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The Runner's Daughter (B*stards of Corruption Book 2) by Jessica McCrory (26)


Caid was just about to walk into the cabin when his cell rang.

“King,” he answered quickly.

“Caid? I’m sorry I shouldn’t have gone out!” The fear saturated voice on the other line had Caid’s hand clenching into a fist.

“See? Now we both have someone of particular importance to the other.” Liam’s voice was calm and collected, while Caid’s barely leashed the fury he was feeling.

“If you hurt her, I will rip you apart limb by fucking limb until you are nothing but a fucking torso, you sick son of a bitch.”

“Easy now, tiger. I have no intention of harming your sister, at least not yet. But you had better hurry, as I’m finding I don’t have nearly the patience I once did. Bring me my Willow, and I will let your sister go.”

Caid’s chest tightened with panic. His sister was his family, his best friend, the mother to his nephew and future niece. He refused to let anything happen to her, but how was he supposed to let go of the woman he had grown to love more than life itself?

“What about me?”

“What’s that now?”

“You can have me, my life for hers. You have my word Jemma will no longer interfere with anything you do, and I will bring you every file the FBI has on you. Every single shred of evidence we have gathered over the last ten years.”

“You make an interesting offer, King.” Liam was quiet for a moment. “I’ll take it. But if Jemma sticks her nose in again, I’ll kill her.”

Caid closed his eyes. “Deal.”

“Meet me tomorrow, at the docks.”

“Fuck!” he screamed and turned when the front door opened.

“What is it?” Jemma and Lance stared at him.

“He has Sophie.”

Jemma paled even further. “Oh no, Caid, I’m so sorry. We will go get her.” Jemma grabbed her jacket, but Caid steadied her hand by putting his own on top.

“Tomorrow.” He pulled her into his arms and breathed in her familiar scent. He knew better than to think Liam would keep him alive. Hell, he was probably planning on shooting Caid the second he was within sight.

“Why wait? Caid, we need to get her now.”

“He won’t hurt her.”

“Why not?”

“I have something he wants.”

She stepped back. “Me. This is all because of me. I’m so stupid!”

Caid shook his head. “I have files. I agreed to turn them all over in exchange for Soph’s life.”

Jemma didn’t even hesitate. “Okay, let’s get them all boxed.”

Caid’s jaw fell slightly open, this was what Jemma had spent nearly her entire life working towards and now she was willing to throw it all away? “You are willing to turn over every shred of evidence we have against him? Everything you have gathered and nearly died for?”



“Because you are more important to me than anything else.”

Caid reached for her again and pressed a kiss to her head. “You have no idea how much that means to me.” He doubted she would feel the same once she realized what else she was giving up.

* * *

Caid slipped out of the room once Jemma was asleep. Lance was sitting in the recliner in front of the TV playing a round of Team Death Match.

“How you holding up?”

“Fine.” Caid rubbed his eyes with his hands. “We need to talk.”

Lance backed out of the game and set the controller down. “What is it?”

“I need you to keep Jemma here tomorrow.”

“I thought we were going to get your sister back?”

“I am, but I need you to keep her here.”

Lance leaned back and studied Caid. “Why?”

“Charmont wants Jemma. She was the trade he wanted to make.”


“I bargained and was able to trade the files and myself over instead. I won’t give her up just as I imagine you don’t want to either.”

“She’s the last blood I have, other than Charmont, I suppose, but he’s no fucking relative of mine.”


“But you’re putting me in a tight spot here, man. She will hate me if she realizes I let you go alone, especially when you won’t be coming back.”

“He has my sister, and I will get her back, but I refuse to give up Jemma in the process.”

“We can find another way, Caid.”

“There is no other option. This is the only way I can make sure they are both safe.”

Lance’s jaw tightened. “You’re family, too, you know. You’re forcing me to make an impossible choice.”

“I’m going anyway.” Caid stood. “I’d just prefer to not have to chain you both up to do it. Just keep her safe, Lance.”

“I will.” Lance stood and held his hand out for Caid. “It’s been amazing working with you.”

“You too.”

