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The Wrong Girl by M. Piper (5)

Chapter 4



“Where have you been?” My dad’s shocked expression at my tardiness is almost comical. In all the years I’ve worked for my dad I’ve never been late once.

I smirk at him and keep walking, gripping Finley’s coffee mug in my palms as I go, letting my mind wander to last night with her.

I didn’t plan on it ending like it did. I promised myself I’d be a gentleman and I wouldn’t use her…but damn she’s hard to resist. Or maybe it’s the fact that I resisted every urge I had for her for years and now that we’re finally able to do whatever we want my body and mind have no more resistance towards what they need.

And I need Finley like I need my next breath.

“I’m heading up, Dad,” I call out to him, grabbing my gear.

“Yo, Walsh, where the hell were you this morning? We waited around for you until Kellan checked your room to see you weren’t there.” Anders says coming up behind me. I glance over at my Dad who’s grinning and shaking his head as he ducks out the front door of the house.

We’ve been working on this house for two weeks now and are almost finished, thank God. It was hit pretty hard with the storm but the lady refuses to leave, so every day we’re here, reframing and fixing the huge hole in the side of her house and she’s on top of us playing mother hen. Not that any of us are complaining because she always makes us lunch and keeps us hydrated with some of the best damn iced tea there is…but it’s weird as hell.

“Yeah, I had a date,” I mutter, clipping on my belt. “Ready?”

“With legs?” He pushes the topic and I shake my head.

“She’s got a name, Anders.” A name I don’t want to talk about because they won’t stop until they have every last detail on the girl and there are some things I like to keep to myself.

Like the fact that I’m dating my best friend’s little sister.

“Yeah?” He follows me out to the ladder. “You going to talk or do I need to pry?”

I let out a laugh and start my way to the roof. The guys know my love life is pretty null and void. Miranda pretty much killed my drive to be with women and even after we came here I’ve kept to myself. That woman’s crazy and there’s no room in my life for crazy.

But Finley? There’s plenty of room for her.

“A lady doesn’t kiss and tell,” I joke, winking back at him then climb onto the roof.

The view here is one of my favorites since we started working in Florida. Mrs. Lewis sure has the funds to keep her view of the ocean pristine. I could sit up here all day and watch the waves roll onto the shore just a few yards away. The smell of the ocean. The sound of the water crashing into land. Honestly, if I could move the business down here permanently I would but my dad thinks we’d make more money back home and the books don’t lie. So I take what I can get. A few months here a year in the beach house that belongs to the business is better than most people get.

Having a house right on the coast, however, also means more upkeep when storms like the one that ripped through last month plow through. Luckily for business, Mrs. Lewis doesn’t seem like she’s hurting for money, as with the seven other cases we’ve got lined up to work on over the next few weeks. As long as the weather holds off we’ll be raking in the money this season.

Coming down here during hurricane season isn’t always easy. One year we spent the majority of the season fixing the company house with all of our free time because of the storm that came through and took almost all the siding with it and tossed it in the neighbor’s pool. It’s definitely a risk we take, but at the end of the day we come out on top.

Anders drops the subject as soon as we get to work and when the sun’s at its hottest point and the sweat dripping off my face is enough to fill a bucket, I toss the nail gun down and curse.

“Break time, boys,” I call out, heading down to the truck for a rag then to the porch where Mrs. Lewis has left us a huge pitcher of fresh brewed iced tea.

I pull out my phone and take a selfie, shooting it over to Finley.


Me: Just in case you forgot about me.


I grin then glance over at Anders.


“You were late to work this morning and you’re wearing a stupid grin on your face. Can I at least get her name so I don’t have to call her legs anymore?”

I laugh and down the rest of my tea.

“Finley. Her name’s Finley, man. Can we drop it?”

“Did you break up with Marissa?”

“I did. Again.” I shake my head. “I think she took it okay but who knows. Honestly I don’t care. It was over for me when she repainted my bedroom a bright shade of purple one day when I was at work because she didn’t like the grey walls.

Like I said…the woman’s insane.

