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Unlovable (Hooked Book 7) by Charity Parkerson (6)


“Tim asked me to give this to you.”

Rylan looked up from his sad attempt to organize the workstations before his interns arrived. Priscilla, Tim’s assistant, held a manila envelope out. Tim was probably the only bodyguard on the planet with an assistant, but Kano needed the man’s full attention and did everything he could to ensure Tim wasn’t busy with menial things. Rylan accepted the envelope while fighting his smile. He wasted no time slipping it open. There were two boarding passes and a note inside. He barely spared the passes a glance.


I’ve built up a lot of vacation time. Since I travel so much with Kano, it seemed ridiculous to take off work to go on vacation. Now I’m thinking we should hit the road. Our flight is tomorrow morning. I sent both boarding passes to you. If you don’t show, I won’t go.Tim

Rylan rolled his eyes. Tim acted like Rylan didn’t know he could simply print off new passes. Still, damn, he kind of loved the high-handedness of it all. He glanced around. Priscilla was still waiting for the elevator.

“Hold up, Priscilla. Could you take this back to Tim for me?” he asked, scratching out a quick reply on Tim’s note before redoing the clasp on the envelope and handing it back.

Priscilla didn’t immediately reach for it. Her normally perfect features were marred by a deep line between her eyebrows. “I didn’t know you knew my name.”

Rylan shook the envelope at her. “I know everyone here.”

“Tim told me to not let you give that back to me.”

Rylan didn’t drop his arm. “Whose wrath do you fear more?”

“Good point,” Priscilla said, accepting the envelope. “But if he has Mr. Aramante fire me, I expect you to give me a job with a raise.”

She was shrewd. Rylan liked her. “I don’t need an assistant, but I won’t let him fire you.”

She gave him a sharp nod. “I accept those terms.”

Rylan bit back a smile and watched her go. Now all he had to do was wait. It only took only as long as it took Priscilla to ride to the twenty-sixth floor. His phone buzzed.

Tim: Don’t move.

Rylan immediately glanced around, looking for a place to hide at the order. In the end, he wanted to see Tim too badly to fuck with him. He kept catching himself holding his breath while staring at the elevator door. By the time the door slid open, revealing the sexy man who lived under Rylan’s skin, Rylan thought he’d faint from the anticipation. Tim held the envelope as he crossed the room. Rylan leaned against the edge of the counter to keep from meeting him halfway.

Tim stopped six feet away and paced while tapping the papers against his thigh as he went. “So, according to your note, I’m an idiot.”

“Yes,” Rylan said, trying not to sound as breathless as he felt.

Tim stopped pacing and held his stare. “Because I want to have you to myself for two weeks?”

Rylan tried hard not to smile. “No.”

As Rylan looked on, Tim’s chest expanded as he obviously fought to hang on to his patience. “Would you care to explain?”

Rylan released a loud sigh and pushed away from the counter. He was having more fun than he’d had in a long time. “First,” he said, ticking off fingers, “it takes a lot to keep all this.” He motioned toward himself. “Looking like this for two weeks. Do you really expect me to carry all that to the airport by myself? Second, you didn’t ask. You demanded. Third, I have interns right now. Unless Adam is willing to take them for the next two weeks, I can’t leave.” Tim’s smile brought Rylan up short. It was his sweet smile with the gorgeous dimples. “What?” Rylan asked, wondering what he’d said.

“Would you really be willing to pass your interns off to Adam to be with me?”

Even though he didn’t understand why that mattered, Rylan nodded. “He’s the only one I’d trust.”

Tim made a dismissive gesture. “I’m glad to hear it, but that’s not what I meant. Would you really walk away from your interns for me?”

Rylan would—most likely—walk away from anything Tim asked him to, but he didn’t know if he should admit it. Naturally, his mouth didn’t care what Rylan thought or wanted.

“If you asked me properly, I would.”

Tim’s expression made the horrifying admission worthwhile. The man lit from the inside, looking triumphant and proud to be with Rylan. Everything bad inside Rylan disappeared beneath the man’s stare as Tim closed the distance between them. “I have two tickets to Bear, California, where they have these little bungalows on the lake. They’re quiet, secluded, and gorgeous. It would make my day if you’d agree to go with me. We could cuddle in a hammock and I could

“Yes,” Rylan said, cutting him off. He wasn’t one for roughing it, but there was nothing he wouldn’t do to be alone with Tim. “If,” he added, hating to do so, “Adam will take my interns. That’s asking a lot.” Tim looked as if he’d already won. Rylan winced, since there was more. “Also, I need my interns to agree as well. They signed on to learn from me, and it’s not fair for me to leave them for two weeks without getting the okay.”