* * *

Caid laid in bed and stared at the ceiling. Jemma’s head was on his chest, and he listened to the sound of her breathing. This would be the last time he laid next to the woman he loved, and this moment would have to last him until he took his last breath.

Who knew when that would be?

Tomorrow he would be turning himself over to the man he had been working to bring down for the last few years, a man who was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of innocent people.

What the hell would become of Jemma? He knew Lance would take care of her, but it pained him to think she would eventually marry, have some other man’s children. Laugh with someone else, sleep in the arms of a stranger who would never love her the way Caid did.

But his sister would go free, and his family would stay safe. That was more important than his future.

He looked back down at Jemma, her face bathed in the moonlight pouring in through the window.

He memorized every angle of her face and breathed in the feminine scent surrounding her.

“I love you, Jemma,” he whispered and then eventually fell asleep.

* * *

Caid felt himself being shaken awake and opened his eyes to see Jemma sitting fully dressed on the edge of the bed.

She smiled at him, and he started to sit, but was unable to. “What the fuck?” he grumbled half asleep as he pulled at the handcuffs binding his wrists.

“I’m sorry. It’s the only way.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

“I love you, Caid. I cannot thank you enough for everything you have done for me.”

“Jemma, what are you doing?”

Her eyes filled with tears, and she leaned down to rest her forehead against his. “I won’t let you die for me,” she whispered before sitting back up.

“How did you--?”

“I know my father wanted me. I’m going to take the files, and I am going to rescue Sophia.”

“Lance!” Caid screamed.

“She fucking got me too!” his muffled response came floating into the room from across the hall.

“I put the keys on the counter, and I will be sending her here to release you both. I can’t risk you following me.”

“Jemma, don’t do this. Please don’t fucking do this.”

“I love you, Caid. You saved me.” She stood and headed for the door. “You and Lance will find a way to bring him down. I know you will. That’s the only way he will get what he deserves.”

“Jemma! Don’t you fucking leave!” Caid pulled at the restraints as if he hoped they would simply snap. They held firm, however, and all he did was end up rubbing bleeding sores into his wrists.

This couldn’t be it. Jemma had to come back.

* * *

With tear-filled eyes, Jemma made the drive to the docks. She saw the black SUV parked near the water, and her heart began to thud in her chest. She forced her legs and hands to stop shaking when she saw the incredibly pregnant Sophia standing between two large men.

The fear on Caid’s sister’s face angered Jemma just enough that she was able to get out of the car and grab the duffle full of the files Caid had packed to take to her father.

“Well, isn’t this a nice surprise!” Liam walked toward her, his arms open as if he were any other father and not a murdering psychopath.

She tossed the duffle down at his feet. “Here are your files.”

“Where’s Agent King? I thought he would be hand-delivering these.”

“He’s otherwise occupied.”

“Well, my dear Willow, did you mislead the feds? Perhaps there is hope for you after all.”

“You have the files, and you have me. Let her go.”

Liam looked back, and the men stepped away from Sophia, who waddled as fast as she could toward Jemma.

“Say your goodbyes,” Liam said with a sick smile before he stepped back with his men.

“As soon as you’re safe, call your mother and ask Ashlee for the address. You have to get to Caid and Lance as soon as possible.”

“Are they okay?”

“They’re pissed, but they’ll live. Tell them not to give up, and tell Caid I left him a note. It’s on the counter. Please make sure he reads it.”

“Jemma, I--”

Jemma didn’t let her finish. “I’m sorry for everything you have gone through because of me, and I’m sorry for the pain your brother is going to be in now that I’m gone.” Her eyes filled. “I love him so damn much, Sophia. Please take care of him.”

“You know I will.” Sophia wrapped her arms around Jemma. “Thank you, Jemma.”

Jemma watched Sophia get in the car and leave, then she turned to face her father.

“It’s nice to have you home, my dear.” He smiled and the two men who had been flanking Sophia gripped her by the arms and dragged her toward the SUV.

