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Time To Learn (Believe Book 3) by Karen Ferry (7)



Banging on my door wakes me up the next morning.

“Kristian! Wake up, lazy git!”

“Hey, now,” I grumble as the door bursts open. I barely manage to cover my lower body with my sheets. The last thing I need is for my aunt to get a good look at my morning wood.

She wrinkles her nose at me and walks to the windows next to my bed.

“It smells like a pigsty in here,” she grumbles as she opens one of them.

“Well, good morning to you, too.” I yawn as I lean up on my elbows, squinting at her. “What time is it?”

“Just after eight,” she smirks at me.

I fall back with a groan.

“Good God, Lise, you’re worse than Mum—all smiles and sunshine at the crack of dawn.”

She scoffs at me as she takes a step closer to my bed, fists planted firmly on her hips.

“It’s not barely dawn, boy,” she scolds me. “Come, get up. Remember you’re taking me to see a horse today?”

“Fuck,” I mutter, clearing my eyes from sleep. “Is that today?”

“Yep.” She claps her hands in front of her, and I crack a smile at the enthusiasm shining in her eyes. “I’ve made you breakfast, so hurry up and come by. You don’t want it to go cold and stale now, do you?”

“Please promise me there’s no haggis this time?” I beg. The thought alone makes me gag even though I’m not hung-over this morning.

She chuckles at me as she turns away. “I promise. Now, get in the shower, please.”

“What the hell are you wearing?” I tease her as I rub the sleep out of the corners of my eyes. “You look like a talking ad for the Horse & Hound or something like that.”

“Too much?” she turns, eyes unsure and like one big question mark.

I nod as my eyes trail down her riding gear. Shining black boots, black trousers, white button-down shirt and a black vest.

I pinch my thumb and index finger together and grin at her.

“Just a bit. You’ll melt if you go out dressed like this.”

Lise nods, a thoughtful look in her blue eyes, before she tucks her hair behind her ears.

“Okay, I’ll go change. And you,” she points at me, looking so much like my mum, “get up. Now.” Then she leaves me alone.

Yawning, I run my hands over my eyes again before I look down at the floor. I locate a pair of boxers from yesterday, inwardly cursing at Lise for not shutting the door behind her, and put them on. Still half asleep, I get up and shut it, and then I walk to the bathroom next to my bedroom—appreciating for the umpteenth time that I don’t have to share it with anyone—and turn on the shower. As I wait for the water to get the right temperature, I brush my teeth. When Laura’s face springs to mind, I frown at my reflection in the mirror.

My cock, already at half-mast, swells in my boxers, and annoyance at being unable to let her go starts to stir. It’s been a long time since a woman has caught my attention like she has, and it unsettles me.

“Fuck,” I whisper. I spit the toothpaste into the sink, push down my boxers, and enter the shower. I stand under the spray, letting the water clear the last cobwebs of sleep from my eyes, and think back on the dream I just woke up from.

It was about her, of course. Even in my sleep, I can’t seem to escape her.

Warmth rushes down my spine as I remember in my dream, she was busy sucking me off, just as my aunt roused me from my sleep. I run my hand down my abs until I hold my balls in a firm grip. My cock twitches as it grows harder, and I lean my head back, closing my eyes as I try to chase the dream. With my other hand, I tug once at the piercing in my cockhead, groaning hard as pleasure runs through me.

As I imagine taking Laura from behind, my hands rubbing her nipples, I start to jerk off. Leaning back on the tiles, I spread my legs wider, moaning low as I think about Laura’s pussy milking my cock. My balls tighten as I squeeze it tightly, and I chase the release my body craves.

“Fuuuuuck,” I hiss when the last of my cum spurts and lands on the shower floor. As the orgasm tears through me, making me shake like a leaf, I revel in my fantasy of her, and I feel more satisfied than I have in a while. My rapid heartbeat settles down, and I blow out a long breath, my hand shaking as I grab the body wash and begin to wash the smell of my arousal away.

“Holy shit,” I whisper as I wash my hair.