Tim nodded, looking a tad less excited. “Let me know. I’ve got to get back to work.” He headed for the elevator.

Rylan couldn’t take it. “Tim.” When Tim turned, too much of Rylan fell from his lips. “I’ll offer to extend the program by two weeks so they don’t miss any lessons.”

“You don’t have to do that,” Tim said, but the hope in the man’s gaze said he did.

“Yes, I do, because I love you, and I want those two weeks on the lake.”

Tim pressed his lips together, visibly fighting his smile. “Later, babe.”

“Later,” Rylan said almost too quiet to hear. He stared at the elevator until Tim was gone. He would stop at nothing to give Tim those two weeks. Nothing mattered as much as making his man happy, and Rylan never thought to feel that way again. Life—it was funny.

* * *

Tim tried wiping away his smile as he rode the elevator back to the twenty-sixth floor. An image of Rylan wouldn’t leave his head. Those sexy eyes—fuck. Even if Rylan couldn’t find a way to go out of town with him, Tim was the luckiest man on the planet. He wouldn’t go if Rylan didn’t. Two weeks was too long to go without seeing him. Not to mention, Edward Yearly would be released next week. That was one of the biggest reasons Tim had chosen now to get lost. If the dude headed straight for Rylan upon release, he wouldn’t find him. No matter what happened, Tim would keep Rylan so busy he wouldn’t have time to worry over it.

The door slid open, freeing Tim from the elevator. He didn’t move right away. His brain was stuck downstairs with Rylan. The man was in full diva mode today—hair perfectly done and flawless in every way. Pride swelled Tim’s chest. He wanted to head back down and hear Rylan confess to loving him again. That never got old. Kano would get out of his meeting soon and Tim needed to be working. With a heavy sigh, Tim finally headed for the office. He found Adam where he left him earlier, sitting at Kano’s desk, surfing the web.

He glanced up as Tim came through the door. His bright smile always had Tim doing the same. Adam was the sunshine. “You’re amazing.”

Tim’s brain froze. He searched his mind, trying to decide if he’d done anything special for Adam lately. “Okay. Thanks,” he said, sounding unsure.

Adam took pity on him and relieved his curiosity. “Rylan asked me to take his interns for two weeks. I’m so excited.”

All Tim could do was blink. Rylan had already asked and Adam had already accepted? Barely five minutes had passed since Tim left Rylan downstairs.

“How does that make me amazing?”

“You’re taking Rylan on vacation. That’s so sweet. You know he hasn’t been anywhere that wasn’t work related in over ten years.”

“I didn’t know that. How did you?”

Adam shrugged. “He told me. Sometimes, I think he’s just waiting for people ask questions—like he’s lonely but is scared to share too much without permission.” Adam shrugged again as if he was uncomfortable sharing his opinions.

Tim understood what he was saying. Rylan didn’t freely offer anything first—like he’d mentally had his hands slapped way too many times while reaching out for others. “I’m working on fixing that,” Tim said, because it had to be true. Otherwise, there was a real possibility they’d never be more than lovers.

* * *

The bungalow was everything the website promised. Woods surrounded the place, and the interior was cozy. A large bed took up a majority of the studio-style interior. For two whole weeks, Rylan wouldn’t have anywhere to escape from Tim, unless he wanted to hide in the bathroom. It was big enough. In fact, the man could probably take a blanket and pillow into the bathtub and stretch out. After putting away the groceries they’d stopped and bought before finding the place, they ventured out back to take in the view. The back porch was more like a long pier, extending out onto the lake. The water was a perfect reflection of the sky. White puffs of clouds seemed to float along the surface. The air radiated peace. In truth, Tim didn’t know what he hoped to accomplish during his time alone with Rylan. Rylan made him realize that he could be head over heels in love with someone and still know next to nothing about them. He knew the important stuff. Tim wanted all the rest. The childhood memories. Rylan’s secret escapades he’d never shared with another soul. The ugly things he couldn’t share with anyone else. Tim wanted it all.

“Huh. This place does have a hammock.” A snort escaped Tim before he could call it back. Rylan glanced behind him. “What was that noise all about?”

Tim shrugged. “The disgust in your voice, I guess. I knew you’d hate this place.”

