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Twist of Time: (Tulsa Immortals Book 7) The Ruby Queen Awakens by Audra Hart, Tulsa Immortals (28)


~ New Reality ~


When the limo, yes Morrígan arranged for a stretch Hummer Limousine to drive the group for their outing, pulls up in front of an impressive three story Art Deco style mansion with two riders from the MC trailing behind,  Callie gawps like a fish before turning to face. Morrígan.  “It’s beautiful!”  Turning to look back at the very impressive mansion before them.  She adds; “And huge.”  She stares dumbfounded for a moment more.  “I’ve lived in Tulsa my entire life and I know the city pretty well because I am always on the lookout for estate sales and the like, but I never knew this place was here.”  She looks back at Susie.  “How is it that I have never noticed this place before?  I know I have driven this street many times, and yet this is the first time I have ever laid eyes on this place.”

Gin chuckles from the driver’s seat where she had been riding alongside her mate, who is driving the Hummer and acting as chaperone and added security for this little excursion.  “Don’t feel bad, Callie.  I grew up in Sand Springs, lived in Tulsa since high school, and I never saw this place either until I tapped into my preternatural side.”  She turns in her seat and casually hooks an arm around the headrest of the leather seat.  “This is Harper House.  Obviously, it has been magickally warded and spelled to escape the notice of non-magickal beings.”  She smirks playfully.  “Three local witches have renovated their family home and turned it into a luxury day spa, boutique mini mall, and fabulous eatery for supes.”

Suddenly, Callie worries that her friend Susie is feeling left out.  “Oh Susie, can you even see the mansion?”

Susie simply giggles and reaches for the handle to open the door.  “Of course.  I went to high school with the Harper triplets.  I’ve spent many a night here for sleepovers before the girls decided to move into the carriage house out back and turn the family home into a thriving business.”

Callie smiles happily at her young friend.  “I’m so pleased you suggested a girl’s day out.  This is going to be so much fun!”

“Oh girl, just wait until we get inside.  The bottom floor is the coolest day spa you could ever imagine.  Harper House has the best hair stylists and beauty techs in the state. Every beauty treatment known to human and immortal alike is available.  Not to mention healing saunas, whirlpools, massage tables, and there is even a classroom where Siri Harper teaches yoga classes several days a week.”

Callie casts a doubtful glance at the building.  “Susie, don’t get me wrong, this place is spacious and all…”

“Magick,” Morrígan reminds Callie with a smirk on her lovely face.  “Much like the MC.  There is much more on the inside than the building appears to be able to accommodate from outward appearances.”

Susie, totally unfazed by the interruption continues extolling the amenities of Harper House.  “The middle floor contains several epic little boutiques which feature amazing clothing and accessories.  My favorite adult specialty boutique is here as well.”  She winks conspiratorially at Callie with that admission.  “Each boutique is owned and operated by members of the Sapphire Coven.  If a dress you like doesn’t fit… not a problem.  With a simple spell, they can alter it to fit you perfectly.  The same is true of the handbags and shoes.  Can’t find shoes and bag to match, just find the style you like, and with another simple spell, the color, material, whatever, is altered to match perfectly.”  She giggles.  “I’m afraid I am ruined for life when it comes to shopping anywhere else.”

“You better be,” a tall blue haired, blue eyed willowy waif of a woman calls out through the open car door from the sidewalk.  “Now, Susie Williams, get your fine butt out of that car and introduce me to all of your lovely friends.” 

The blue haired super model is joined by a woman with identical features sporting pink hair and pink eyes, and a third lovely waif with a matching face sporting nearly neon green hair and matching eyes.  The Harper Triplets watch in apparent giddy satisfaction as the group of supernatural beauties spill gracefully from the oversized limo. 