I’d be lying to myself if I said Laura hasn’t been on my mind ever since she left the shop yesterday afternoon. My curiosity about her is piqued—not to mention that fucking gorgeous body of hers that I’d love to have writhing beneath me—and while I’m not looking for anything serious, I want to get the chance to get to know her a little better. Show her a good time. I can’t help but wonder what sex with the real Laura might be like, and if it’s half as good as the fantasy of her, I’ll be more than satisfied. I curse at myself for not saving her phone number in my mobile as I’m mighty tempted to ask her out, but then again—that’s not my style. And I’ll see her in less than a week.

I’ll just have to be patient for six more days.

How hard can it be?

* * *

The drive to New Beginnings only takes about half an hour. Lise is letting me drive her old, beat-up Landrover, for once.

“I miss my bike,” I mutter as I suppress a sigh. Impatience runs through me as I find us locked in between two lorries.

Lise chuckles beside me and crosses her now jeans-clad legs. “I bet you do. But you’ve got to admit that Alberta here is one sweet ride.”

Sweet ride? Where the hell does she come up with these things?

Snorting, I shake my head at her. “You’re such a goof, naming your car.”

“Don’t mock my car, nephew.”

I put on the indicator when I notice our turn is just up ahead. I sigh, relieved that I can push down the pedal and speed up.

“Remind me again why you want a horse?” I ask Lise.

“Because I love horses, and because I want to get more exercise.”

I glance at her and frown when she pats her stomach, an unhappy tilt to her lips.

“You look good to me.”

She laughs, straightening in her seat.

“Now that I’m single again—and we are not going to talk about that low-life, cheating, conniving bastard ever again—I want to get out and about, go on dates and do…things.”

I wince.

“Please don’t elaborate on what those things are,” I beg. I choose my next words carefully. “It’s only been four months since He Who Shall Not Be Named…”

“Thank you,” she huffs.

“Since he left,” I continue, not missing a beat. “Do you think you’re ready to face the dating scene again? I mean, it’s probably changed a lot since you were young.”

Excuse me?”

I glance at her and wince at the hint of anger in her grey eyes.

Younger,” I hurry to correct my blunder.

“Don’t you worry about me,” she snaps, turning her nose up. “I can take care of myself.”

Okay, then.”

I roll down the window, trying to get some fresh air into the stifling car. The silence between us gets more awkward by the second.

“It looks like it’ll be another hot day,” I murmur, trying to lessen the tension that permeates the atmosphere.

Lise places a hand on my arm and I glance at her again. I hate seeing the hurt in her eyes, and I grit my teeth when I think about that stupid fucker who messed with her for so many years.

“I’m sorry.” She wets her lips before she lets out a long breath. “I know your heart is in the right place, but I’ll be okay. Promise.”

“What heart?” I joke as I look back to the road. “I don’t have one.”

“Oh, but you do,” she chuckles. “It’s as bruised as mine. But I hope they’ll both begin to heal soon.”

Gritting my teeth, I swallow hard. My hands grip the steering wheel until my knuckles turn almost completely white. I force myself to relax.

Fuck, I thought I’d done a better job of hiding my feelings, but Lise has always been very perceptive. Apart from anything that had to do with that fucking sod of an ex-husband, that is.

“We’re here,” I murmur as I take the turn. The grey sign with the simple, black lettering looks a bit worn, but the old wheelbarrow, filled with pots of flowers in front of it, gives it a cheerful appearance. And a welcoming one.

Lise points at the horses grazing in paddocks on either side of us as I drive slowly up the gravel driveway.

“Ooh, look at them!” she exclaims, bouncing in her seat with excitement. Seeing her so happy makes my gloomy thoughts fade a little.

I count the horses—there are ten—and grin when I see a small, spotted pony roll in the grass. I smile at Lise.

“That one would be perfect.”

She snorts. “Eh, no, but look at the grey one next to it? He’s gorgeous.”

I let up on the throttle, making the car slow down almost to a crawl, and look closely at the one she’s pointing at.

“He looks angry,” I mutter as the grey snorts as we pass it, stomping his hooves before he turns and gallops away in the opposite direction. “I don’t know anything about horses,” I admit to Lise, “but I think he’ll be too much for you to handle.”

She cranes her neck and keeps the horses in sight as I push down the pedal again, making us go a little faster.

“Maybe you’re right,” she sighs as she sits back in her seat. “I’m looking forward to meeting Wenn, though. She has a great reputation, and I love the concept of her business.”

