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What the Earl Needs Now (The Earls Next Door Book 2) by Michelle Willingham (16)


Two weeks later

“Are you feeling any better?” Lily stood at the doorway of her sister’s room, hesitant to enter. Rose was lying on her bed, propped up on pillows. For the past fortnight, her sister had remained in this room, struggling to keep down any food. Iain had been reluctant to return to Ireland alone, but she could not have endured the journey.

Rose gave a weak smile. “It’s been a grueling morning, I fear.” She grimaced and reached for a cup of water.

Lily stepped inside the door and asked, “Can I get you anything?”

“Another stomach?” Rose closed her eyes. “Or perhaps you could transform time so that it’s four months from now. They say it will get better, but I have my doubts.”

“I’m certain it will.” Though what did she know about it? She had never been pregnant before. A blush stole over her face as she thought of what she had done with Matthew in the library. Though her courses had not yet come, she felt no cause to worry. He had written several letters to her and said that his mother was improving, and he would try to return to her soon. They would marry, and all would be well again.

“You’re daydreaming,” her sister predicted.

“I’m missing Matthew.” It felt empty with him gone, and even though she tried to occupy her days helping the neighbors with their dogs and horses, the mantle of loneliness crept over her at night.

A knock sounded at the door, and her grandmother and her brother entered the room. “Good morning, Rose.” James held out a small beribboned box. “Your husband bade me give you this. He said it would help with your illness.”

He gave the offering to his sister, and when Rose opened it, she exclaimed, “Caramels! Oh, James, thank you.” She nibbled at one, and the confection seemed to improve her disposition. Her pallor grew rosier, and when James tried to reach for one, Rose swatted him, laughing. “These are mine. You cannot have any.”

He narrowed his eyes at her. “You wouldn’t have them at all if it weren’t for me.”

Lady Wolcroft stepped forward and intervened. “A man should know better than to try and steal food from a pregnant woman. It isn’t wise.”

But Rose smiled and tossed him a caramel. Turning the subject, she said, “I think it’s time that Lily returned to London. She and Matthew need to make their wedding plans.” With a nod to Mildred, she asked, “Can you accompany her, Grandmother?”

The older woman sat down in a chair beside the fireplace. “Of course. Amelia has been pestering me about it for the past fortnight. She won her wager and cannot stop gloating about it.”

A tension seemed to knot in James’s forehead. “Lily, you won’t be rushing into marriage. There are some rumors I’ve heard recently that need to be considered.”

She had no idea what he was talking about. “James, I am not rushing into anything. I’ve known Matthew for years, and I love him.”

“You may think you know him, but—”

“He told me about India.” She did not want to hear anything more about Matthew’s past. “I know what happened, and we will put it behind us.”

“Walk with me,” he said, lifting a hand in farewell to Rose. Lily knew it was because he did not wish to upset their sister. Lady Wolcroft started to follow, but he shook his head and closed the door behind them.

“What is it, James?”

“People are saying that Matthew was not the earl’s son. There are stories about him being a bastard, adopted while the countess was traveling with her niece.”

She recalled the note she had received from Adrian Monroe. Matthew had dismissed it, saying that his cousin was only trying to gain money, and she had believed him. “That’s ridiculous. Matthew was the earl’s pride and joy. Lord Arnsbury acknowledged him as his heir.” She saw no reason to give rein to idle gossip. “No one can take his title from him.”

“True, but they can cause a scandal. It was the cause of his mother’s heart trouble. She was deeply upset by the stories.”

IAnd it must have upset Matthew as well, she knew. Lily wished she could be there with him now, to reassure him and offer her love. She needed to go to him and do everything she could to help.

She met her brother’s gaze. “I don’t care what others may say. I am going to marry Matthew.”

“Not yet. It would not be wise,” James said. “Let the talk die down, else it will overshadow the wedding.”

But she had no desire to wait, not anymore. “I want Mother to attend the wedding.” Her voice thickened with emotion, but she held back tears. “She’s not well, James. I don’t know how much longer she will have.”

Her brother’s expression turned grim. “A few weeks longer, Lily. Don’t rush into this.”

“We will be married at Penford. That way, Mother can be here, and there will be no gossip about her madness.” She pushed back her feelings, not giving him the chance to argue any further.

Emotions roiled inside her, and she passed by the drawing room where her mother was sitting with a basket of dying flowers in her lap. Iris was tracing the outline of a dried chrysanthemum bud, her face pensive.

More than anything, Lily wished her mother could share in her happiness and join in the wedding plans. But Iris’s temperament was fragile, and more often than not, she spoke without any clarity.

Her brother came up behind her. “Leave her be. She is content right now.”

“But I am not.” Her words came out as a whisper. “I wish she could share in my happiness and help me with the wedding plans.”

James rested a hand upon her shoulder. “It may never happen, Lily.”

“I don’t want to believe that.” And when she pulled away from him, she added, “But I am going to London in the morning. I will have my gown made for the wedding, and we will return here to be married as soon as Matthew can get the license.”