“Ladies, these are my sisters from another mister, the Harper Triplets.” Susie begins the introductions with a happy smirk.  “That’s sassy Sari, spectacular as always in her electric green.  Sweet Siri is ever adorable in her signature neon pink.  And this bossy hussy,” Susie stretches up to loop an arm over the shoulder of her friend with blue hair, “is the one and only, sinfully delicious, Sindri.  As you can see, she is a true vision of azure perfection.  These lovely ladies, along with our friends Bethie and Patty, kept me mostly sane all throughout middle school and high school.”  The triplets all giggle and move in to engulf Susie in a flurry of hugs and kisses.

When Wrath strolls around from the driver’s side of the Hummer to open the passenger side door for Gin and offer his hand to help her disembark, the pink haired witch giggles sweetly.  “Dayuuuum, Demi-God.  Who knew you had a gentlemanly side?”

Wrath chuckles darkly and pulls the statuesque Gin possessively against his massive leather clad and tatted body before he gives the pink haired witch a glower that would make a lesser woman run for the hills.  “Only for my female,” he snarls so viciously Callie momentarily wonders where the caring and friendly male she has come to know has disappeared to.  When Gin playfully smacks his rock hard belly with her open hand and chastises him while giggling happily, the Nordic wolf smiles playfully and it lights up his face.  “Okay, so my female is teaching me manners.”

The pink haired witch laughs happily and nods.  “So I see.” 

Her sister with the green hair leans over to stage whisper; “I hope she has more lessons in the works.”

“Behave, Witch,” Wrath chastises playfully.  “I voluntarily skipped Hoagies and a high stakes poker game at Callie’s house today.  Most importantly, I gave up time with the baby dragon so that I could drive this band of females to your little establishment.”  He grins at Gunnar and Rocky who have dismounted from their bikes to join the women in front of the mansion. 

“Hoagies and a poker game?  At my house?” Callie croaks out, looking at Wrath with her surprise plainly showing. 

“Of course,” Breena pipes up.  “You didn’t think our bunch of over protective males would actually let us all have a day out sans their hovering over our shoulders without some kind of incentive, did you?”

“Whose brilliant idea was that?” Callie asks, absolutely in awe of the planning that went into this girl’s day out. 

“That would be me,” Susie says with a raised hand and a sweet giggle as she moves to stand on the other side of Callie.  The older women notices her young friend toss an uncomfortable look at Gunnar, and wonders what that is about, but Susie’s next words distract her.  “Well, my friend, I have a confession to make.  I showed up at your house this morning with every intention of dragging you off for a girls’s day out.  So, I spent last night baking several dozen hoagie buns and about fifty pounds each of roast turkey, roast beef and pastrami.”  She grins over at Morrígan and Jenniene.  “Those two over there, went out and purchased enough chips, beer and the rest of the sandwich makings to keep everyone’s overbearing men well fed while we enjoyed a spa day at Harper House.”

Callie giggles and wraps Susie in a hug.  “You are the best!  I can’t believe you did all of this… for me.”

“Why the hell not?” Mara demands.  “New mamas deserve a day to themselves to remember they are vital, vibrant women in their own right and not just mothers.”  She cocks her hip theatrically and tosses her mane of rich, brownish red hair over her shoulder.  “I have four kids, I know what I am talking about.”

Morna and Breena chuckle.  “Wellllll….” Susie steps in.  “Let’s just say Morna has everyone beat when it comes to spawning half of the supernatural world.”  Callie cannot help but nod her agreement since Morna is mother to sixteen, yes, sixteen immortal children.

Amid the playful banter and laughter, the Harper sisters lead the group of eager women inside while Wrath, Gunnar, and Rocky bring up the rear.  The men are quickly ushered to an opulent man cave the green haired triplet called the gentleman’s waiting area, while the women are shown to another much more feminine version.  After handing out electronic tablets which contain menus of available services and mimosas to help them relax, Siri, the pink haired witch announces; “I will give you ladies a few minutes to decide which, if any, spa services you would like to indulge in today.  Simply tap on the services you like and attendants will come along shortly to see to your needs.  Feel free to ask me any questions if you are uncertain.”  