I raise my eyes at her.

“Why, what’s so special about it?” I ask as I stop the car in front of the main house.

Lise unbuckles her seatbelt and cranes her head through the windshield to take in the property.

“She takes on horses that can’t compete anymore—whether that be show jumping, racing, or whatever—and tries to rehabilitate them, so to speak, before selling them again. From what I gather, she’s very particular about who she chooses to sell to.”

“Huh,” I muse as I open my door. “That does sound very admirable.”

Lise gives me a quick smile as we leave the car. Rounding the bonnet, she looks up at the house and I place my hands in my jeans pockets as we stand in silence for a while, taking it in. Despite the fact that it looks old, just like the sign back at the wayside, there’s a charm about it. Trellises climb up the red brick on either side of the old, wooden front door, and there are flowers placed in pots on the three steps leading up to it. The thatched roof makes me think back to fairy tales my mother used to read aloud to me—as well as stories I used to read to Rose—but I try to push the memory of my little sister from my mind. The wound is still too fresh and raw, and I just can’t handle thinking about her.

Turning in a circle, I scan the grounds, waiting for someone to come and greet us, until my eyes stop at a closed paddock a couple of hundred yards away. The sound of female voices is carried on the wind, though I can’t make out what they’re saying, but when a small rider comes into my line of sight, I turn back to Lise next to me.

“Let’s go,” I tell her, jerking my chin in the direction of the paddock. Without waiting for her to follow me, I start to walk, all the while looking at the stables around us. The smell of hay and horses is a comforting combination, even though it’s so unfamiliar to me.

As we get closer to the paddock, I narrow my eyes as the rider comes into focus. My steps falter as she stops the horse in front of a woman, and I jerk to a stop when I take in what I’m seeing.

Flannel shirt, rolled up slender, delicate arms.

Dark-blue riding trousers covering a perky arse.

Brown hair in a messy bun on the top of her head.

What the hell?

Vaguely, I register my aunt stopping next to me. My eyes trail up and down the sight before me—I’m almost afraid to breathe.

“What’s wrong? Kristian?”

I stop breathing for a second, but then a smile breaks out on my lips when the woman turns around, no doubt alerted to our presence.

But it’s not just any woman.


Her eyes widen in surprise.

Immediately, I begin walking again, still ignoring Lise, before I stop at the fence. I rest my arms on the top, admiring the view.

“We meet again,” I call out to Laura, before I glance up at Ailith. As recognition fills her eyes, she smiles wide at me. “Hello, Ailith. Enjoying the book?”

Ailith turns the pony and trots towards me, stopping at the fence.

“Hello,” Ailith says as she pulls on the reins in front of me. “I love the book! Thank you again for buying it for me.”

I grin at her. “I’m glad you’re enjoying it.”

She claps the pony’s neck. “This is Lady, my very own pony.” A puzzled look settles in her eyes and she tilts her head at me. “What’s your name?”

Chuckling, I push up on the lower half of the fence, swing my legs around, and jump down. Carefully, I stop next to the pony, making sure my feet are well away from its hooves, before I reach my hand up to Ailith.

“My name is Kristian. Sorry I forgot to tell you that the other day.”

She pulls off one of her riding gloves with her teeth and she leans forward in her seat and shakes my hand.

“I like your name,” she tells me, making me grin again.

“Thanks. I like it, too. Where I’m from, it means royalty.”

“Oh! That’s neat. And where are you from?”

“I’m from Denmark.” I grimace. “My accent gave me away again, didn’t it?” I ask.

She giggles. “A little. It’s weird.”

“Ailith, please,” Laura’s melodious voice interrupts us.

I shake my head at her as she stops on the other side of the pony.

“It’s okay. I know my English isn’t the best.”

“Even so, Ailith knows that wasn’t very polite.” Laura looks up at her daughter, resting her hand on her thigh. “Make sure to walk off Lady while I talk with Kristian for a bit, yeah? Make sure her joints are nice and loose. She’s not as young as she once was.”

Ailith nods.

“Okay, Mummy.”

She looks back at me as she gathers the reins in front of her.

“You’re not going to disappear again, are you?”

I shake my head. “Nope. I’ll be here for a while yet.”

