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Viper: The Brimstone Kings MC by J.J. Marstead (10)



Today is our doctor’s appointment to see how the baby is growing and hopefully see the sex. I hope the baby is in the right position so, we can see. Dalton is excited about tomorrow. He’s praying for a boy. I don’t really care if it’s a boy or a girl. Just as long  the baby is healthy, but of course, a baby girl would be awesome.

My appointment is at two-thirty, it’s nine-thirty now. God, I hate waiting. Viper is at the club garage fixing a bike for a customer, he gets off at one. It gives him enough time to get home and shower. This week we’re moving my stuff over to the house. I’m excited and scared all in one about moving in. After last night, I was wiped out and stayed the night. After the sex, we had last night, it’s well expected. 

Viper carried me all the way into the house and upstairs, putting me in his bed. Well, our bed now, he told me to rest. I didn’t make a peep last night. I was dead to the world, so relaxed that I didn’t even get up to pee, and no I didn’t piss in the bed. Thank God, that would have been so embarrassing, if I did.

I need to clean the bathroom, it’s not disgusting but it’s close. You can tell it belongs to a man, who lives on his own. The hair from shaving is everywhere, the toilet has pee stains, and the toilet seat, oh Gawd, don’t even get me started on that. I gag, just thinking about it. I head to the bathroom; my eyes look around and I shiver. The place is going to show that a woman lives here now. I need to get this placed cleaned, it needs a woman’s touch.

The only room in this house, well, two rooms that look decent is our bedroom, which still needs a top to floor cleaning and the baby’s room, freshly painted walls and it was wiped down, so there isn’t too much to do in there. I can’t believe all the baby furniture in there. I’m a little nervous about being a mom, but at the same time, I can’t wait to bring him or her into this world and show them so much love. The baby is going to be spoiled rotten by my sister and parents. I’m sure, Dalton’s mom will have a field day with spoiling the baby too.

I haven’t met his mother yet, only talked to her a few times on the phone but she sounds like a wonderful woman. To have raised her son all by herself and still worked hard to provide everything he needed, she’s one strong woman. I admire her, for doing it on her own.

I grab the cleaner under the sink and spray it all over the counter and sink, soaking it good so the stains and germs are wiped away. I grab a cleaning cloth, which I’m surprised, I even found under the sink and scrub away. I find some toilet bowl cleaner and put a hefty amount of it in the toilet, letting it soak. I’ll get to that in a few minutes, I have to let it work its magic in there. My phone goes off with a ping, indicating there’s a text message. I grin, must be Dalton.

I can’t help but laugh, my sister has always been a little dramatic. She adores Geri-Ann, yes, that is what they named their precious little girl. She’s the cutest thing ever. I haven’t seen her in person yet, but I’ve gotten a few pictures through text from Alison. She looks just like Alison did, when she was a baby. All I know, is that Ace is going to have a heap of trouble with the boys down the road. 

I smirk, they haven’t talked about having more kids, well, that I know of. Hey, if they want to have four more, more power to them. I’m sure my sister will have gray hair by the time she’s thirty, if they do.

I bite my lip, she’s going to have more, I can feel it. I don’t know how much more but I just have a pretty good feeling.  The smile on my sister's face that Ace sent to me, last night after she just finished delivering Geri-Ann, bitch didn’t even look like she was in labor. You know you see photos of women, all worn out and tired afterward. Well, she didn’t even look like she was in labor for twelve hours.

I grin, I can’t believe I’m an aunt. And soon enough, I’m going to be a mommy. It’s all surreal. It’s like a dream that I don’t want to wake up from. Well, the only nightmare is Destiny. Who by the way, won’t fucking stop calling or texting Dalton all day and night. What the fuck is up with her, he’s NOT her man, not now or nor will he.

I get back to cleaning up the bathroom and my phone rings. I check it and it’s my mother.

“Hello,” I answer.

“Hello sweetheart. So, your appointment is today. I’m calling to let you know that I am happy for you.  I can’t wait to find out, if I’m going to be a grandma of two baby girls or if there will be a boy in the Murphy family,” she says and I chuckle. My father would love that, having a boy in the family. I’m sure my father and Dalton are both, hoping on that.

“I’m excited to see if we can see the sex of the baby. But I might leave it and make it a surprise,” I mention, knowing my mother will go nuts.

“You wouldn’t dare make an old woman wait to find out what her grandbaby’s sex,” she gasps.

“I’m not sure yet. I’ll have to see what Dalton thinks,” I bite my lip from laughing out loud.

“I guess, it’s up to you both,” she sighs sadly and I can’t hold it in any longer, I burst out laughing.

“You were just saying that weren’t you. You're going to be finding out today the sex,” she hisses in the phone. I try to calm myself before answering.