“Good.” He nods watching me. “So this Finley girl…”

“Hey, isn’t that Kat’s little sister’s name? Finley?” I hear my dad’s voice behind me and groan inwardly. This is why I wanted Anders to drop it. Because while the boys don’t know about her…my dad always has. I turn and look at him, raising my eyebrows and smiling through the annoyance at the look on his face.

“Yeah,” I say. “She lives here now.”

“No shit,” he says then his eyebrows pull together as he watches me.

“Yep. We just ran into each other the other night…” I rub the back of my neck feeling more awkward than I should. I never told my dad how I felt about her but I think he always knew. He’s been the mother and father in our situation since I was old enough to eat solid foods. He knows things I’ve never had to say out loud.

My dad’s always been more than just a dad. He was my first friend and now that I’m an adult there are times I feel like I’m his only friend. He’s a good guy and one day maybe he’ll reach out and start dating again, but until he does I know he’s going to be in my business about this Finley thing. And I don’t want to talk to him about it.

I smirk to myself and as soon as I slide my phone back in my back pocket I feel it buzz. Unable to stop my lips from turning into a grin, I see her reply and rub my face, groaning. She’s out on a boat, the sun blaring down on her, and somehow even in that nerdy as hell rangers’ shirt she’s hot as fuck. Who knew they let park rangers show cleavage like that.


Finley: Haven’t forgotten you all these years. Definitely not forgetting after last night ;)


“Fuck, Walsh,” Anders blurts from behind me. “She’s hot as hell! Like the nerdy type of hot. Like… Damn dude, is she a virgin? Her sister single?”

I chuckle and shake my head but my dad’s voice stops my reply.

“Get to work, Pence,” my dad says as he leans against the porch post watching me carefully. Anders bitches on his way back to the roof and I smile as I type out my reply.


Me: Good to know. How’s your day? Don’t fall off that boat.


I put my phone into my pocket and down the rest of my glass of tea before walking past my dad.

“Be a careful, son,” he says, arms crossed in front of him.

“Yeah,” I say, pausing in my step because the warning in his tone isn’t like my dad. “Why though?”

“Kat’s your best friend, Levi.”

Was, dad.”

“She’s still your friend, Levi. She’d be ok with this?”

“Dad, she hasn’t talked to me in a couple of  months. And I can promise you whatever is happening between me and her sister doesn’t matter to Kat. She’s got her life. I have mine.”

I feel like he can see straight through the lie. Kat probably won’t be okay with it, but we’re grown adults. It’s time she gets over that little rule she made in fifth grade.

Anyway, she’s too busy for even a friendship with me, so why would she care about any relationship that I have?

God, I hope this isn’t a mistake.

Being with Finley will never be a mistake.

But lying to her sister might be.

I spend the rest of the day on that roof, sweating my balls off, trying not to worry about whatever’s going on with Finley and I. Mainly because even if Kat would get offended…would I honestly stop this? Now that I finally have her?

No. Probably not.

There has to be a happy medium here. I’m not about to take Finley to Kat’s and flaunt it in front of her face, but there’s no way I’m letting Finley walk away from this just because her sister’s butt hurt.

By the time I get home I’m exhausted and after a quick bite to eat of something that was left in the fridge, I pull out my phone to call her.

“Hey,” she answers after the first ring and suddenly that knot in my stomach is loosening.

From one syllable out of her lips my day immediately brightens.

I’m fucking screwed with her.

“Did you know that little old ladies in Florida make the best damn iced tea there is?” I grin as I clean up my dishes. All the other guys went out for dinner but I need a shower and a little bit of sleep.

We didn’t get much last night.

Plus I really wanted to talk to her tonight.

“Oh really? Is this a proven fact? Because I’ve been known to make a killer glass of tea.” I hear the smile in her voice and chuckle.

“I don’t know. Mrs. Lewis makes a damn good glass. I guess I’ll have to try yours one day to compare them.”

“Mrs. Lewis, huh? She sounds like a hot cougar that likes to fuck the construction boys working on her house.”

I laugh loud.

“Oh totally. She’s the hottest eighty five year old cougar there is.”