Nodding briskly, she says, “Good. I want to ask you about your tattoos.” She clucks her tongue and I take a step away as the pony, Lady, starts to walk. “Come on, girl.”

I look at Laura as she keeps an eye on her daughter for a bit. I can’t believe she lives here—it feels like fate. Lise steps up next to me, and I turn to her when she puts her hand on my arm. The twinkle in her eyes make me narrow my own. I haven’t forgotten how she loves to play Little Miss Matchmaker.

“Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend?”

I open my mouth, about to answer, when Laura faces us.

“I’m sorry,” she says as she extends her hand to my aunt. “Laura Turley. I run New Beginnings with my mother, Wenn.”

“Oh, it’s lovely to meet you,” Lise smiles warmly at her and grips her hand. “I have an appointment with her today. I hope we didn’t intrude?”

“Not at all.” Laura smiles at her. “We were done with our morning session anyway. Mum is probably in the office, getting ready for you. I’ll take you to her.”

As Laura steps away and around me, I frown, annoyed that she doesn’t exactly acknowledge my presence.


I trail after both of them as they walk back to our car, only half listening to their chat. The sun beats down on my head, and I breathe in relief when we enter the stables. The temperature is a bit cooler here, and I blink, trying to get accustomed to the shadows filling my vision. Without meaning to, I bump into Laura in front of me.

“Oomph,” she gasps.

Instinctively, I place my hands on her arms, steadying her.

“I’m sorry,” I mumble as she tenses beneath my fingers. “I didn’t mean to startle you.” I release her at once when she turns her head a little, meeting my gaze.

The fear that slams into me, almost making my breath hitch, is the last thing I expected to see.

“It’s okay,” she mumbles before she takes a step further inside. “The office is this way,” she explains to Lise. Frowning, I put my hands in the pockets of my jeans as I follow them. My aunt gives me a pensive look over her shoulder, and I shrug, just as nonplussed as she is about Laura’s strange reaction.

“Mum, your appointment is here,” she says as she opens the door down the other end of the stable. As we come closer, a short woman with long, grey hair comes into view.

“Ah, great. I thought I heard a car, but then I had to take a call.” She smiles at Lise. “Welcome to New Beginnings, Lise.”

As they shake hands, her eyes wander to me, and I smile politely at her when hers widen at the sight of my tats.

I’m used to all kinds of looks from people when they see my ink for the first time, so it doesn’t sting much when her grey eyes turn cautious.

Good thing she can’t see my pierced cock, or hell would break loose.

“Thank you,” Lise says, bringing Wenn’s attention back to her. “I’ve been like a child at Christmas the last couple of days, excited to meet you.”

Wenn smiles warmly at her, and my lips twitch with amusement at the girly eagerness in Lise’s voice.

“Well, let’s get to know each other, then,” Wenn says as they walk into the office.

I hesitate when Laura walks in the opposite direction, back to where we came from.

“Aren’t you joining us?” Wenn calls after her.

She slows down, glancing briefly at her. Again, she avoids my eyes, and I clench my teeth as it makes me feel as if I’m wearing an invisibility cloak or something. Her evasiveness is seriously starting to piss me off.

“I have to make sure Ailith is okay,” Laura calls back and resumes walking.

“But…” Wenn’s protest falls on deaf ears, because Laura is already gone. “Well, then. I guess it’s just the three of us.” With her hand, she indicates for me to follow her, and, unable to come up with an excuse, I walk inside, shutting the door behind me.

* * *


Three times in three days.

“This is crazy,” I mutter, kicking at the dust as I walk back to the paddock. “It’s just serendipity playing tricks on me. Oh God, and now I sound completely off my head.”

Sighing, I stop at the fence just as Ailith is about to pull up the stirrups on Lady’s saddle.

“I think you’re ready for the competition tomorrow,” I say, smiling, when she comes closer to me. I open the fence to let them out. “Don’t you?”

She scrunches her nose at me. “I don’t know. I don’t want to think about it.”

“Hey?” Puzzled, I put an arm around her shoulders, stopping her. “What’s brought this on? You’ve been talking about it the past month. Why the change of heart?”

“I dunno,” she mumbles, looking down at the ground.

“Sweetie, come here.” I bend down in front of her, putting my hand lightly under her chin when she avoids my gaze. “Please talk to me.”