The women discuss the offered services while they sip on the Mimosas and exchange light banter.  When Callie expresses interest in a simple massage only, Siri’s brow furrows and she looks at the new dragon queen questioningly.  “Are our offered services not to your liking?” There is a slight, uncertain quaver in the young witch’s voice, but Callie is so overcome with embarrassment that she doesn’t even notice.  Instead, she simply blushes and looks down at her hands knotted in her lap as she tries to think of a way to explain without offending the business owner.

Finally, she decides to just be honest.  That practice has always served her best in the past.  No need to change who she is at heart for a bunch of virtual strangers.  “I’m quite certain all of your services are lovely and well worth the… expense.  But my business recently burned to the ground and my future sources of income are a bit uncertain at the moment.  I am not comfortable dropping so much money in one day for spa services which I know I would enjoy but do not truly need.”

Siri blinks several times as though trying to process what Callie had just said.  Finally, after a few silent moments she says; “Your mate, Kazar, has an account with us.”  She pauses, licks her lips.  Clears her throat.  “Before his… uh disappearance, he came in regularly for massages and sauna days.”  Callie just stares at the woman without any sign of comprehension.  “Well, uh, I assumed your spa day and shopping trip would just go on Kazar’s account.  After all, he called shortly before your arrival and told me to give you the royal tre…” 

The pink haired witch looks away nervously from Callie’s impassive expression during her halting explanation.  A quick glance back at the new dragon queen causes the young business owner to lick her lips again when Callie’s expression hardens and the pupils of her eyes elongate as the irises shift from their natural color to an angry crimson glow.  “Uh, my bad.  Sorry.”  Siri backs away as though about to flee the room.

Callie’s suppressed fury is making her hands shake as she reaches into her small clutch bag for her bank debit card.  Handing the card to Siri with a strained smile upon her face, Callie tries to alleviate the young witch’s embarrassment.  “Kazar had no right to make that phone call.  I can cover my own expenses.”  There is no doubt in anyone’s mind about Callie’s anger despite her attempts to calm her inner rage.  “My apologies for the mix up.  Here is my card to cover my spa day.”  Siri takes the card and flees the room without another word.

The room filled with formerly laughing women has fallen silent and Callie quickly realizes all eyes are on her.  Without really thinking it through, she turns to face them all and demands; “What?”

Several tense and silent moments tick by until Jenniene giggles nervously and drains her mimosa.  “Dayuum woman, you is one scary ass female when you put on your resting bitch face!”

Everyone but Susie is laughing nervously at Jenniene’s comment.  Susie is sitting rigid on the edge of her seat, tensely trailing a finger around the rim of her champagne flute.  After a few tense moments, she finally speaks softly.  “That really wasn’t necessary.  Siri is one of the sweetest woman I know and you terrified her, Callie.  For no good reason.”  Finally, little human Susie Williams looks up to glare at her new friend, the Dragon Queen.  “Siri was just doing her job and did not deserve to be treated that way.”

Callie sputters and tries to think of a response for a moment and finally she exhales tiredly and nods.  “You are right.  She did not deserve that.”  Callie turns as though to follow the young witch.  “I will save my irritation for Kazar.  He’s the one who deserves it, after all.”

“No, he doesn’t,” Susie asserts quietly but resolutely.  Callie turns to face her young friend, her exasperation plain in her expression.  “Your mate simply wanted to ensure you had a fun day at a spa,” Susie continues softly.  “He wanted you to feel pampered and pretty.  He wanted you to relax and have some fun with new friends after a very difficult pregnancy and delivery.  He wanted you to feel comfortable with a group of your Immortal peers so that you could find your footing in your new life.”  The younger woman looks away, her chin quavering slightly for a moment before she seems to collect herself.  “He actually cares about your happiness and needs, but you are behaving as though he somehow wronged you.”  