Finley’s airy laugh dances through the phone and into my ear, sending chills down my body. “Nah. But we’re finishing up a project on her house. Her husband died a few years ago and she doesn’t even have any cats to talk to. So when we’re there it’s like she has purpose again.” I yank my shirt off and toss my jeans into the hamper, not even bothering with closing the curtains as I strip off all the gross layers from the day. If someone is looking into my room and offended by what they see, then they deserve it. Plus, the view here is pretty incredible. I’m not sure I’ve ever closed these blinds.

“She sounds like she’s lonely.” Finley’s sigh makes me smile. The girl’s always had a heart of gold, especially when it comes to old people. I haven’t heard her say a negative thing about anyone. Ever.

She’s a strange one… A strange one I crave. I need more of her positivity.

“She is.” I stand there, looking at the beach out my windows, and a thought comes to mind. “Hey, you want to take a walk?”

“Now?” she blurts and I chuckle at the cute shock in her tone.

“I mean, you’re not busy, right? And we’re neighbors so it’s pretty easy…”

“No… I’m not busy…” she giggles. “Uh… But I’m in my pajamas, Levi.” I hear her groan which makes me laugh even harder at her.

“Holy shit, Squirt, it’s not even seven pm!” I head for the bathroom and turn on the water as hot as it will go.

“I’m tired!” She laughs harder and I roll my eyes not believing her.

“I would put money on the fact that every Monday night at this time you’re in those exact pajamas.” The line falls silent. “I won’t let you turn into Mrs. Lewis, Squirt. I’m getting in the shower and will be out on that beach in front of your apartment in ten minutes. Be there in whatever clothes you have on, I don’t give a fuck.”

I end the call and take quite possibly the quickest shower known to man. It’s still muggy outside, but at least I’m washing off the grime from the day. I get to see Finley two days in a row and I’m not about to show up sweaty and smelling like the dirt of the day.

“Squirt!” I bellow, walking up to her apartment building when I don’t see her waiting for me. “You had fifteen minutes!” I walk up the path and go to yell for her again when I hear her laughter behind me.

“Knock that off! You’re going to wake my neighbors,” she hisses through laughter. I don’t see her so I spin around and when my eyes hit her my jaw drops.

“That’s what you sleep in?” I ignore the fact that her neighbors go to bed this early and step closer to her, pulled by some imaginary magnetic force, and glance down at her shirt. “Fin…” I hear her giggle and she wraps her hands around the front of her, hiding the boy band on her shirt that looks like it’s seen better days well over ten years ago.

Well this is mother fucking adorable. And kind of alarming. God, I hope she doesn’t still jam out to them like she used to back in the day. This girl needs more help than I thought. Pajamas in the early evening and nineties boy bands. No wonder she’s not taken yet.

And thank God for that. I may be pushy, but cheating isn’t my style.

I would have just had to work harder to get what I wanted this time around.

“You told me not to change. No making fun.” She turns and starts walking, leaving me stunned. Most girls wouldn’t have walked out here in that shirt. Not that there’s anything wrong with it… I mean, I find it cute…but most girls would have tossed on something a little ‘sexier’ or flattering.

Aw fuck, now I sound like an asshole.

“I’m glad you didn’t change,” I mutter, realizing the tiny shorts she has on reach just under the curve of her ass and from here I have the prefect view of her sexy as hell legs.

I keep in step behind her until she realizes what I’m doing and she stops, spinning in her spot and crosses her arms under those tits. Tits I want in my hands.

My eyes travel the length of her body and my dick twitches, trying to fucking jump out at her. Fuck me. The girl is absolutely stunning. Perfection on two legs. And she’s looking at me like I’m the only man she’s ever truly seen.

“Did you call me out here for a walk or just so you could ogle my ass?” She lifts an eyebrow and gives me a sideways grin like she knows exactly what’s on my mind.

“It was purely innocent,” I whisper, stepping closer to her.

“Was,” she says, shaking her head.

“Yeah. Was. Then I saw you barefoot on the beach with these tiny ass shorts and suddenly even the sound of the damn waves isn’t drowning out the screaming in my head to reach out and touch you.”

