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The Prep and The Punk (The Boys Only Series Book 1) by Imogene Kash (15)

Chapter 15

Extracurricular Activities


“Don’t worry, baby. You’re still the prettiest boy in the whole school.”

Edge’s eyebrows quirked, forcing him to grimace in pain. The entire left side of his face was blooming into different shades of purple and blue. His sharp cheekbone was puffy and looked awfully sore. I was holding an ice pack on his face and trying to ignore the urge to hunt down Cutter and sucker punch him in return. Edge was surprisingly calm about the ordeal, considering his best friend had coldcocked him and he was going to have to explain the bruise to the administration when asked about it. He wasn’t going to want Cutter to get expelled, but I thought it might be a good idea for the big bruiser to get his head out of his ass. It wasn’t hard to see that Edge’s heart was hurting far worse than his battered face.

“I can’t believe he hit me.” He sighed and let his eyes flutter closed as I stroked the fingers of my free hand through his hair. He surprised me when he’d shown up so soon after he left, looking rumpled and out of sorts. His distress was so evident I didn’t even have to ask Mac to take a hike. He took one look at the broken king of the castle and quietly slipped out of our room.

“To be fair, I wanted to hit you more often than not when I first met you, too.” I was trying to lighten the mood, but he wasn’t interested in being cheered up.

I followed his head as his chin dropped. His eyes locked on the floor between his feet as his shoulders slumped. “I can’t believe he thinks he’s in love with me. How could I have missed that? Am I really that oblivious to other people?” His voice cracked. I shifted the hand I had in his hair to hold the back of his neck. I could feel the tension locked there like iron bars under his skin.

“He doesn’t think he’s in love with you, Edge. He told you he is in love with you. You can’t discount his feelings like that.” The words hurt for me to say out loud. If I was the author behind this current storyline, I would totally put Edge and Cutter together and have them live happily ever after. They had history. Cutter loved Edge unconditionally. They came from the same place and understood each other on a level that only came from time and genuine affection. Guys like me didn’t end up with guys like Edge, and frankly, guys like him didn’t end up with guys like me. “Whatever you do next will define your relationship with Cutter from here on out.”

Those wide shoulders dropped even more. “I don’t want to hurt him.”

I sighed. Who knew he had it in him to be such a nice, considerate guy? There was so much about him that was surprising. I was a little annoyed at myself for judging him so quickly when we first met. Finding him in the bathroom with the twink was only one facet of who he is. Just like my colorful skin and defiant rebellion were only a part of who I am… the part most people made snap judgments about. I was guilty of doing the thing I hated most. I started this thing between us by not giving someone who was different than me a chance.

“Love hurts. Cliché, but true. It doesn’t matter if it’s unrequited or returned on every level, something that big, that important, causes pain. That’s why you have to be so careful with it.” I let the words trail off in the quiet of the room and lowered my head so I could kiss the crown of his head. He really did look like a fallen king returned from battle. “You’ll figure it out, Edge. You both care about one another too much not to.” It might mean he ended up walking away from me, but I was oddly okay with him walking toward someone who would always take care of him, the way Cutter did. I wasn’t ready to let him go, but if I lost him to someone who had clearly loved him from the get-go, it helped ease the ache in my chest. It was too soon to be this wrapped up in him, but here I was, tangled and caught up in one hell of a sticky mess. I snickered when my mind digressed to the sticky mess I was usually dealing with when he and I were alone together.

With my mind nose-diving straight into the gutter, I shifted my head so my cheek was pressing against his and my lips were close to his ear. “Do you want me to take your mind off everything for a while?” I flicked my tongue out and traced the sensitive shell of his ear. It was one of his hot spots. He always went soft and sweet when I messed with his ears.

He was quiet for a long minute, and I was about to get offended. I was a damn good distraction if I did say so myself.

Slowly, his head came up and the burning blue that never failed to make my dick hard flared to life in his pale eyes. His shoulders straightened and some of the forlorn sorrow that had been stamped all over him lifted.

The uninjured side of his face shifted to a half-grin. “The only thing I want to think about is you.” Ahhh… everything about him was wicked and golden, even his tongue.

I pulled his earlobe between my teeth and gave it a tug. I heard his breath catch and his hands lifted to rest on my hips. I felt the warmth of them sink through the fabric of my sweats and into my skin. I moved so I could drop a kiss behind his ear and stood up straight, motioning that I wanted him to follow me. When he stood as well, the ice pack, which was now nothing more than some random cubes shoved in a Ziploc bag, fell to the bed. I leaned forward so I could kiss his bruised cheek. As soon as my lips touched the chilly skin, his arms came up and wrapped around me, holding me close. It was an A-plus hug that offered as much comfort and reassurance as I was capable of giving.

I tucked a finger in one of his front pockets and started towing him backward toward the door, then out of the room. He came without a fight, eyes watching my every move. We made it all the way to the bathroom before running into one of my roommates. Dressed in his uniform and rubbing sleep from his eyes, Theo was coming out as we were going in.. His gaze rolled over us, lingering briefly on the bruise marring half of Edge’s face.

