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Unlovable (Hooked Book 7) by Charity Parkerson (4)


The soft-looking gray t-shirt Tim wore had Rylan’s palms itching. He had no idea where Tim had found clothes, but Rylan wanted to touch him. Tim looked so damn soft in his sleep. Rylan rolled from the bed to keep from giving in to temptation. He quietly closed the bathroom door behind him to keep from waking Tim. The mirror caught his eye, freezing Rylan in his tracks. He stared at his reflection. It took every ounce of Rylan’s strength to stop himself from smashing the mirror. He hated the person staring back at him. It had been years since Rylan had seen him. He thought he’d killed this version of himself years ago. His gaze slid away and landed on Tim’s things. The man’s gun held his stare for longer than Rylan cared to admit. Rylan’s feet carried him in its direction. His hand lifted before he knew it would. At the last second, he grabbed Tim’s wallet instead. The leather felt expensive. Rylan turned it over in his hands before flipping it open. Tim’s stoic image stared up at him from the man’s driver’s license and carry permit. Rylan inspected every detail. Timothy Leon Wilkerson. Blonde hair. Blue eyes. Six foot two. Two hundred and sixty pounds. Rylan didn’t doubt an ounce of it and it was all muscle. He’d been overwhelmed by every inch of the man, and protected. Rylan massaged his chest. No amount of rubbing would take away the ache. He tried concentrating on the contents of the man’s wallet instead. There was a gold card and several bills. A gold-wrapped condom was stuffed between them. Otherwise, the wallet was devoid of distractions. There were no pictures or strange phone numbers. Rylan imagined Tim kept those programmed in his phone. Oddly, that device was missing from the pile of things the man had pulled from his pockets earlier.

Giving up his snooping, Rylan set the wallet aside and took care of the reasons he was there.

After brushing his teeth and digging a pair of pj pants from the laundry basket, Rylan left the bathroom. He half expected Tim would be awake. Instead, the man was still in the same position he’d been in when Rylan left. Rylan stood over the man, staring at him and debating slipping back in bed for much longer than he cared to admit. Tim was with Dex now. Rylan knew he’d been wrong to let the man comfort him, even more so for letting it go as far as it did. He scrubbed at his chest again. That fucking ache wouldn’t ease. He would make the man some coffee and send him on his way. It wasn’t fair for Rylan to keep Tim here. Rylan opened the bedroom door and froze. He’d been dreading cleaning up the mess he’d made earlier, but it was gone. There were no holes in the walls and the shelves were fixed. Rylan moved to inspect the room. His smashed coffee table was gone, replaced with an oak table he’d never seen before. All his broken picture frames were gone. In their place were new frames that were almost a perfect match. The bookcase was new, but almost the same as the one he’d had. All his books were lined up perfectly. Rylan covered his mouth when he spotted a porcelain angel his mom had given him. It was completely unharmed. Rylan blinked, trying to hold his shit together. In his rage, he hadn’t thought clearly. Now he realized how much it would’ve destroyed him if he’d broken it. Rylan hadn’t cried in years and he wouldn’t start today. Today, he’d let that monster take his power away again. Tim had fixed everything. That goddamn pain in his chest increased.

Rylan moved back to the bedroom door and stared at the still form in his bed. The man’s chest moved in time with every breath he took. Rylan watched it happen, wishing he could feel the motion against his cheek. He tried keeping his mind blank. Tim wasn’t his—not anymore. Truthfully, he never had been. They fucked. Probably, Tim had five other men he slept with on a regular basis. Rylan had always done his best not to think too much about it. He didn’t let anyone touch him. Tim was the exception. His confession earlier hadn’t been bullshit. Rylan hated when people touched him. From the first time he met Tim, Rylan had been filled with want. Tim had protector written all over him. Rylan didn’t think anyone had ever tried keeping him safe before.

His feet moved without his permission. Rylan told himself it wasn’t sexual as he slid beneath the covers with Tim. Tim’s eyes shot open when the bed moved. His sleepy stare landed on Rylan and he immediately opened his arms for Rylan to climb into. Rylan didn’t hesitate. It wouldn’t be long before Tim would expect an explanation. Sometimes there were no words the human tongue could shape. This was one of those times. The past was too ugly. Instead, he focused on the present.

“You’re wearing clothes.”

Tim’s hands slid up Rylan’s back. “I have magic powers.”

Rylan smiled against Tim’s chest. “I noticed. My living room is whole.” He hesitated. “I guess you’re wondering why I snapped.”

The world swirled around him and Rylan found himself pinned beneath Tim’s weight. Gorgeous blue eyes stared down at him. “Tell me when you’re ready. If you never are…” Tim shrugged. His features shifted, taking the weight from the conversation. “Is it okay if I stay the night?”

Rylan knew he should say no. Tim had found someone else. Rylan also recognized Tim tried saving his pride. God only knew how bad he wanted to beg Tim to stay. He didn’t want to be alone. Rylan licked his parched lips. They felt so damn dry without Tim’s kiss. A million responses crowded his throat. “I don’t need you.” Fuck, even Rylan didn’t know why those were the words that won.

Tim nodded. “You don’t need anyone.”

Except, he did. Rylan’s eyes burned. He hurt from the bottom of his soul and he wanted to smash his furniture all over again.

A flash of something unnamed crossed Tim’s features. He rolled to his side, freeing Rylan. “I guess I’ve overstayed my welcome.” He climbed from the bed.

The air brushing over Rylan’s skin had never felt colder. He balled his hands into fists to keep from reaching for Tim. Rylan searched his mind for something to say. There were no words. He’d spent too many years sculpting himself into a monster to keep people away. Now he didn’t know how to be human when it mattered most. “I didn’t mean to make you miss work today,” Rylan said, hearing the words as if they came from the distance. “Tomorrow, I’ll send you a check for your time.” The pains were back. The knives stabbing his chest and heart were slowly killing him.

Tim’s gaze moved over Rylan’s face. His features were blank, stealing Rylan’s chance to judge the man’s thoughts. Finally, Tim shook his head and walked away. All Rylan could do was watch him go. He heard the front door close like the sound sealed his tomb. Tomorrow, he’d send that check. Then he’d sit down and set some new goals. The time had passed for accepting jobs from Kano. Perhaps he should transform into someone new. The burning behind his eyes increased. Sure, he’d been living his dream in New York, but things were different now. There were people in Paris he’d worked for in the past. Maybe it was time he changed his address. He couldn’t quit doing jobs for Kano right away, but Rylan needed to disappear again. At the thought of leaving Tim behind, something inside Rylan died. He’d ruined the man’s life for too long. Rylan needed to go and let Tim be happy with Dex. It was the right thing to do. He couldn’t stay and watch Tim be with someone else, and Tim would never love someone as broken as Rylan.