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The Winter Boyfriend: A Stand-Alone YA Contemporary Romance Novel (The Boyfriend Series) by Christina Benjamin (36)



The sound of voices woke Ethan from his slumber. He was wrapped in a blanket snuggled on the leather couch in the Price’s living room. Last night after tucking Chloe into bed, he’d returned to his room to find Margot and Owen sleeping together in Owen’s bed. The moment seemed too peaceful and intimate to interrupt so Ethan had returned to the couch.

He’d been tempted to crawl into bed with Chloe, but Ethan didn’t want to push his luck. He’d told her he’d wait for her and he’d meant it. Ethan knew that he wanted all of Chloe and that there was no need to rush. They would have plenty of time together once she moved to the city. Maybe even a whole lifetime.

The hope that filled him was a pleasant surprise. He wasn’t used to waking up with a chest full of optimism. Ethan yawned, stretching as he sat up. He’d actually never slept better. After knowing this thing with him and Chloe wasn’t one-sided he’d finally been able to silence the disquiet that had been growing in his newly exposed heart. When he finally focused on his surroundings, he was greeted with another pleasant surprise.

Chloe stood at the edge of the couch holding a mug of coffee. “Good morning, sleepyhead.”

“Good morning, gorgeous,” he said, pulling her onto his lap.

She giggled and let him nuzzle her neck while she carefully balanced the hot coffee.

The sound of Mr. Price clearing his throat brought Ethan back to reality. “Merry Christmas,” he said, entering the living room followed by the rest of the family.

Chloe slid off Ethan’s lap and took a seat next to him on the couch.

“Merry Christmas,” Ethan replied.

“Okay, presents first or breakfast?” Mrs. Price asked as she bustled into the room carrying a tray of freshly baked cinnamon buns.

“Presents!” Margot exclaimed.

Ethan watched patiently while the Price family exchanged gifts. Surprisingly, they didn’t buy a lot for each other. Ethan had remembered an abundance of extravagant gifts under the tree when his mother had been alive. But as he recalled, the gifts hadn’t been what made Christmas feel special, it had been his mother who did that by the way she’d always made him feel loved.

As he watched Chloe’s family together he realized it wasn’t the gifts that made them so happy, it was this precious time they were spending together. Chloe opened a new stethoscope from her parents and squealed as she thanked them, telling them it was the exact one she’d wanted. Of course it is, Chloe. They love you.

Ethan found that thought warmed his heart. It made him happy that the girl he loved was so loved by others. He only hoped one day he would know her as well as her family did. That he would be able to read her mind and get her the exact things she wanted without her having to ask.

As the gift-giving started to wind to a close Ethan began to feel more apprehensive about his gift. Maybe he shouldn’t give it to Chloe. He still had time to back out. No one would be any wiser. Well, Margot and Owen would, but they seemed so wrapped up in each other that they probably wouldn’t notice if the roof caved in right now, let alone if Ethan bailed on his gift idea.

It had seemed so perfect when he thought of it yesterday . . . but maybe it was stupid. Chloe said she wanted to move forward and he had bought her a gift from the past.

Before he could think much more about it, Chloe bounded over to him, a shiny red box in her hands. “This is for you,” she said, grinning.

“You got me something?”

“Of course.”

Ethan tried to keep the shock from his face. It had been a long time since anyone had bought him a Christmas gift. He and Owen didn’t exchange them. It didn’t seem right given their feelings about the holiday. “Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me yet,” Chloe said, teasingly.

Ethan unwrapped the box and pulled back the white tissue paper. When his fingers met the thick red wool and tiny bells his heart felt too big for his chest. Chloe, you didn’t.

It was the sweater. The one from that first night in the kitchen. The one everyone in her family wore when they worked at the lodge. The same one that captured Everett’s Christmas cheer.

“Welcome to the family,” Chloe whispered as she placed a quick kiss on his cheek.

Ethan couldn’t speak. Instead he yanked the sweater over his head and then pulled Chloe to her feet. “I have something for you, too. All of you actually,” he said, speaking to her family.


Chloe followed Ethan to the mudroom. She was about to ask him what he was doing when he opened the door and she saw six pairs of shiny new ice skates lined up in a row, each with a red velvet bow tied to the laces.

“Ethan!” She gasped. “Did you do this?”

“I wanted to make this your favorite Christmas.”

She took his hands in hers as tears swam in her eyes. “It already is,” she whispered. “Because I’m sharing it with you.” Then she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him in front of everyone.