But her brother did not appear willing. “You don’t know what sort of scandal you will face in London. I’m trying to protect you, Lily.”

“It doesn’t matter.” She couldn’t believe he was even asking her to delay the wedding because of idle talk. “I intend to wed Matthew by Christmas, no matter what anyone says.”

Her brother’s hand tightened upon her. “Then I am coming with you, Lily.” His tone held a warning, and she didn’t doubt that he would remain an overprotective brother.

“And what of Mother?”

“She must remain here. I think Grandmother should stay with her, along with Rose.”

Their mother was busy making a chain of dead chrysanthemums, threading the stems through one another. She was singing to herself lightly, and her eyes were vacant.

Lily took a breath. “All right. But when we return, I will marry Matthew.”

Her brother said nothing and only squeezed her hand.

Matthew refused to stand aside and allow anyone to threaten his family. He had arranged a meeting with Sarah Carlisle and intended to put an end to the blackmail.

But more than that, he wanted to learn more about the night she had been caught in a compromising position with Lord Arnsbury. She held Matthew’s adopted father responsible for ruining her.

He walked up the stairs to the tiny townhouse where she lived. Years ago, it might have been a quiet dwelling of luxury, but it had fallen into disrepair. Ivy covered the brick façade, and the stone steps were cracked.

Matthew knocked upon her door, and Miss Carlisle answered it without a word, opening it wide so he could enter. Her face was tightly drawn, and she led him inside before she finally spoke. “Why have you come?”

He gestured for her to sit down. “We need to come to an understanding. I have the right to know what happened with my parents.”

She folded her arms and took a chair. He did the same, sitting across from her. The look in her eyes spoke of a woman who had no intention of cooperating. “And why should I tell you anything?”

“Because you want money. You want to continue living here in your brother’s house where it’s safe. I want to know what happened to you, to my parents, and anything about my father.” He stared hard at her. “And by that, I mean your brother.”

Her expression softened slightly. “So you discovered the truth, then.”

“I know who my parents are, if that’s what you mean. But you should know that, even if you expose our secrets, it won’t matter. My father, the rightful earl, formally recognized me as his son. My inheritance and title cannot be stripped away.” He wanted to disarm this woman, so she would not try to harm his family.

“Perhaps not. But words can harm a family, nonetheless.” She straightened in her chair. “And there are others who want to cause a scandal.”

He wondered if she was speaking of Adrian, but she did not elaborate. In her face, he saw the lines of hardship. Her eyes were not those of a cold-blooded vulture. No, she was a woman fighting to survive. His father had pitied her and had given her a small stipend for years. But Matthew suspected that money had not solved her hardships.

“What is it you truly want?” he asked quietly. “A husband? Perhaps a family of your own?”

Her mouth thinned with disdain. “Don’t mock me. I know no man would ever have a woman like myself. I am ugly and poor. And my brother—your father—was an arrogant madman who deserved to die.”

The vitriol in her voice took him aback. They were the bitter words of a forsaken woman. But he needed to know more about her circumstances. “What did Lord Arnsbury do that caused you to be ruined?”

She let her gaze drift toward the dirty window. For a moment, she paused, her expression turning sad. “I was a different girl then. So filled with dreams. I thought I could win the heart of an earl, and Lord Arnsbury was kind to me.”

Matthew waited for her to continue and pressed further. “What did he do?”

Miss Carlisle shrugged. “He saw me among the wallflowers and smiled, that was all. He might have been smiling at someone else, but I wanted to believe that—if I could only talk to him—we might become friends.”

Her face turned distant, and she shook her head. “It was my fault that I was enchanted by his handsome face. I followed Lord Arnsbury down a hallway, hoping to speak with him. He was already conversing with the Duke of Worthingstone, and I lost my courage. I hid inside the conservatory to avoid them. But there was. . .another man already there.” Her voice trailed away, and a deep flush suffused her face.

“He was intoxicated and tried to kiss me. H-he tore my gown. I struggled and called for help. Lord Arnsbury heard me. He struck the man and forced him to go.” There was a pained note in her voice. “I was caught alone with Lord Arnsbury, and my dress was torn. I hoped that the earl might offer to marry me, because I was found in a compromising position. But he refused.”

She took a breath and admitted, “I know it was my fault for following him. He had done nothing wrong and certainly didn’t want to wed me. But my brother was. . .difficult about the situation. I never told him which man attacked me, for I didn’t want to be forced into marriage with that blackguard. And certainly Lord Arnsbury wouldn’t have me. But after I was ruined, Brandon was insufferable. We were no longer invited to balls or soirees, and he blamed me for our lack of invitations.” There was a weariness in her voice, and Matthew suddenly understood his father’s sympathy toward her. This woman had endured her older brother’s ridicule and had been a spinster all her life.

“Brandon did not know he fathered you until just before he died. Be glad of it,” she said. “There was a darkness in him, a terrible anger that he could never control. I pray you have none of his madness within you.”

Her words speared him with an uneasy fear. Matthew had told himself that it was the torture in India that had brought out his darker side. And yet. . .what if there was something of Brandon Carlisle within him? What if there was a madness in him created by the blood of his father?

