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The House at Saltwater Point by Colleen Coble (28)

I can’t tell you how many things I’ve learned to do by reading and watching videos. Anyone can learn how to wield a hammer or drive a screw into a wall.


The boat creaked and swayed in the gentle waves of the bay. Leaning against a big mast, Grayson stretched out his aching leg as he sat under the stars and pulled out his phone. He needed answers.

Lance Phoenix, an FBI agent, was his best bet. Grayson had worked with him on several investigations over the years. He trusted Lance.

Lance answered on the first ring. “Bradshaw, what have you gotten yourself into?”

“What are you talking about? I’m in the dark here. I was ordered to stand down and leave this to the suits, but I can’t. It’s spinning out of control here at warp speed.” He told Lance what had been happening the past few days. “I’m aboard the tall ship where Mackenzie died, and I’m not sure how much longer I can keep her sister, Ellie, safe.”

“She means something to you. I can hear it in your voice.”

Grayson ignored that comment. His feelings had no bearing in the case. “What do you know?”

“You know my butt is on the line if I tell you.”

“But you’re going to do it anyway. Just like I’d do for you.”

Lance chuckled. “Here’s the scoop. Mackenzie Blackmore contacted the FBI two months ago and told them she thought a terrorist cell was going to set off an EMP bomb. Two agents were dispatched to talk to her, and she told them she was in a position to infiltrate the group. The FBI was reluctant to agree to it, but if they were going to stop the attack, they had to know the plan and the mastermind.”

Grayson clenched his fists. “They let her do it?”

“And they’re paying for it now. She texted them and told them she had the full scoop. Before they could meet, she was killed.”

“They found her body?”

“Well, no, but they’re sure she’s dead.”

Grayson winced. He sure didn’t want to tell Ellie about this part of the conversation. “What about the cocaine theft from the Coast Guard hangar?”

“That was my part in it. I helped arrange for her to steal it and give it to her contact, Nasser, as a way to prove her loyalty. Unknown to him, Dylan Trafford was set up to be her cover story.”

“Nasser.” Grayson spat out the name. “Do you know how she found out about the plan to set off the bomb?”

“She fell for Nasser, if you can believe it. He told her about stealing the cocaine, and at first she went along with it. At the time I think she believed he was a drug lord. She had no idea he was planning this attack. Once she found out, she knew she had to get help.”

Grayson had no doubt Nasser could charm the ladies with his dark good looks. At least Mac had enough sense to try to take him down before he killed thousands of people. “Why here, though? The area doesn’t have a large population.”

“That’s the worst part. It’s a trial run for a much bigger attack in San Francisco.” Lance’s voice was grim. “Unfortunately, with Mac gone we have no way of knowing how they’re planning to deploy the bomb.”

“You think it’s here in the area already?”

“Almost certainly.”

Grayson stared out at the lights along the shore. While the population wasn’t enormous, there were good people here. He had to stop this. “Why was I told to stand down?”

“The FBI feared your poking around would make Nasser’s cell move the attack up sooner, before they could track down the bomb. They’re not having much luck, though. Maybe you will.”

“Which is why you’re telling me.”

“You got it, Bradshaw. I know you, and you can be a help. Plus, this is personal to you.”

“So all we know is Nasser’s ISIS cell is playing a part.”

“And the North Koreans. It appears to be a joint effort.”

He blew out a harsh breath. “That’s bad.” A confirmation of his worst fears.

“Worse than bad.”

“So we need to find the mastermind, the guy who is directing Nasser. And figure out what they are planning?”

“That about sums it up. Tall order for a tall guy.”

“Do we have any idea when this is all coming down?”

“This coming weekend.”

Grayson couldn’t respond. Five days. The weekend would be here in the blink of an eye. “Thanks, Lance. I’ll keep you posted.”

“Do that. Good luck, Bradshaw.”

The pain in Grayson’s leg intensified as he ended the call. The task seemed impossible. But there had to be a way.

Mac sat on the floor in a corner of the room and stared at the door. This had been all her fault, really. All she’d had to do was tell Ellie about how stupid she’d been. Instead, she’d allowed herself to be pulled deeper and deeper into this until there was no way out.