She sighs as she rolls her lips between her teeth. “It’s just…Thomas from school will be there, and I know he’ll start to make fun of me, and –”

“Ailith, if he does, I’ll talk with his parents, yeah?”

That little shit.

“I know, but…”

When her voice trails off, I kiss her cheek.

“Don’t forget that I’ll be there the whole time. Who’s your number one fan?” I grin at her.

Her lips twitches. “You.”


I know the crisis is over when she giggles.

“Okay, let’s wipe Lady down, get her some water, and then let her out to Domino.” I straighten my back, but keep my arm around her shoulders as we walk to the stables.

Ailith takes off her helmet and smiles softly at me.

Thanks, Mum.”

For what?”

“For having my back.”

Warmth settles in my heart, and I have to blink hard to clear the sudden mist in my eyes.

“Always, sweetie. Always.”

As we set about our task, my mind wanders back to Kristian. I still can’t quite grasp that he’s here. Seeing him again so soon is a shock to my system—an unwelcome one—but I think I did a fairly good job letting him know that I’ve no interest in him.

Well, that’s what I try to tell myself, anyway.

My mind is at war with my body. One part of me longs to feel the touch of a man again, and yet, the biggest part of me recoils from the thought.

Plus, there’s also Ailith to consider. It’s important that she knows she’ll always come first, no matter what, and I don’t want our lives to ever fall into a downward spiral ever again.

“I’m just going to put the saddle away in the tack room, Mum.”

Smiling, I nod at her. Her small frame looks adorably funny as she picks up the harness along with the saddle. I watch as she leaves, making sure she can handle it.

My girl is strong in so many ways. Sometimes, even I forget that she’s only eight years old.

I take a hoof pick and lean slightly into Lady’s side and, without making a fuss, she lifts her leg for me.

“You’re so good for her, sweetie,” I murmur softly as I clear some pebbles from the shoe.

Lady’s head turns and I feel the pony nudging my behind, making me chuckle.

“Yeah, we have a good life, don’t we, Lady?”

“Are you a horse whisperer?”

The question from Kristian startles me, and I tense before turning my head in his direction.

There’s an inscrutable look in his eyes as he leans back against the stall next to me, hands in his pockets.

“I wouldn’t go that far,” I answer drily.

Gently, I release Lady’s leg and go to her other side, away from Kristian’s probing eyes.

“Then what are you?” he asks me.

I pause as a lump forms in my throat, making it difficult to talk, but I try to mask it and clear my throat.

“That’s a very serious question for a stranger to ask another, isn’t it?” I hedge.

“I don’t think so.”

I pat Lady’s back as I muster up the courage to look at him properly.

Yep, my libido still works.

His longish hair teases the top of his shoulders, and he looks like something from out of a magazine as he remains where he is, eyes watchful and intense.

I wet my lips.

“I’m just a simple woman trying to raise her daughter while running a business, Kristian. Nothing more, nothing less.”

“I don’t believe you,” he deadpans.

I huff. Despite my promise to myself when I saw him earlier—to keep my distance—he has me curious.

Why not?”

He jerks his chin at me. “The fact that you appear to be a single mother tells me that you have a story. One that you don’t want to tell me, and that’s okay, for now, anyway, since we don’t know each other.”

I narrow my eyes at him.

“So? That doesn’t mean I’m a puzzle you have to piece together. Or…” I laugh darkly, “that I’m a mystery in any way.”

He pushes away from the stall and meanders towards me. I want to run and yet, at the same time, I want to remain where I am.

He stops on the other side of Lady, resting his hand on her back.

“Again, I’d have to disagree.”

I blow out a long breath as he runs his other hand through the scruff on his chin. His fingers linger on his lips, rubbing them as his eyes cloud over in thought, and I have to force my hands to still.

My fingers itch to discover if his lips are as soft as they look.

Snap out of it, Laura!

Deciding he’s not going to accept the subtle hints I’m offering him, I try a different tactic.

“Look, Kristian, I’m sure you’re a very nice bloke and everything, but...”

“Don’t say it,” he interrupts me, voice low and his eyes dark, serious.

I blink.

“You don’t know what I was about to…”

“Yes, I do.”