“Yes, mom. I am going to find out. Don’t worry, you’ll be the first person I tell,” I say and she squeals.

“Yes!” she says and I shake my head.

“Well, mom. I should get back to cleaning. I’m going to head over and see Alison and Geri-Ann after my appointment. I’ll call you later,” I mumble, sitting on the closed lid of the toilet.

“Okay, sweetheart. Don’t overdo it with the cleaning, though. I love you,” she says.

“I love you too, mom,” I say with a smile on my face.

After hanging up the phone with my mom. I get up and turn around to continue cleaning when my stomach growls. Well, I guess it’s time to take a break and feed myself and the little one.

I’m munching on my sandwich when the front door opens. “Lucy, I’m home,” Dalton’s voice rings out, just like the man on ‘I love Lucy’. I shake my head and bite my bottom lip but I can’t help I crack up laughing. Dalton walks into the kitchen with a smile on his face.  He halts and looks at me with a raised eyebrow. “Why are you laughing?”

“I’m laughing at you,” I bellow and I laugh even harder. Dalton chuckles lightly, shaking his head. He  walks over to the fridge, grabbing a bottled water from the top shelf. 

“I’m glad, I can amuse you, baby,” he says with a grin stretched across his face. I grin back at him, then bite my lip.  He looks so hot, all dirty from working on bikes at the shop. Yum, he’s so edible. “Baby, don’t look at me like that. We don’t have time,” he murmurs.

“And how am I looking at you?” I softly ask and he grins, knowing damn well, why I’m staring at him like that. I’m pregnant and hormonal and I want him badly. I always want him. Nothing will ever change that.  

“You're staring at me, like you could eat me alive, baby. I got to take a shower and we have an appointment to get too,” he sighs, taking a big gulp of his water then twisting the cap back on and walks over to me. He takes my face in his hands and kisses the ever-loving shit out of me and pulls away from me, grinning. I give him a smile and he walks away and heads for the stairs. I hear his footsteps go up stairs. Teasing fucker, he kisses me like that and leaves me all hot and bothered. It’s not  nice to tease a pregnant woman.

I guess, I’ll just let him have his shower by himself. I’m not going to give in and head upstairs for a quickie in the shower. The bastard teased me and he’s going to know what it is, to tease a pregnant woman, because I am sure he’s waiting in the shower right now for me but that won’t be happening.

I sigh, getting up from the table and slowly march to the living room. I’ll watch some T.V while Dalton’s in the shower. I grab the remote and turn on the T.V. The channel it’s on is sports, oh God, if there is one thing I don’t like watching it's the sports channel. It’s so boring. I flip through the channels to see if anything is on and there’s not a damn thing worth watching.

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs, I turn the T.V off and I wait for Dalton. He comes around the corner, freshly clean and dressed in jeans and a tight t-shirt that makes his muscles bulge and my breath catches in my throat. God, he’s so fucking hot. I want him so bad right now, but he’s right when he said we didn’t have time.

Tonight, all bets are off though. I’m going to tear that ass up. I chuckle to myself and Dalton turns and looks at me with a raised brow and I shake my head. “What are you chuckling about over there?” he pries.

“Oh, nothing. You ready?” I bite my lip to stop myself from groaning, when I see his ass in those jeans.

“Yeah, just let me grab my keys and we can go.” 

I grab my purse and sweater then walk over to the front door and put my shoes on. He turns the cover and walks my way, he leans me against the door and I gasp when I feel his hands on me. “Baby, you cleaned the bathroom. I told you I would do it,” he says against my neck. I shiver feeling his breath on me.

“I wanted to do something. I can’t sit around all day and not do a thing, Dalton,” he leans away from me and frowns a little.

“I don’t want you to overdo it,” he mumbles, placing a soft kiss on the base of my neck. 

“I know and I won’t. Don’t worry,” I breathlessly say.

“I’ll  always worry about you, baby.” I grin and place a kiss on his lips.

“I love you,” I say.

“I love you too, baby,” he smirks, winking at me then he slaps my behind lightly, making me squeal.

My knee is repeatedly moving up and down because of my nerves. I’m just hoping everything goes well, and the baby is doing fine. I wonder if we can see the sex of the baby today.  That would be awesome if we find out today. I’m aiming towards a girl, I have a feeling deep down it’s a baby girl.

Dalton puts his hand on my knee and my leg stops. I look up at Dalton and he’s smiling at me. “Everything’s  going to be fine. Calm down,” he whispers. Everything echoes in this office and the ladies that are sitting here waiting for their appointments, even the ones with their husbands keep eye fucking Dalton and I’m ready to fucking spit teeth any minute. What the fuck is wrong with these women? Their husbands are right there.

“Is it just me or are these women eye-fucking you,” I grunt causing Dalton to chuckle lightly under his breath.