After kicking off his shoes, Rylan eased into the hammock, looking as if he expected it to dump him out on his ass any moment. “If you knew I’d hate this place, why’d you pick it?”

Tim struggled not to laugh. Rylan sounded funny—like if he didn’t pitch his voice too high, then he wouldn’t fall. “Maybe I was testing you. After all,” he said, kicking off his shoes and climbing in with Rylan. “You test me with bullshit all the time.”

“That’s a lie,” Rylan argued. His voice strengthened each passing second he didn’t hit the ground.

Another snort left Tim. “Six months ago,” Tim reminded him. “You needed the black shoes from your house.”


“Oh” was right, and the guilt was real. It coated the air. “How many trips did I make between the office and your house with the wrong shoes before you remembered the right ones were in your bag?” Tim couldn’t resist throwing air quotes around “remembered.” Rylan had known damn well where those shoes were.

A loud sniff sounded from Rylan. “Six, if I recall.”

“And why did I have to make six trips?” Tim pressed.

“Because you were flirting with the guy who makes the coffee,” Rylan muttered, sounding childish.

Tim growled. “I was not. All I did was ask for more sugar.”

Exasperation bled from Rylan. “It’s not what you asked. It’s how you asked, and you were too flirting.”

Against his will, Tim found himself sucked into the old argument anew. “For fuck’s sake, I was just trying to get some goddamn sugar. I paid your price already by making six fucking trips to your goddamn house for shoes.”

Rylan covered Tim’s mouth, cutting off his rant. His eyes swam with laughter. Tim couldn’t look away. “You’re right. I’m difficult.”

Despite the humor in Rylan’s expression, Tim hated when Rylan said things like that. It never sounded as if he was putting himself down. Rylan was too vain for that. It was more like he’d come to accept he was hard to love, while Tim had never done anything easier. Tim kissed Rylan’s palm before pushing the man’s hand away. “I picked this place because it’s secluded and I want you all to myself away from all distractions.” Adam’s claims about Rylan waiting for someone to ask about his life drifted through Tim’s mind. He cuddled as close as he could get to Rylan, and held on. “Tell me about your childhood.”

Rylan’s fingers brushed through Tim’s hair. “I’d rather not.”

Tim wasn’t above wheedling. “Come on. Give me one detail and I’ll stop.”

“I grew up and moved away. The end. Tell me about your childhood.”

“You never go back to Washington?” Tim asked, refusing to let it go.

“There’s nothing there for me anymore,” Rylan said, sounding absent. He perked up and went back to massaging Tim’s scalp. “Now, seriously, tell me about your childhood. I know you’re a Texan by birth. What are your parents like?”

He hated that Rylan wouldn’t talk to him, but he let it go. “I don’t know. They’re like parents, I guess. My dad is a petroleum engineer. My mom teaches seventh grade science. They’ve been married thirty-eight years, I think. When they got married, they bought a house right outside Houston, and they still live there to this day. We were as normal and apple pie as you can get.”

Rylan chuckled. Tim tried snuggling closer to the sound. “Apple pie,” Rylan repeated. “I bet having a gay son turned them on their heads.”

“Actually, no,” Tim said, warming to the topic. “My dad’s brother is gay, and they’ve always been like best friends. Still, I kept it to myself for a long time before my mom finally just asked if I was finished redecorating the closet I was hiding in yet.”

“Your mom sounds great. I’d probably be too much for her, though.”

Tim tried to get Rylan to look at him, but he wouldn’t. “Why would you think that?”

He felt Rylan shrug. “I’m too much for most people.”

Without thought, Tim tightened his hold on Rylan. “I guess we’ll find out at Thanksgiving.”

“Um, I’m sorry. What?”

It had been a damn good thing Tim had held on to Rylan. He was more than eighty percent sure the dude was about to bolt. “We’re a couple. I love you. They’re my parents. See where I’m going with this?”

“Not really, no. I don’t do family gatherings. People don’t like me. They won’t like me.”

“I like you, so your argument is invalid, and you’re going.”

To Tim’s surprise, Rylan relaxed in his hold. “That’s over a month from now. You’ll change your mind.”

“Nope.” Tim sounded entirely too happy, even to his ears. “Even if you manage to wiggle out of it at Thanksgiving, then I’ll get you Christmas. If not then, I’ll spring it on you when you think we’re headed elsewhere. You may as well suck it up and get to know my family.”

Rylan growled. It was adorable. “Why is this so important to you?”