After Ethan got over the shock of Chloe kissing him in front of her entire family, he managed to find his voice after clearing his throat several times. “I, um, got skates for everyone.”

“Sweetheart, you didn’t have to do that,” Mrs. Price said.

“I know. But Chloe told me that her favorite Christmas was the one when you all skated on the frozen pond. When we took the snowmobiles out I noticed that it was frozen.” He shrugged. “I thought maybe we could recreate a little Christmas magic.”

Chloe’s father looked at his daughter with pride. “I remember that year. You were ten. You spent more time on your rear end than your skates, baby girl. That was really your favorite Christmas?”

She nodded. “Absolutely. It was the last time we all took the entire day off to be together as a family.”

Chloe’s parents shared a look. Then her mother spoke. “Well, then I think we’re well overdue for a family outing.”

“What about the lodge?” Chloe asked.

“Family comes first,” her mother replied without pause.

Chloe grinned and started passing out the skates. Ethan helped her, but when he handed Margot her pair, she frowned. It made Ethan pause. He knew he hadn’t gotten her size wrong. Margot was the one he’d asked for the shoe sizes when he came up with the idea while picking up the ice sculpture with Owen.

“What’s wrong?” Ethan asked her.

Margot reached for Owen’s hand. He smiled at her and nodded. Margot swallowed hard and handed the skates back to Ethan. “I’m really sorry to ruin your incredibly sweet plans, Ethan. This was such a wonderful gesture, but I can’t join you on the ice.”

Chloe was suddenly by Ethan’s side, looking concerned. She linked her fingers with his and mouthed, ‘are you okay’ to her sister.

Margot nodded. But now everyone was looking at her. Owen squeezed Margot’s shoulder and kissed her temple as he whispered something to her that no one else could hear.

“Why can’t you join us?” Mr. Price asked.

Margot blew out a deep breath. “Because I’m pregnant.”

Ethan felt his knees buckle. If he hadn’t been holding Chloe’s hand he was sure he would’ve stumbled, but she held him up. “What?” he whispered.

But Ethan’s question was swallowed by the boom of Mr. Price’s voice. It raised with each word he said, as did the red color of his face. “Excuse me? You’re what?”

Mr. Price made to take a step toward Owen, but Mrs. Price stopped him.

“Tom,” she said, placing a gentle hand on her husband’s arm.

Again they shared a look and this one somehow took all the fight from Mr. Price. He ran a hand over his face, looking five years older when he was finished. He sagged back against the doorframe.

Mrs. Price walked across the room to her daughter.

“I’m sorry, Mom,” Margot whimpered. “I know you didn’t want this for me.”

Mrs. Price frowned. “Margot, the only thing I’ve ever wanted for you is happiness.”

Margot swallowed hard, swiping at her tears. She looked at Owen for a moment, then back at her mother. “I am happy, Mom. Happier than I’ve ever been.”

“Then I’m happy, too.” Mrs. Price opened her arms and Margot darted into them.

Ethan felt his heart crack wide open. What he wouldn’t give to have a hug from his mother right now. There truly was nothing like family. But with that thought came a strange realization. Ethan’s family was growing. His real family. His blood. He was going to be an uncle. He looked at Margot with fresh eyes, realizing she wasn’t stealing Owen from him at all. She was giving Ethan more of Owen to love. A nephew.

He looked down at Chloe who was already smiling. “You knew.”

It wasn’t really a question but she answered anyway. “Since yesterday. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, but this was their news to share.”

Ethan just stared at Chloe, shock and revelation making his heart pound so loud it drowned out the other conversation going on in the room.

“Are you mad?” Chloe asked.


“That I didn’t tell you?”

Ethan looked down at Chloe, a million happy thoughts exploding in his chest at once. Chloe, I could never be mad at you. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

“I am?”

Ethan was startled that she responded. But then he realized that he’d said his thoughts out loud for once and he couldn’t stop the smile that slid into place. He pulled Chloe into his arms. “Absolutely. You, Margot, and your whole family. You have no idea what you’ve given me.”

Chloe blinked up at him, reading the answer in his smile. But Ethan wanted to be sure she had no doubts. “You gave me somewhere I belong, Chloe. And I will always love you for that.”

She grinned. “Good, because we’re family now. And that’s forever.”


She nodded.

He placed a gentle kiss on her lips. “I like the sound of that, Chloe.”

She kissed him back. “Me too.”