She smiles and bites her lip, reaching for my hand and turning to keep walking. I sigh, not knowing what to say after that. I keep telling myself I want to be around her without being a tool, then I go and say something like that. She’s going to think I only want her for the sex, but that’s not it at all.

I want her for her. I can get sex anywhere…but there’s ever only been one Finley Reeves. Granted the sex I can get anywhere is nothing compared to sex with her. It’s mind blowing. It’s earth shattering. It’s perfect. Anything else pales in comparison to her. And I know it will forever because if I’m being honest, nothing’s been as good since that first time five years ago.

“You were right, you know,” she says as we make it to the water’s edge, the waves lapping against the shore in a steady rhythm. “Monday nights I’m typically in bed by nine, fast asleep. Tour days on Mondays and Fridays are always insane. I’m just happy I don’t have the weekend shift, those are horrible I hear.”

“It’s not really peak season, though. Why are you guys so busy this time of year?” I try to think back to when my dad and I would vacation in this area and I always remember having to come down during slow times because prices were lower .

We’re in the middle of hurricane season. This definitely isn’t peak vacation weather.

“Honestly I’m so new here I’m still figuring it out, but I’m starting to think there’s really no ‘busy’ season for the types of tours we do. Most people think the cooler it gets outside and the later in the year it gets that the tours should slow down, but ever since I came here we’ve been swamped. The cooler it is the more wildlife comes out from their dens and the more people get to see. I’ve been told November and December are actually pretty busy months for tours.”

She stops and sighs, then plops down to the ground, pulling me with her. I want to wrap my arms around her as we watch the tide roll in, but I don’t. I feel too comfortable around this girl and I know that thought should make me think twice about what we’re doing, but it doesn’t. I’m finally going after what I’ve wanted all these years.

“So you’re on a boat pretty much all day?” I pull her hand to my lap as she looks out to the water. She’s beautiful in the moonlight, the way her irises glow in the moonlight. I’ve never seen such vibrant colored eyes on anyone else.

“It’s about fifty-fifty. I do multiple tours a day with Bran, he’s my partner.” She looks over at me and I must look confused because she laughs. “The one at the table with the bald head and goatee?”

“Oh yea! Looks like he could be the crazy uncle?”

She laughs and it’s music to my ears.

“Yeah, him.” She giggles. “He and I do the lectures and the boat tours. There’s a walking tour that the more adventurous of tourists can take but DJ has had the corner on that gig for years now.” She gives her eyes a little roll and sighs as she looks back out to the water.

“DJ being…” I try to put a name to a face but in the last forty eight hours my world’s been shifted sideways and I can barely remember what I ate for breakfast this morning, let alone what a random co- worker’s name was that I may or may not have been introduced to over the weekend.

All my mind wants to do is daydream about Finley.

“Pretty boy,” she grumbles and my back stiffens.

“He didn’t give you any troubles today did he?” I still want to smash the guy’s face in for being that way to her.

“No more than usual. I had an ample number of tours today though so we were kept pretty separate.”

“That’s good. Keep it that way.” She wriggles her fingers in mine and I clear my throat and loosen my grip, knowing I was probably squeezing too tight and getting worked up about this DJ guy. “Sorry.”

“He’s just annoying, Levi.” She turns to face me and reaches out, skimming her hand down my cheek. A wake of fire burning where her skin leaves mine. Needing more. Craving more. “Jealous doesn’t look good on you.”

“Trust me, it doesn’t feel good either.” I shake my head and push my cheek into her palm. “I don’t like worrying about you. I did it enough growing up…” I let the words slip before I know what I’m saying and she pushes her eyebrows together.

“You worried about me?” she whispers. I curse and glance back out to the water, nodding my head. I could ignore the question, but what good would that do? If I want to build something with this girl I need to be an open book.

“Every damn day, Finley,” I whisper then look back at her. “You know, I was so surprised you never knew how I felt about you. I felt like there were times I was so obvious. I was a pretty stupid teenager who couldn’t stop thinking about his best friend’s little sister.” I chuckle nervously and she rolls her eyes.