“You’re both going in there?” The question was more curious than anything.

I gave a quick nod and maneuvered Edge into the small space. “Yep, so I hope you don’t need anything for a while.”

He shook his head, watching us with something I couldn’t quite identify. “I’m good. I have early and late practices for the next two weeks. Klein has late classes every other day, so he shouldn’t be up and about for a few hours still.” He wiggled his eyebrows at me suggestively as I shut the door in his face. His mocking “Have fun” echoed dully through the door as I cranked the shower on and started stripping Edge from his wrinkled clothes.

“It isn’t as good as the shower in your mansion on the mountain.” Or the one in the room he shared with Cutter. “But it’ll get the job done.”

He snorted and watched with eyes full of intent as I pulled off my sweats. I was already hard, and my cock bounced and moved like it was trying to reach out to him as I stepped out of the fabric.

“Doesn’t matter. Best part of taking a shower with you… is you.” He moved to take his pants off but I stopped him. I was going to take care of him my way, one distinctly different than all the ways Cutter had been caring for him over the years.

“You say that now, but wait until you get under the crappy water pressure.” I smiled up at him as I slid his zipper down and worked his pants open. The sound sent a shiver down my spine. It was almost as sexy as the way his breath whooshed out when I finally had him naked and took his cock in my hand.

He made a hissing sound and followed my hand as I started to stroke him up and down, squeezing the base almost hard enough to hurt, exactly the way he liked it. His abs tightened in a way that made my mouth go dry, and his hands started to wander up and down my ribs. His fingers were feather light on my skin, but I felt the impact of them with every single nerve. I watched as his taut ass flexed in the mirror behind him. He really was the prettiest boy I’d ever been with. There wasn’t a single part of him I didn’t want to touch or taste.

He was slowly letting go of some of the rigid control he seemed determined to hold onto when we were in bed together. He didn’t always let me in, but he didn’t always say no, either. I was hoping today was one of the times he was feeling particularly accommodating. If he gave me a chance, I was going to make sure Cutter, and everything going on between them, was the last thing on his mind.

He arched his body into my hold and gripped my shoulders with his hands. His eyes glittered like shards of ice as he ordered, “Suck it.”

It was hard to ignore his bossy, slightly strained tone, but I was the one running the show. “Get in the shower. Don’t worry, you will have plenty of my mouth by the time we’re done. But first, we’re going to wash your bad night away.”

He grunted a little, but relented. He climbed into the shower and stood under the spray. He was pretty docile as I gathered up the body wash and shampoo so I could help scrub him down. It took a few minutes for the tension to drain out of his limbs. When it did, I finally dropped to my knees in front of him, sucking his heavy cock as far back in my mouth as I could. Whenever I tried to deep-throat him, it made my eyes water. Luckily, this time the shower covered it up. His broad back was keeping most of the spray away from my face, but whenever he moved his arms to touch me, I got splashed.

His head lolled to one side and then the other as he raked his fingers through my wet hair and murmured his approval. I dragged my nails up the back of his legs, as I hollowed out my cheeks and applied some serious suction to the rigid flesh filling my mouth. I felt his cock throb, felt his hips buck involuntarily as I eagerly bobbed up and down. I was putting my best blowjob forward because I wanted him distracted and fucked out when I moved on to the main event.

I grabbed the muscled globes of his ass in either hand and gave them a squeeze. His ass was intimidatingly perfect… just like the rest of him. I had no clue if we were going to be together long enough for me to convince him to give me a piece of it, but I wasn’t going to stop working toward that goal. He didn’t trust easily, which was fine, because neither did I. But I wanted him to let me in, everywhere. We could take care of each other, which was something we both desperately needed beyond the physical aspect of our relationship.

I let go with a satisfying pop and leaned back to admire my handiwork. His cock was flushed red and slightly angry-looking. The head was slippery and wet with more than just saliva, and I could practically see every vein that lined his thick member. The heat coming from him pulsed in time to his heartbeat. He gave me a quizzical look, silently asking what the holdup was. I smirked up at him, wrapping my fist around him and using the pad of my thumb to rub slow, deliberate circles around and around the underside of the swollen head.

He sucked in a sharp breath, his hand tightening in my hair as I leaned forward to suck on his balls. I loved the way the super delicate skin moved in my mouth, and I loved the way the contact ripped a groan out of him. He might not let me play with his ass on a regular basis, but he had no qualms about me slobbering all over every inch of his dick. I was intimately acquainted with every nook and cranny, every dip and dimple that lived between his legs. I could draw a map of his cock if asked. I spent a lot of time getting to know him with my mouth. I knew he liked a little nip of teeth, but didn’t want me to hurt him. I knew if I stroked his taint while I sucked him off, he lasted half as long. And I was acutely aware that if my tongue drifted past that super sensitive spot right behind his balls, he would stiffen and look at me like I’d crossed over some invisible line. I was immune to that look and willfully ignored it, even now as he went still as stone under my ministrations.

I rolled my palm over his crown, spreading the leaking fluid gathered there around and along his shaft.