Exhaling slowly, Susie rises to her feet. Setting her champagne flute on the small table beside her chair, she once again meets her friend’s gaze.  “Those males love you and want you to feel like you belong in this life you’ve been forced into by fate and circumstance.  They do not act as they do to control you or to flaunt their power and affluence.  They act as they do because mates are supposed to care for mates.  They love, cherish, provide for and protect.”  With a decisive nod, Susie turns and follows her friend, the pink haired witch, from the room.

Callie stands there like a statue, watching, hoping her young friend will return.  When a full minute passes in tense silence, a single tear slides down Callie’s cheek as shame fills her entire being.  She did act like an ungrateful bitch.  She did take her frustration out on that sweet young witch, who was as Susie said, only doing her job.  “Dammit, I’m such an ass,” Callie whispers.

Gin comes to stand beside her new friend and slips a comforting arm around her shoulder.  “Not an ass.  Just a newly made Immortal who is still viewing the world through a mortal mindset while juggling Immortal abilities and learning to cope with your new reality.”  Gin shrugs.  “I struggled with it as well.  Especially my male wanting to provide for me.”  The Amazonian sized female giggles sweetly.  “Our… uh, discussions… over paying off my college loans and the like were usually very loud and often quite angry.  Luckily for both of us, they almost always ended with some truly spectacular kinky play and make up sex.”  Callie can’t help but smirk at the younger woman’s pretty blush over this very candid admission before Gin casts a glance over her shoulder in the direction of the gentleman’s waiting room and a gentle smile curls her lips. 

Turning her head to once again smile at Callie, she says,  “As modern human females,” Gin continues, “… we have come to believe worthy, strong women rely on no one but themselves.”  She smiles guiltily.  “Heck, I still believe that, at times.  It makes coping with Wrath’s overriding need to shelter, protect, and dominate a bit overwhelming at times.  But patience and tenacity will see you through the adjustments.  Over time, you will come to accept and hopefully even embrace the reality of being bonded to Immortal males.”

Callie takes a moment to search the face of her friend.  “And what exactly does that mean?”

Morrígan has joined the duo and grins wickedly.  “Dearie, it means Immortals over a certain age do not give much thought to mundane matters such as living expenses, spa days, and providing protection for those they love.  They have lived long enough to amass enough resources to meet their needs and fulfill their desires.  They have experienced enough life to know that it is wise to protect those you love and savor the moment, because it all could be taken away in the blink of an eye.”

Callie is finally beginning to understand the Immortal mindset that allowed Kazar to set up an expensive spa day for her without consultation… not because he thought it was his right to do so, or because he didn’t think her capable of providing for her own needs, he simply wanted to do something nice for his female.  To treasure and cherish her with what, to him, was a very simple gesture.

She opens her mouth to say that she’s finally getting it when the blue haired triplet flies into the room.  Her wild azure mane is fluttering behind her as though caught in a stiff breeze, and her unnaturally blue eyes are flashing like aquamarine gemstones reflecting blazing sunlight at midday.  “How dare you!?!” she shrieks angrily.  “You may be a godsdamn queen and a dragon to boot, but that doesn’t give you the right to terrify my little sister!”

Callie turns calmly to face the raging tempest in the form of a blue haired, blue eyed witch with a humble expression on her lovely face just as Gin steps over and gently places a calming hand on the shoulder of the blue witch.  “Easy, Sindri, it’s not what you think…”

“The hell it’s not,” Sindri rages.  “My poor sister came to the office sobbing her eyes out.  I wasn’t able to get a single coherent word out of her until Susie showed up and explained what happened.”  She turns to glare once again at Callie.  “If you have issues with your mates, take it up with them and do not frighten harmless little witches who live only to make others smile.”

“You are absolutely correct, Sindri,” Callie agrees quietly.  “Siri did not deserve to bear the brunt of my ridiculous reaction to learning one of my mate’s helped my friend arrange a spa day for me.  I was wrong to allow my insecurities to get the best of me, and I was doubly wrong to allow my unsettled emotions to affect others negatively.”

