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Ways to Go (Taking Chances Book 3) by Katrina Marie (21)


Waiting the few days between seeing Charleigh and the cookout has been torture. I haven’t texted her once, even though I’ve wanted to so many times. Marshall and Tonya have been the devil and angel on my shoulder. Marshall telling me I should call, and Tonya telling me to let her have some space.

It’s weird that Tonya is here for me during my possible breakup with Charleigh. But that’s the type of person she is. It used to drive me crazy because I thought people were taking advantage of her, and she was just letting them. But, now I see that she tackles everything with kindness. She gives everyone a chance the same way she gave me one.

My knees are bouncing an unsteady rhythm while we sit around the fire pit. Mr. Burgess is talking about the upcoming college football season. A small part of me weeps about no longer playing football. One look at Layla sitting in her chair away from the fire squashes that feeling. She’s the reason I’m doing this. The reason I’m starting a plumbing apprenticeship and taking online classes in the Fall. Charleigh may be another reason I’m doing it, also. If she’ll have me back.

There’s a soft tap on my shoulder. Tonya is standing behind me. “There’s someone at the door for you.” She gives me a small smile before taking a seat next to Reaf.

My feet carry me to the backdoor as fast as possible. So fast that I can’t get the damn sliding door open. It keeps getting stuck as I try to push it to the side. Finally, after a few attempts it opens, giving me entrance into the kitchen.

I’m rounding the corner into the living when I hear her voice from behind me. “Looking for someone?”

“How long have you been there?” I ask, mortified.

One hand goes to her hip. “Long enough to see that you don’t understand the concept of opening doors.”

Groaning, I walk up to her. I reach for her hand, and inwardly do a happy dance when she allows me to hold it. “I was hoping you wouldn’t see that.”

“Yep, and I’ll remember it forever.”

“You came.” It comes out as a statement and question. I can’t believe she’s here. I was so sure I would go home tonight with Charleigh no longer in my life.

“I did.” She pulls me to her, wrapping her arms around my back. We fit together perfectly, and I bask in this moment. Happy to know that she believes in me. Believes in us.

I lean back just far enough for our eyes to meet. “So, are we okay?”

“I did a lot of thinking these past couple of days. And most of the things are forgivable. So, yeah we’re good.” I know there’s a but coming, and I can’t even find it in myself to care. “But, you need to deal with your parents.”

“That’s on my agenda for tomorrow.”

“Agenda? Look at you being all grownup, and adulting.”

“I have a kid I have to take care of, I figured it was time.”

I pull her back to me, ducking down to capture her lips with my own. I kiss her soft and sweet. Not wanting it to end but pulling away to keep it PG-13 in here. We are at my ex-girlfriend’s house, and I don’t want to make things any weirder than they already are.

“Come on, I want to introduce you to everyone.” I pull her to the door leading to the backyard.

“Maybe I should open it since you seem to have problems.”

“Smart ass. I’m perfectly capable of opening the damn door.” The door glides to the side easily this time. I look over at her and smirk, just in time to see her eyes roll.

Everyone is gathered around the fire trying to look like they aren’t busting at the seams to meet my girl. The huge grins on their faces gives away their excitement. Calling her my girl makes me feel proud. Not in any sort of way that means I own, because she owns me completely. Mind, heart, and soul.

“Everyone, this is Charleigh.”

Some call out “hi,” while others wave enthusiastically. They act like they’ve never met someone new before. I would call them dorks if it wasn’t so funny. Everyone around this fire, they are my family. Even Reaf, as much as it pains me to say it. More so than my parents have ever been.

Tonya is looking at me with bright, shiny eyes, and a smile so wide her face may actually crack. I nod sideways to her, signaling for her and Reaf to join us. Making all the baby noises I want, until Tonya gets over here, I unbuckle Layla from the bouncy seat.

Charleigh hasn’t left my side. Her arms are wrapped around her stomach, and I know she’s nervous. This is a lot to throw at her at once, but if she’s going to be a part of my life, she may as well get used to it. With Layla in one arm, I pull Charleigh closer. “This is Layla, my daughter.”

She gasps. “She is precious. Hi, Layla, we are going to have so much fun, and give your daddy a run for his money.” Not one ounce of baby talk came out of her mouth. I think her and Tonya will get along just fine.

With Charleigh’s hand in mine we walk to meet my baby mama and fiancé. But stop in our tracks when we hear sirens come down the street. That’s never a good thing. Even worse when the flashing lights stop in front of Tonya’s house.

Mr. Burgess doesn’t hesitate to find out what’s going on. He bypasses the back door and exits through the gate on the side of the house. I pass Layla over to Charleigh and follow Mr. Burgess to see what’s happening.

“What the hell is going on here?” He bellows.

“Sir,” an officer replies. “This truck has been reported stolen.” He’s pointing at my truck. Who in the hell would report it stolen?

Surely, they wouldn’t stoop so low as to get the police involved in our little feud. As soon as the thought crosses my mind their shiny black Mercedes stops in front of Tonya’s house. This is beyond ridiculous.