She’d been an idiot.

These last few days staring death in the face had been a wake-up call. Deep down, she’d always been jealous of Ellie. Ellie was prettier, smarter, kinder, more talented—more everything—than Mac. If she had been able to bring down Tarek and his cell, her face would have been all over the news. The accompanying accolades would have been sweet. And maybe even Jason would quit looking at her with such contempt. Instead, she had walked right into a trap with no way out.

The sound of footsteps coming down the stairs brought her to her feet, and Mac stood facing the door with her hands clenched together in front of her. The key jangled in the dead bolt, and the door opened. Tarek stepped through, then closed it behind him. She backed away, though her traitorous heart wanted her to throw her arms around his neck.

He wore slim-fitting black trousers and a blue Oxford shirt. His dark hair gleamed as if he’d just gotten out of the shower. His gaze swept over her. “Looks like you’re recovering.”

“Why do you care? You’re going to kill me anyway.”

“I’m not going to kill you. Wang might, and I admit it’s not what I’d choose. I find I have more feelings for you than I thought, though that fact won’t change anything.”

It was ridiculous how much his dark eyes moved her. She shook her head. “I wish you weren’t involved in this. I love my country.”

“You don’t love anyone but yourself.”

She’d met him in Seoul, of all places. An instant attraction had developed between them until she realized he was a bona fide terrorist. That had opened her eyes, but it hadn’t driven out the feelings she still carried for him.

She reached toward him. “Let me go, Tarek. He’s not your boss. You don’t have to do what he wants.”

“This is a joint effort, Mackenzie. It’s the culmination of everything I’ve worked years to accomplish. America will finally pay.”

She recognized the glint of fanaticism in his eyes. “What about my sister?”

“He’s ordered for her to be killed.” His white teeth gleamed in a mirthless smile. “I’m sure you miss her.” He took one step closer to her. “You sealed your fate a long time ago, Mac.” His eyes went hard, and he spun on his heel and stomped to the door, then slammed it shut behind him. The lock clanged into place, and his footsteps retreated up the stairs.

She put her face in her hands and let out a groan. She had to figure out how to get out of here and warn the FBI.

Mac paced the tiny cell with renewed strength and determination. There would be no more mistakes made that allowed her to escape. A new dead bolt and padlock had been added to the outside of her door, and the metal bed frame had been removed. The dirty mattress rested directly on the floor, and all other loose items had been taken away.

No tools, no weapons. But she still had her brain. There had to be a way out of here. She had to get out before Ellie was killed and the bomb was set off. But how?

She whirled toward the door when she heard a key scrape in the lock. The door opened, and Hyun stepped inside the room. Her dark eyes flickered stonily to Mac, then back to the floor as she set the tray with soup and water on the floor.

Mac sprang forward as the woman started to leave. “Wait! Please stay and talk to me a moment.”

Hyun turned back toward her. “There is nothing for us to say.”

“What could it hurt? I’ve been shut up here for days, and I’m going crazy in the silence.”

The Korean woman eyed her a moment. “Wang was unhappy with me when you escaped. I don’t care if you suffer from loneliness now.”

Mac winced. “I’m sorry. You’d locked the door, and I managed to unlock it. It wasn’t your fault.”

The steely expression in those eyes softened. “That didn’t matter. It was my fault.”

Mac wet her lips and tried a tremulous smile. “I have money, plenty of money. I don’t know what he’s paying you, but—”

The woman’s eyes flashed, and she held up her hand. “Death would be preferable to betraying the man I love.” She tipped her head and studied Mac’s face. “What did you do that he locked you in here? Were you a former girlfriend who disrespected him?”

“Wh-What? No, of course not. I didn’t do anything to him. He plans to kill me. My blood will be on your hands.”

“Better your blood than my own.”

“Where are you from?”

Her shoulders stiffened. “From Hamhung.” The woman turned and hurried toward the door.

Mac leaped after her, but the door slammed and the lock snicked before she could reach it. She slammed her palms against the door and groaned. She’d blown it.