The blue haired witch opens her mouth to rage further at the Dragon Queen but snaps her mouth closed when no words come out.  Instead, she cocks her head to the side with a confused expression on her lovely face.  “Insecurities?  You?  The freakin’ Dragon Queen felt insecure?”  She shakes her head.  “That doesn’t even make sense.”  Her expression hardens.  “Yeah, go on, pull the other leg cuz I’m not buying that load of nonsense.”

Callie chuckles and nods.  “It’s true.  Probably very stupid, but also very true.  I understand I am to be the Dragon Queen, but I still feel like boring old Callie Boyd.  The owner of a vintage clothing store who exists on the fringes of life because I’m too timid and reserved to really engage with the world.  It’s all an adjustment for me and I am afraid I am not handling some of the changes very well.” 

She looks down at the floor and mumbles; “Perhaps when the dragon finally decides to join me I will feel more confident and make fewer stupid mistakes.”  She looks up again to meet the confused gaze of the blue witch.  “I am truly sorry.  If you will show me to your sister, I will apologize in person and beg her forgiveness.”

Siri and Susie enter the room at that moment and the pink witch smiles tremulously.  “That won’t be necessary.  Susie explained you were not angry with me… just feeling uncertain in your new role and finding yourself mated to a vampire and shifter.”  She giggles quietly and covers her mouth to hide her embarrassment.  “Yeah, I bet that’s quite an adjustment.”

Callie rushes forward and takes the pink haired girl’s hands into her own.  “I am so, so very sorry for the way I behaved.  I had no reason to be angry at… well, anyone.  I was letting pride and uncertainty cloud my thinking and stir my emotions.  I am truly sorry.”  Callie blushes and releases the delicate hands of the tiny witch.  “I don’t know where all of that anger came from and I am honestly very sorry that you felt it was directed at you.”

Siri shakes her head.  “I didn’t feel your ire was directed at me, but it still frightened me.  I can feel your dragon and no one has been around a true dragon for centuries.  It’s a scary proposition…”

“You can feel her?” Callie questions with her head cocked to one side.  “Truly?  Feel her?”  Siri nods.  Callie looks to the other women in the room, all but Susie nod because they too can feel the presence of the Dragon.  “But we are not yet… I am not…”  Callie clasps her hands and begins to fidget.  “I’m so confused.” 

She turns and begins to pace the length and width of the luxurious sitting room.  After several tense moments of frenetic pacing she begins speaking, as though to herself.  “I always feel her…  I have felt her presence since I was a child…  Sometimes, she even speaks to me… I even remember feeling her presence in my past lifetimes, but I wasn’t aware anyone else could sense her.”  

Suddenly, Callie stops pacing and looks up at the pink witch, and then to all of the other women in the room watching in rapt fascination as this little drama unfolds.  She blinks several times as though just now recalling she is in the company of others.  “If you all sense her… that means I’m not a whacko.”  The relief in Callie’s expression is almost comical.  “If you feel her too, she is real and that means I am not going insane.  It means I have never been nuts… just sharing my existence with a dragon.”  When tears begin to trail down Callie’s lovely face, Morrígan wraps her up into her arms to offer her comfort.

The rest of the women in the room discreetly slip away to allow Callie a chance to calm down.  Morrígan who has been murmuring ancient Gaelic words of comfort while she rubbed up and down Callie’s back after several minutes begins to curse quietly.  First in Gaelic and then in English.  “Those stupid, arrogant, heartless gods.  If they had only let us explain a thing or two along the way.  Dammit!  There was no need for you to suffer alone.  To come to doubt your very sanity.  To fall prey to Nyx’s minions over and over.  Damn them!  Damn them all!”