Once they were inside, he climbed in the front seat and turned back to face her. No matter how many years passed, how many times she had promised herself she wouldn’t be afraid of him anymore, she always reverted back to that young girl watching her mother bleed out on the floor.

His face from that day was constantly burned into her mind and would always take over the slightly aged face he had now.

“So, what should I do with you, my little tree?”

“I don’t give a shit as long as you honor the bargain you had with Caid.”

“Which was?”

“You will leave him and his family alone.”

“As long as he keeps his nose out of my business, I don’t see any reason to take further action. But you have to promise to not run away again. You will stay in my house, and follow my rules without argument.”


“Good.” He smiled and sat back to stare out the windshield as they drove.

Jemma watched the all too familiar scenery pass her by as she thought back to the first day she met Caid. Running into him at the gym had been the best thing that had ever happened to her, and if she could go back, she would tell herself to not waste a moment of the time they’d had together.

“Why the long face? Everything’s going to be great.”

Jemma looked up to see Liam watching her. The twisted satisfaction in his face told her that everything was far from fine.

* * *


“Sophia! In here!” he yelled and breathed a sigh of relief when his incredibly pregnant sister stood in the doorway.

“Oh my gosh, Caid, you’re bleeding!” She rushed to him and unlocked the cuffs.

“Keys were on the counter.” she said.


Sophia shook her head sadly, and Caid got to his feet.

“Fuck, we have to get her back.”

“She left you a note.” Sophia handed it to Caid, and he wasted no time tearing open the envelope.

He rushed into the kitchen and frowned when he saw the box on the counter. “Dammit, Jemma.”

“What is it?” Lance asked as he rubbed his wrists.

“She didn’t take everything; the deal was to take everything.”

“She wants us to still work the case.” Lance grabbed his phone off the counter, “I’m calling Ashlee to let her know your sister is still alive.”

“We can’t work through FBI channels.”

Lance held the ringing phone up to his ear, “why not?”

“Pax has been taking payments from Charmont.”

“How do you know that?”

“I found the evidence yesterday. It’s what I had come back to tell you guys. Then Charmont called and I got distracted.”

“Hey, yeah we’ve got her.” Lance glared at Sophia as he spoke to Ashlee. He filled her in on the situation and put the phone on speaker.

“So, we’re on our own?” she asked through the phone.

“Until I can get the evidence up the chain of command, yeah, we are. As soon as they can pull Pax, though, I will take every resource we have and move on Charmont. If I did it now, it would scare him off, and he would kill Jemma.”

“If he hasn’t already,” Ashlee’s irritation came through the speaker, “had you just stayed put Sophia, none of this would be happening.”

“I’m sorry, I--”

“Why did you leave?” Caid turned his attention onto his sister.

“I needed some air.”

“So, you broke a protection order by a NYPD detective because you needed air? Why not just open a fucking window?”

“Caid, I’m sorry.” Her eyes filled with tears, and Caid felt the immediate weight of guilt.

“Can you go back and get the rest of my family? Bring them here; I want them close.”

“You got it.”

“Let’s start pushing this evidence up the chain,” Lance said and rubbed his hands together.

* * *

They pulled up outside of Liam’s estate, and Jemma bit back the stab of fear. The guards dragged her out of the car, and when she thought they would head for the front door, they instead walked around the side of the house to the back.

Panic rose when she realized where he was taking her. “No! Please no! I promised I would stay put!”

“You have caused me a lot of trouble, Willow. More trouble than you’re worth.”

“But I came back! Why am I being punished for coming back?”

If she thought his face made her regress, it was nothing compared to the four by four steel underground box that she had been tossed into countless times over the course of her life.

“This isn’t merely a punishment, Willow. I can’t trust you. What do I do with people I can’t trust?”

“Then just kill me!”

“Nah.” He shook his head. “That would be too easy. You will live in this box on the provisions that are inside. When they run out? Guess whose time will also run out?”

Jemma’s eyes widened. He wasn’t only going to punish her, he was killing her, in a way she would suffer for countless days first.

As the realization sank in, so did Jemma’s resolve, and even as they opened the heavy metal door to what would be her coffin, she didn’t make another sound.