“Because you are.” A loud chiming noise interrupted their conversation. Tim looked around, trying to decide where the sound came from. Rylan’s guilty expression clued him in. He dug through Rylan’s front pocket, finding the man’s phone. Tim didn’t bother checking the number before declining the call and tossing the device into a nearby bush. “Now, as I was saying, you’re important to me.” The way Rylan’s body shook with barely suppressed laughter distracted Tim. The words died in his throat as he watched Rylan’s eyes swim with humor.

“Caveman,” Rylan choked out between chuckles.

Tim shook his head, trying to dispel the magic Rylan weaved to capture him. “I love watching you laugh.” He brushed his thumb along Rylan’s bottom lip. “I’m still trying to figure out how to make it happen more often.”

Rylan brightened. “Keep grunting and throwing shit. Apparently, that cracks me up.”

Sometimes, Tim’s happiness overcame him. Times like now. He rolled from the hammock, ensuring he didn’t flip Rylan out in the process. “You want a caveman, huh? I can show you that,” he promised before snagging Rylan around the middle and tossing him over his shoulder. “Tim wants his man,” Tim said, grunting in his best mock caveman voice.

Rylan’s whole body shook, as if he couldn’t catch his breath.

Tim slapped him across the ass for good measure. After clearing the door, Tim tried setting Rylan on his feet. Rylan’s arms encircled Tim’s neck, hanging on. “We should try out that awesome-looking tub,” he said, looking devilish as he walked backward while still holding on to Tim. “It’s been a long time since I tried to see how long I can hold my breath.”

Tim was already hard. “Lead the way.”

With a wink, Rylan took Tim’s hand and headed for the bathroom. He didn’t release Tim until he stood at the edge of the bathtub, as if he didn’t want to lose their connection. Rylan started the water. Tim enjoyed the show. The way Rylan’s snug jeans cupped his tight ass had Tim readjusting his cock.

“I want inside you.” Even Tim heard the lust in his voice.

Rylan turned. The heat in his stare had Tim’s heart racing. Rylan’s gaze never wavered from Tim’s as he reached for Tim’s belt and slipped it loose. Tim stood still and let Rylan undress him. Each breath came harder than the last as his shirt disappeared beneath Rylan’s touch. Once he was nude, Tim went to work on Rylan’s clothes. He moved slow, giving the tub time to fill while torturing Rylan. Tim touched the man as much as possible—with his hands and his lips. Every newly bared inch of skin deserved a kiss. He switched between sweet pecks and biting licks to keep Rylan on his toes until the bathroom filled with heavy breathing and soft moans. Rylan’s palms slid slowly up Tim’s arms and shoulders until he reached Tim’s jaw, holding him in place for their kiss. The innocent touch set Tim’s already burning body ablaze. He nipped at Rylan’s lips and curled his tongue around Rylan’s. Tim massaged every inch of Rylan he could reach, trying to pull the man closer. There was never a close enough. Each time they touched, Rylan stole another piece of Tim.

Calling on some inner strength, Tim pulled away and climbed inside the tub. He never released Rylan’s hand, leaving the man no other choice but to sit on his lap inside the huge tub. Tim nearly came the instant Rylan’s sexy ass bumped his hard cock. Then Rylan melted against Tim’s chest and captured the attention of his heart. He wrapped Rylan in his arms and held on as the water engulfed them. Rylan turned off the water before it overflowed the tub.

Rylan’s nape called to Tim. He opened his mouth over the spot. A gasp filled the air. Rylan dug his hand between their bodies and massaged Tim’s aching dick.

“Come here,” Tim demanded, sounding breathless even to him. “You can show off your amazing lung capacity later. Right now, I need to feel your sexy ass squeezing me.” He lifted Rylan enough to sink inside him.

Rylan held on to the sides of the bathtub. His soft moans drove Tim. A large mirror across from the room caught and held Tim’s attention. Rylan’s eyes were closed and his cheeks were flushed. His lips were slightly parted. Tim almost came at the sight. Between Rylan’s turned-on expression and tight heat on Tim’s cock, Tim had a hard time waiting to please Rylan.

With his feet braced against the side of the tub, Tim lifted his hips and pumped inside Rylan. “Jesus, baby. You’ve already got me ready to blow.”

A stuttered breath escaped Rylan.