Sorry, my child.  But it was necessary.  The very familiar voice has returned, and Callie can feel her protective presence hovering at the fringes of her consciousness.  I’ve always been here, waiting for you to grow enough to join with me.  Sadly, it was necessary for your very human mind to face the threats and sense my presence without explanation, in each life time.  You needed to become a worthy vessel.  As you are now.  Worthy.  Exemplary.  Strong.  Able.  Deserving.

“Aye,” Morrígan drawls.  “But they could have allowed me and her other protectors to remain close enough to offer some kind of support…”

Nay, Warrior Mage.  We could not allow that.  Callie is startled that Morrígan can hear the voice of the Dragon, but she puts those thoughts aside to take in their conversation.  The night Finn Connor attacked Callie in that alley, Callie finally reached out to me… to her inner strength and true nature.  She understood, finally, that I was real and a part of her.  She reached out to me for strength, and that is the only reason she survived the attack.  The Beautiful One was finally strong enough and worthy enough to embrace her destiny and bring back the Dragon Monarchy.

Morrígan smiles proudly at Callie and nods.  “But, I am still confused and so very, very lost,” Callie admits.  “At times I still doubt your existence.  How does that make me worthy?”

A rich chuckle fills the room.  Child, those moments when you doubt our destiny are moments when you are viewing the world through mundane eyes.  Evaluating what you know by mundane standards.  Over time, you will allow those shallow perceptions and understandings to fall away.  You are coming to embrace our destiny.  You just need to let go of your petty fears and step forward.

“Oh, is that all?” Callie asks flippantly.  “Just like that?  Get over it and step forward?”

Exactly!” The dragon and Morrígan affirm in unison.

Callie steps out of Morrígan’s sheltering arms and resumes her pacing.  “Well, that is all well and good… flipping easy for you two to say…”

Morrígan halts Callie’s pacing with a firm hand on her arm.  “Enough!” she chides firmly as she searches the younger female’s face.  After several long and silent moments, in which Callie felt very vulnerable and exposed, Morrígan nods and smiles a very satisfied smile.  “You are ready.  You just need one more bit of information, and then you will understand and be able to move forward.”

“What bit of information?” Callie beseeches quietly.  “Help me understand.”

“The Dragon Spirit is not separate from you, Callie.  She never has been a separate entity.  That voice you’ve heard in your mind, that strength you called upon when Connor attacked you, that is all you.  It always has been.  In every incarnation, you have always been the Dragon.  You will always be the Dragon.  The High Queen Mother of all Dragons.”

With those solemn words, Morrígan la Fey, the Black Irish Raven, the terror of the ancient Celtic pantheon kneels before Callie Marie Boyd - Ruathar Bànrigh – Fierce Queen!  The newly awakened High Queen of the Dragon Western Péntearchy!  A slight smile curls Callie’s full lips when the rest of the women discreetly re-enter the room and follow Morrígan’s example.  Only Susie hovers in the doorway uncertainly. 

It only takes a moment for Callie to become frustrated with this show of devotion.  “Oh hell, that’s enough!” Callie breathes out in quiet exasperation.  “I am not going to go for all this kneeling crap from my friends.”  The women smile and a few chuckle as they all rise gracefully to their feet.  Callie extends her hand to Susie in invitation.  “Come here, Susie.  You, too, are my friend.  Do not hover out there on the fringe as though you do not belong.”

When Susie opens her mouth to protest, Callie shakes her head.  “Don’t,” Callie says with such authority that Susie can do nothing but obey.  When she approaches Callie, the older woman takes her into a warm embrace.  The women hug in silence for a few moments before Callie whispers; “Thank you, Susie.  In many ways, you did more than anyone to help me find my way.  Your gentle presence, quiet strength, and loving ways are an inspiration and an anchor for my battered soul.”

When the other women in the group begin to voice their agreement, Susie blushes and hides her face behind her hands.  “Enough,” she says after just a moment.  “We came here for a day of pampering, shopping, and a good meal.  Let’s forget about all of this drama and have that girl’s day out we so richly deserve!”




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