“They aren’t eye-fucking me,” he laughs loud and on cue all the fucking women’s eye train right to him and I feel my face heat.

“They are,” I grit out. He shakes his head, opening his mouth to say something but a nurse cuts him off by calling my name. I lightly punch him in a gut and he grunts standing up.

“Did you have to hit me?” he hisses behind me.

“Yes, your blind,” I hiss back and follow the nurse. I hear Dalton grumble under his breath but it’s so low, I can’t understand what he said.

The nurse opens the door and hands me a gown to put on and mentions the doctor will be in soon. She turns and leaves, shutting the door behind her. I glare at Viper and he smirks.

“Baby, are you jealous?” he teases and I’m not in the mood for this bullshit.

“I’m not jealous. I just don’t like it that they have their husbands with them and they are having fantasies of you in their minds about fucking you,” I hiss under my breath. I feel Dalton come behind me, he wraps his arms around me.

“Tammy, you have nothing to worry about, baby. I love you and only you,” he says kissing my neck. I groan because of course, my traitorous body is giving in, wanting his hands. “I like this side of you, all possessive. I like it,” he chuckles and I elbow him lightly.

“Shut up,” I grunt taking my top off. I hear Dalton groan behind me. “Don’t even think about it. We’re at our doctor’s appointment,” I shoot out quickly. I know how his mind works.

I hear him grumble about something, like ‘it’s not fair’. I chuckle shaking my head. Big baby.

After I’m done getting the gown on, I sit on the table and Viper looks around the room. “The color is depressing in here,” he mutters.

“It’s a doctor’s office,” I say and Dalton looks like he wants to argue but the doctor walks in.  I know the doctor is Max, Dalton’s cousin but, Dalton is in for a surprise because I didn’t tell him who my doctor was for the baby. “Good afternoon, Miss. Murphy. How are you feeling today?” the doctor asks. I can see Dalton tense for a second and whips around to look at the doctor and his eyes go wide.

“Max?” he says and Max looks up from his chart and freezes.

“Dalton? What are you doing here?”

I chuckle, men, I tell you.

“Tammy’s mine,” I shiver, cave man. I do love it when he declares I’m his. It gets me so hot, but right now is not the time.

Max shuffles on his feet, clearing his throat, “Umm, Tammy never told me who the father was,” Max mentions and I see Dalton ball his fists.

“Well, she’s mine and the baby is mine,” he replies and Max nods his head.

Max walks over to his seat and sits down beside the bed and he goes to lift my gown to show my stomach and Dalton grabs Max’s arm. “What the fuck are you doing touching what’s mine?” he growls.  I gasp, slapping Dalton’s arm and he let’s go of Max.

“What do you think you’re doing, Dalton?” I ask, raising my voice and Dalton cuts his eyes to me then back to Max.

“I don’t want him touching you,” he hisses. What the fuck is happening here? They’re  cousins for fuck sake.

“Dalton, that’s your cousin. Don’t be stupid,” I hiss at him and he glares at me.

“Yeah, well, it didn’t stop him from fucking someone, I was with before,” he snarls. My hand goes to my chest and I gasp looking between them both and Max seems regretful about what happened because of the look displayed on his face right now.

“How many times do I have to tell you. I didn’t know she was with you, Dalton,” Max sighs heavily.

“I want another doctor, a female doctor,” Dalton hisses and I shake my head. This is fucking stupid.

“I am not changing doctors and you heard Max, Dalton, he didn’t know,” I try to reason with Dalton but he just grunts.

“Fine,” he hisses, glaring at Max.

“Okay, well, let’s check on your baby, shall we,” Max says, trying to cheer up the gloomy feeling coming off Dalton.  He grabs the jelly and pours a good amount of my belly and I shiver, it’s very cold. He takes the wand and moves it over my belly. “Everything looks good with the baby. Would you both like to know the sex of the baby?” he asks.

“Yes, we would,” I say cheerfully.

He moves the wand around a bit more, stopping and stares at the screen for a second. “Well, it looks like your both going to be parents to a little baby girl. Congratulations,” Max says, hitting a button and prints out photos for us. He tells us to come back in a month from now to check everything over again. After Max leaves, I look at Dalton and he seems quiet.

“Everything okay?” I ask, worried because he’s like a frozen statue and he hasn’t said a word, since Max said it was a girl.

“I’m going to have a daughter,” he whispers and I chuckle. I know what is going through his mind right now. He’s ready to kill any boy/man that comes near his baby girl.

“It’s not funny. I’m going to have a hell of a lot of problems when she’s older,” he scowls at me.

“Yes, you’re going to have a daughter. She’s not even out of my belly yet, so there’s no point in worrying about all that now,” I chuckle.

“I love you,” I whisper softly and Dalton looks down at me, grabbing hold of my hand and kisses my forehead.

“I love you too baby.”