He didn’t want to imagine it. “I am sorry to hear of your misfortune,” he said quietly. “And while I understand that my father was willing to pay you a small stipend for your misfortune, you might be happier if you made a new life for yourself. Perhaps with a husband of your own. My family could make the introductions on your behalf.”

But Miss Carlisle stood, her face dark with anger. “I know I am too old. No man would have someone like me.”

He hadn’t considered it in that way at all. “I was only trying to help you. It was never meant as an insult.”

“I kept your secrets all these years,” she said. “I let you believe you were a legitimate heir.”

“Until now,” he murmured.

“I had no choice!” she snapped. “I am fighting for every penny I have. If you would not pay me, there were others who would.” A sullen expression crossed her face.

Matthew stiffened, for he had not spoken of money. He had come here hoping to end the blackmail relationship and change it into one where Sarah Carlisle could have a better life of her own.

From his pocket, he took out a bank note and handed it to her. “For the sake of my father, I am willing to help you. But the past should lie buried.”

She took the money, her wrinkled face holding only pain. “It won’t be buried until I am.”

Lily stared outside the coach window, thankful to be back in London and eager to see Matthew once again. When the coach came to a stop in front of their family’s townhouse, James opened the door and helped her out. But to her surprise, there was a dog waiting upon the doorstep. Lily exclaimed with joy when she saw Sebastian waiting outside. He was sniffing and circling the entrance. The moment the dog spied her, his tail wagged with delight.

“Sebastian!” She opened her arms as she went up the stairs, and the dog crashed into her, sniffing and licking her hands. Foolish tears sprang from her eyes, but she didn’t care. “I never thought to see you again. Now what are you doing here?”

For a moment, she wondered if Lord Davonshire had come to pay a call, but why would he? They had only just arrived home from Yorkshire, and he would not even suspect she was here. It was nearly evening, and the sky had already grown dark.

The footman caught up to her and apologized. “I am sorry, Lady Lily. I will remove the dog if you wish it.”

“Not at all. Bring him inside. He may be hungry or thirsty.” She had no idea how Sebastian had run away from home again, but she intended to enjoy his company for a few hours until she returned him to his owner.

And she could hardly wait to see Matthew. Though it had only been a few weeks, she missed him terribly. She hoped to pay a call upon him at Lady Arnsbury’s residence first thing in the morning.

James followed her inside the townhouse, handing his hat to another servant. “Why is that dog here again?”

“I have no idea. But I will keep him for a while, at least. I’ve missed him so.” She guided the Landseer into the drawing room and sat upon the floor, letting the dog flop against her. He rolled onto his back, exposing his stomach, and she rubbed it. His tongue hung out of his mouth, and she could not help but smile at his ridiculous expression.

Her brother shook his head with a sigh and took a seat across from her. “You’ve a soft heart, Lily.”

“So I have.” She saw nothing wrong with that and continued cuddling Sebastian. She ran her fingers over the dog, checking to ensure that his wounds were fully healed. He continued to lick her, and her heart warmed to the affection. She supposed she would send a note to Lord Davonshire to let him know the whereabouts of his dog, but in the meantime, she would enjoy the love of this animal.

Her brother rang for refreshments and asked the footman to bring him the collection of notes and invitations from the past few weeks. After the servant returned, he added, “And this one just arrived, my lord.” He gave him the stack of papers, and James sat at his writing desk to begin sorting through them.

“I need a secretary,” James remarked. “This has gotten out of hand. It will take days to answer all of the notes.” He set aside a small stack and then opened the recent letter the footman had just given to him. Frowning, he tore it open. Lily paid it no heed, busy petting the dog, until James abruptly stood. He crumpled the note and shoved it into his coat pocket.

“What’s the matter?”

“I’m not certain.” His expression tightened, and he turned to face her. “Can you imagine any reason why Evangeline would ever send for me?”

“Heavens, no.” Lily knew how deeply her friend despised James. “She never would. Why would you ask that?”

“Because of the note she just sent asking me to pay a call. She says it’s urgent.”

“That is strange.” Lily didn’t know what to think of it, but she was distracted when the footman returned with sandwiches and tea. She stood and directed him to place the tray upon a low table near the chairs. When she sat, she immediately reached for the food, feeling ravenous.

“I’ve a mind to go just to satisfy my curiosity,” James remarked. “Perhaps she is plotting my murder.”

“Be careful,” Lily warned with a smile. The last time she’d spoken with her friend, the young woman had decided she was through with James. Everyone thought that was the end of it.

She finished her sandwich and offered a scrap to the dog so her brother would not see the forbidden excitement on her face. Right now, she had no qualms about urging her brother out the door. She yearned to be in Matthew’s arms and hoped he could come pay a call on her, despite the late hour.

James took two sandwiches from the tray and lifted his hand in a wave farewell. As soon as he had gone, Lily hurried to the writing desk and scrawled out a note to Matthew, telling him of her arrival. She folded it and gave it to the footman to be delivered immediately.

She could hardly wait to see him again.




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