disaster right now. It’s as if the entire universe had decided to conspire against me. Maybe this is what I get for having earth-shattering sex.

I need to kill someone. That always makes me feel better and in control. I’m twitchy. Need to get my hands dirty and draw blood. Sex is a great outlet for me, but it won’t ever substitute my other darker needs.

Vibrating, the phone begins to ring.

Snatching it back up, I don’t check the ID. No one else calls me this early. “If you’ve phoned back to tell me something else has gone to shitsville I am going to quit.”

“Miss StClair?” The voice is soft and feminine. “This is Kate, the receptionist from Beyford home. Your brother has had another episode and I was told to phone and let you know.”

No. No. No. Not now.

“Is he ok? Nurse Carter usually phones me.” I question, lowering my voice to a concerned murmur.

“Unfortunately, due to health reasons she isn’t with us at the moment.”

Senses becoming alert, I frown. “What happened? Is she all right?”

“I’m not supposed to discuss it with anyone.”


“She collapsed.” Kate confides, voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “Liz...nurse Carter hasn’t been looking well for days. Right before it happened she told me about these nightmares she’s been having that leave her exhausted the next day.”

“What do the doctors say?”

“Physical and mental exhaustion. It’s as if she’s drained, yet they can’t explain why.”

Drained. That word sticks in my head. Foreboding flutters like a cold unwanted draft on the edges of my mind.

“I’ll be by to check on him in a few hours.” I tell her. “Please let me know if anything else happens.”

Hanging up, I stand, moving to the sink to toss away my coffee. I don’t want it now.

It’s all falling apart around me. Everything I have worked so hard to keep divided. Crumbling around me like an unstable sand castle.

“Look what the cat dragged in! Did you have a good shag?”

I find Leo standing in the doorway his hair all messed up. Clothes rumpled from where he passed out drunk on my sofa.

Opening a cupboard, I take out four more mugs. “Coffee?”

“God, yes. Black please, one sugar. By the way I wish you’d buy something other than the instant crap.”

“How did last night go?”

Scraping back a chair loudly, he plonks his arse down on the seat. “The takeaway pizza was decent. Caesar spent most of the time going through your armoury like a kid in a sweetshop. The rest of us watched a Buffy marathon. It’s not like I have enough demonic forces in my life already I have to watch it on TV too.”

Spooning powdered coffee into his mug, I try not to sigh. With what I know now I know everyone is going to freak. The Devil’s soldiers are one thing, but if Lucifer wants Cassandra as bad as I think he will, we are royally screwed.

“Are you going to tell me how the date went?”

Stirring, I place the mug in front of him. “How do you know I went on a date last night?”

“Puddin’, trust me, if he’s more than happy to play hide the sausage more than three times, you’re in a relationship. I know that’s probably scary as you’ve never been in one before, but it’s also not a bad thing.”

“How do you know I haven’t been in a relationship before?” I counter.

Leo cracks a tired smile. “It’s obvious. You’d have to be blind not to see it. I just hope you can handle it without killing the poor guy when he does something to annoy you.”

“Morning.” Caesar calls, as he troops into the kitchen, a small plant and pot in his hand. “Cactuses. A present for you.” He’s dressed in jeans and a plaid shirt which matches his

tartan cap. Through the shaggy mess of his beard and hair his green eyes brighten as they find mine.

Accepting the gift, careful so not to touch him, I examine the spiny green offering. “Just so you know I kill plants. I have the reverse of green finger.”

“These, you just have to water every so often. Trust me they’re hardy suckers.”

Leo chuckles. “Sounds like you, Mavi.”

Rolling my eyes, I find a place for it on my window sill.

Footsteps sound up the corridor. Turning back, I find Snatch and Cassandra have joined us.

“The bargain was struck. There is no going back,” She sing songs, stroking the fluffy material of her pink pyjamas.

“What’s she babbling on about?” I ask, moving to refill the kettle.

Scratching his chin lazily, Snatch yawns. “I think she’s reciting stuff from Buffy episodes.”

I hope he’s right. With her being an oracle, even one who seems to have completely lost touch with reality, any predictions she has should be heeded.

“Cass, what did you say?”

Blue eyes blink back at me dully. “Cereal please.”

“Yeah, she does that.” Giving her a one-armed hug, he pulls her affectionately into his side. “It’s like she’s not completely lucid, which I can relate to from having a bad trip or two.”

Making more coffee, I quickly add bread to the toaster.

Behind me everyone chatters quietly. Absorbed in my task, I try not to dwell on the bad news I’m about to drop on them. Searching out a bowl, I’m relieved to find someone has stocked up on breakfast cereal. Knowing the guys someone went food shopping. They always carry snacks on a job.

Carrying the mugs, I set them on the table. “Gabriel got in contact with me.”

“With good news?” Caesar asks, hopeful.

“Sort of.” Moving back, I collect the plate of buttered toast before setting it in front of them. Next, I slide Cassandra cereal and a spoon.

“Why doesn’t that sound good? Anyone else who thinks that doesn’t sound good?” Snatch plucks fretfully at the sleeve of his jumper. It has so many holes in it now it’s starting to unravel more and more.

Here goes nothing. Bracing myself, I get the words out in a rush.

“Lucifer is after Cassandra and the demons who were transporting her were probably his.”

The silence is deafening.

“No noooo no! We are not messing with the Devil. Fuck that.”


Lunging up onto his feet, a finger jabs in the air in my direction. “Don’t you Leo me! It’s one thing fighting his minions, but something completely different going against the red skinned ugly fucker himself. I like my limbs attached to my body, thank you very much.”

Snatch rocks back and forth in his chair, eyes dilated with shock. “Please, tell me you’re joking. I’m not sure I’m mentally equipped for this much stress.”

“Gabriel has someone coming to take her off our hands tonight.” I assure them quickly. “We only have to watch her for a few more hours.”

“With big old targets on our foreheads.” Caesar groans, looking less than thrilled.

“No one knows where she is.”

Raking his hands through his short blonde hair, Leo paces the kitchen. “Fine, but we stay on lock down until then.”

He must have seen something flicker in my eyes as his face darkens further. “What?”

“I can’t.”

“What do you mean you can’t?”

Pushing away from the counter, I stand tall. “I have to go out.”


“Leo, I need to see my brother.”

“And since when did you get a brother?” He snaps back.

He’s pissed. They all are. I am too, but if my blood is in danger nothing on Earth will stop me from protecting him, not even my own team. I know they can handle themselves. Nathan can’t. Locked in his own head, he’s no match for the demons or monsters who stalk our world.

Snatch peaks out from his splayed hands he has covering his face. “You never share things like this, so we don’t know that, do we?”

I can’t just walk out. I know that. They need an explanation.

“Something’s happened and I think it’s linked to all of this. He might be in danger. You can’t stop me from going, but I need you to understand.”

Caesar nods. “Go. We’ll hold the fort until you get back. We’ll be fine.”

Leo refuses to look in my direction. He’s angry. I can see that. He has a right to be and probably feels like I’m abandoning them. But I’m not. Once Nate is secured, I’ll be right back here at their sides. Come hell or high water I will not let them down.

“Snatch, you’re coming with me.”

“You’re taking him too?” Leo throws me a disgusted look.

Ignoring him, I turn to Caesar. “We’ll be gone a couple of hours tops. Text me if you need us.”