“Officer, this is my truck.” His brows furrow. “And those,” I point behind him, “are my parents.”

“I don’t have time for this bullshit,” the officer mumbles under his breath.

Me too, I think. I feel Charleigh come to stand beside me, but she’s not alone. Marshall stands on the other side of her. Tonya and Reaf are to my right. I look back to the gate and can see Mrs. Burgess’s silhouette holding Layla. I’m glad she has my daughter in the back. I don’t want my parents to have even a tiny glance of her. They don’t deserve it.

“What is wrong with you two?” I march right up to them, no longer worried about disappointing them.

“Do not speak to us that way,” my father commands. “You wouldn’t come home so we had to take matters into our own hands.” He looks around in disgust. “Imagine my surprise to find that you here.”

“I thought we told you to handle this whole baby situation.” She sneers at Tonya and notices Charleigh. “Oh, that’s rich, the girl you impregnated and the girl I caught in your bedroom in the same place. Don’t you have any standards, Jake?”

Shocked gasps echo behind me. I’m done with their blatant disregard for anyone’s feelings. This ends now. “I am not going to stop seeing my daughter. You are so worried about appearances, but yet you suggested paying Tonya off and me signing over my rights. It will be a cold day in hell when that happens.” Mom tries to argue. “No, it’s time you listen to me. That little girl over there is one of the best things that has happened to me. Tonya was gracious enough to give me time to get my head out of my ass and be a part of our daughter’s life.

“And that girl over there,” I point toward Charleigh. “Is my girlfriend. She is also one of the best things in my life. She makes me happy. She makes me want to be a better man.”

My chest is heaving, breaths coming out rapidly, but I’m not done. “You will treat them all with respect. And if you can’t do that…I will get a restraining order if you come so much as five feet near them. Am I clear?”

My mother has never been speechless in her life, but I’ve done it. I’ve given her nothing to argue over. My dad on the other hand is used to getting his way. “Do not expect any help from either one of us. If you stay here, we are taking the truck and not paying your college tuition.”

“Take it,” I yell. “I don’t want the damn thing or your money. I will figure out a way to take care of myself and Layla.”

The officers are standing back, heads going left to right as we argue. As if they are watching a ping pong ball being hit back and forth. Sensing we’re done, they back away. “We’re going to leave, this is a civil dispute.” They hightail it to their squad car and pull out of the driveway.

“I’m not playing, Jake.” Dad stammers.

“Neither am I.” I pull the keys from my pocket and toss them at him. They have controlled my life for far too long. If hurting the people I love is what it takes to earn their affection, I don’t want it.

Without a backward glance, I grab Charleigh’s hand and lead her once again into the backyard. Tonya, Reaf and Mr. Burgess follow shortly after. The weight of their demands lifts from my shoulders. I feel lighter than I have in years. I wouldn’t have been able to put them in their place with Charleigh giving me the courage to do so.

I pull her closer to me, kissing her temple. “I’m sorry you had to see that.”

Tonya snorts behind me. “I’m not. That was freaking epic.” She looks over at her mom. “Cover Layla’s ears.” As soon as that is done, she continues. “No offense, Jake. But your parents are complete assholes.”

“None taken. It was a long time coming.”

We all walk to the hammock set up in the corner. The very one I would spend nights cuddling in with Tonya. It’s big enough for all four of us to sit on it. Charleigh and Tonya sit in the middle while Reaf and I sit beside them.

“Layla is getting sleepy,” Mrs. Burgess whispers. “I’m going to put her to bed so the four of you can talk.”

Leaning forward I place a kiss on her tiny hand. “Goodnight, Baby Girl.”

“I’ll be in later when she wakes up,” Tonya says.

“Soooo,” Charleigh drawls. “That was intense.”

“That’s putting it lightly,” Reaf mutters.

“What are you going to do about school?” Tonya asks. “There’s no way you can afford tuition when you don’t even have a job.”

I glance at Marshall who is on the phone speaking in whispers. Going back to college in a couple of weeks is going to destroy him. But thanks to his family, I’m not so worried about my future.

“Actually,” I reply. “I do have a job.” Both Charleigh and Tonya whip their heads in my direction. “I start working with Mr. Foster on Monday. I’ve also already started the paperwork to transfer my credits to Asheville Community College.”

“That’s amazing,” Tonya exclaims.

“So, you’re staying?” Charleigh whispers. “For good?”

I pull her closer to me, kissing right beneath her ear. “You won’t be able to get rid of me now.”

She smacks me in the chest but snuggles closer to into my body. “I get what you meant the other night when you said I was your Reaf.” She gestures between the two of them. “They are sickeningly sweet together. Almost enough to make me gag.”

“I heard that,” Tonya laughs.

Who would have thought almost a year after finding out Tonya was pregnant we would be comfortable hanging out with each other? Not to mention having the people we’re with beside us. I’ve come so far from the guy I was last year, but I still have a long ways to go.