“Please, like I believe that. I was an awkward teenager with low self-esteem because the only thing I ever heard about myself was ‘hey big bird, when’re you going to grow into those legs?’ and you were the hot popular kid everyone wanted around.” She chuckles but I can see the pain there still as clear as it was the first day Leo Ingalls shouted that at her. Fuck, I was so pissed. Took that asshole down behind the cafeteria and he had to leave to go home and change his pissed in pants before anyone saw.


“I took care of that for you,” I whisper. “He got what he deserved.”

Her mouth pops open like she’s waiting to say something but the words never come. Instead all she does is nod slowly in realization.

“The black eye…” she whispers.

“The one he told everyone his cousin gave to him when he found him fucking his step sister?” My stomach is twisting tight. I’ve never told anyone this. Not even Kat.

“That was really you…” her eyes sparkle and my heart races.

What’s she going to think of me now?

“Don’t go ruining my reputation as the nice guy, ok?” I nudge her with my shoulder and take a deep breath. This is the most nervous I’ve ever felt around her, but mostly because I’ve never been this real with her, or anyone, before.

But she’s my Squirt.

“You looked out for me all those years…” she trails off.

“Yep.” I don’t know what else to say. She’s either going to swoon that I ‘protected’ her all those years or be so pissed off she storms away right now.

Fuck, if I were her I’d be pissed…

“That’s why senior year was so hard. Because I wasn’t protected…” She laughs harshly. “Holy shit, Levi.”

“I heard. And I hate that I caused that.” I groan and pull her hand to my lap again, bringing her face to look at me with my free hand. I need this contact right now. “I hated myself for it every day, Finley. My intention wasn’t to make other guys scared to date you. It started off just defending your honor and spiraled out of control after that.”

“Well they certainly treated me right when you were there.” She watches me for a moment then smiles softly. “I guess I should thank you, right? I never had my heart broken by any of those assholes at that school.” Her stare levels me and I let out a breath I was holding, but the worry is still there. Just because she didn’t have her heart broken in high school didn’t mean it didn’t happen after.

Like in college when she was introduced to all kinds of assholes…

“I’d do it all over again if it got me this chance right here.” I dip my head to hers and push our lips together, inhaling the sweet vanilla scent. I can’t seem to keep my hands or my lips off this girl. I knew I always wanted more with her, but now that I have it I figured I’d get enough. I figured it’d fizzle out before we had to worry about her sister finding out.

I thought I’d get my taste and be done. 

I was a stupid man to think that.

I crave her. I’ll always crave her.

She brings her hand to my cheek and moves to straddle my lap. The sand shifts under us and I brace myself with my elbows behind me as she pushes me lower, her whole body on top of mine. The dark tendrils of her hair cascade around us and her hands rest on my chest. Her lips are full and soft as she kisses me and her body arches against mine. Sexy doesn’t even begin to explain this situation. Erotic? Yes. Could I fuck this girl in the sand? Right here in public?

Hell, if she keeps grinding on me like this I absolutely will, no questions asked.

She moans, breaking the kiss and nudging her nose on mine. “Levi, let me take care of telling my sister, okay?”

I sigh, hating that Kat’s on her mind too. We’re grown adults. We should be able to do what we want with who we want without worrying about anyone else getting butt hurt.

“Yeah.” I breathe heavy, reaching one hand up to caress down her back. “That’s probably a good idea.”

She smiles and pushes her lips to mine again, darting her tongue across mine and deepening the kiss as she pushes her body tighter against me. My hand roams her back, pushing under her shirt. The water hits my feet, cold rushing through me mixed with the intense heat from her body pushed against me. Any other time I’d have had this girl on her back, riding her until we both came, then send her on her way.

But right now all I can think about is how this is Finley and she feels perfect. Like our bodies were built for one another. Like we’re two pieces to a puzzle that fit together with perfection. She deserves more than a fuck on the beach.

When she breaks the kiss we manage to pull away with all of our clothes still intact. My dick’s pissed at me as she snuggles in to my side, my arm wrapped around her and her body pushed against mine.