Annoyed by his interruptions, I sigh. I want to stomp my feet like a child—or throw myself at him. I can’t quite decide which, and it only infuriates me further. This indecisiveness is unwelcome.

Kristian points a finger at me.

“You were about to give me the old song about how you’re sure I’m a nice man, but that you’re not interested, and I don’t believe you.”

I gape at him as he shrugs. He turns to walk around Lady, gently giving her neck a long stroke, all the while he keeps his eyes on me. My heartbeat picks up, but I hold my ground. I refuse to let my eyes betray me this time, and I won’t let him intimidate me.

Those blue eyes will do me in—they’re so intense, probing and prodding away at the chains I’ve got firmly tied around my heart. As he stops right in front of me, I’m forced to lean my head back—he’s so much taller than me, at least by six inches—and when he grins down at me, I tense as the dimples pop out.

Dimples are lethal, especially on a man such as Kristian.

“So,” he murmurs. “Let me explain how I know you’re lying.”

I clench my teeth, unwilling to buy into this little game of his.

“I bet your heart is pounding away,” he whispers, taking another step closer until our fronts almost touch. “The pulse at your throat jumps—I can see it—and I think you’re feeling a little hot right now.”

“It’s summer,” I snap. “Of course I’m hot.”

To prove my point, I wipe some sweat from my brow.

Kristian shakes his head as his eyes flicker down to my lips.

“It’s not that kind of heat I’m talking about,” he continues as his eyes trail up to mine.

Oh, my God, I’m drowning in the blue sea of them.

“Your breaths are shallow, the blush in your cheeks high, and the air is electric, ripe with tension between us.”

He takes a deep breath, and the movement almost makes his chest touch my breasts. My nipples harden, and my legs feel like jelly.

“I bet if I kissed you now, I’d know for certain that you’re lying,” he whispers as he bites his lower lip.

My breath hitches as I shake my head slowly.

“I think you’re just being obstinate,” he says.

That brings me out of my stupor “What? No, I’m not.”

“Then prove that you’re not interested in me.”

“How?” I scoff.

Kiss me.”

The nerve of him.

I become unglued from my spot at the pure arrogance he exudes.

“I shouldn’t have to prove anything to you,” I hiss. I raise my voice. “Now, if you’ll excuse me. I have horses to tend to.”

Careful not to touch any part of his body, I step around him and move to release Lady from the tie ring hanging on the stall.

“I take it that means you don’t want to join me for a pint tonight at the Oran Mor in Glasgow?”

I don’t even bother to look at him as I begin to lead the pony outside.

“That would be the correct assumption, yes.”

“Guess I’ll have to find someone else, then.”

The bait isn’t lost on me—I used to be quite good at his game—so I don’t give him the satisfaction of answering. Without knowing it, Ailith comes to my rescue as she skips up to walk beside me, and I suppress the relieved sigh that’s bursting to fall from my lips.

“Do you think Thunder will mind sharing his paddock with Lady and Domino?” she asks me as we walk next to the paddock.

“I think they’ll be fine. The ponies are good for him—they seem to calm him down.”

We stop at the fence and I remove Lady’s harness before opening the gate. As she trots inside, I keep a close watch on Thunder, trying to anticipate his next mood. The grey gelding looks up from grazing as Lady meanders closer to Domino, but then goes back to eating as the two ponies greet each other.

“They’ll be fine.” I look down at Ailith who’s grinning from ear to ear, and I put an arm around her shoulders. “Come, it’s time for lunch.”

“But I want to talk with Kristian, Mum.” She points back to the stables. I scan quickly to where he’s standing, ignoring the way his lean muscles look as they strain against his white T-shirt.

“Okay,” I relent, “I’ll head to the kitchen and prepare lunch and come to fetch you in ten minutes. Deal?”

She nods and quickly runs off, yelling, “Kristian!”

A wide smile breaks out on his face as his gaze leaves mine to take in her excitement. The unhappy frown is gone, and I can’t help but think how young he looks when he does that.

Oh, gosh, how old is he?

“It doesn’t matter,” I mutter as I keep walking in a straight line towards the house. “I’m not interested.”

Nevertheless, I can’t help but feel rather flattered that I seem to have caught the attention of someone clearly younger than me. Every woman would feel the same, I’m sure.




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