I looked up at him from under my lashes and found him watching me with an unreadable expression. I gave him what I hoped translated into a flirty wink and ran a finger from the hand I had between his legs up and down the length of his wet and tightly clenched crack.

“I know you aren’t anywhere near ready to let me put my dick in you, but how about letting me taste you? I can make you forget everything, pretty boy. You just have to trust me.”

He blinked his obscenely long lashes as me. They were spiked together and darker than normal. “I’ve been rimmed before, and I have rimmed before.”

I couldn’t tell if that meant he was a fan or not, but he wasn’t outright putting the brakes on this new experience so I figured I should just keep pressing forward. “But you haven’t done it with me. I want to take care of you, Edge. That’s all I want to do anytime we’re together like this.”

I wasn’t sure which way it was going to go, but eventually, he turned around and put his forearms on the tile under the showerhead. Water sluiced down the strong line of his back and I wanted to chase the stream with my tongue.

So I did.

When I got to the back of his neck, I kissed it and worked my way over so I could nibble on his ear. I felt his entire body shudder and then relax on a deep sigh. Not wanting to miss my window of opportunity, I got back on my knees, spreading his cheeks apart and moaning low in my throat when his pretty hole fluttered at me. I wanted to kiss it.

So I did.

The tender spot tightened at the contact and I couldn’t resist the urge to stroke it longingly. That tiny touch made Edge inhale, and his body moved as he dropped an arm from its perch so he could grasp his cock. It wasn’t long before he was pressing back into my face and rocking forward into his fist.

I circled his hole with a finger, caressing, coaxing, waiting until he loosened up enough that the tip slipped in with barely any resistance. His big body quaked in my hands as I removed my finger and leaned forward to put my mouth on him. I loved the way the creases softened and quivered against my tongue. I got lost in the noises Edge was making as he started to actively ride my face, as I fucked him slowly and steadily with my mouth. I licked all around, dragged my teeth over the wrinkled skin. I worked him open with a finger and speared him with my tongue at the same time. He swore and then shouted my name so loudly I seriously doubted Klein was going to manage to sleep in late today. I worked every inch of Edge’s ass until we were both a sloppy, wet mess.

“Fuck. I’m gonna come.” His head was tossed back and his expression was caught somewhere between pleasure and pain. He was squeezing his dick so hard the tip was almost purple. He grunted and turned at the last minute, thrusting his hips in the direction of my face as his orgasm hit. Hot cum landed on my chin and hit my chest as he growled his way through his climax. Our eyes stayed locked as I flicked out my tongue to lick him off my face.

He was panting after he’d ridden the orgasm out. I swore I saw his knees shaking. It was a heady, intoxicating feeling being able to make a guy like him react so forcibly.

He blinked his wet lashes at me and slowly shook his head. “Your turn.”

I looked down at my straining erection. It was nearly the same color his had been when he was strangling the life out of it. My piercing was slick with pre-cum, and the weight of it swayed with every breath I took. I’d been so focused on him and his arousal I forgot all about my own. Of course, I was still turned on and hard as hell, but getting him off and pushing him past his unbendable limits was almost as satisfying as shooting my load down his throat.

I swiped a hand through the mess he’d made on my chest and rose to my feet. The water was cold so I told him to turn it off. When he changed direction, I moved in close to his back, pressing against him until he resumed his position of leaning up against the tiles.

I moved my hand up and down my cock, humming my pleasure at the sensation between his shoulder blades. I could tell he was trying to look behind him to see what I was doing, but I was so close, had so much of my skin pressed against his, that he couldn’t move without dislodging me.

I ran my hands up and down his spine, stopping to trace the dimples above his perfectly carved ass. “I like looking at you, Edge. I like touching you. I like the way you make me feel.” I ran my cock along the crack of his ass and watched as his muscles flexed. It was nice and slick thanks to his cum coating my fingers and my own leaking slit. His skin was still slippery from the shower. It was easy enough to push myself between his thickly muscled thighs and rub until the tip of my dick was brushing against the back of his balls. “But I love it when you let go with me. When you stop thinking and just feel. Squeeze your legs together tighter.”

He obeyed and it wrenched a low groan out of me. It wasn’t as good as being inside of him, but it was still fucking hot. I started rutting against him, gasping each time my dick slid across his taint and brushed against the back of his sac. He let out a contented sound and rocked against me, giving me the friction I needed to get off.

My fingers dug into his hips, and my teeth left marks on his shoulders, and the back of his neck, and I ground myself to completion against the hard globes of his ass. It was slightly filthy and a whole lot of fun. I could watch my cum drip down the inside of his legs forever, but Edge wasn’t having any of it.

As soon as I caught my breath, he cranked the water on again, even though it was cold, and rinsed us both off.

I found a couple of itchy towels to wrap us up in, but before we left the bathroom he pinned me to the vanity, eyes trained on mine as he bent forward and brushed our mouths together in a kiss that was almost chaste compared to our earlier ministrations.

“Can’t think of anything but you, Bash.”

How long had I been waiting to hear that from someone? And why did it sound so perfect coming from him?




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