 “Have you ever just come out here and watched the stars?” Her hand trails my stomach and my fingertips dance across her arm. Touching her is rapidly becoming my favorite hobby. Watching her skin pebble under my touch and hearing her breath hitch is better than any drug or alcohol.

“Can’t say that I have.” My voice sounds too gruff right now. Like I just woke up from a long night’s sleep. But it’s really just from stopping myself from taking this any further.

“I do. Quite a lot, really.” She takes a deep breath. “I feel like maybe the waves crashing down on the shore is my dad’s way of telling me he’s proud of me.”

I blink up at the stars and listen to the waves. It’s a slow, steady pattern that I fall asleep to every night and yet I take for granted. All these years and this is honestly the first time that I’ve actually listened. Lapping back and forth, the thud and swoosh of the water as it hits the shore then retreats back out to the ocean. Unforgiving and never ending. Not even if it wanted to.

“It sounds sad,” I whisper, taking in the night sky. “But the stars make it almost peaceful.”

“Right.” She clears her throat. “It’s silly, I know. But sometimes I miss him, so coming out here somehow makes me feel closer to him.”

“Your dad loved you, Finley.”

She laughs and shifts to her elbow, looking at me with a grin on her face.

“Can we drop the sad topic? I can go to a dark place, but I really don’t want to tonight.”

I chuckle and rub her back.

“So then what should we talk about?”

“Our next date?” She wiggles her eyebrows with that smirk on her face that’s a dead giveaway that she’s got something up her sleeve.

“Why do I feel like you already have an idea for it?” God, she’s so damn cute right now with that tiny scrunched nose.

“You’ve known me my entire life, Levi.” She rolls her eyes and I reach out and touch her arm just to have more contact with her. “Don’t play stupid.”

“Alright, alright. Hit me with the greatest idea you’ve ever had.”

She smiles and bites her lip, glancing out at the ocean before looking back at me, determination glowing in those beautiful eyes.

“I don’t have a day off for a week and a half, but next Friday night,” she blurts and I nod.

“Do I get to see you again before then?” I narrow my eyes at her as I see the wheels turning.

“It may be hard. My work schedule’s insane and this weekend I have plans with Alexa.”

“Girl day with manicures and pedicures and shopping?” I bat my eyes and mimic those girly girls that I know, for a fact, Finley is not one and she gasps.

“No!” Laugher rings from her and she smiles wide. “Actually it’s a swamp tour.”

“A swamp tour?” I laugh but she’s dead serious. “Squirt, you two are going on a weekend long swamp tour?”

“Yep.” Her eyes sparkle with excitement. “Alligators and mud and bugs!” She smiles so wide her cheeks wrinkle. “I’m so excited!”

“Wow.” I nod, laughing. “I can honestly say this is a first for me. I’m going to need more details. Like…will you get eaten? Where are you sleeping? If you die do I get your snow globe collection? And why can’t I see you for a week and a half again?”

Laughing, she lays her head back on my chest.

“We can have late night walks on the beach after work. I like this.” She sighs. “And I promise this weekend I’ll be safe. And I’ll let you know when we’re back safe and sound.” She pushes her lips to mine and shoots to her feet with a wide smile on her face as she looks down at her shirt. “Just in case I do die, though, the last picture in your mind you’ll have of me will be in my Backstreet Boys t-shirt and gym shorts from ninth grade.”

“Ninth grade!?” I bark, shooting to my knees and pulling her closer. “Holy shit, Squirt. These still fit you?” I laugh, finding the Central High School logo almost fully worn out on the front. She slaps my hands away and laughs at me.

“Stop, yes they fit me. Like underwear more than shorts, but they’re too comfortable to get rid of!”

I wiggle my eyebrows at her. “I could get rid of them for you.” I slip my fingers along the hemline of the shorts and she, again, slaps my hands away and backs up. Persistent little girl…

“Okay, so next Friday night meet me out front of my building for date number two.”

“Uh…okay?” I rub the back of my neck still kneeling on the sand. “I’m all for the girl taking control, but you gotta give me more than this to go on.”

“How’s five? Are you off by five?” Her hands go to my hair and she smiles softly down at me.