Tim lost control. The orgasm he’d barely held on to exploded through him. He’d never come before Rylan. There was no helping it. Tim jacked Rylan’s dick, determined to get Rylan on the same level of ecstasy. Rylan writhed in his hold. Tim’s muscles tightened, as if he was the one on the edge rather than Rylan. He watched Rylan’s every reaction in the mirror. His heart swelled. This man, he was the love of Tim’s life. Every nuance of Rylan was amazing to Tim. They belonged together. These moments always made everything look clear to Tim. Rylan’s muscles hardened. His breaths quickened. He cried out as he came, and Tim knew—this was the other half of his soul.

* * *

Rylan couldn’t stop stroking every bare inch of Tim. Disheveled blankets and sheets surrounded them like a cocoon, making Rylan feel like they were alone inside their own little world. With one week down, Rylan wondered if two weeks was enough. Maybe they could disappear. Several times he had to stop himself from asking Tim if he could keep him. Instead, he chose to focus on something else—Tim’s gorgeous blue gaze. It never wavered from Rylan’s stare. The intensity between them was a magnetic pull Rylan couldn’t escape. Only one passion matched what he felt for Tim.

“Can I do your eyes?”

A sexy chuckle that made Rylan’s stomach flutter fell from Tim’s perfect lips. “Parents tell their kids they’ll go blind if they jack off too much. But I think I’ll seriously go blind if you do my eyes.”

Rylan punched him in the arm. “That’s not what I mean, and you know it. I’m talking eyeshadow and liner. The works. No one needs to know.”

The way Tim’s lips curled in one corner had Rylan taking a steadying breath. “Are you missing work that much?”

“If you love what you do, it’s not working. Plus, what I do is art. I like to create and your eyes are beautiful. They’re have me itching to play.”

Tim shrugged. “If it’ll make you happy, go for it.”

Rylan had to stop himself from squealing like a little girl as he crossed the room to grab one of his makeup bags. He hurried back.

“Damn,” Tim breathed, sounding aroused. “I love watching your ass.” He sat up. The sheet slithered down Tim’s stomach and pooled in his lap. “Where do you want me?”

Rylan flattened his palm against Tim’s chest and pushed him back down. “Stay.”

The evil smile Tim wore had Rylan wondering at his thoughts. Rylan tossed a leg over Tim’s hips, straddling him. Tim stared up at Rylan, captivating him.

“Do as I say,” Rylan demanded as he flipped open a tiny plastic container.

“Mhmm,” Tim hummed. “Are things about to get kinky?”

Rylan didn’t respond. He knew if he did, Tim’s smirk would ensure he didn’t get to play dress up. “Close your eyes.” Tim did as told. Rylan swiped away at his closed eyelids. “Open them.” Tim continued following Rylan’s every command while staring at Rylan’s set face. Rylan swore he could look at Tim forever. This was for the fun of it. Tim didn’t need a drop of cosmetics. He was naturally perfect. Rylan spent so long staring down at Tim, it took him a second to realize they were doing nothing except staring at each other. He blinked.

Tim’s eyebrows rose. “Are you finished?”

Rylan cleared his throat. “Yeah.” He flashed a small mirror Tim’s way.

Tim inspected his reflection. His expression gave nothing away.

Rylan couldn’t take it. “What do you think?”

Tim set the mirror aside. “I think you’re the most beautiful man on the planet, and there’s no one luckier than me.”

“I meant about the makeup,” Rylan clarified, barely holding back a huff.

“You’re better off without it,” Tim said, still refusing to answer Rylan. “I love every side of you, especially the diva, but right now—with your hair a mess and free of all makeup—I think this is my favorite side of you. No one else gets to see you this way. When you’re like this, I know you’re mine.”

Goddamn. He loved this man. “You should always know I’m yours. Now,” he said, determined to hear Tim’s opinion. “What do you think of your eyes?”

Tim appraised his reflection once more. “It’s crazy the things you can do,” he answered before setting the mirror aside once more.

Rylan bit his bottom lip. He didn’t want to ask. He couldn’t stop himself. “Is that a good or a bad thing?”

Tim smoothed his palms up Rylan’s thighs. “It’s a very good thing. You have talented hands.”

“In more ways than one,” Rylan boasted—confident.

“Damn, don’t I know it,” Tim growled, hardening Rylan’s cock.

The more time he spent alone with Tim, the more Rylan realized how overly optimistic he’d been about spending two weeks doing nothing but keeping Tim in bed. Still, Rylan kept wishing they could stay here forever. When it came to Tim, he was greedy as hell. The more time they spent together like this, the deeper Rylan sank. He already knew one day he’d wake up so entrenched in Tim, everything else would disappear. Rylan wasn’t sure that was a good thing.




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