“I can be.” I look up at her waiting for more details but they never come. “You’re not going to tell me the plan, are you?”

“Nope!” She chirps, then bends and kisses me once before skipping off towards her apartment building, leaving me here in the sand, staring at her cute as fuck ass as she prances away from me. But… But I’m not done with her tonight!

“Finley, wait!” I laugh, running after her. Damn, running in the sand is hard! How the hell did she make it look that easy?

“Good night, Levi!” She yells behind her as she makes it to her path. I step closer to follow her but she holds her hand up. “Goodnight. Levi.” She smiles at me and winks before spinning and bolting up the stairs.

And now I’m standing here alone, looking like a damn fool.

I make it into my house and slam the back door just in time to hear my phone ding.


Finley: You looked hot as fuck tonight with those sweatpants on.


I groan and pull my shirt over my head when I get to my room.


Me: You want me to come over so you can see them again in person?


I lie back in bed after kicking off said sweatpants and stretch out, my body remembering the feeling of her pushed against me.


Finley: No! Stay, boy.


I wonder what type of trouble we’re about to get into.


Me: Friday. Five pm. Got it, boss.


Finley: And Levi?


Me: Yes, Squirt.


Finley: This is my date. I’m paying.


Me: Not happening.


No fucking way will I let her pay. I asked her out on this date originally. She’s not taking over! I stare at my phone to see that she read my reply but she’s not replying to me!


Me: End of discussion, Finley. I’m the dude. I pay.


I hate that sexist card and I don’t believe it for an instant, but I don’t want her to spend her money on me!


Finley: Night, Levi <3


I sigh and toss my phone on the nightstand. The way this girl makes me feel is nothing short of crazy. I think about her nonstop. I smell her on my clothes. Hell, the last five years was torture every time she’d come up in conversation with Kat. I’m almost thankful that we’ve grown apart because after what happened between Fin and I…after I was a mega douche…every time Kat brought her name up in conversation I’d break out into a cold sweat.

Nervous she’d find out.

And even more so, filled with guilt. Guilt that I let my best friend down but heavier guilt that I’d let the one girl down I wanted most. The girl I fought for years to make sure dicks like me didn’t get a hold of.

Now, though? Now it’s none of the above. Now it’s completely the opposite. I’m…happy.

I’m not used to feeling this happy. And I’ll do whatever it takes to make her realize I’m not that guy anymore.

I close my eyes and my dreams take me back to the first day I remember feeling the way I do for the girl I shouldn’t…


“I’ll be right out!” I hear Kat yell from her bedroom. We’re going to see a movie tonight and we’re going to be late if she doesn’t speed up this process. I’ll never understand why girls think they need to put on makeup and get all dolled up to go sit in a dark theatre, but she’s convinced Alec from Biology is going to be at the theatre tonight so she needs to look her best.

I fall to the couch and kick my feet up on the ottoman when I hear someone walking in the halls. Thinking it’s her mom or dad, I pull my feet down just as Kat’s little sister walks into the room and stops dead in her tracks. I notice her cheeks first. Pink as a rose. Then the boy band on her white t-shirt. She’s not that much younger than us…but she’s so young.

Naive. Sweet. Innocent.


“Hey,” she whispers, tucking a wild hair from her low messy ponytail behind her ear. An ear that my hands want to reach out and touch. Caress. Legs…those legs and those shorts?

Aww fuck…

“Hi,” I say, clearing my throat and trying to clear my mind of these thoughts. “What’s up?” My voice cracks and her eyebrows lift slightly before she recovers from holding back that laughter.

“Grabbing some water.” She all but mumbles the words then speeds off to the kitchen and the entire time I watch her ass in those jean shorts. Holy cow she’s good looking. Too good looking. She’s my best friend’s little sister. She’s off limits but she always has been and it hasn’t been a problem.

But summer vacation just hit and the girl with all the right curves I’m watching reach into the fridge to get to something from the back isn’t the same girl I’ve called squirt for years on end because she was so small and awkward.

She’s Finley Reeves. She’s grown up. Matured.

And she’s going to the one high school in the area that’s known for its perverts and scandal.

Fucking. Great.




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